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Contractor Focus Rob Burak, P. Eng.

—ICPI Director of Engineering

Setting the Table: Preparation and

Compaction of the Subgrade
O ur first edition of Contractor Focus
appeared in the November 2004 issue
covering important factors on layout and
to fine grained. Sands are coarse soils, with
silts and clays having the smallest or finest
particles. Generally the suitability of a soil
Soil type gives the contractor an idea
how much water the soil will hold. This indi-
cates how quickly the soil will drain. Slow
excavation of a job site. In this installment, for use under a pavement decreases with its draining soils may need thicker or stabilized
we will continue by working up the pave- particle size. In other words, fine grained silts bases, especially when combined with freez-
ment cross section focusing on preparation of and clays are the least desirable. They are ing climate. Knowing the ability of the soil to
subgrade soil. Preparation of the pavement also the most common soil types in North hold or drain water can be helpful if an open
foundation is one of the most important ele- America. Some clay soils hold water particu- excavation unexpectedly fills with rainfall (typ-
ments of every project. In terms of the labor larly well. This means they might be difficult to ically overnight). The contractor then is faced
component of the project, the subgrade and compact, especially when nearly saturated. with the following options. If there is time in
base preparation consume up to 70% yet is These clays have high plasticity, meaning they the construction schedule and the weather is
100% hidden from the finished appearance. hold water and drain it very slowly. cooperative (two frequently unrelated events),
However, if improperly done, the effects A simple way to quickly assess soil type the soil can be left to drain and dry, or be
become 100% visible! in the field is by visual appearance and feel. drained with ditches and/or pumps and left
The particles of sandy soil can be seen with- to dry.
Preparing the Subgrade out magnification. When rubbed between the If there is no time for drying, the soil
This article offers some practical tips for fingers, sandy soil has a gritty texture. When should be drained, the saturated portion
understanding how to compact the subgrade individual particles can’t be seen, the soil is removed and replaced with base, or stabi-
soil. Preparing the pavement subgrade and clay. A sticky texture indicates mostly clay, lized with cement. Otherwise, placement of
base can be viewed as “setting the table” for and a smooth texture indicates mostly silt. Silt aggregate base will suck water from the soil
the rest of the job. The contractor must rec- particles are very small. into the base during compaction and the
ognize the soil type, moisture
content, grade, the amount
of compaction and the type
of compaction equipment
required. A properly prepared
subgrade will support the base
above it and allow the base
to distribute loads and stresses
from the paver surface.
Soil Type—The soil type
should be identified before the
job starts, i.e. during the bid-
ding stage. Different soils don’t
react the same when moist and
some take longer to compact
than others. Therefore, under-
standing the soil type during
the estimating stage can assist
in gaining an accurate estimate
of labor hours for excavation
and compaction. It can also
guide selection of compaction
equipment. ICPI recommends
that before estimating a job, a
soil sample is taken to a depth
that approximates the expect- Figure 1. The Proctor density test defines the maximum den- Figure 2. A nuclear density gauge provides the
ed total excavation depth. sity of a soil at an optimum moisture content. This diagram most effective way to check density of the base
How does soil type affect illustrates the relationship between percent moisture and and subgrade. It also indicates the moisture
the job estimate? Soils range density for a particular soil sample. content. Tests are done by a soils laboratory
in particle size from coarse technician.

Interlocking Concrete Pavement Magazine | February 2005 1

base will turn almost rubber-like and pump. This is seen by rolling the sample into a few in ASTM D 698, Standard Test Methods for
In such cases, the base could be tilled, stabi- moistened “snakes” about 3/8 in. (10 mm) Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of
lized with aggregate cement base (3 to 5% in diameter. If snakes can be made greater Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3
by weight), and re-compacted. than 2 in. (50 mm) long, the soil has potential (600 kN-m/m3)). The Proctor test is named
A contractor can do field tests in a few to hold much water (a high plasticity soil). If after its inventor.
minutes to determine the type of soil sampled the snake falls apart before it rolls into a 2 The test method evaluates the density
from the job site. The tests are called the in. length, the soil is considered low plasticity of a soil sample taken from the job site at
“patty”, “shake” and “snake” tests. For each and will drain water. various moisture contents and densities. The
test, take a soil sample and add enough Compaction—Compaction mechanically test finds the 100% Proctor density at its
water to make it into a “putty type” consis- increases the weight per unit volume or den- optimum moisture content. Sandy soils have
tency. Form the soil into a ball, about the size sity of soil and base. Soils are a combination lower moisture contents and higher densities
of an egg. This is easily done for most clay of sand, silt, or clay with water and air in tiny than silts or clays. Once the Proctor density
and silt soils. Forming sandy soil may not be spaces between the particles. When com- is established in the laboratory, tests can be
possible and may not be necessary since its pacted, the air voids are greatly reduced and done on the job site to compare the density
gritty texture indicates its classification. the particles are arranged so they fit tightly of the compacted soil and its moisture to that
For the patty test (engineers call this together. Compaction achieves four main pur- established in the laboratory. The nuclear
the “dry strength” test), flatten out a sample poses. It increases the load bearing capac- gauge test is used to rapidly check density
about 3/8 inch (10 mm) thick and let it dry in ity of the soil; prevents settlement/rutting; and moisture content of compacted soil on
the sun. After it is dry, it will either break eas- reduces seasonal movement from moisture the job site. See Figure 2. This test is done by
ily or be more difficult to break. If this is the changes and freeze-thaw; and helps ensure a technician from a soils testing laboratory.
case, it has a high clay content. If it breaks that movement during freeze and thaw cycles ICPI recommends that soils and base in
easily, it has a predominance of sand and is uniform. residential applications are compacted to a
some silt in it. The Importance of Moisture Content— minimum of 98% laboratory Proctor density.
For the shake test (engineers call this the The next step after identifying a soil is under- Figure 1 shows a typical moisture density
“dilatancy” test), cup the ball of soil in two standing the optimum moisture at which the curve for a silty clay soil. A range of mois-
hands and shake vigorously for a about 30 soil can achieve the highest density during ture content is allowable to achieve 98%
seconds. If small drops of water are released compaction. Every soil has optimum moisture Proctor density. Generally, Proctor density
to the surface and hands there is some sand content. Higher or lower water content than tests are not needed for residential pedes-
in the soil. If no water is released, the soil is optimum produces lower density during trian applications. However, they are recom-
clay or contains some silt. compaction. The optimum moisture in rela- mended for vehicular applications including
The snake test (engineers call this the tion to density of a soil is tested in a soils residential driveways.
“toughness” test) is done with clay or silt soils laboratory using a standard Proctor density
to determine how much water they will hold. test. This test method is described in detail

Figure 3. When squeezed together in the hand, a cohesive soil Figure 4. Choose the right equipment to compact soils. From left to right: a
like this one shown above will hold together. To check for the 7,000 to 9,000 lbf (30 to 40 kN) double-drum roller compactor for sandy
optimum moisture content for compaction, form a tennis ball- soils, base and low clay content soils; a jumping jack compactor for com-
sized clump and perform the “drop test.” pacting sandy soils and bases in confined areas; a 13,000 lbf plate com-
pactor for bases; a hand tamper for hard-to-reach areas; a 6,000 lbf (26
kN) reversible plate compactor and a 4,000 lbf (18 kN) plate compactor
for bases, sands and gravels.
2 Interlocking Concrete Pavement Magazine | February 2005
or a single drum with rear rubber tires are
recommended. Figure 4 shows various types
of compactors.

Watch Out for Soft Spots

Sometimes during compaction soft spots
will arise, often in heavy clay soils. In these
cases it will be necessary to remove the soil
and replace it with suitable base material or
stabilize the area with cement. For isolated
spots such as the one shown in Figure 6,
an easy solution is to mix bagged Portland
cement into the soil using a pick and shovel
to strengthen it. Full remediation or stabiliza-
tion of soil with cement for an entire site is
beyond the scope of this article. The Portland
Cement Association provides excellent guide-
lines on soil-cement remediation. Another
Figure 5. Compact sticky clays by first applying a thin layer of aggregate. solution is removing the soft soil, adding
base material and compacting it. Replacing
Determining the Right Moisture plate compactor. The best way to compact removed soil with cohesive soils is not recom-
Content for Compaction these types of soils is with a low amplitude mended.
There is a simple test to find if the soil in vibratory roller or rammer as they effectively
remove air and force the particles closer In Closing
pedestrian applications is at the right mois-
together. For very heavy clays, ICPI recom- Compaction of the subgrade sets the table
ture content for compacting. It is called the
mends a minimum 10,000 lbf (44 kN) revers- for the construction of the remainder of the
drop test. Prior to soil compaction, remove a
ible plate rammer. Adding a thin layer of pavement. The next edition of Contractor
sample from the newly excavated subgrade
base material over stable but sticky clay can Focus will discuss important steps involved in
surface and press it into a tennis ball sized
reduce compaction time. Figure 5 shows this geotextile and base installation. Contractors
clump. See Figure 3. Hold the ball about 2 ft
technique. interested in learning more about prepara-
(60 cm) above a flat rigid surface and drop
Non-cohesive soils (sands and sandy tion and installation of soil subgrades and
it. If the sample breaks into at least three or
gravels) compact best with vibratory plate bases should consider purchasing the ICPI
four equal size particles, it is close to optimum
compactors and vibratory rollers. Under the Continuing Education unit “Theory of Base
moisture content and ready to compact. If it
force of these machines, particles in these Installation.” ICPI certified contractors can
breaks into many small pieces, it is too dry
soils are rearranged to fit more closely earn continuing education units by taking this
and water may need to be applied to the soil
together. Contractors use large plate com- self-taught course.
prior to compacting. If the ball doesn’t break
pactors (at least 8,000 lbf or 35 kN) or a Individual continuing education programs
at all, it is too wet and the soil will likely need
walk-behind vibratory roller. For much larger for contractors can be purchased from ICPI
to dry prior to compacting.
jobs they will use a ride-on vibratory roller. at the ICPI member discount rate of $25. A
Measuring Density in the Field A ride-on double drum roller compactor with binder of the five latest continuing education
Contractors measure practically everything 7,000 lbf to 9,000 lbf (30 to 40 kN) and a units is available to ICPI members for only
on the job site except the most critical compo- 32 to 36 in. (80 to 90 cm) minimum width $100. Shipping and handling are extra. ❖
nent of any pavement, the density of the com-
pacted soil and base! Having a laboratory
Proctor density test done with field testing on
residential driveways is a small price to pay
to prevent future settlement and expensive
Measuring density will help reduce liabil-
ity. In addition, it will save you time if you are
overcompacting. Contractors can promote
this as a part of a quality job.

Choosing the Right Equipment

Soils with more than 50% clay or silt are
called cohesive soils. Clay particles under a
microscope often appear flat and elongated.
They slide over each other when compacted,
especially when compacted with a vibratory Figure 6. Soft spots like the one above are not uncommon, especially in clay soils. It
is important to identify and remedy these immediately.

Interlocking Concrete Pavement Magazine | February 2005 3

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