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Author: Jack Norris

Interior Art: Nicolas Giacondino
Book Design & Layout: Robert Denton III
Publishing: Alan Bahr

Based on the game by Brandon McFadden

First Edition
Published by Gallant Knight Games, 2019

Tiny Gunslingers and TinyD6 are trademarks of Gallant Knight Games. ©2019 by
Gallant Knight Games. All rights reserved.
Reproduction without the written permission
of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except
for the purposes of reviews, and for the blank
character sheets, which may be reproduced for
personal use only.
Gallant Knight Games, Ogden UT 84404
The following bounties present a range of individuals wanted by the
law for numerous offensives. They are defined both by physical traits
and a brief description of their backgrounds and motivations. Some
are misunderstood, sympathetic, or mostly harmless. Others are
deadly, corrupt, and vile.
GMs are encouraged to tweak and alter these bounties as needed
to make their use in Tiny Gunslingers more interesting. Perhaps
a seemingly harmless snakeoil salesman in in fact a cold-blooded
poisoner of women and children. Maybe a seemingly ruthless killer
was framed by an enemy or an innocent on the run may in fact be
a cruel and manipulative killer. These twists and developments
shouldn’t be overused—sometimes a bandit is just a bandit—but they
can spice things up in a longer campaign.

Level 1 Bounties
15 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Alive of
5’5”. 165 lbs., 43 years old,
light brown hair, brown eyes,
going gray, round faced with
muttonchops and no mustache.
Fond of wearing colorful
waistcoats and humming various
ditties. Usually found with his
wagon, which bears his name and
various advertisements.

Rufus Percival Butler aka Dr. Percival

aka Dr. R.P. Gideon
For fraud and medical malpractice
Rufus Percival Butler was a fair apothecary, average doctor, and terrible
businessman. Unable to make a legitimate living in medicine sufficient
to cover his gambling habit, he turned to selling snakeoil medicinals on
the frontier and performing the occasional overpriced medical service
for outlaws and other desperate individuals. When a number of townfolk
fell gravely ill due to one of his “cure alls”, a bounty was put out for Dr.
Percival’s return to stand trial for his crimes.

Traits: Apothecary, Doctor, Nose for Trouble

Weapon Proficiency: Melee (Knife)
Gear: Doctor’s bag with surgical knives, bandages, and other medical
gear, various potions and elixirs of dubious quality and effect.
Hit Points: 3

25 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Alive of
5’3”, 130 lbs., 19 years of age,
black hair, green eyes, small mole
over right lip, missing the little
finger of her left hand. Known to
wear false spectacles at times and
dresses as a woman of means.

Kathleen O’Sullivan aka Kathleen

O’Leary aka Victoria England aka Bess
Kerry aka Nine Fingered Cate
For card cheatery and fraud
Kathleen O’Sullivan is an ace card player and an even better cheat due to
her mastery of sleight of hand. She spent some time as an assistant to a stage
magician in Europe before the pair had a falling out, causing her to leave for the
Americas. Her favorite tactic is to play the role of a desperate but naïve young
woman seeking to win some dinero in a game of chance to secure lodgings, a
coach ticket, or some other goal. She then seeks to win, charm, or cheat her
opponents for all she can before moving on. Though she is an expert knife
thrower from her days as a performer, she avoids violence whenever possible.
Naturally speaking with noticeable Irish accent, she can drop this at will.

Traits: Charismatic, Acrobat, Nimble Fingers

Weapon Proficiency: Light Ranged (Throwing Knives)
Gear: Derringer, throwing knives
Hit Points: 4

50 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Alive of
5’ 6”, 150 lbs., 43 years of age, gray
hair, blue eyes, balding and bearded,
with a jagged scar on his right
forearm from an old knife wound.
Fond of fancy suits and bowler hats.
Believed to be traveling the territory
in the company of @@ and a young
red-headed woman who answers to
the name of Mary Anne Harris.

William Elias Canton a.k.a Eli

Williams a.k.a. Billy Sweet
For forgery, fraud, & sale of stolen property
William Elias Canton was once a printmaker in Cleveland,
until coming out west to deal in forged deeds, money, and
other valuable documents. Favors short term confidence and
forgery schemes. Is also known to gamble on occasion.

Traits: Nimble Fingers, Perceptive

Weapon Proficiency: Light Ranged (Derringer Mastery)
Gear: Derringer, Forger’s tools, bundle of dinero (real and counterfeit)
Hit Points: 3

40 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Alive of
6’, 190 lbs., 26 years of age, long dark
blonde hair, brown eyes, long limbed, broad
shouldered, and noticeable underbite.
Wears a green silk head scarf under a
wide-brimmed hat, fond of long coats and
fancy pistol rigs. Believed to be traveling
the territory in the company of William Elias
Canton and a young red-headed woman who
answers to the name of Mary Anne Harris.

James Severin a.k.a Jimmy Sevens

For assault, fraud, and petty thievery
Former cowhand, James Severin also served as a deputy in Yuma, Arizona
for six months. Discharged for accepting a bribe to allow a prisoner,
Willian Elias Canton, to escape. Seen traveling in company of the same
fugitive ever since, acting as bodyguard and hired muscle for Canton’s
various confidence and forgery schemes.

Traits: Outlaw, Quick Shot

Weapon Proficiency: Light Ranged (Revolver Mastery)
Gear: 2 revolvers, boot knife
Hit Points: 5

Level 2 Bounties
85 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Dead or Alive of

5’2”, 120 lbs., 28 years old,

black hair, brown eyes, olive
complexion, well-muscled, rope
scar around neck and S-shaped
brand on right breast.

Benedetto Rossi a.k.a “Lucky” Ben

Ross a.k.a Little Benny
For cattle rustling, horse thievery, & attempted murder
A former sailor turned to rustling cattle and stealing horses, Bendetto Rossi
has escape death on multiple occasions. He has twice escaped the noose,
though only barely, and sports a brand on his chest from a band of vigilantes
who once nearly dragged him to his death. He is considered to be a poor
shot, hence his favoring a scattergun over a pistol, but is a dangerous man
with a knife. Due to his dark Southern Italian features and slight accent,
some in the West ignorant of his origins assume he is Mexican. In truth,
Benedetto harbors moderate prejudice against Mexicans and Spaniards
and often becomes combative and agitated at this misconception.

Traits: Diehard, Lucky

Weapon Proficiency: Melee (Knife)
Gear: Bowie knife, boot knife, scattergun
Hit Points: 6

100 Will be Paid for the Capture Alive or
50 Will be Paid for the Capture Dead of
5’5”, 120 lbs., 22 years old,
dark brown hair, hazel eyes,
pale complexed, attractive and
thin framed. Last seen riding a
gray mare and armed with a .25
revolver. Speaks with an East coast
accent. Highly educated and may
be posing as a schoolteacher or
similar profession.

Millicent Fulton aka Milly James

aka Mad Milly
For attempted murder, horse thievery, and theft
There is an additional reward of 200 Dinero offered
by Troy Fulton of the Big F Ranch on proof of
Incarceration or Death
After losing her husband in the war and finding few prospects in her native Vermont,
Millicent James signed on with a service offering young women as mail-order brides for
frontier men. Agreeing to wed a young rancher in the territories, she left for the West.
Unfortunately, Milly’s new husband to be was abusive and prone to jealous paranoid
rages. During one such rage he threatened to shoot her for an imagined slight. Milly
defended herself with first a broken bottle and then her husband’s own pistol. After
wounding him severely, she took some money, a horse, and fled. After her husband
gave a slanted accounting of events, a warrant was sworn out for her arrest, with her
husband offering an additional reward. Though slandered by her husband as a violent
madwoman and “dirty woman”, Milly is in fact an intelligent, educated young woman
desperate to save herself from a bad situation.

Traits: Learned, Resolute, Vigilant

Weapon Proficiency: Heavy Ranged (Rifle)
Gear: Revolver, Rifle, small folding knife.
Hit Points: 4
Level 3 Bounties
225 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Dead or Alive of
5’6”, 145 lbs, 37 years old,
Brown hair, brown eyes, usually
sports muttonchops with no
mustache. Missing left leg below
the knee, commonly uses a
prothesis made of animal bone and
leather. Known to prefer mules to

Robert Ichabod Smith aka “Bearskin”

Bob Smith aka “Bone Leg” Bob Ichabod
For murder, claim jumping, and theft
Robert Ichabod Smith was war veteran and dry goods salesman turned
prospector who found he was far better at bushwacking his peers for their
claims and gold than mining it himself. When his methods finally brought
the attention of the law, he fled for the wilderness. Living as a trapper and
mountain man, he has begun to become less stable and more violent the
more time he spends in isolation. Robert suspects any stranger of either
being sent to bring him in or wanting to steal the gold and other valuables
he’s buried deep in the wild—the product of his numerous crimes.

Traits: Big Game Hunter, Prospector, Survivalist, Trapmaster

Weapon Proficiency: Melee (Knife), Heavy Ranged (Rifle)
Gear: Bowie Knife, skinning knife, hunting rifle
Hit Points: 7

400 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Dead or Alive of
5’3”, 120 lbs., 24 years old,
red hair, blue eyes, scar on left
hand, carries a pearl-handled colt
revolver and commonly dresses
in men’s clothing. Believed to be
heading to Canada.

Trinity St. Johns, likely to be traveling

under unknown alias
For murder
British-born Canadian, Trinity St. Johns killed her husband and his lover
after finding the two in bed together. The wealthy daughter of British
industrialists, she escaped incarceration by bribing two prison guards
and then shooting a third who refused to let her go. Now wanted for
three murders, Trinity realizes her only hope of safety is reaching first
Canada and then Britain, where her family connections can protect her.
However, she first must find a way to access enough of her considerable
fortune to pay her way—wealth currently invested in various businesses
and banks across the territory. While clever and resourceful, she is
unaccustomed to the hard life of a frontier fugitive.

Traits: Educated, Prepared, Tenderfoot

Weapon Proficiency: Light Ranged (Revolver)
Gear: Revolver, rifle, hunting knife, expensive watch
Hit Points: 5

325 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Dead or Alive of
6’4”, 275 lbs., 33 years old,
black hair, balding (usually shaves
head), large mustache, extremely
muscular with a powerful build.
Tattoo of Chinese dragon holding
an anchor on left arm. May
heading to port or seeking passage
or work on a ship. Speaks with a
strong German accent.

Stanislaus Fischer aka Strangler Stan

aka Kingfish
For murder and assault
Stanislaus Fischer was a German-born sailor and prizefighter for most
of his life, finally leaving the sea when a fighting promoter promised him
a great fortune in the America. For two years, he traveled the American
West, fighting everyone from local champions to overconfident citizens
for cash. However, when he found out his promoter was holding out
on him, he snapped the man’s neck with his bare hands and then killed
one and badly beat two more townsfolk who witnessed the crime. Now
on the run, Stanislaus has beaten and even killed more than once in his
quest to escape the West and return to the sea.

Traits: Brawling, Martial Artist, Strong

Weapon Proficiency: Unarmed, Melee (Club, Axe)
Gear: Scattergun, axe
Hit Points: 7

Level 4 Bounties
650 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Dead or Alive of
6’, 180 lbs, 28 years old, blond hair,
brown eyes, long hair and mustache.
Known to carry a gold inlaid, black
steel, ebony-handled revolver with
a gold plate on the butt engraved
with a King of Hearts. Rides a bay
stallion that answers to the name
Queenie. Fond of expensive
cigars and fine spirits.

August L. Valentine aka Kid Valentine

For murder, robbery, and cattle rustling
August Lyman Valentine is one of deadliest gunfighters in the territory,
an amoral shootist who hires out his gun to anyone who will meet his
price. He has been a soldier, an outlaw, even a lawman, but he’s primarily
a mercenary—he goes where the money is. However, fighting on behalf of
the losing side in a few range wars and a brief flirtation with train robbery
has finally placed a sizable price on his head.
Despite the bounty on his head, August manages to operate in various
towns and jurisdictions without trouble. The reason for this is simple: even
the law doesn’t want to tangle with him, especially when he joins up with
some local land baron or outlaw eager to help protect their best gun.

Traits: Duelist, Fastest Gun, Gunslinger, Marksman

Weapon Proficiency: Light Ranged (Revolver)
Gear: Revolver, rifle, boot knife
Hit Points: 6

600 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Dead or Alive of
5’9”, 210 lbs., 38 years old,
graying blonde hair, green eyes,
balding and sporting a large beard,
stocky of build and barrel-chested.
Known to ride a bay roan horse
answering to the name Rosie Mae.
He and his gang are identified by
the black sashes they wear.

Edward McCall, Leader of the Black

Sash Gang, aka Black Ned McCall
For robbery, attempted murder, murder, cattle
rustling, horse thievery, and petty larceny
An additional reward of 500 Dinero is offered by the West
Pacific Rail Company for live capture and proof of incarceration.
And additional reward of 50 Dinero per is offered for the
Capture Dead or Alive of any member of the Black Sash Gang.
Edward McCall is a career robber, rustler, and thief. He’s survived for years
as an outlaw, never holding down a legitimate career or job for more than ten
months’ time. His survival is a testimony to his ability to pick good partners and
manage risks. Though he often plays the part of the folksy, bombastic bruiser,
he is thoughtful and if need be, quite ruthless. Black Ned is rarely found without
his gang, a rotating cast of outlaws, drifters, and desperadoes who often have
rewards on their head both as part of his gang and independently.

Traits: Drifter, Nose for Trouble, Outlaw, Wanted*

Weapon Proficiency: Light Ranged (Revolver), Heavy Ranged (Shotgun)
Gear: Shotgun, revolver, bowie knife
Hit Points: 7
450 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Dead or Alive of
5’8”, 140 lbs, 25 years old, brown hair,
brown eyes, slender build, youthful
appearance, dresses like a preacher.
Usually carries two ivory-handled pistols
engraved with an image of the St. Adrian
of Nicomedia—the patron saint of arms
dealers, butchers, and soldiers. Sometimes
travels with multiple associates, individuals
of ill character and violent temperament
who assist in his crimes.

Asher Elam aka Adrian Nico aka

Father Ash aka Saint Elam
For murder and inciting rebellion
Asher Elam was raised by his father, a violent, abusive, bigoted, and yet deeply
religious man. He went along with his father on his excursions to local native
territory to sell tainted goods and faulty arms, actions the elder Elam justified
by saying he was only giving the native people “what they deserved” and doing
“God’s work” by acting against them. Young Asher grew to emulate his father’s
evil, taking over “the family business” when he was killed by a native ex-Army
scout whose tribe the old man had nearly wiped out by selling them smallpox
infected goods. Asher refuses to accept his father’s or his own role in his lot in
life, instead blaming “heathens and sinners” for all his self-inflicted harms.

Traits: Duelist, Fastest Gun, Preacher

Weapon Proficiency: Light Ranged (Revolver)
Gear: Twin revolvers, bible with a concealed small revolver, boot knife
Hit Points: 8

1000 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Dead or Alive of
5’ 10”, 175 lbs., 31 years old,
handsome with dark brown hair
and eyes. Well-groomed and
dressed, often sports a well-
trimmed mustache. Has a gold
tooth (right top lateral incisor).

Charles Henry Flynn a.k.a Charlie Flynn a.k.a Henry

Charles a.k.a Red Charles a.k.a. “Razor” Red Flynn
For mass murder and torture. Considered armed
and extremely dangerous
An additional 1000 Dinero reward is offered by the Blackrock Mining
Company for live capture and proof of incarceration. An addition 250 Dinero
reward is offered by the citizens of the town of Crow’s Ridge for proof of death.
Charles Henry Flynn is a charming, smiling devil wrapped in human flesh. His
truest pleasure in life is harming and killing others, often for minor imperfections
or slights. Charles is no fool, he won’t simply walk into town and start stabbing
or shooting people, but he always seems to manage to find victims wherever
he goes. His favorite tactic involves attaching himself to some authority or
group in need of his considerable skills who agree to look the other way when
he exercises his terrible appetites. Charles Henry Flynn favors vulnerable and
innocent victims, though he has no qualms about killing anyone who crosses
him—or whose death benefits him in even the smallest way.

Traits: Charismatic, Gunslinger, Opportunist, Outlaw, Sneaky

Weapon Proficiency: Melee (Razor), Light Ranged (Revolver)
Gear: Revolver, derringer, boot knife, Straight Razor
Hit Points: 8
1000 Dinero
Will be Paid for the Capture Dead or Alive of
5’9”, 155 lbs., 47 years old, gray-white
hair, brown eyes, blind in left eye, saber
scar over left eye and down left cheek.
Regularly dresses in his Confederate States
of America officer’s uniform and carrier a
cavalry saber. Accompanies by numerous
members of his “militia”, who themselves
usually dress as CSA soldiers and conduct
themselves as a reengage military unit.

Colonel Early Israel Chandler

For murder, attempted Murder, inciting rebellion,
robbery, arson, cattle rustling, horse thievery, torture, and
impersonating an officer of the United States Cavalry

An additional reward of 25 per is offered for

every member of Chandler Militia.
Early Israel Chandler could not accept the realities of his beloved Confederate
States of America or their defeat in the Civil War. Unwilling to surrender or
allow the survivors of the war to live in peace free from his misguided and
hateful vengeance, is a racist brute who plays at being an honorable military
man even as he kills, burns, and torments any he blames for his lot in life. Fond
of targeting immigrants, former slaves, and ex-Union soldiers, he and his militia
conduct a “private war” that is nothing more than a campaign of robbery, terror,
and murder. Colonel E.I. Chandler has fled to Mexico in the past to escape
the authorities, but he always returns with some new scheme to punish the
Union or foment rebellion.

Traits: Born to Fight, Berserker, Cleave, Wanted

Weapon Proficiency: Melee (Sword)
Gear: Revolver, cavalry saber
Hit Points: 9


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