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1. Name of the hotel & category-_____________________________________________

2. Address-______________________________________________________________
3. Year of commencement of operations- ____________
4. Is the hotel a part of any chain?
5. If yes, mention details-____________________________________________________
6. Name of the Staff member-________________________________________________
7. Department-____________________________________________________________
8. Designation-____________________________________________________________
9. Age-_______
10. Gender

11. Employed in the hotel industry since- ______________

12. Are you aware of eco-friendly practices carried out in the hospitality industry?

13. Does the hotel follow green practices in its daily operations?

Sr Green Practices followed

i. Not followed
ii. Very Few or bare essential green practices followed
iii. Practices that are easy to implement without too many adjustments and
investments are followed
iv. Hotel makes noticeable efforts to completely follow green practices

14. select the various green practices followed in your hotel for waste management from amongst
those mentioned below-
Sr Category A--Waste Management
i. Vermi composting
ii. Segregation of Garbage
iii. Wall mounted shampoo dispensers
iv. Recycling of paper
v. Sewage treatment plant
vi. Bio gas plant
vii. Taking minimum print outs of records
Sr Category B-Water Conservation
i. Recycling treated water for irrigation
ii. Linen reuse programme
iii. No bathtubs (for three star category & above)
iv. Water Sprinklers
v. No water wastage
vi. Low pressure flush in bathrooms

Sr Category C-Green cover & Tree Plantation programme

i. Large Garden/Green spaces
ii. Rooftop garden
iii. Growing herbs & vegetables in own garden
iv. No cut flowers
v. No mobile tower near the hotel
vi. Tree plantation drives

Sr Category D-Energy saving

i. Solar panels
ii. Electronic key card
iii. Eco button
iv. Energy efficient lights
v. Motion sensor lighting system
vi. Maximum use of natural lighting

Sr Category E- Reducing fuel consumption

i. Shuttle service for banquet functions
ii. Provision of bicycles to guests on demand
iii. Use of locally sourced ingredients/Promotion of farm to table concept

Sr Category F-Eco friendly room supplies & cleaning agents

i. Eco friendly cleaning agents
ii. Supplies like jute bags, paper coasters & laundry bags etc.
iii. Refillable thermos flasks instead of mineral water bottles

Sr Category G-Green banqueting

i. No disposable crockery
ii. Use of recyclable products

Sr Category H-Green Certification

i. Various certification programmes

Sr Category I-Air pollution control

i. Treatment of kitchen, laundry, toilet exhausts
15. With reference to the above question, rate your overall response on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1
being least and 5 being maximum value to show the level of implementation of various
categories of green practices followed in the hotel. (Note-the above list is not comprehensive,
you may consider any other green practices followed, apart from those mentioned in Qs. No
14 for rating of your responses)

Sr Green practices 1 2 3 4 5
i. Waste Management
ii. Water Conservation
iii. Green cover & tree plantation programme
iv. Energy Saving
v. Reducing Fuel Consumption

vi. Eco friendly room supplies & Cleaning agents

vii. Green banqueting
viii. Green Certification
ix. Air pollution control

16. Is the management involved in implementation of these practices?

Sr No Management Involvement
1. Completely
2. Not much
3. Not at all

17. Does the hotel have a written policy document?


18.Is the staff given some specific training inputs by the hotel regarding implementation of
these practices?

19. Has the hotel made any initial investment to ensure green practices in the hotel, at the time of
construction of the property for following environment-friendly norms?(You may select multiple options)

Sr No Area of investment
i. Solar Panels
ii. Rainwater harvesting
iii. Sewage Treatment Plant
iv. Vermipit
v. Environment friendly building material
vi. Thermally sealed double glazed windows
vii. Recycling of Water arrangement
viii. Large gardens and water bodies

20. Are you aware of various certifications that are available globally as well as in India for
hotels conforming to eco-friendly norms?
21. If the hotel is implementing eco-friendly practices in its operations, then are the guests
involved in this initiative?

22. How is clean, unbroken or broken glass waste to be disposed of ?

A. Into containers lined with black bags.

B. Into containers lined with clear bags.

C. Into a cardboard box lined with a black bag and taped. For small quantities of broken
glass, put into Sharps containers.
D. Into containers lined with yellow bags.

23. If yes, select from the options mentioned below- (You may select multiple options)
Sr No Guest Involvement Yes/No
i. Linen Reuse
ii. Car Pooling/Shuttle service
iii. Using shower instead of bath tub
iv. Using Eco-button(Reducing Air conditioning temperature)
v. Providing bicycles for local use
vi. Conducting tree plantation drives
vii. Water conservation programmes

Yes / No
Does your property regularly purchase reusable and durable
Does your property have an in-house recycling program? If yes,
what materials are collected for recycling?
Does your property have a recycling program which allows
guests to participate?
Does your property recycle any other materials (linens, phone
books, oil, pallets, batteries, etc.)?
Is your property a member of "Green" Hotels Association®? for information regarding being
Has your property contacted "Green" Hotels Association®
Does your property donate, sell, or recycle old "durables" (i.e.,
furnishings, etc.)?
Will you use leftover water and ice to water plants and
replenish fountains?
When trash is burned in an incinerator, it is completely
destroyed and no waste is still present?

thank you for your valuable time

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