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Good Earth School


Biology – Class X

Different stages of human evolution and their major characteristics

Australopithecus Homo Habilis Homo Erectus Neanderthal Cro-Magnon Man Modern man / Homo
sapiens sapiens
1. Bipedalism walked nearly Bipedal gait; Walked fully absolute perfect perfect bipedal
straight; vertebral slightly more erect bipedalism bipedalism locomotion
column had a erect than
definite lumbar Australopithecus.
2. Cranial capacity 450 to 600 cm3 680 to 735 cm
3 800 to 1125 about 1450 1450-1600 cm3 1450-1600 cm
3 3
cm cm
3. Size of canine Almost the same Small canines; Canines of Small Small canines; Small canines; teeth
teeth as modern man; almost like that lower jaw canines; teeth closer to closer to each other;
did not project of modern man. larger more heavier than each other; wisdom teeth present.
above the level of like that of that of wisdom teeth
other teeth. modern man. modern man; present.
presence of
4. Forehead and Low forehead; Forehead Forehead Forehead Broad arched Steep forehead;
brow ridges eyebrow ridges receding with receding and low and forehead; reduced brow ridges;
projecting over ape-like head. low; slanting moderate brow flattened face
the eyes. prominent broad and ridges;
brow ridges; flat; orthognathous
deep set prominent face
orbits; eye brow
prognathous ridges
5. Development of Lack of chin; Almost no chin Almost no Strong lower Well-developed Prominent chin; snout
chin prognathous face chin jaw with chin disappeared
almost no
6. Body hair Body covered Hair on body Hair on body Reduced hair Body less hairy Highly reduced body
with hair reduced reduced on body hair
7. Height and 120 cm (3.5 to 4 120 to 150 cm 120 to 150 cm 160 cm 180 cm (5.5 cm to Up to 190 cm; fully
posture ft); nearly upright (4.5 to 5 ft); bent (5 to 5.5 ft); (about 5.5 6 ft); fully erect erect
kneed posture straight legged ft), semi
stance/upright erect

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