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7/16/2019 Oracle EBTax Setup Document BR100

BR.100 Setup document
<EBusiness Tax >
 Auth or: <I MPLEMENTER >
Creatio n Date: January 2 0, 20 12
Last Updated: January 29, 201 2
Doc ument Ref: <Doc ument Reference Number>
 Versio n: 1 .0
Location: C:\Users\Public \Docum ent s\Wh itepa pers\EBT\Ora cle EBTa x Setu p
Docum ent BR1 00 .docx

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Geography Structure Definition

Geography Validations
Loading Geography / Compile Geo graph ies - HR_LOCATIONS & HZ LOCATIONS –
Loads into System
Define Class Categor ies & Codes for Fiscal Classificatio ns
Define Item Ty pe
Define Inv entory Category 
Define Inv entory Category Set
Define Tax autho rity 
Define Tax Authority Party Tax Profile

Define Tax Regime

Tax Regime – Party Subscriptions
Self Asse ssment – First Party Legal Establishment
 Applic atio n Tax options
Define Produc t Classificatio ns
Define User Item Ty pe
Define Product Catego ry  under Product Classifications Update>Create
Define Party Fiscal Classificatio ns

Country Defaults for US

Define Configuration Owner Tax Options - Enable Taxe s for PO Ev ent Ty pes and
Disable for A R Ev ents
Enable Configuration Owner Options
Open and Closed Issue s for this Deliv erable
Open Issu es
Closed I ssues

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Geography Structure Definition

Use the geographic settings in E-Business Tax to define the taxes and tax rates at each geographic
level in your countries of operation. E-Business Tax uses the TCA master geography hierarchy to
determine the relationships between countries and the territories and geographical regions within a
country t hat belong to t hem.
This is the first Step that needs t o be done as part of the EBTax Setup in R12

Navigate to Trading Community Manager Responsibility. The below screenshot shows the navigation

 >  >
In Trading Community Manager (TCM)>Geography Hierarchy
Click | Nex t Page 5/38
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Geography Validations

For example, the structure for the United States is defined in this way: Country is the parent of State,
State is the parent of County, County is the parent of City, and City is the parent of Postal Code.
E-Business T ax uses t his struc ture to help determine t he taxes and tax rates t hat apply to each
geographic entity within the United States. In this way, a sales transaction that takes place in a city
may include taxes at the state, county, and city level.

Click | Manage V aliadtions 6/38
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Manage Validations
Mapping Locations – Looks for these 3 values.
This Option shows only warning while entering supplier State Country and City details even though they doesn’t
ex ist in TCA 
HZ is third parties (V endo rs)
HR is receiving co mpany (Internal locations)

Mapping Locations
Internal Locations 7/38
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Delete 9/38
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Loading Geography / Compile Geographies - HR_LOCATIONS & HZ

LOCATIONS – Loads into System
Oracle Apps – Tax Manager>View>Request>Submit Request>Request Set

RUN for HR locations also.

System would not let new location have tax validations if this is not run after location is added. 11/38
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Define Class Categories & Codes for Fiscal Classifications

Take screen print of request IDs created during this step.

Location: TCM
Create Class Category 13/38
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Define Item Type

Inventory Responsibilities>Setup Items>Item Types
Save ater each c ode.

Can copy and paste between fields.

Click on I con for new record

Addresses Catalog Items. 14/38
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Define Inventory Category 

Create a Inventory Category Code with the following details
Inventory>Setup>Items>Categories>Category Codes
For Non-Catalog
Find Category: Non%
Copy and paste from EBSD to new Instance

Save. 15/38
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Define Inventory Category Set

Inventory>Setup>Items>Categories>Categories Set 16/38
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Define Tax authority 

Use the Oracle Legal Entity Manager to set up each t ax authority as a legal authority for transaction

Set up a tax profile for each of your tax authority party records. The tax authority party tax profile
identifies a tax authority party as a collecting authority and/or a reporting authority. A collecting tax
authority manages the administration of tax remittances. A reporting tax authority receives and
processes all company transaction tax reports.

Location: Legal Entity Manager>Setup>Legal Authorities

System Generate d – will not be the same

The collecting and reporting tax authorities appear in the corresponding list of values on all applicable
E-Business Tax pages. All tax authorities are available in the list of values as an issuing tax authority. 17/38
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Define Tax Authority Party Tax Profile

Tax Manager>Parties>Party Tax Profiles 18/38
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Define Tax Regime

Tax Manager>Tax Config>Tax Regimes>Create

Uncheck 20/38
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Tax Regime – Party Subscriptions

What is a Tax Regime?

In Oracle E-Business Tax, a Tax Regime is the system of regulations for the determination and
administration of one or more taxes.

The common tax regime setup is one tax regime per country per tax type, with the tax requirements
administered by a government tax authority for the entire country. There are also cases where tax
regimes are defined for standard geographical types or subdivisions of a country, such as a state,
province, county, or city. In these cases, you base the tax regime on the Trading Community
Architec ture (T CA) standard geography. 21/38
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Self Assessment – First Party Legal Establishment

Tax Manager>Parties>Party Tax Profiles>Update Tax Profile


Go to Tax Registration, click on Create, and complete Issuing Tax Authority 22/38
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 Application Tax options

Tax Manager>Defaults & Controls>Application Tax Options>Update

Must Be Blank

Must Be Blank 23/38
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Define Product Classifications

Tax Manager>Products>Product Classifications

Case Sensitiv e

Set up party fiscal c lassificat ions for t he parties and party sites involved in your transact ions t hat have
a tax requirement. A party fiscal classification determines, for example, when taxes apply to a party,
how much tax applies, and what percentage of the tax is recoverable. These tax requirements are
usually defined by the tax authority for the taxes of a given tax regime.

Set up party fiscal classifications for your first parties, customers and customer sites, and suppliers and
supplier sites. Update the legal classific ation tax usage of legal activity c odes ac c ording to your tax
determination and tax reporting requirements. 24/38
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Define User Item Type

Tax Manager>Products>Product Classifications

Set up product fiscal c lassificat ions to c lassify products that have a tax requirement for tax
determination or tax reporting purposes. You set up product fiscal classifications according to the
taxable nature of a product or product transaction, as designated by a t ax authority.

Define an Inventory-based product fiscal c lassificat ion type against an Oracle Inventory c ategory set.
The produc t fiscal c lassification is defaulted on the transaction line for any item that belongs to the
inventory category set. The category values defined for the inventory category set become fiscal
classification codes belonging to the product fiscal classification type. 25/38
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Define Product Category  under Product Classifications


Define product fiscal classification types using the non-Inventory based E-Business Tax product
category. You can designate a default product fiscal classification for a specific product, or a list of 26/38
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product fiscal c lassificat ions assigned to a partic ular country. Use t he E-Business Tax product c ategory

Classify products for taxes if you do not use Oracle Inventory.

Create country-specific product fiscal classifications.
Create product fiscal c lassificat ions for items that are not a good.

Create ad hoc product fiscal classifications without reference to an inventory item, for example, if you
are making product purchases that are not a part of your standard business processes. 27/38
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Define Party Fiscal Classifications

Party fiscal classifications: Classify your customers and suppliers and their locations for use in tax
determination. In some countries, the tax authority provides the specific party fiscal classification to
use. 28/38
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Country Defaults for US

Tax Manager>Defaults & Controls>Country Defaults

Set up information at t he c ountry level that you want t o default to t he applicable E-Business T ax and
legal entity setups. Country default c ontrols let you designate transaction tax-related values in the
countries that you do business. You c an update these default values on t he applicable pages.

The list of values in the c ountry default c ontrol fields each c ontain all of the values that you have
previously set up. For tax regimes and taxes, the list of values is restricted to the country-specific
values. You should ensure that you have completed all of your applicable setup before setting country
default c ontrols. 30/38
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Define Configuration Owner Tax Options - Enable Taxes for PO Event

Types and Disable for AR Events

Disabled all 11.5.7 COTO’s and Enabled R12 COTO’s on October 19, 2009 @ 11.20 AM

Set up configuration owner tax options for a combination of configuration owner and application event
class. Y ou can update some of the E- Business Tax predefined event c lass sett ings for a particular
configuration owner. You can also update migrated tax option settings for configuration owners
migrated from Release 11i.

If you are using Direct Tax Rate Determination with tax classification codes and migrated tax data, then
you must set up configuration owner tax options using the STCC regime determination set for the
applicable configuration owner and event class.
Configuration owner tax options let a configuration owner update default tax options on transactions
that belong to a specific application event class. At transaction time, E-Business Tax uses the tax
option sett ings of t he c onfiguration owner and application event class instead of t he default settings. 31/38
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Enable Configuration Owner Options 32/38
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This is a screen shot o f one of the enabled taxes in R12. In this area we chec ked the box for “Make Tax Av ailable
for Transactions.” This was done for all tax setup s. 36/38
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Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

 Add o pen issues that y ou identify while wr iting or
rev iewing this document to the ope n issues
section. As y ou resolve issues, mov e them to the
closed issues section and keep the issue ID the
same. Include an explanation of the resolution.

 When this de liv erable is complete, any op en issue s

should be transferred to the project- or
process-level Risk and Issue Log (PJM.CR.040)
and managed using a project-level Risk and Issue
Form (PJM.CR.040 ). In addition, the open items
should remain in the open issues section o f this
deliverable, but flagged in the resolution co lumn
as being transferred.

Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Impact

Date Date

Closed Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Impact

Date Date 38/38

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