Soal Uskp Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xii TH 2020

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 2 Solok

Kelas/ Program/Jurusan : XII/ MIPA - IPS
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Bentuk Soal : Objektif
Hari/ Tanggal : Selasa/ 3 Maret 2020
Waktu : 07.30 – 09.30 (120 menit)
Jumlah Soal : 45 butir

1. Berdoalah terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal dibawah ini!
2. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Sekolah Kertas Pensil ( LJUSKP) yang tersedia
dengan menggunakan pensil 2B..
3. Setiap butir soal mempunyai 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawab.
5. Hitamkan bulatan pada satu pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat pada LJUSKP.
6. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak
7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.
8. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan.
9. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret, difoto copy atau digandakan.


Pilihlah A, B, C, D, atau E dari jawaban yang paling benar dan tepat dengan menghitamkan bulatan
pada LJUSKP yang telah disediakan.

I. Answer the following questions by choosing A, B, C, D, or E

The following dialog is for question 1.
Woman : What’s wrong with your hand?
Man : I hurt it yesterday. It’s swollen and hurt to move my fingers
Woman : You should see someone to look at it. It sounds serious to me.
1. What does the woman advise the man to do?
A. A. To see a doctor. D. To meet some friends.
B. To eat some food. E. To drink some medicines.
C. To move his fingers.

The following dialog is for question 2.

Man : If I have problem with my computer …
Woman : Call me. I can answer most of your typical questions from Monday to Saturday, 8.00 a.m – 8.00
p.m at certain time.
Man : or I send you an email.

2. What does the woman do?

A. She is a computer operator. D. She is a receptionist.
B. She is a customer service. E. She is a waitress.
C. She is a telephone operator.

This text is for questions 3 and 4.

Dear Mr. Green,

I am writing concerning claim $760. The amount that your adjusters have set for the damage caused
by Hurricane Harry to my barn is unacceptably low. The amount that your company has offered
would not even allow doing the work myself, as the materials alone would cost almost $300 more
than your estimate.

I am including the estimate from our independent contractors that I have asked to inspect the
damage to my barn, and their estimate is vary between $1500 and $1750.
I would like your company to take into consideration the estimates I have provided and reevaluate
your settlement offer. If you continue to deny the fact that your offer is unacceptably, I will need to
seek legal counsel.

I will appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.

Your sincerely,

Mathew Liverpool
3. .What is the cost of materials needed to fix the damage according to Mr. Liverpool?
A. between $1500 and $1750 D. much more expensive than expected
B. Mr. Liverpool has not decided yet E. $300 more than Mr. Green’s estimate
C. 300% less than Mr. Green’s estimate

4. . It can be inferred from this letter that ….

A. Mr. Green failed to send contractors to inspect the barn
B. Mr. Green estimated the amount payable to Mr. Liverpool
C. Mr. Green estimated higher than what Mr. Liverpool had expected
D. Mr. Liverpool was frustrated by the damage caused by Hurricane Harry
E. Mr. Liverpool was disappointed by the estimate made by Mr. Green’s adjusters

The following text is for question 5.



Held : Saturday, June 24

Time : 07.00 p.m – 10.00 p.m

Place : Parking area Taman Impian Jaya Ancol

We present the famous singers:

Agnes Monica ,Audi , Krisdayanti

For entrance tickets, please call:

Faza: ph. 4523165 , Rara: ph. 6254325, Chaca: ph. 3546218.

Tickets: Rp150.000/adult Rp75.000/teenager
5. The communicative purpose of the text is ….
A. to invite people D. to persuade others
B. to give direction E. to give information
C. to request people

The following text is for questions 6 to 9

JAKARTA : Blasts struck at the heart of Jakarta on Thursday, leaving at least seven people dead and 19
injured after suicide bombers and a group of armed men attacked Indonesia’s capital city. The deadly blasts
and gun attacks took place in Jl. MH Thamrin, one of Jakarta’s busiest main streets in Central Jakarta,
located not far from government ministries and the State Palace.
The National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Anton Charliyan said on Thursday that all five terrorists died in the
attack: two were suicide bombers and the rest died during a shoot-out with the police. “All perpetrators are
Indonesians and are dead,” he told journalists.
There were four blasts recorded in the area, commonly known as Sarinah, where Jakarta’s oldest shopping
mall is located. Civilians and police officers are among the 19 people injured and they were taken to several
hospitals in Jakarta. At least five police officers are in critical condition from the blasts and gunshots.
The terrorists also shot police officers and threw grenades that lead to a shoot-out at noon. Police found five
bombs with bigger impact believed to be exploded by the group. “We suspect that the first bomb was for
fishing for a bigger explosion,” Anton said.
He also said the perpetrators are believed to be related to the radical Islamic State (IS) group as there were
warnings from the group after the attacks that killed 130 people in a string of attacks in Paris in November.

6. What is the text mainly tell about?

A. Terrorists murderer in capital city.
B. Injured people after suicide bombers.
C. Armed men in Indonesia’s capital city.
D. The terrorist effects on people of Jakarta.
E. Bomb and gun attacks in Indonesia’ capital city.

7. There were ... people who became the victim in the terror.
A. 5 D. 26
B. 7 E. 130
C. 19

8. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. Five police officers are in critical condition
B. The victim of the incident are civilians and police officers
C. Police suspected of a bigger explosion
D. The police patrol at the Sarinah building.
E. The blast and gun attacks are happen in the busy street Jakarta

9. What is the cause of the death victims?

A. Police attack
B. severe injured
C. The gun suicide
D. The terrorist warning
E. The blast and gun shoot.

The following text is for questions 10 to 12.

The sun pour plenty of energy down on the Earth, and many homes now use this energy to heat
their water. It is difficult and expensive to trap solar energy on a large scale but in some sunny part
of the world scientists use mirrors to reflect sunlight into a boiler on top of a tower.

This heats up water in the boiler into steam, which can then be used to turn electric generators.
Many countries now have nuclear power stations. These use a rare metal called uranium as a kind
of fuel. Under certain conditions, the nucleus (center) of uranium atoms can be made of split. This
is called fission. When this happens fantastic amount of energy is given out. The heat produced in
a nuclear reactor is taken away by cooling liquid or gas. It goes to a boiler where it boils water to
produce steam. The hot steam powers electric generators to make electricity.

One of the main drawbacks with a nuclear power station is that it produces dangerous waste. It is
dangerous because it gives out radiation (rays) that can harm most living things. Nuclear
engineers have to make very sure that none of the radiation escapes either from the reactor
(where fission takes place) or from the waste.
10. Solar energy has not been popular yet because ....
A. it requires high cost
B. the energy produced is weak
C. it cannot be trapped on a large scale
D. it can be used only for heating water
E. the scientists do not use it for commercial targets

11. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. Using energy has advantages and disadvantages
B. Electric generators are needed to heat up water into steam
C. The splitting of the nucleus of uranium atoms is called fission
D. Radiation may be emitted from reactor or from the waste produced
E. Uranium is a kind of metal that makes nuclear power station produce fuel

12. In the ‘top of a tower’ ... turns the water in theboiler into steam.
A. the electric generator D. a boiler on top of the tower
B. a large scale of energy E. the heat from reflected sunlight.
C. the energy from the earth

The following text is for questions 13 to 15

Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a Fund Raising Activity next month. It is intended to help
victims of the landslide which happened yesterday. Everyone who is interested in this activity,
please join us. You are also invited to donate your used clothes. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact Ms. Maryam as chief program coordinator at her house from 07.00 a.m. - 03.00
p.m. Monday to Friday.

13. What is the announcement about?
A. neighborhood’s activity. D. Victims of a landslide.
B. Ms. Maryam’s program. E. Fund raising activity.
C. Used clothes donation

14. Where can Ms. Maryam accept her neighbors’ questions?

A. At her office. C. At the neighborhood.
B. At her house. E. At the committee office.
C. At the landslide area.

15. “If you have any question, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam”.
This sentence has the same meaning as ….
A. Ms. Maryam is always ready to give information you need
B. Ms. Maryam is always ready to ask your questions
C. You are not charged if you contact Ms. Maryam
D. Ms. Maryam will give you questions freely
E. Ms. Maryam has questions to ask

The following text is for questions 16 to 17

Music and Lyrics Movie Review

Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) is a washed-up 80’s pop star who’s been reduced to working the
nostalgia circuit at county fairs and amusement parks. The charismatic and talented musician gets a
chance at a comeback when reigning diva Cora Corman (Haley Bennett) invites him to write and
record a duet with her, but there’s a problem--Alex hasn’t written a song in years, he’s never written
lyrics, and he has to come up with a hit in a matter of days, enter Sophie Fisher (Drew Barrymore),
Alex’s attractively quirky lady, whose flair for words strikes a chord with the struggling songwriter. On
the rebound from a bad relationship.
Sophie is reluctant to collaborate with anyone, especially commitment-phobe Alex. As their
chemistry heats up at the piano and under it, Alex and Sophie will have to face their fears-and the
music--if they want to fi nd the love and success they both deserve.

Adapted from: http://musicandlyrics.

16. What does the review present?

A. The reviewer’s assessment D. The movie’s synopsis
B. The reviewer’s speculation E. The movie’s rating
C. The movie’s prediction

17.What is the word “quirky” (line 13) closest in meaning to?

A. Odd D. Eye-catching
B. Pretty E. Good looking
C. Beautiful
The following text is for questions 18-20

Mice might look cute, but they can be harmful pest that destroy household items, eat, and mess
with food and can spread severe diseases through their feces and parasites they carry. Here are
some useful tips on how to repel house mice.
First, use peppermint; put the peppermint near wall corners. Then, pour generous amount of
peppermint oil oncotton balls. After that place the saturated cotton balls on areas where mice are
possibly seen-around counter tops, under the sofas in your living room. Finally, put them behind
shelves, wall corners or on the floor beneath your kitchen sink.

18. The text mainly tells us about?

A. How to use the peppermint oil in destroying pests D. Why mice is a harmful pest
B. How mice spread the diseases E. How to repel mice
C. How to destroy harmful pests

19. How many steps are there on the text?

A. Two D. Six
B. Three E. Seven
C. Four
20. Can spread severe diseases through their feces and parasites they carry. (Paragraph 1)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Food D. Diseases
B. Feces E. Parasites
C. Mice

The following text is for questions 21 to 23

A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia. It has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which
lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and in New Guinea.
Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long and strong back
legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make
forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can
also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour.
The largest kangaroos are the great grey kangaroo and the red kangaroo. Adult grows to a
length of 1.60 meters weighs over 90 kilos. Kangaroo are marsupial. This means that the female
kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is
born, and it crawls at one onto this pouch where it spends its first five months of live.

21. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform Kangaroo's uniqueness. D. To describe how a Kangaroo looks like.
B. To report the features of Kangaroo. E. To raise awareness of Kangaroo's special status.
C. To encourage Kangaroo's preservation.

22. We can conclude from the text that ...

A. The largest kangaroos are the males
B. The male kangaroos do not have pouch
C. Kangaroos only eat grass and plants that grow in Australia
D. Tasmania's and New Guinea's wallabies are different in size
E. The new born kangaroo is Also skillful in jumping and leaping

23. Look at the underlined word pouch. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to it?
A. Saving D. Pocket
B. Purse E. Holding
C. Compartment

The following text is for questions 24 to 27

Computers are machines that handle information automatically. They can perform calculations and
process data. Computers can work with numbers to solve problems in a few seconds. Computer can
remember a great deal of information and make practically no mistakes. That is why computers are
used in places such as banks, offices and companies.
Computers work like calculators. But most calculators can do only one thing at a time. we tell them
what to do by pressing buttons so that it processes, we can give a series of instructions to a
computer. Other information such as a list, numbers, letters, words or even graphs or pictures. Once
we provide a programme, the computer can do all this work automatically without further help or
A computer stores and handles number. The numbers may be mathematical formulas or numbers in
columns of figures. Numbers can also be codes that stand for letters of the alphabet, words or
instructions to the computer.

24. Paragraph 2 tells us about ……………

A. how to provide a pronoun D. how to get the information from a
B. how to operate computer E. how to get a series of instructions
C. how to set up a programme for computer

25.. We can give the computer …….. according to our need ( paragraph 2)
A. a program D. the calculation
B. the information E. the memory
C. an instruction
26.. A computer stores and handles number( Paragraph 3). To store is ……..
A. to make D. to process
B. to give E. to take
C. to keep

27. This Machine works automatically, it does not …….. an operator.

A. claim D. employ
B. obtain E. require
C. supply

The following text is for question 28-32

Man Jailed for Striking Indonesian Maid

SINGAPORE : A supervisor was jailed for two months for repeatedly striking his Indonesian maid
on the head and back with a television remote control, news reports said on Thusday.
Muhammad Shafiq Woon Abdulah admitted in a Singapore court he physically abused the women
on several occasions between June and October 2002, The Straits Times said. The magistrate’s court
heart that Shafiq, 31, began striking Winarti, 22, about a mohth after she started working for him.
S.S. Dhilon, Sha q’s lawyer, said his client lost his “better senses” when he saw his daugter’s
working to him.
He said his client thought the maid had put child in danger.

28. How long was the suvervisor jailed?

a. Two years d. Two weeks
b. Twelve years e. Two months
c. Two days

29. Why was the man Jailed? Because….

a. He broke a television’s remote d. He doesn’t like Indonesian woman
b. He struck his maid e. He has a”better senses”
c. He put the child in danger

30. When did the supervisor abused his maid?

a. June and October 2003 c. July and October2002
b. June and November 2002 e. August and October 2002
c. June and October 2002

31. What is meaning of ’daydreaming’ in Indonesian?

a. Cita-cita d. Fajar
b. Impian e. Lamunan
c. Keinginan

32. How old was the maid?

a. 23
b. 22
c. 31
d. 32
e. 20
For questions 33 to 35, complete the following text with the correct words provided.
In the wild boxfish can (33) ... to over 19 inches long. In most cases male boxfish are larger and
more colourful than their female counterpart.
Boxfish are easily (34) ... by their distinctive square or boxlike shapes. Their sides are
actually bony plates covered by a thin skin.
Many boxfish (35) ... the ability to release a toxin called ostracitoxin, which is used to
ward off predators.
Boxfish are found throughout the world and are most commonly associated with coral
reefs. They can also be found near rocky areas, sand flats or grass beds.

33. . A. Grow D. Grew

B. Grows E. To grow
C. Growing

34. . A. Recognise D. Recognising

B. Recognised E. Be recognised
C. Recognises

35. A. Has D. Are

B. Have E. Will
C. Is

36. Arrange the following phrases or sentences into the correct order!

1. I decided to apply for the job

2. I was asked to go into the manageress’s office.

3. Then I went to the address in the advertisement.
4. The next morning I put on my best set of clothes
5. I saw an interesting job advertised in the paper last week
6. I telephoned the company to see if the job was still vacant
7. They told me to come to the office the next day for an interview
8. After asking me a lot of questions the manager offered me the job

The best arrangement of the sentences to make a good paragraph is ....

A. 1–5–6–7–4–3–2–8 D. 1–2–3–4–8–5–6–7
B. 2–1–4–6–5–3–8–7 E. 1–2–4–5–8–6–7–8
C. 2–3–1–4–5–6–8–7

37. Arrange the following phrases or sentences into the correct order!
1. Last summer, I had a fantastic holiday.
2. In Cleveland, I watched Cleveland Cavalier basketball match.
3. Lastly, I went to the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan in New York.
4. I visited some great places; Cleveland, Los Angeles, and New York.
5. In Hollywood I had a chance to know the world-famous film industry.
6. In Los Angeles, we had a great time in its most famous district, Hollywood.

The best arrangement of the sentences is ....

A. 4–2–3–6–1–5 D. 1–3–4–2–6–5
B. 4–3–2–1–6–5 E. 4–2–6–1–5–3
C. 1–4–2–6–5–3

Questions 38 to 40 based on the following cloze test.

At present, aero planes are playing a very important role to ... (38) one place to another. People can
go round the world just in a-two-day flight by the world’s first supersonic airliner, Concorde, which

... (39) at a height of over 18.000 meters and ... (40) a speed of over 2000 km per hour.

38. A. part B. divide C. disjoin D. connect E. separate

39. A. flies B. goes C. jumps D. comes E. drives
40. A. readers B. limits C. moves D. A. cuts E. continues

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