NFL Draft Memo

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To: Chief Executives

Club Presidents
General Managers
Head Coaches

From: Commissioner Goodell

Date: March 26, 2020

Re: 2020 College Draft

As you know, we have been reviewing and addressing all aspects of our off-season
operations, including the Draft, in light of current public health conditions. Earlier today, the
CEC discussed the issues relating to the Draft. The Committee was unanimous and unequivocal
that the Draft should go forward as scheduled on April 23-25, 2020.

Apart from the CEC, I have personally discussed this matter with many other owners,
club executives and coaches, and there is widespread support for the CEC’s conclusion.
Everyone recognizes that public health conditions are highly uncertain and there is no assurance
that we can select a different date and be confident that conditions will be significantly more
favorable than they are today. I also believe that the Draft can serve a very positive purpose for
our clubs, our fans, and the country at large, and many of you have agreed.

Because of the unique circumstances in our country today, the 2020 Draft will obviously
need to be conducted in a different way. Already, we have cancelled all public events, we will
not be bringing prospects and their families to the Draft, and the Draft itself will be conducted
and televised in a way that reflects current conditions.

Our staff is certainly mindful of the operational issues this presents, and our top priority
is putting in place procedures that allow all clubs to operate on a level playing field so that the
Draft is conducted in a way that is competitively fair to all clubs. All clubs should now be doing
the necessary planning to conduct Draft operations in a location outside of your facility, with a
limited number of people present, and with sufficient technology resources to allow you to
communicate internally, with other clubs, and with Draft headquarters. Needless to say, we will
be prepared to adjust to changed circumstances in the next several weeks, including the prospect
of clubs being able to resume even limited operations within their facilities.

Any club with special questions or concerns should be in touch with our Football
Operations, Information Technology, and Management Council staffs to discuss those issues.
We are confident that if we work collaboratively, we can implement procedures that will make
the Draft an event that works competitively and for our fans.

Clubs have already reached out to us to discuss particular issues, and we encourage clubs
with questions or concerns to continue to raise them with me, members of the CEC, or our staff.
The CEC was also clear, and I share the Committee’s view, that public discussion of issues
relating to the Draft serves no useful purpose and is grounds for disciplinary action.

We look forward to working with each of you to make the 2020 Draft an event that will
make everyone proud and help build excitement for the coming season.

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