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Grimorium Novem

A grimoire
Table of Contents
The Table.................................................................................................................2
The Lamen...............................................................................................................4
The Sigil...................................................................................................................4
The Candle, Incense, and Offering Dish.................................................................5
The Vessel................................................................................................................5
The Wand and Cup, or Knife and Bowl...................................................................6
The Pentacle of Authority........................................................................................6
The Ritual...........................................................................................................................6
Preliminary Empowerment.....................................................................................7
Calling the Circle......................................................................................................7
Blessing the Offerings.............................................................................................8
Calling the Spirit......................................................................................................9
License to Depart.....................................................................................................9
Closing the Circle.....................................................................................................9
This is a grimoire for the creation of a table of practice. It provides a working
surface which acts as a gateway for communicating with spirits. It is a symbolic
distillation, a mandala of the world under the command of God; by taking on the name
of God the magician makes this into a world under their own command.
It is inspired by the principles outlined in Pseudo-Agrippa’s Fourth Book of
Occult Philosophy, and the expression of those principles in Pseudo-Trithemius’s The
Art of Drawing Spirits into Crystals. Like most Solomonic grimoires, this is a
synthesis of past currents filtered through the mind and disposition of an individual
The table of practice described here is suitable for a broad range of spirits from
celestial to chthonic. The operation it is embedded in takes a “spirit friendly” approach,
making authority clear through symbolic charisma rather than threats of damnation.
The working as a whole is a portable modular system for concrete manifestation and
spiritual communication. I hope it is of benefit.

• Table
• Lamen
• Sigil of the spirit
• Candle
• Incense
• Lighter, matches, or other fire
• Offering dish
• Small brass vessel (optional – for wrathful spirits)
• Almond rod and wood cup; or, knife and stone bowl (optional – for wrathful
• Pentacle of authority (optional – for wrathful spirits)

The Table
This grimoire uses the term “table of practice” for convenience, as an existing
term in the magical tradition. Be aware that it is not actually a free-standing table, but
a flat board to be placed onto an existing table or altar.

Begin with the base of the table. This should be a black square of painted wood,
canvas, ebony, or some other suitable material, one foot square. Face the four corners
toward the cardinal directions. With white or silver ink, draw two concentric circles in
the center, one with a 5.5” radius, and another with a 4.5” radius. Draw a square whose
corners touch the perimeter of the inner circle, turned 45 degrees relative to the shape
of the table itself, in the same white or silver ink. Finally, on the eastern and western
sides of the inner square, draw two overlapping triangles connecting the corners of
those sides with the midpoints of the opposite sides.
Then write the names. In the four corners of the table write the four letters of the
Tetragrammaton, yod-heh-vav-heh, in gold ink counterclockwise, beginning in the
east. Between the two concentric circles write the names of the archangels, Michael,
Gabriel, Raphael, Auriel, so they line up with each successive letter of the
Tetragrammaton. In the space between the inner circle and square, write the names of
the angels of the elements in the same order, Seraph, Tharsis, Kerub, Ariel. Finally, in
the square, following the same order counterclockwise from the east, write the names
of the kings of the directions, Ori-ens, Egyn, Pai-mon, and Amaymon. The names Ori-
ens and Pai-mon are split into two due to the design of the inner square.
In the end you should have a table which looks roughly like this:

Consecrate it on the night of a full moon. Wearing the lamen, place a candle in
the center of the table and light it, saying, “With you is the fountain of life; and it is by
your light that we see light.” Perform the Calling of the Circle, but instead of asking for
the assembly to open the gates, ask them to consecrate the table. If you know the name
of your Holy Guardian Angel, call upon its blessings as well. If not, call directly on God.
Then close, saying, “By this fourfold name, together with the angels and archangels, I
bless and consecrate this table for the art of communion with spirits and the
accomplishing of the great work. Amen.” Blow out the candle and set it aside. Cover
the table and lamen with white cloth and hide them from view when not in use.

The Lamen
Cut a rectangle of sturdy black card-stock 4-6” across. On a Sunday while the
moon is waxing, write the Tetragrammaton on it in the same gold ink you will use for
the table. Flip it over the long edge, so the letters are upside-down on the opposite
side. On this side write the four letters of the name Eheieh, aleph-heh-yod-heh, in the
same white or silver ink you will use for the table. Flip it back over so the
Tetragrammaton is facing up, punch holes in the card-stock and tie a chain or loop of
string through the holes, long enough so that when you wear it as a necklace it sits at
the level of the heart. This lamen summarizes the symbolism of the table and assigns it
to the magician, creating an identity between the two. The will of the magician
becomes the guiding principle which informs everything within its mandala, the
miniature cosmos of the table.
To use the lamen, first say, “The name of the LORD is a tower of strength; the
righteous run to it and are safe.”
Place the string around your neck. Hold the lamen up to your forehead, so the
holy name Eheieh is facing out, right-side up. Say, “if they ask me, ‘What is his name?’
what am I to tell them? God replied, ‘I am who I am.’ Then added, ‘this is what you
shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you.”
Drop the lamen down, so the holy name Tetragrammaton is facing out, right-
side-up, with the holy name Eheieh laying upside-down against the chest. Say, “Thus
shall you say to the Israelites: The LORD, the God of your fathers, has sent me to you.
This is my name forever; this is my title for all generations.” Pray like this every time
you put on the lamen.

The Sigil
If the spirit you are evoking has a traditional sigil, make it according to its
specifications. If not, Agrippa’s Fourth Book has suitable instructions. In short: Draw a
central geometric shape that conforms to the nature and number symbolism of the

spirit. Inside, draw a symbol of its office. On each angle of the shape, write a letter of a
divine name (for instance, A-D-O-N-A-I for a hexagram). Surround the entire shape
with a double circle, within which you write a name of God corresponding to the spirit.
If you want, you may also write a Biblical verse corresponding to its nature, either in
the body of the sigil or in the surrounding double circle. Use corresponding colors
The Fourth Book has a second formula for angels or other “good spirits” as well:
in the center draw a hexagram. In the hexagram write the name of the ruler of the
spirit to be called. Around the hexagram, draw four pentagrams. In/with the
pentagrams write the name of the spirit to be called. The text doesn’t specify whether
the name should be duplicated four times or split between the four; it can be helpful to
split the one name between the four stars for space reasons, though. Surround the
entire set of star figures with relevant divine names.

The Candle, Incense, and Offering Dish

These are utilitarian and do not need to conform to any particular form except to
be consonant with the nature of the spirit. The candle may be of a corresponding color
and scent, or be white and unscented. The incense should accord with the nature of the
spirit. The offering dish can be plain, and should be black, white, silver, or gold,
matching the colors on the table. The offering itself should accord with the nature of
the spirit.

The Vessel
This is only necessary for working with wrathful chthonic spirits. It provides an
extra layer of containment beyond even that provided by the table.
Get a small brass vessel with a lid, in the vein of a miniature brass vessel of
Solomon. Measure its circumference and cut its length in sturdy paper or cloth. Write
the names AGLA + ON + TETRAGRAMMATON on that length, then stick the ends
together to form a ring with the names pointing inward. Place this ring inside the
vessel. This represents the power of God surrounding the earth. On the lid, draw or
engrave a hexagram with a yod in the center. This represents the glory of God shining
down like the sun.
Consecrate it on a Sunday while the moon is waxing, saying, “The LORD has put
my enemies under my feet. Now the LORD, my God, has given me rest on all sides,
without adversary or misfortune. So I intend to build a house for the name of the
LORD, my God, as the Lord said to David my father: Your son whom I will put upon
your throne in your place shall build the house for my name.”

The Wand and Cup, or Knife and Bowl
This is only necessary for working with wrathful chthonic spirits. It provides
extra layer of authority beyond even that provided by the lamen.
For most wrathful or obstinate spirits the wand and wooden cup will suffice.
Obtain a rod of almond wood about the length from your elbow to your wrist. On a
Wednesday while the moon is waxing, write or engrave on it the name
ANAPHAXETON surrounded by equal-armed crosses. Bless it, saying, “Take this
staff; with it you are to perform the signs.”
Obtain a wooden cup of a size that you can hold in one hand. On a Sunday when
the moon is waxing, write or engrave on it the name PRIMEUMATON on one side,
and an equal-armed cross on the other side. Bless it, saying, “The vessels that were put
on the table, its plates and its cups, and its pitchers and bowls for pouring libations,
were made of pure gold.”
For exceptionally wrathful spirits, you may use the knife and stone bowl instead.
On a Saturday when the moon is waning, write or engrave the knife with the names
AGLA + ON + TETRAGRAMMATON. Bless it, saying, “The word of God is living
and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and
spirit, joints and marrow. Take this; with it you are to perform the signs.”
Obtain a stone bowl of a size that you can hold in one hand. On a Saturday when
the moon is waning, write or engrave on it the name PRIMEUMATON on one side,
and an equal-armed cross on the other side. Bless it, saying, “Let the malice of the
wicked end. His malice turns back upon his head, his violence falls back on his own

The Pentacle of Authority

Instead of, or in addition to, the wand and bowl, you may make a pentacle
representing authority over the spirit. Make it in the manner already described, but
without including the spirit’s name. Include the names of God that rule it, as well as a
Bible verse that expresses God’s authority over its domain. For example, if working
with a watery spirit, one could include a verse from the story of Moses parting the seas,
or the clearing away of the waters from the flood. Affix this pentacle to the non-
dominant arm.

The Ritual
Ensure that you are clean both physically and spiritually before the ritual. Take a
full shower beforehand if possible. Failing that, wash your face, and your hands up to
your elbows. Failing that, simply make sure you are free of body odor. Gather your

mind into a state of settled poise, free of desire, fear, anger, sleepiness, rumination, or
The ritual itself has several phases:
• Preliminary empowerment
• Calling the circle
• Blessing the offerings
• Calling the spirit
• License to depart
• Closing the circle

Preliminary Empowerment
Begin with the table on the altar, yod facing east. Have the candle and lighter (or
matches, or other fire) set by the southeast edge, and the incense by the northeast
edge. Place the offering dish in the center, with the sigil atop it, the offering (if
applicable) atop that, and the lamen atop the offering.
Approach the table and pick up the lamen, saying, “The name of the LORD is a
tower of strength; the righteous run to it and are safe.”
Place the string around your neck. Hold the lamen up to your forehead, so the
holy name Eheieh is facing out. Say, “if they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what am I to
tell them? God replied, ‘I am who I am.’ Then added, ‘this is what you shall tell the
Israelites: I AM sent me to you.”
Drop the lamen down, so the holy name Tetragrammaton is facing out. Say,
“Thus shall you say to the Israelites: The LORD, the God of your fathers, has sent me
to you. This is my name forever; this is my title for all generations.”

Calling the Circle

Turn to the south. Intone, “Heh,” visualizing a the letter heh emerging before
you, glowing with golden sunlight, approximately twice your height. Imagine this letter
dissolving and forming into the body of Auriel. Intone, “Come, Auriel, by that which is
unutterable. Awaken the power of King Amaymon in the southern quarter of the
Turn to the west. Intone, “Hoh,” visualizing a the letter vav emerging before you,
glowing with golden sunlight, approximately twice your height. Imagine this letter
dissolving and forming into the body of Raphael. Intone, “Come, Raphael, by that
which is unknowable. Awaken the power of King Paimon in the western quarter of
the earth.”

Turn to the north. Intone, “Heh,” visualizing a the letter heh emerging before
you, glowing with golden sunlight, approximately twice your height. Imagine this letter
dissolving and forming into the body of Gabriel. Intone, “Come, Gabriel, by that which
is ineffable. Awaken the power of King Egyn in the northern quarter of the earth.”
Turn to the east. Intone, “Hih,” visualizing a the letter yod emerging before you,
glowing with golden sunlight, the tip of its tail level with the crown of your head.
Imagine this letter dissolving and forming into the body of Michael. Intone, “Come,
Micahel, by that which is indivisible. Awaken the power of King Oriens in the eastern
quarter of the earth.”
Return to the center. Say, “And you, angels of the elements, Seraph, Tharsis,
Kerub, Ariel, by this four-lettered name, arise and join hands with the assembly. All
you assembled spirits: open the gates!”

Blessing the Offerings

With the gates open, it is time to bless the offerings. This is important whether
the offering is a physical substance, like alcohol, or an act, like the recitation of a
devotional poem.
If you know the name of your Holy Guardian Angel: Call it in your usual way.
Ask it to transmute the materials into a perfect offering for the spirit you are
If not: Call the angel Arzel, saying, “I call on you, Mighty Arzel, who stands in
the East, to assist me this and all my ventures. Bless, acknowledge, and approve this
operation, transforming its materials into a perfect offering for [spirit name], that
by your power they may be made holy and complete.”
Light the candle, saying, “Creature of fire, be a pillar of fire.” Light the incense,
saying, “Creature of smoke, be a pillar of cloud.” Place your hand over the offering,
saying, “Creature of [material], be a holy and perfect offering for [spirit name];
[spirit name], I offer this to .”
If working with a wrathful chthonic spirit using the wand and cup, or knife and
bowl: Have red wine mixed with water in the cup or bowl. Pick up the wand or knife,
saying, “Take this staff in your hand; with it you are to perform the signs.” Then dip
the end into the wine, saying, “This is how you shall know I am the LORD. I shall
strike the water with the staff I hold, and it shall be changed into blood. Throughout
the land of Egypt there shall be blood, even in the wooden pails and stone jars.” Offer
a drop of wine from the wand or knife onto the sigil of the spirit.

Calling the Spirit
In most cases: Call upon your Holy Guardian Angel or Arzel to fetch the spirit.
If working with a planetary spirit: Vibrate the name of God which rules the
planet in question. Call upon your Holy Guardian Angel or Arzel to fetch the archangel
which rules the planet. Then, ask the archangel to fetch the spirit.
Through the HGA, Arzel, or the planetary archangel, ask the spirit what you will,
make your arrangements, etc. Make it clear that their receiving the offerings is
conditional on their delivering your result to you.
If working with the brass pot: Place the sigil of the spirit into the pot and arrange
terms for length of working and offerings. Conclude by placing the lid on top, saying,
“Be exalted over the heavens, God; may your glory appear above all the earth.” After
the ritual, the spirit will stay inside the pot to periodically receive offerings and
continue to fulfill your terms, until the agreed time for it to depart. Common offering
items for the pot include alcohol, smoke, coins, and trinkets corresponding with the
nature of the spirit. Omit the license to depart.

License to Depart
Give a cordial license to depart, saying, “Thank you for your presence, [spirit
name]. The ritual is ended. Go in peace. Do as we have agreed, and may good will
always exist between us.” If they will not leave, refer to the authority of the lamen and
table and command them to go. If they still will not leave, refer to the authority of the
wand, knife, or pentacle of authority and command them to go. If they even still will
not leave, threaten to singe their sigil over the candle flame, comparing it to the fiery
wrath of God, and, if necessary, do so.

Closing the Circle

Turn to the east. Say, “Thank you, Michael, Seraph, Oriens. The ritual is ended.
Go in peace.”
Turn to the north. Say, “Thank you, Gabriel, Tharsis, Egyn. The ritual is ended.
Go in peace.”
Turn to the west. Say, “Thank you, Raphael, Kerub, Paimon. The ritual is
ended. Go in peace.”
Turn to the south. Say, “Thank you, Auriel, Ariel, Amaymon. The ritual is
ended. Go in peace.”
Thank and dismiss your HGA, Arzel, and/or the planetary archangel in a similar
manner. The ritual is over.

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