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Day 1

Standards: (Informational Text)

*CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.K.2 With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a

Understandings/Big Ideas Essential Questions/Terms to Know

Students will be able to identify that the book

is about weather. Meteorologist: A man or woman who uses
tools to predict the weather.
Students will be able to identify the duties of
a meteorologist. What are the four seasons?

Students will be able to describe what the What is the job of a meteorologist?
weather is like during each of the four

Assessment Evidence

Pre Assessment Post Assessment

Make a KWL chart to see what the students know Fill in the KWL chart regarding what the
about weather and meteorologists. students learned in the book.

Learning Activities

 Introduce the story that is going to be read

 Complete the “K” and “W” portion of a KWL chart about weather and meteorologists
 Read Weather by Esther Mizrachi
 Pause throughout the story to ask questions about key details
 Complete the “L” portion of the KWL chart
Day 2

*CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.K.2 With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a

Understandings/Big Ideas Essential Questions/Terms to Know

Students will be able to identify that The

Gruffalo is a story about a mouse who likes What is a gruffalo?
to trick people.
What animal did mouse encounter first,
Students will be able to recall the different second, third, etc.?
animals that the gruffalo encounters in the

Assessment Evidence

Pre Assessment Post Assessment

The students will draw a picture of what they think The students will draw another picture of what a
a gruffalo looks like. gruffalo looks like. It should include details that
were given in the story.

Learning Activities

 On blank paper, the students will draw a picture of what they think a gruffalo looks like
 Read the story The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
 After the story is read, have the students retell parts of the story in their own words
 On another piece of blank paper, the students will draw a new picture of a gruffalo, hopefully using key
elements from the story.
Day 3

Standards: (Informational Text)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.K.9 With prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and differences between
two texts on the same topic

Understandings/Big Ideas Essential Questions/Terms to Know

Students will be able to identify the

similarities and differences between the Who was Sam Eaton?
characters Sarah Morton & Samuel Eaton.
Who was Sarah Morton?

How are those two people similar?

How are those two people different?

Assessment Evidence

Pre Assessment Post Assessment

In the past when we have discussed similarities Create a Venn Diagram on the two stories to see
and differences between stories I have used my how they are similar and how they are different.
own observation as an assessment tool.

Learning Activities

 Review what the students know about pilgrims & the Thanksgiving holiday.
 Read Sarah Morton’s Day by Kate Waters
 Discuss details of Sarah before moving on to the next story.
 Read Samuel Eaton’s Day by Kate Waters
 Discuss details of Samuel & his life
 Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two characters
Day 4 & 5

*CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.4 Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
*CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.1.A Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.

Understandings/Big Ideas Essential Questions/Terms to Know

Students will be able to track print from left

to right, top to bottom, and page by page as After each student finishes their story, ask the
they read a familiar emergent-reader. rest of the class what the story was about.

Assessment Evidence

Pre Assessment Post Assessment

For the past two weeks I have been tracking the Through observation I will assess how each
number of books a student reads at home. I also student reads the story. I will also continue to
have the students read to me one on one when they track their success through the rest of the school
complete a book and bring it back to school. year.

Learning Activities

 One at a time, invite the students to read the book that is currently in their Faith Binder to the class.
 At the end of each student’s story, have the rest of the class recap what the story was about to check for

***Due to there being 18 students, split this lesson into two days to allow for everyone to have a chance to read
their story.

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