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Principles of wound healing

Article · January 2011

DOI: 10.1017/UPO9781922064004.024

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4 authors, including:

Gregory Schultz Lyle Moldawer

University of Florida University of Florida


Robert Diegelmann
Virginia Commonwealth University


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23 • Principles of wound healing

G R E G O RY S. S C H U LT Z , G L O R I A A . C H I N, LY L E M O L DAW E R

I N T RO D U C T I O N teins, which signal them to become sticky and aggre-

Acute wounds normally heal in an orderly and effi- gate. The key glycoproteins released from the platelet
cient manner. They progress smoothly through the alpha granules include fibrinogen, fibronectin, throm-
four distinct, but overlapping phases of wound healing: bospondin and von Willebrand factor. As platelet aggre-
hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remod- gation proceeds, clotting factors are released resulting
elling (Figure 23.1) [1; 2; 3]. In contrast, chronic in the deposition of a fibrin clot at the site of injury.
wounds will similarly begin the healing process, but will The fibrin clot serves as a provisional matrix [6]. The
have prolonged inflammatory, proliferative or remodel- aggregated platelets become trapped in the fibrin web
ing phases, resulting in tissue fibrosis and non-healing and provide the bulk of the clot (Figure 23.2). Their
ulcers [4]. The process of wound healing is complex and membranes provide a surface on which inactive clot-
involves a variety of specialized cells, such as platelets, ting enzyme proteases are bound, become activated and
macrophages, fibroblasts, and epithelial and endothelial accelerate the clotting cascade.
cells. These cells interact with each other and the extra- Growth factors are also released from the platelet
cellular matrix. In addition to the various cellular inter- alpha granules, including platelet-derived growth fac-
actions, healing is also influenced by the action of pro- tor (PDGF), transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ),
teins and glycoproteins, such as cytokines, chemokines, transforming growth factor-α (TGFα), basic fibrob-
growth factors, inhibitors and their receptors. Each last growth factor (bFGF), insulin-like growth factor-I
stage of wound healing has certain milestones that must (IGF-I) and vascular endothelial growth factor
occur in order for normal healing to progress. In order to (VEGF). Major growth factor families are presented
identify the differences inherent in chronic wounds that in Table 23.1. Neutrophils and monocytes are then
prevent healing, it is important to review the process of recruited by PDGF and TGFβ from the vasculature to
healing in normal wounds initiate the inflammatory response. A breakdown frag-
ment generated from complement, C5a and a bacterial
waste product, f-Met-Leu-Phe, also provide additional
P H A S E S O F AC U T E WO U N D H E A L I N G chemotactic signals for the recruitment of neutrophils
to the site of injury. Meanwhile, endothelial cells are
activated by VEGF, TGFα and bFGF to initiate angio-
Haemostasis occurs immediately following an injury [5]. genesis. Fibroblasts are then activated and recruited by
To prevent exsanguination, vasoconstriction occurs and PDGF to migrate to the wound site. They also begin
platelets undergo activation, adhesion and aggregation production of collagen and glycosaminoglycans, as well
at the site of injury. Platelets become activated when as proteins in the extracellular matrix which facilitate
exposed to extravascular collagen (such as type I col- cellular migration, and interactions with the matrix sup-
lagen). They detect this via specific integrin receptors porting framework. Thus, the healing process begins
which are cell surface receptors that mediate a cell’s with haemostasis, platelet deposition at the site of injury,
interactions with the extracellular matrix. Once in con- and interactions of soluble mediators and growth fac-
tact with collagen, platelets release the soluble mediators tors with the extracellular matrix, to set the stage for
(growth factors and cyclic AMP) and adhesive glycopro- subsequent healing events [1; 2; 7].

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330 Mechanisms of vascular diseases

NORMAL WOUND HEALING tors (such as PDGF, TGFβ, TGFα, IGF-1 and FGF).
Scar Maturation These are involved in the recruitment and activation of
Collagen Fibril Crosslinking
fibroblasts and epithelial cells in preparation for the next
O Endothelial Cells phase in healing. Cytokines that play important roles in
U Epithelial Cells
Collagen regulating inflammation in wound healing are described
PROLIFERATION in Table 23.2.
N Macrophages In addition to the growth factors and cytokines,
G Neutrophils
INFLAMMATION a third important group of small regulatory proteins,
Fibrin listed in Table 23.3, has been identified. They are
HEMOSTASIS collectively named chemokines, from a contraction of
chemoattractive cytokine(s) [8; 9; 10]. The structural
Time from Injury
and functional similarities among chemokines were
Fig. 23.1. Phase of normal wound healing. Cellular and not initially appreciated. This has led to an idiosyn-
molecular events during normal wound healing progress through cratic nomenclature consisting of many acronyms that
four major, integrated, phases: haemostasis, inflammation, were based on their biological functions (e.g. mono-
proliferation and remodelling. cyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), macrophage
inflammatory protein-1 (MIP-1)), their source for iso-
lation (platelet factor-4 (PF-4)) or their biochemical
properties (interferon-inducible protein of 10 kDa (IP-
10), regulated upon activation normal T cell expressed
Red blood
cell Epidermis and secreted (RANTES)). As their biochemical proper-
ties were established, it was recognized that the approxi-
mately 40 chemokines could be grouped into four major
Fixed tissue
classes based on the pattern of cysteine residues located
near the N-terminus. In fact, there has been a recent
trend to re-establish a more organized nomenclature
vessel system based on these four major classes. In general,
Fig. 23.2. Haemostasis phase. At the time of injury, the fibrin
chemokines have two primary functions: (1) they regu-
clot forms the provisional wound matrix and platelets release late the trafficking of leucocyte populations during nor-
multiple growth factors which initiate the repair process. mal health and development; and (2) they direct the
recruitment and activation of neutrophils, lymphocytes,
macrophages, eosinophils and basophils during inflam-
Inflammation, the next stage of wound healing occurs
within the first 24 hours after injury. It can last for Neutrophils
up to two weeks in normal wounds and significantly Neutrophils are the first inflammatory cells to respond
longer in chronic non-healing wounds (Figure 23.3). to the soluble mediators released by platelets and the
Mast cells release granules filled with enzymes, his- coagulation cascade. They serve as the first line of
tamine and other active amines. These are responsi- defence against infection by phagocytozing and killing
ble for the characteristic signs of inflammation: rubor bacteria, and by removing foreign materials and devi-
(redness), calor (heat), tumor (swelling) and dolor (pain) talized tissue. During the process of extravasation of
around the wound site. Neutrophils, monocytes and inflammatory cells into a wound, important interactions
macrophages are the key cells during the inflammatory occur between adhesion molecules (selectins, cell adhe-
phase. They cleanse the wound of infection and debris, sion molecules (CAMs) and cadherins) and receptors
and release soluble mediators such as pro-inflammatory (integrins) that are associated with the plasma mem-
cytokines (including interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-8 branes of circulating leucocytes and vascular endothe-
and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and growth fac- lial cells [11; 12]. Initially, leucocytes weakly adhere
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Principles of wound healing 331

Table 23.1. Major growth factor families

Growth factor family Cell source Actions

Transforming growth factor: Platelets, fibroblasts, Fibroblast chemotaxis and activation
TGF-1, TGF-2 TGF-3 macrophages ECM deposition
collagen synthesis
TIMP synthesis
MMP synthesis
Reduces scarring
Platelet-derived growth factor: Platelets, macrophages, Activation of immune cells and
PDGF-AA, PDGF-BB, keratinocytes, fibroblasts fibroblasts, ECM deposition
VEGF collagen synthesis
TIMP synthesis
MMP synthesis
Fibroblast growth factor: acidic Macrophages, endothelial cells, Angiogenesis, endothelial cell activation
FGF, basic KGF fibroblasts keratinocyte proliferation and
migration, ECM deposition
Insulin-like growth factor: Liver skeletal muscle, fibroblasts, Keratinocyte proliferation, fibroblast
IGF-I, IGF-II, insulin macrophages, neutrophils proliferation, endothelial cell activation,
angiogenesis, collagen synthesis, ECM
deposition, cell metabolism
Epidermal growth factor: EGF, Keratinocytes, macrophages Keratinocyte proliferation and
HB-EGF, TGF-, migration, ECM deposition
amphiregulin, betacellulin
Connective tissue growth Fibroblasts, endothelial cells, Mediates action of TGFβs on collagen
factor: CTGF epithelial cells synthesis

KGF = keratinocyte growth factor; ECM = extracellular matrix; TIMP = tissue inhibitor of matrix metallopro-
teinases; MMP = matrix metalloproteinases

to endothelial cells via their selectin molecules which They then migrate into the wounded tissue using their
causes them to decelerate and begin to roll on the integrin receptors to recognize and bind to extracellu-
surface of endothelial cells. While rolling, leucocytes lar matrix components. The inflammatory cells release
can become activated by chemoattractants (cytokines, elastase and collagenase to help them migrate through
growth factors or bacterial products). After activation, the endothelial cell basement membrane, and to migrate
leucocytes firmly adhere to endothelial cells as a result into the extracellular matrix at the site of the wound.
of the binding between their integrin receptors and lig- Neutrophils also produce and release inflammatory
ands, such as vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM) mediators, such as TNFα and IL-1, that further recruit
and intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM), that are and activate fibroblasts and epithelial cells. After the
expressed on activated endothelial cells. Chemotactic neutrophils migrate into the wound site, they gener-
signals present outside the venule and then induce leuco- ate oxygen free radicals which kill phagocytized bac-
cytes to squeeze between endothelial cells of the venule. teria. They release high levels of proteases (neutrophil
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332 Mechanisms of vascular diseases

Table 23.2. Cytokines involved in wound healing

Cytokine Cell source Biological activity

Pro-inflammatory cytokines
TNF- Macrophages PMN margination and cytotoxicity, ± collagen
synthesis; provides metabolic substrate
IL-1 Macrophages, keratinocytes Fibroblast and keratinocyte chemotaxis,
collagen synthesis
IL-2 T lymphocytes Increases fibroblast infiltration and metabolism
IL-6 Macrophages, PMNs Fibroblast proliferation, hepatic acute-phase
fibroblasts protein synthesis
IL-8 Macrophages, fibroblasts Macrophage and PMN chemotaxis,
keratinocyte maturation
IFN- T lymphocytes, macrophages Macrophage and PMN activation; retards
collagen synthesis and cross-linking;
stimulates collagenase activity
Anti-inflammatory cytokines
IL-4 T lymphocytes, basophils, Inhibition of TNF, IL-1, IL-6 production;
mast cells fibroblast proliferation, collagen synthesis
IL-10 T lymphocytes, macrophages, Inhibition of TNF, IL-1, IL-6 production;
keratinocytes inhibits macrophage and PMN activation

PMN = polymorphonuclear leucocytes

teases, cytokines and reactive oxygen species. Usually

neutrophils are depleted in the wound after two to three
days by the process of apoptosis and they are replaced
by tissue monocytes.

Neutrophil Fibroblast
Activated macrophages play pivotal roles in the regula-
Margination tion of healing and the healing process does not proceed
Diapedesis normally without macrophages. Macrophages begin as
tissue circulating monocytes that are attracted to the wound
monocyte site beginning about 24 hours after injury (Figure 23.4).
Fig. 23.3. Inflammation phase. Within a day following injury, the They extravasate by the mechanism described for neu-
inflammatory phase is initiated by neutrophil that attach to trophils, and are stimulated to differentiate into acti-
endothelial cells in the vessel walls surrounding the wound vated tissue macrophages in response to chemokines,
(margination), change shape and move through the cell junctions cytokines, growth factors and soluble fragments of
(diapedesis) and migrate to the wound site (chemotaxis). extracellular matrix components produced by prote-
olytic degradation of collagen and fibronectin [13]. Sim-
elastase and neutrophil collagenase) which remove com- ilar to neutrophils, tissue macrophages have a dual role
ponents of the extracellular matrix that were damaged in the healing process. They patrol the wound area
by the injury. The persistent presence of bacteria in a ingesting and killing bacteria, and removing devitalized
wound may contribute to chronicity through contin- tissue through the actions of secreted matrix metallo-
ued recruitment of neutrophils and their release of pro- proteinases (MMPs) and elastase. Macrophages differ
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Principles of wound healing 333

Table 23.3. Chemokine families involved in woumd healing.

Chemokines Cells affected

-Chemokines (CXC) Neutrophils
with glutamic acid-leucine-arginine near the N-terminal
Interleukin-8 (IL-8)
-Chemokines (CXC)
without glutamic acid-leucine-arginine near the N-terminal Activated T lymphocytes
Interferon-inducible protein of 10 kDa (IP-10)
Monokine induced by interferon- gamma (MIG)
Stromal-cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)
-Chemokines (CC)
Monocyte chemoattractant proteins (MCPs): MCP-1, 2, 3, Eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, activated
4, 5 T lymphocytes
Regulated upon activation normal T cell expressed and
secreted (RANTES)
Macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP-1 )
-Chemokines (C) Resting T lymphocytes
-Chemokines (CXXXC)
Fractalkine Natural killer cells

sition from the inflammatory phase to the prolifera-

tive phase of healing. They release a wide variety of
growth factors and cytokines including PDGF, TGFβ,
TGFα, FGF, IGF-1, TNFα, IL-1 and IL-6. Some of
these soluble mediators recruit and activate fibroblasts,
Fixed which will then synthesize, deposit and organize the
tissue new tissue matrix, while others promote angiogenesis.
The absence of neutrophils and a decrease in the num-
Wound ber of macrophages in the wound is an indication that
macrophage the inflammatory phase is nearing an end and that the
proliferative phase is beginning.

Fig. 23.4. Proliferation phase. Fixed tissue monocytes activate

and move into the site of injury. They transform into activated
wound macrophages that kill bacteria and release proteases that Proliferative phase
remove denatured extracellular matrix. They also secrete growth The milestones during the proliferative phase include
factors that stimulate fibroblasts, epidermal cells and endothelial replacement of the provisional fibrin matrix with a new
cells to proliferate, and produce scar tissue.
matrix of collagen fibers, proteoglycans and fibronectin
to restore the structure and function to the tissue.
from neutrophils in their ability to more closely regulate Another important event in healing is angiogenesis, the
the proteolytic destruction of wound tissue by secret- in-growth of new capillaries to replace the previously
ing inhibitors for the proteases. As important as their damaged vessels and restore circulation. Other signifi-
phagocytic role, macrophages also mediate the tran- cant events in this phase of healing are the formation of
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334 Mechanisms of vascular diseases

granulation tissue and epithelialization. Fibroblasts are growth factors that regulate fibroblast activity. Platelet-
the key cells in the proliferative phase of healing. derived growth factor, which predominantly originates
from platelets and macrophages, stimulates a number
Fibroblast migration of fibroblast functions, including proliferation, chemo-
Fibroblasts migrate into the wound in response to mul- taxis and collagenase expression. Transforming growth
tiple soluble mediators released initially by platelets and factor-β, also secreted by platelets and macrophages,
later by macrophages (Figure 23.4). Fibroblast migra- is considered to be the master control signal that reg-
tion in the extracellular matrix depends on precise ulates extracellular matrix deposition. Through the
recognition and interaction with specific components stimulation of gene transcription for collagen, proteo-
of the matrix. Fibroblasts in normal dermis are typi- glycans and fibronectin, TGFβ increases the overall
cally quiescent and sparsely distributed, whereas in the production of matrix proteins. At the same time, TGFβ
provisional matrix of the wound site and in the granu- down-regulates the secretion of proteases responsi-
lation tissue, they are quite active and numerous. Their ble for matrix degradation, and stimulates the synthe-
migration and accumulation in the wound site requires sis of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs),
them to change their morphology, as well as to produce to further inhibit breakdown of the matrix. Recent
and secrete proteases to clear a path for their movement data indicate that a new growth factor, named connec-
from the extracellular matrix into the wound site. tive tissue growth factor (CTGF), mediates many of
Fibroblasts begin moving by first binding to matrix the effects of TGFβ on the synthesis of extracellular
components such as fibronectin, vitronectin and fibrin matrix [14].
via their integrin receptors. Integrin receptors attach Once the fibroblasts have migrated into the matrix
to specific amino acid sequences (such as R-G-D or they again change their morphology, settle down and
arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) or binding sites in these begin to proliferate, as well as to synthesize granula-
matrix components. While one end of the fibrob- tion tissue components including collagen, elastin and
last remains bound to the matrix component, the cell proteoglycans. Fibroblasts attach to the cables of the
extends a cytoplasmic projection to find another bind- provisional fibrin matrix and begin to produce colla-
ing site. When the next site is found, the original site is gen. At least 20 individual types of collagen have been
released (apparently by local protease activity) and the identified to date. Type III collagen is initially syn-
cell uses its cytoskeleton network of actin fibers to pull thesized at high levels, along with other extracellular
itself forward. matrix proteins and proteoglycans. After transcription
The direction of fibroblast movement is determined and processing of the collagen mRNA, it is attached to
by the concentration gradient of chemotactic growth polyribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum where the
factors, cytokines and chemokines, and by the align- new collagen chains are produced. During this process,
ment of the fibrils in the extracellular matrix and pro- there is an important step involving hydroxylation of
visional matrix. Fibroblasts tend to migrate along these proline and lysine residues. Three protein chains asso-
fibrils as opposed to across them. Fibroblasts secrete ciate and begin to form the characteristic triple helical
proteolytic enzymes locally to facilitate their forward structure of the fibrillar collagen molecule. The nascent
motion through the matrix. The enzymes secreted by chains undergo further modification by the process of
the fibroblasts include three types of MMPs, collage- glycosylation. Hydroxyproline in collagen is important
nase (MMP1), gelatinases (MMP2 and MMP9) which because it plays a major role in stabilizing the triple heli-
degrade gelatin substrates, and stromelysin (MMP3) cal conformation of collagen molecules. Fully hydroxy-
which has multiple protein substrates in the extracellu- lated collagen has a higher melting temperature. When
lar matrix. levels of hydroxyproline are low, for example, in vitamin
C-deficient conditions (scurvy), the collagen triple helix
Collagen and extracellular matrix production has an altered structure and denatures (unwinds) much
The collagen, proteoglycans and other components more rapidly at lower temperatures. To ensure optimal
that comprise granulation tissue are synthesized and wound healing, wound care specialists should be sure
deposited primarily by fibroblasts. Platelet-derived patients are receiving good nutritional support in the
growth factor and TGFβ are two of the most important form of a diet with ample protein and vitamin C.
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Principles of wound healing 335

Finally, procollagen molecules are secreted into the and anti-angiogenic factors like angiostatin, endostatin,
extracellular space where they undergo further process- thrombospondin and pigment epithelium-derived fac-
ing by proteolytic cleavage of the short, non-helical seg- tor (PEDF).
ments at the N- and C-termini. The collagen molecules Binding of angiogenic factors causes endothelial
then spontaneously associate in a head-to-tail and side- cells of the capillaries adjacent to the devascularized site
by-side arrangement forming collagen fibrils, which to begin to migrate into the matrix and then proliferate
associate into larger bundles that form collagen fibers. In to form buds or sprouts. Once again the migration of
the extracellular spaces an important enzyme, lysyl oxi- these cells into the matrix requires the local secretion
dase, acts on the collagen molecules to form stable, cova- of proteolytic enzymes, especially MMPs. As the tip of
lent cross-links. As the collagen matures and becomes the sprouts extend from endothelial cells and encounter
older, more and more of these intramolecular and inter- another sprout, they develop a cleft that subsequently
molecular cross-links are placed in the molecules. This becomes the lumen of the evolving vessel and complete
important cross-linking step gives collagen its strength a new vascular loop. This process continues until the
and stability, and the older the collagen the more cross- capillary system is sufficiently repaired, and the tissue
link formation has occurred. oxygenation and metabolic needs are met. It is these new
Dermal collagen on a per weight basis approaches capillary tuffs that give granulation tissue its character-
the tensile strength of steel. In normal tissue, it is a strong istic bumpy or granular appearance.
molecule and highly organized. In contrast, collagen
fibers formed in scar tissue are much smaller and have Granulation
a random appearance. Scar tissue is always weaker and Granulation tissue is a transitional replacement for nor-
will break apart before the surrounding normal tissue. mal dermis, which eventually matures into a scar dur-
ing the remodelling phase of healing. It is characterized
Angiogenesis from unwounded dermis by an extremely dense network
Damaged vasculature must be replaced to maintain tis- of blood vessels and capillaries, an elevated cellular den-
sue viability. The process of angiogenesis is stimulated sity of fibroblasts and macrophages, and randomly orga-
by local factors in the microenvironment, including low nized collagen fibers. It also has an elevated metabolic
oxygen tension, low pH and high lactate levels [15]. rate compared to normal dermis, which reflects the
Also, certain soluble mediators are potent angiogenic activity required for cellular migration and division, and
signals for endothelial cells. Many of these are pro- protein synthesis.
duced by epidermal cells, fibroblasts, vascular endothe-
lial cells and macrophages, and include bFGF, TGFβ Epithelialization
and VEGF. It is now recognized that oxygen levels in tis- All dermal wounds heal by three basic mechanisms:
sues directly regulate angiogenesis by interacting with contraction, connective tissue matrix deposition and
oxygen sensing proteins that regulate transcription of epithelialization. Wounds that remain open heal by
angiogenic and anti-angiogenic genes. For example, syn- contraction; the interaction between cells and matrix
thesis of VEGF by capillary endothelial cells is directly results in the movement of tissue toward the centre
increased by hypoxia through activation of the recently of the wound. As previously described, matrix deposi-
identified transcription factor, hypoxia-inducible factor tion is the process by which collagen, proteoglycans and
(HIF), which binds oxygen [16]. When oxygen lev- attachment proteins are deposited to form a new extra-
els surrounding capillary endothelial cells drop, lev- cellular matrix. Epithelialization is the process where
els of HIF increase inside the cells. Hypoxia-inducible epithelial cells around the margin of the wound or in
factor-1 binds to specific DNA sequences and stimu- residual skin appendages such as hair follicles and seba-
lates transcription of specific genes such as VEGF that ceous glands lose contact inhibition. Then by the pro-
promote angiogenesis. When oxygen levels in wound cess of epiboly begin to migrate into the wound area.
tissue increase, oxygen binds to HIF, leading to the As migration proceeds, cells in the basal layers begin to
destruction of HIF molecules in cells and decreased proliferate to provide additional epithelial cells.
synthesis of angiogenic factors. Regulation of angio- Epithelialization is a multi-step process that
genesis involves both stimulatory factors like VEGF involves epithelial cell detachment, and change in their
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336 Mechanisms of vascular diseases

internal structure, migration, proliferation and differ-

entiation [17]. The intact mature epidermis consists
of five layers of differentiated epithelial cells, ranging
from the cuboidal basal keratinocytes nearest the der-
mis, up to the flattened, hexagonal, tough keratinocytes
in the uppermost layer. Only the basal epithelial cells
are capable of proliferation. These basal cells are nor-
mally attached to their neighbouring cells by intercellu- Fixed
lar connectors called desmosomes and to the basement monocyte
membrane by hemi-desmosomes. When growth factors, Blood
such as EGF, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) and vessel

TGFα, are released during the healing process, they Macrophage

bind to receptors on these epithelial cells, and stimulate
Fig. 23.5. Remodelling phase. This initial, disorganized
migration and proliferation. The binding of the growth
scar tissue is slowly replaced by a matrix that more closely
factors triggers the desmosomes and hemi-desmosomes
resembles the organized extracellular matrix of normal
to dissolve so the cells can detach in preparation for skin.
migration. Integrin receptors are then expressed and the
normally cuboidal basal epithelial cells flatten in shape
and begin to migrate as a monolayer over the newly sels. In addition it involves a decrease in the amount of
deposited granulation tissue, following along collagen glycosaminoglycans, and the water associated with the
fibres. Proliferation of the basal epithelial cells near the glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans. Cell density and
wound margin supply new cells to the advancing mono- metabolic activity in the granulation tissue decrease dur-
layer apron of cells (cells that are actively migrating are ing maturation. Changes also occur in the type, amount
incapable of proliferation). Epithelial cells in the leading and organization of collagen, which enhance tensile
edge of the monolayer produce and secrete proteolytic strength. Initially, type III collagen is synthesized at high
enzymes (MMPs), which enable the cells to penetrate levels, but it becomes replaced by type I collagen, the
scab, surface necrosis or eschar. Migration continues dominant fibrillar collagen in skin. The tensile strength
until the epithelial cells contact other advancing cells of a newly epithelialized wound is only about 25% of
to form a confluent sheet. Once this contact has been normal tissue. Healed or repaired tissue is never as
made, the entire epithelial monolayer enters a prolif- strong as normal tissues that have never been wounded.
erative mode, and the stratified layers of the epidermis Tissue tensile strength is enhanced primarily by the
are re-established and begin to mature to restore barrier reorganization of collagen fibers that were deposited
function. Transforming growth factorβ is one growth randomly during granulation and increased covalent
factor that can speed up the maturation (differentiation cross-linking of collagen molecules by the enzyme, lysyl
and keratinization) of the epidermal layers. The inter- oxidase, which is secreted into the extracellular matrix
cellular desmosomes and hemi-desmosome attachments by fibroblasts. Over several months or more, changes
to the newly formed basement membrane are also re- in collagen organization in the repaired tissue slowly
established. Epithelialization is the clinical hallmark of increases the tensile strength to a maximum of about
healing but it is not the final event – remodelling of the 80% of normal tissue.
granulation tissue is yet to occur. Remodelling of the extracellular matrix proteins
occurs through the actions of several different classes
Remodelling of proteolytic enzymes produced by cells in the wound
Remodelling is the final phase of the healing process in bed at different times during the healing process. Two
which the granulation tissue matures into scar, and tis- of the most important families are MMPs and ser-
sue tensile strength is increased (Figure 23.5). The mat- ine proteases. Specific MMP proteases that are nec-
uration of granulation tissue also involves a reduction in essary for wound healing are the collagenases (which
the number of capillaries via aggregation into larger ves- degrade intact fibrillar collagen molecules), gelatinases
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Principles of wound healing 337

(which degrade damaged fibrillar collagen molecules) C O M PA R I S O N O F AC U T E A N D

and stromelysins (which very effectively degrade pro- C H RO N I C WO U N D S
teoglycans). An important serine protease is neutrophil
Normal and pathological responses to injury
elastase which can degrade almost all types of protein
molecules. Under normal conditions, the destructive Pathological responses to injury can result in non-
actions of the proteolytic enzymes are tightly regu- healing wounds (ulcers), inadequately healing wounds
lated by specific enzyme inhibitors, which are also pro- (dehiscence) or excessively healing wounds (hyper-
duced by cells in the wound bed. The specific inhibitors trophic scars and keloids). Normal repair is the response
of MMPs are TIMPs and specific inhibitors of serine that re-establishes a functional equilibrium between
protease are α 1-protease inhibitor (α 1-PI) and α 2 scar formation and scar remodelling, and is the typ-
macroglobulin. ical response that most humans experience following
injury. The pathological responses to tissue injury stand
in sharp contrast to the normal repair response. In exces-
Summary of acute wound healing sive healing there is too much deposition of connective
Four phases of wound healing: tissue that results in altered structure, and thus, loss of
r Haemostasis – establishes the fibrin provisional function. Fibrosis, strictures, adhesions, keloids, hyper-
trophic scars and contractures are examples of exces-
wound matrix, and platelets provide the initial release sive healing. Contraction is part of the normal process
of cytokines and growth factors in the wound. of healing, but if excessive it becomes pathologic and is
r Inflammation – mediated by neutrophils and
known as a contracture. Deficient healing is the opposite
macrophages that remove bacteria and denatured of fibrosis. It occurs when there is insufficient deposi-
matrix components that retard healing, and are the tion of connective tissue matrix and the tissue is weak-
second source of growth factors and cytokines. Pro- ened to the point where scars fall apart under mini-
longed, elevated inflammation retards healing due to mal tension. Chronic non-healing ulcers are examples
excessive levels of proteases and reactive oxygen that of severely deficient healing.
destroy essential factors.
r Proliferation – fibroblasts, supported by new capil-
laries, proliferate and synthesize disorganized extra- Biochemical differences in the molecular
cellular matrix. Basal epithelial cells proliferate and environments of healing and chronic wounds
migrate over the granulation tissue to close the wound
The healing process in chronic wounds is generally
r Remodelling – fibroblast and capillary density prolonged, incomplete and unco-ordinated, resulting
in a poor anatomic and functional outcome. Chronic,
decreases, and initial scar tissue is removed and
non-healing ulcers are a prime clinical example of the
replaced by extracellular matrix that is more similar to
importance of the wound cytokine profile and the critical
normal skin. Extracellular matrix remodelling is the
balance necessary for normal healing to proceed. Since
result of the balanced, regulated activity of proteases.
cytokines, growth factors, proteases and endocrine hor-
Cellular functions during the different phases of wound mones play key roles in regulating acute wound heal-
healing are regulated by key cytokines, chemokines ing, it is reasonable to hypothesize that alterations
and growth factors. Cell actions are also influenced in the actions of these molecules could contribute to
by interaction with components of the extracellular the failure of wounds to heal normally. Several meth-
matrix through their integrin receptors and adhesion ods are used to assess differences in molecular envi-
molecules. Matrix metalloproteinases produced by epi- ronments of healing and chronic wounds. Messenger
dermal cells, fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and protein levels can be mea-
assist in migration of the cells. Also proteolytic enzymes sured in homogenates of wound biopsies. The pro-
produced by neutrophils and macrophages remove teins in wounds can be immunolocalized in histolog-
denatured extracellular matrix components and assist ical sections of biopsies. Wound fluids collected from
in remodelling of initial scar tissue. acute surgical wounds and chronic skin ulcers are used
0521860363c23.xml CUUK327B-Fitridge & Thomson June 3, 2006 8:24

338 Mechanisms of vascular diseases

to analyse the molecular environment of healing and Ratio of MMP9 (pro+act) to TIMP-1 in wound fluids
chronic wounds. From these studies, several important by clinical response group

concepts have emerged from the molecular analyses of 180

MMP9: TIMP-1 (ng/mL)

acute and chronic wound environments. 160
The first major concept to emerge from analysis 120
MMP9:TIMP-1 in good
of wound fluids is that the molecular environments of 100 MMP9:TIMP-1 in poor
80 healers
chronic wounds have reduced mitogenic activity com- MMP9:TIMP-1 in
intermediate healers
pared to the environments of acute wounds [4]. Fluids 40
collected from acute mastectomy wounds when added to 20
cultures of normal human skin fibroblasts, keratinocytes Day 0 Day 10 Day 36
or vascular endothelial cells, consistently stimulated Time course
DNA synthesis of the cultured cells. In contrast, addi-
tion of fluids collected from chronic leg ulcers typically Fig. 23.6. Low protease/inhibitor ratios correlate with healing.
Low values of the MMP9/TIMP-1 ratio in wound fluids from
did not stimulate DNA synthesis of the cells in cul-
patients with chronic pressure ulcers correlate with healing of
ture. Also, when acute and chronic wound fluids were
chronic pressure ulcers over 36 days of treatment. This supports
combined the mitotic activity of acute wound fluids the concept that high protease/inhibitor ratios prevent healing of
was inhibited. Similar results were reported by several chronic wounds.
groups of investigators who also found that acute wound
fluids promoted DNA synthesis while chronic wound
fluids did not stimulate cell proliferation [18; 19; 20]. eral MMP substrate, azocoll, was low (0.75 μg colla-
The second major concept to emerge from wound genase equivalents/ml, n = 20) with a range of 0.1 to
fluid analysis is the elevated levels of pro-inflammatory 1.3 μg collagenase equivalents/ml [24]. This suggests
cytokines observed in chronic wounds as compared that protease activity is tightly controlled during the
to the molecular environment of acute wounds. The early phase of wound healing. In contrast, the average
ratios of two key inflammatory cytokines, TNFα and level of protease activity in chronic wound fluids (87
IL-1β, and their natural inhibitors, P55 and IL-1 μg collagenase equivalents/ml, n = 32) was approxi-
receptor antagonist, in mastectomy fluids were sig- mately 116-fold higher (p < 0.05) than in mastectomy
nificantly higher in mastectomy wound fluids than in fluids. Also, the range of protease activity in chronic
chronic wound fluids (Figure 23.3). Trengove and col- wound fluids is rather large (from 1 to 584 μg colla-
leagues also reported high levels of the inflammatory genase equivalents/ml). More importantly, the levels
cytokines IL-1, IL-6 and TNFα in fluids collected from of protease activity decrease in chronic venous ulcers
venous ulcers of patients admitted to the hospital [21]. two weeks after the ulcers begin to heal [24]. Yager and
More importantly, levels of the cytokines significantly colleagues also found 10-fold higher levels of MMP2
decreased in fluids collected two weeks after the chronic protein, 25-fold higher levels of MMP9 protein and 10-
ulcers had begun to heal. Harris and colleagues also fold higher collagenase activity in fluids from pressure
found cytokine levels were generally higher in wound ulcers compared to surgical wound fluids, using gelatin
fluids from non-healing ulcers than healing ulcers zymography and cleavage of a radioactive collagen sub-
[20]. These data suggest that chronic wounds typically strate [25]. Other studies using immunohistochemical
have elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and localization observed elevated levels of MMPs in gran-
that the molecular environment changes to a less pro- ulation tissue of pressure ulcers, along with elevated
inflammatory cytokine environment as chronic wounds levels of neutrophil elastase and cathepsin-G [26]. Tis-
begin to heal. sue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-1 levels were
The third important concept that emerged from found to be decreased while MMP2 and MMP9 lev-
wound fluid analysis was the elevated levels of protease els were increased in fluids from chronic venous ulcers
activity in chronic wounds compared to acute wounds compared to mastectomy wound fluids [27]. Recently,
[4; 22; 23]. For example, the average level of protease Ladwig and colleagues reported that the ratio of active
activity in mastectomy fluids determined using the gen- MMP9/TIMP-1 was closely correlated with healing
0521860363c23.xml CUUK327B-Fitridge & Thomson June 3, 2006 8:24

Principles of wound healing 339

degradation of endogenous growth factors by proteases

R = 0.6537 in chronic wounds, the average immunoreactive levels
Ulcers healed (%)

of some growth factors such as EGF, TGFβ and PDGF

were found to be lower in chronic wound fluids than in
acute wound fluids. However, PDGF-AB, TGFα and
IGF-1 were not lower [32; 34].
In general, these results suggest that many chronic
wounds contain elevated MMP and neutrophil elas-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 tase activities. The physiological implications of these
Frequency of debridement
data are that elevated protease activities in some chronic
Fig. 23.7. Frequency of wound debridement correlates with wounds may directly contribute to the failure of wounds
improved healing. There was a strong correlation between the to heal. This occurs by degrading proteins which
frequency of debridement and healing of chronic diabetic foot are necessary for wound healing, such as extracellu-
ulcers. This suppors the concept that the abnormal cellular and lar matrix proteins, growth factors, their receptors and
molecular environment of chronic wounds impairs healing. protease inhibitors. Interestingly, Steed and colleagues
[35] reported that extensive debridement of diabetic foot
outcome of pressure ulcers, treated by a variety of pro- ulcers improved healing in patients treated with placebo
tocols (Figure 23.6) [28]. or with recombinant human PDGF (Figure 23.7). It is
It is interesting to note that the major collage- likely that frequent sharp debridement of diabetic ulcers
nase found in non-healing chronic pressure ulcers helps to convert the detrimental molecular environment
was MMP8, the neutrophil-derived collagenase. Thus, of a chronic wound into a pseudo-acute wound molec-
the persistent influx of neutrophils releasing MMP8 ular environment.
and elastase appears to be a major underlying mech-
anism resulting in tissue and growth factor destruction,
and thus impaired healing. This suggests that chronic
Biological differences in the response of chronic
inflammation must decrease if pressure ulcers are to
wound cells to growth factors
Other classes of proteases also appear to be elevated The biochemical analyses of healing and chronic wound
in chronic wound fluids. It has been reported that fluids fluids, and biopsies have suggested that there are impor-
from skin graft donor sites or breast surgery patients tant molecular differences in the wound environments.
contained: intact α1-antitrypsin, a potent inhibitor of However, these data only indicate half of the picture.
serine proteases; very low levels of neutrophil elastase The other essential component is the capacity of the
activity; and intact fibronectin [29]. In contrast, flu- wound cells to respond to cytokines and growth fac-
ids from the chronic venous ulcers contained degraded tors. Interesting new data are emerging suggesting that
α1-antitrypsin, as well as 10–40-fold higher levels of fibroblasts in skin ulcers which have failed to heal for
neutrophil elastase activity, and degraded fibronectin. many years, may not be capable of responding to growth
Chronic leg ulcers were found to contain elevated factors and divide as fibroblasts in healing wounds.
MMP2 and MMP9. Also fibronectin degradation in Ågren and colleagues [36] reported that fibroblasts
chronic wounds was dependent on the relative levels of from chronic venous leg ulcers grew to a lower den-
elastase, α 1 PI and α 2 macroglobulin [30; 31]. sity than fibroblasts from acute wounds from uninjured
Besides being implicated in degrading essential dermis. Also, fibroblasts from venous leg ulcers that
extracellular matrix components like fibronectin, pro- had been present more than three years, grew slowly
teases in chronic wound fluids also have been reported to and responded poorly to PDGF compared with fibrob-
degrade exogenous growth factors in vitro such as EGF, lasts from venous ulcers that had been present for less
TGFα or PDGF [1; 24; 32; 33]. In contrast, exogenous than three years. These results suggest that fibroblasts
growth factors were stable in acute surgical wound flu- in ulcers of long duration may approach senescence and
ids in vitro. Supporting this general concept of increased have a decreased response to exogenous growth factors.
0521860363c23.xml CUUK327B-Fitridge & Thomson June 3, 2006 8:24

340 Mechanisms of vascular diseases

F RO M B E N C H T O B E D S I D E ischaemia and tissue hypoxia. These wounds share

a chronic inflammatory state characterized by an
Role of endocrine hormones in the regulation of
increased number of neutrophils, macrophages and lym-
wound healing
phocytes, which produce inflammatory cytokines, such
Classical endocrine hormones are molecules that are as TNFα, IL-1 and IL-6. In vitro studies have shown
synthesized by a specialized tissue and secreted into that TNFα and IL-1 increase the expression of MMPs
the bloodstream. They are then carried to distant target and down-regulate the expression of tissue inhibitors
tissue where they interact with specific cellular recep- of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in a variety of
tor proteins and influence the expression of genes that cells, including macrophages, fibroblasts, keratinocytes
ultimately regulate the physiological actions of the tar- and endothelial cells. All MMPs are synthesized as
get cell. It has been known for decades that alterations inactive proenzymes and they are activated by prote-
in endocrine hormones can alter wound healing. Dia- olytic cleavage of the pro-MMP. Serine proteases, such
betic patients frequently develop chronic wounds due as plasmin, as well as the membrane type MMPs can
to multiple direct and indirect effects of the inadequate activate MMPs. Another serine protease, neutrophil
insulin action on wound healing. Patients receiving anti- elastase, is also present in increased concentrations in
inflammatory glucocorticoids for extended periods are chronic wounds. It is very important in directly destroy-
also at risk of developing impaired wound healing due ing extracellular matrix components and in destroy-
to the direct suppression of collagen synthesis in fibrob- ing the TIMPs, which indirectly increases the destruc-
lasts and the extended suppression of inflammatory tive activity of MMPs [4; 22; 25; 33]. Thus, the gen-
cell function. The association of oestrogen with heal- eral molecular profile that appears in various types of
ing was recently reported by Ashcroft and colleagues chronic ulcers is: (1) increased levels of inflammatory
[37] when they observed that healing of skin biopsy cytokines which leads to; (2) increased levels of pro-
sites in healthy, postmenopausal women was signifi- teases and decreased levels of protease inhibitors which;
cantly slower than in healthy premenopausal women. (3) degrade molecules that are essential for healing,
Molecular analyses of the wound sites indicated that including growth factors, their receptors and extra-
TGFβ protein and mRNA levels were dramatically cellular matrix proteins which; (4) prevents wounds
reduced in postmenopausal women in comparison to from healing normally. Nwomeh and colleagues [23]
sites from premenopausal women. However, the rate further describe this common pathway of chronic
of healing of wounds in postmenopausal women taking wounds as a self-perpetuating environment in which
oestrogen replacement therapy occurred as rapidly as in chronic inflammation produces elevated levels of reac-
premenopausal women. Furthermore, molecular anal- tive oxygen species and degradative enzymes. These
yses of wounds in postmenopausal women treated with eventually exceed their beneficial actions of destroying
oestrogen replacement therapy demonstrated elevated bacteria and debriding the wound bed, and produce des-
levels of TGFβ protein and mRNA that were similar tructive effects that help to establishs a chronic wound.
to levels in wounds from premenopausal women. Aging Based on these biochemical analyses of the molecu-
was also associated with elevated levels of MMPs and lar environment of acute and chronic human wounds, it
decreased levels of TIMPs in skin wounds, which were is possible to propose a general model of differences
reversed by oestrogen treatment [38; 39]. The beneficial between healing and chronic wounds. As shown in
effects of oestrogen on wound healing could be achieved Figure 23.8, the molecular environment of healing
with topical oestrogen and were also observed in healthy wounds promotes mitosis of cells, has low levels of
older men [40]. These data indicate the significant inter- inflammatory cytokines and proteases, and high levels
actions that can occur between endocrine hormones and of growth factors and cells capable of rapid division. In
growth factors in the regulation of wound healing. contrast, the molecular environment of chronic wounds
does not promote mitosis of cells, has elevated levels
of inflammatory cytokines and proteases, and low levels
Molecular basis of chronic non-healing wounds
of growth factors and cells that are approaching senes-
Conditions that promote chronic wounds are repeated cence [21; 24; 41]. If these general concepts are cor-
trauma, foreign bodies, pressure necrosis, infection, rect, then it may be possible to develop new treatment
0521860363c23.xml CUUK327B-Fitridge & Thomson June 3, 2006 8:24

Principles of wound healing 341

HEALING WOUNDS reverts back to the resting pattern. To further compli-

cate this process, growth factors are involved in medi-
LOW PROTEASES ating keratinocyte activation, integrin expression and
alterations in the matrix. Growth factors are able to dif-
HIGH INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES ferentially affect these processes, for example, TGFβ
SENESCENT CELLS is able to promote epithelial migration while inhibit-
ing proliferation. Although TGFβ induces the neces-
sary integrin expression for migration, the cells behind
those at the leading edge have little proliferative abil-
Fig. 23.8. Comparison of the molecular and cellular ity and so epithelial coverage of the wound is inhibited.
environments of healing and chronic wounds. Elevated levels of Some chronic wounds may be deficient in TGFβ and
cytokines and the proteases in chronic wounds reduce mitogenic its receptor [42].
activities and the response of wound cells, impairing healing.

strategies which would re-establish in chronic wounds Pressure ulcers

the balance of cytokines, growth factors, proteases, their Chronic wounds have also been demonstrated to have
natural inhibitors and competent cells found in healing elevated matrix degrading enzymes and decreased levels
wounds. of inhibitors for these enzymes. Pressure ulcers unlike
chronic venous stasis ulcers appear to have difficulty
in healing related to the impairment of extracellular
Chronic venous stasis ulcers
matrix production. Studies have indicated that neu-
Mechanisms involved in the creation and perpetua- trophil elastase present in chronic wounds can degrade
tion of chronic wounds are varied, and depend on peptide growth factors and is responsible for degrading
the individual wounds. In general, the inability of fibronectin [31; 33]. Pressure ulcers have also shown an
chronic venous stasis ulcers to heal appears to be increase in MMPs and plasminogen activators in tis-
related to impairment in wound epithelialization. The sue [26]. Chronic wound fluids demonstrate increased
wound edges show a hyperproliferative epidermis under levels of gelatinases MMP2 and MMP9 [30]. Levels of
microscopy, even though further immunohistochemi- MMP1 and MMP8 were also found to be higher in pres-
cal studies reveal optimal conditions for keratinocyte sure ulcers and venous stasis ulcers than acute healing
recruitment, proliferation and differentiation. The wounds [25]. In addition, several of the endogenous pro-
extracellular matrix and expression of integrin recep- teinase inhibitors were shown to be decreased in chronic
tors by keratinocytes that allow it to translocate, play wounds [27]. Proteinase inhibitors serve a regulatory
an important regulatory role in epithelialization. After role in matrix degradation by containing the matrix
receiving the signal to migrate, epidermal cells begin by degrading enzymes. Factors that promote MMP pro-
disassembling their attachments from basement mem- duction or activation could counteract the effectiveness
brane and neighbouring cells. They then travel over a of proteinase inhibitors, for example, the destruction
provisional matrix containing fibrinogen, fibronectin, of TIMPs by neutrophil elastase. The tissue inhibitor
vitronectin and tenascin, and stop when they encounter level to MMP ratio may indicate an imbalance which
laminin. During this process, keratinocytes produce contributes to the wound chronicity.
fibronectin and continue to do so until the epithelial
cells contact, at which time they again begin manufac-
Future concepts for the treatment
turing laminin to regenerate the basement membrane.
of chronic wounds
There is evidence that the interaction between inte-
grin receptors on keratinocytes with the extracellular Although the aetiologies and physical characteristics of
matrix transforms resting cells to a migratory phe- the various types of chronic wounds are different, there
notype. Integral in this transformation is the alter- is a common trend in their biochemical profiles. The
ation in the pattern of integrin receptors expressed. precise pattern of growth factor expression in the dif-
After epithelialization is completed, integrin expression ferent types of chronic wounds is not yet known; but it
0521860363c23.xml CUUK327B-Fitridge & Thomson June 3, 2006 8:24

342 Mechanisms of vascular diseases

Fig. 23.9. Oral doxycycline reduced inflammation in chronic reduced matrix (faint pink staining). Bottom panels show
pressure ulcer. Top panels show pressure before oral doxycycline biopsies from the same patient following doxycycline treatment.
treatment (100 mg bid, seven days). Note the large numbers of Note reduced inflammation and increased matrix (intense pink
inflammatory cells (neutrophil) around inflamed vessels and staining).

has been determined that there is generally a decreased ulcers and EGF in chronic venous stasis ulcers, have
level of growth factors and their receptors in chronic shown an improvement in healing. These findings have
wound fluids. The absolute levels of growth factors may led us to hypothesize that altering the cytokine profile
not be as important as the relative concentrations nec- of chronic wounds through the use of MMP inhibitors,
essary to replace the specific deficiencies in the tissue the addition of growth factors, and the elimination
repair processes. For the treatment of chronic wounds, of inflammatory tissue and proteases by debridement,
Robson [43] proposed that growth factor therapy be tai- would shift the wound microenvironment towards that
lored to the deficiency in the repair process. Therefore, of an acute wound and thereby improve healing.
the effectiveness of the therapy is predicted on adequate Current treatment strategies are being developed
growth factor levels and the expression of their recep- to address the deficiencies (growth factor and protease
tors, balanced against receptor degradation by proteases inhibitor levels) and excesses (MMPs, neutrophil elas-
and the binding of growth factors by macromolecules tase and serine protease levels) in the chronic wound
such as macroglobulin and albumin. microenvironment. The more specific and sophisticated
Studies that evaluated topical growth factor treat- treatments remain in the laboratory at this time, such
ment of chronic wounds, such as PDGF in diabetic foot as the new potent, synthetic inhibitors of MMPs and
0521860363c23.xml CUUK327B-Fitridge & Thomson June 3, 2006 8:24

Principles of wound healing 343

the naturally occurring protease inhibitors, TIMP-1 growth factors or inhibitors unique to the type of ulcer,
and α 1-antitrypsin, available by recombinant DNA or the use of combinations of selective inhibitors of pro-
technology. However, use of gene therapy in the treat- teases, growth factors and tissue replacements to act
ment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers is currently being synergistically to promote healing.
evaluated in a clinical trial. A phase III clinical trial As previously described, endocrine hormones, such
is underway to determine the efficacy of KGF-2 in as insulin, glucocorticoids and oestrogen, play impor-
the treatment of chronic venous stasis ulcers. The tant roles in regulating wound healing. Although there is
treatment strategy which is to add growth factor to a no current therapy that specifically addresses the molec-
chronic wound has been in place for the past several ular deficits created by type I or type II diabetes (inade-
years. Regranex®, human recombinant PDGF-BB, has quate insulin levels or insulin resistance), system insulin
been available for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers injections may improve the local wound microenviron-
and demonstrated approximately 20% improvement in ment. For patients receiving long term corticosteroids,
healing compared to controls [44]. In keeping with the the use of vitamin A seems to facilitate wound heal-
strategy to restore a deficient wound environment, der- ing. Studies are underway to determine the efficacy of
magraph® and apligrapf®, engineered tissue replace- topical oestrogen applications on skin aging.
ments, have been applied to chronic diabetic ulcers [45;
46]. Although apligrapf® is no longer available, both tis-
sue replacements have proven to be effective in selected
types of ulcers. Other approaches to the treatment of The molecular environment of chronic wounds con-
chronic wounds have been to remove the increased pro- tains elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines and pro-
tease levels. This is in part the strategy of a vacuum- teases, low levels of mitogenic activity and cells that often
assisted negative pressure wound dressing [47], and the respond poorly to growth factors compared to acute
recent development of dressings that bind and remove healing wounds. As chronic wounds begin to heal, this
MMPs from the wound fluid, such as promogran® molecular pattern shifts to one that resembles a healing
[48; 49]. wound. As more information is learned about the molec-
Another strategy is to use synthetic protease ular and cellular profiles of healing and chronic wounds,
inhibitors to decrease the activities of MMPs in the new therapies will be developed that selectively correct
wound environment. Doxycycline, a member of the the abnormal aspects of chronic wounds and promote
tetracycline family of antibiotics, is a moderately effec- healing of these costly clinical problems.
tive inhibitor of MMPs, including the TNFα convert-
ing enzyme (TACE). As shown in Figure 23.9, treatment
of a patient with chronic pressure with oral doxycy-
cline (100 mg, bid, for 7 days), improved the histolog- 1. N. T. Bennett & G. S. Schultz, Growth factors and
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