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E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

COURSE SYLLABUS FOR UNDERSTANDING THE SELF (GCUS) – General Education for College Students
Course Name Understanding the Self
Course Credit 3 units
Course Description The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of
personal identity.

The directive to Know Oneself has inspired countries and varied ways to comply. Among the questions that everyone has had
to grapple with at one time or other is “Who am I?” at no other period is this question asked more urgently than in adolescence
– traditionally believed to be a time of vulnerability and great possibilities. Issues of self and identity are among the most
critical for the young.

This course is intended to facilitate the exploration of the issues and concerns regarding self and identity to arrive at a better
understanding of one’s self. It strives to meet this goal by stressing the integration of the personal with the academic –
contextualizing matters discussed in the classroom and in the everyday experiences of students – making for better learning,
generating a new appreciation for the learning process, and developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling
them to manage and improve their selves to attain better quality of life.

The course is divided into three major parts. The first part seeks to understand the construct of the self from various disciplinal
perspectives: philosophy, sociology, anthropology and psychology – as well as the more traditional division between the East
and West – each seeking to provide answers to the difficult but essential question of “What is the self?” and raising, among
others, the question: “Is there even such a construct as the self?”

The second part explores some of the various aspects that make up the self, such as the biological and material up to and
including the more recent Digital Self. The third and final part identifies three areas of concern for young students: learning,
goal setting and managing stress. It also provides for the more practical application of the concepts discussed in this course and
enables them the hands-on experience of developing self-help plans for self-regulated learning, goal setting and self care.

This course includes the mandatory topics on Family Planning and Population Education.
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

Contact 3 hours/week
Course Objectives At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
The Self From Various Perspectives
1. Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of the self from various disciplinal perspectives
2. Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across different disciplines and perspectives
3. Examine the different influences, factors and forces that shape the self
4. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in analyzing the development of one’s self and identity by developing a
theory of the self
Unpacking The Self
5. Explore the different aspects of self and identity
6. Demonstrate critical, reflective thought in integrating the various aspects of self and identity
7. Identify the different forces and institutions that impact the development of various aspects of self and identity
8. Examine one’s self against the different aspects of self discussed in class
Managing and Caring for The Self
9. Understand the theoretical underpinnings for how to manage and care for different aspects of the self
10. Acquire and hone new skills and learnings for better managing of one’s self and behaviors
11. Apply these new skills to one’s self and functioning for a better quality of life
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605



Day 1 Introduction

Week 1 Lesson 1: The Self from Various Philosophical Perspectives

Week 2 Lesson 2: The Self, Society and Culture

Week 3 Lesson 3: The Self as Cognitive Construct

Week 4 Lesson 4: The Self in Western and Eastern Thoughts

Week 5-6 Lesson 5: The Physical and Sexual Self

Week 7 Lesson 6: The Material Self

Week 8-9 Lesson 7: Supernaturals

Week 10 Lesson 8: Political Self

Week 11 Lesson 9: Digital Self

Week 12 Lesson 10: Learning to be a better learner

E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

Week 13 Lesson 11: Setting Goal for Success

Week 14-15 Lesson 12: Taking change for one’s health

Course Objective Summative Assessment Task Details

E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

The Self From Various Perspectives

1. Discuss the different representations and  Open discussion in a form of group  It increases student’s interests and
conceptualizations of the self from various activity engagement. It would provide feedback and
disciplinal perspectives  Individual write –up promotes preparation in the part of the
2. Compare and contrast how the self has been  10 item quiz students. It also develops students speaking
represented across different disciplines and skills and helps in the control of classroom
perspectives environment.
3. Examine the different influences, factors  A culminating assessment functions
and forces that shape the self throughout a course as an informative
4. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought feedback that allows both the instructor and
in analyzing the development of one’s self the students to see where they are excelling
and identity by developing a theory of the or needs more focus.

Unpacking The Self

 It increases student’s interests and
1. Explore the different aspects of self and  Open discussion in a form of group engagement. It would provide feedback and
identity activity promotes preparation in the part of the
2. Demonstrate critical, reflective thought in  Individual write –up students. It also develops students speaking
integrating the various aspects of self and  10 item quiz skills and helps in the control of classroom
identity environment.
3. Identify the different forces and institutions  A culminating assessment functions
that impact the development of various throughout a course as an informative
aspects of self and identity feedback that allows both the instructor and
4. Examine one’s self against the different the students to see where they are excelling
aspects of self discussed in class or needs more focus.
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

Managing and Caring for The Self

 It increases student’s interests and
1. Understand the theoretical underpinnings  Open discussion in a form of group engagement. It would provide feedback and
for how to manage and care for different activity promotes preparation in the part of the
aspects of the self  Individual write –up students. It also develops students speaking
2. Acquire and hone new skills and learnings skills and helps in the control of classroom
for better managing of one’s self and  10 item quiz environment.
behaviors  A culminating assessment functions
3. Apply these new skills to one’s self and throughout a course as an informative
functioning for a better quality of life feedback that allows both the instructor and
the students to see where they are excelling
or needs more focus.

Desired Learning Course Content/Subject Textbook/Reference Teaching and

Outcomes Matter s Learning Activities Assessment Task Resource Time
(TALs) Material Table
Introduction to  Class Activity:
the Course Getting to know
me and you
 Class discussion: Day 1
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

regarding the
 Surfacing
students’ beliefs
and concerns
regarding the
 Discussion of the
mechanics of the
 Introducing the
1. The Self The Self From Various The Self From
From Perspectives Various
Various Alata et al. (2018). Perspectives
Perspective Understanding the
s a. Philosophy Self. Rex Book Store.  Lecture  Group write-  PowerPoi 4
 Socrates, Plato and  Group up of quickie nt Week
a. Discuss the Augustine to discussions survey results presentati s
different Descartes, Hume, centering on  Individual on
representati Kant, Freud, Ryle similarities/differ submission of  Additiona
ons and and Merleau-Ponty – ences of self essay on self: l readings
conceptualiz all trying to answer representations How do I from
ations of the the question “Who and understand other
self from are you?” conceptualizatio my self? What sources
various n and the various led up to this  Activity
disciplinal identified self Materials
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

perspectives influences
b. Examine the
different  Class project
influences, (quickie survey):
factors and How is self
forces that understood?
shape the b. Sociology  Class discussion
self  The Self as a product and processing
c. Compare of modern society of survey results
and contrast and among other once data have
how the self constructions been written up
has been  Mead and the social
represented Self  Group
across the discussion: how
different is my self shaped
disciplines and influenced
and by culture? (May  Points will be
perspectives be discussed at given for
d. Demonstrat either or both the group
e critical c. Anthropology regional/national presentation
and  The Self and person levels)
reflective in contemporary
thought in anthropology
analyzing  The self embedded in  Short paper
the culture on Real/Ideal
developmen Self and
t of one’s d. Psychology discussion/ass
self and  The Self as a Cognitive essment of
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

identity by Construction any

developing - William differences
a theory of James and the
the self Me-Self and
- Global vs.
models  Totoo ba? A
- Real and Ideal Discussion: Is
self concepts the Philippines
- Multiple vs. really a
Unified selves collectivist
- True vs. False society? Give
selves examples and if
 The Self as Proactive true, how does  Three things I
and Agentic this shape/impact learned about
our idea of Self? myself from
e. The Self in Western this topic
and Eastern thoughts
 Individualistic vs.
Collective Self
 The Social
Construction of the Self
in Western thought
 The Self as embedded
in relationships and
through spiritual
development in
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

Confucian thought

2. Unpacking Unpacking the Self Unpacking the Self

the Self

a. Explore the a. The Physical and Alata et al. (2018).  Lecture  Individual  PowerPoi 5
different Sexual Self. The self Understanding the  Group constructions of nt Week
aspects of as impacted by the Self. Rex Book Store. discussion and the personal self presentati s
self and body presentation: illustrating how on
identity  The impact of culture Who is the different  Additiona
b. Demonstrat on body image and beautiful? aspects are l readings
e critical, self-esteem: The Cultural situated relative from
reflective importance of beauty conceptions to one another other
thought in  Development of and standards and the sources
integrating Secondary sex of beauty of importance of  Activity
the various characteristics and face and body each relative to Materials
aspects of the human (if time permits the other
self and reproductive system this may also
identity  Discuss the be given as a
c. Identify the erogenous zones and quickie class  Paper on my
different understand human survey) most prized
forces and sexual response; The  Class may possession:
institutions basic biology of bring pictures What would I
that impact sexual behavior and of who is save first in any
the understand the beautiful to emergency and
developmen chemistry of lust, begin why?
t of various love and attachment; discussion  Paper: Me and
aspects of The psychological  Psychological My Favorite
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

self and aspect: what turns Test Things (what

identity people on: the phases - Self- these are and
d. Examine of sexual response esteem what they say
one’s self  The diversity of scale about me)
against the sexual behavior: - Body
different solitary, heterosexual, esteem
aspects of homosexual and scale
self bisexual  What do men and  Interview of
discussed in  Sexually transmitted women find informant/s
class diseases (STIs) attractive: A class regarding most
 Methods of discussion common rituals
contraception (natural  Tanungin si Dra.: in locale,
and artificial) Totoo ba? description, and
Surfacing common the functions
beliefs and they serve
b. The misconceptions
Material/Economic regarding the
Self: I shop, therefore body, sex and Personal Essay:
I Am: I have, sexuality Reflections of
therefore I am?  What does he Frankl’s way of
 Shaping the way we want? (According discovering
see ourselves: The to him/according meaning
role of consumer to her). What does
culture on our sense she want?
of self and identity (According to
her/according to
him): Comparing
c. The Spiritual Self: expectations
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

The practice of  Usap tayo: A

religion: belief in discussion on
supernatural being Love, Sex,
and power Relationships and
 The concept of spirit Family
or soul  Class/group
 Rituals and discussion on the
ceremonies role of mass media
- The function in shaping
of rituals purchase
- Rituals and behaviors: What
ceremonies makes an ad
- Religion, effective or
Magic and ineffective? What
Witchcraft affects my
 Finding and creating purchase
meaning behavior?
- Three ways of  My bag/wallet and
discovering me (an unobtrusive
meaning in measure)

d. The Political Self  Class discussion:

 Developing a Filipino Listing of beliefs
Identity: Values, in spirits and the
Traits, Community supernatural
and Institutional prevalent in the
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

factors area
 Establishing a
democratic culture

 Lecture
e. The Digital Self: Self  Group discussion:
and other in Who is the
cyberspace Filipino? What
 I, me myself and my makes a Filipino?
user ID online  A Game: You
identity know you’re
 Selective self Filipino if/when…
presentation and
management  Lecture
 Impact of online on  Group
the self discussion/sharing:
 Boundaries of the self My FB
online: private vs. experiences
public;  Quickie Survey:
personal/individual Who goes online
vs. social identity and why?
online; gender and
sexuality online

3. Managing Managing and Caring for Managing and

and Caring the Self Caring for the Self
for the Self 5
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

a. Understand a. Learning to be a Alata et al. (2018).  Guided Lecture  Feedback  PowerPoi s
the better student Understanding the and how to report on nt
theoretical  What happens during Self. Rex Book Store. demonstration: initial presentati
underpinnin learning? Examination of implementati on
gs for how  Brain and behavior own study on: what  Additiona
to manage changes strategies and happened l readings
and care for  Metacognition and development of problems from
different study strategies more effective encountered other
aspects of  Managing your own study plans and  Working of sources
the self learning: Self- strategies my Bad  Activity
b. Acquire and regulated learning  Answering the Habits Materials
hone new Metacognition (paper)
skills and Awareness
learnings for Inventory
managing of b. Setting goals for  Guided Lecture
one’s self Success and how-to
and  The importance of demonstration:
behaviors goals Examination of  Feedback
c. Apply these  Bandura’s Self- goals (short and report on
new skills to Efficacy, Dweck’s long term) as initial
one’s self Mindset (growth vs. well as plans for implementati
and fixed) accomplishing on of goals
functioning these
 Locke’s goal setting
for a better  Clarifying goals
quality of and setting up a
life plan for the
E.J. Blanco Drive Extension, Brgy. Daro, Dumaguete City, Philippines 6200
Telephone Nos. (035) 420-9801, 420-9728 or 422-4605

short term
 Answering the
Test your
 Answering the
l Motivation
Scale and the
Locus of
Control Scale

 Guided Lecture
and how-to
c. Taking change for demonstration:
one’s health Identifying  Feedback on
 Stressors and personal implementati
responses stressors and on
 Sources of coping and usual coping
strength  Identifying
 Stress and Filipinos: effective and
The social and cultural ineffective
dimensions about coping
stress responses
 Taking care of the  Developing a
self: The need for self self care plan
care and compassion

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