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University of Zambia

Department of Economics
EC 2115........TUTORIAL SHEET 2018

1. Given a consumer who has a utility function described as U=2X2 where U is

utility and X is the good consumed. The consumer buys positive amounts of the
good whose market price is K16 per unit. Draw a schedule showing the
consumer’s total utility for values of X=1 to 6. How much of good X does the
consumer buy and consume?

2. ` Suppose a manager of a firm which is producing two products x and y, seeks

maximise total profits functions which is given by the following equation

= 50 − 2 -xy-3 + 95

Subject to x+ y =25

Find the optimal values of x and y that maximise the profit of the firm.

3. What is the importance of lamda in solving optimisation problems?

5. Define the term utility and explain the relevance of utility to economic analysis

6. what are the basis assumptions of individual preferences.

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