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1/1/2020 Compare Mutual Funds


Compared Funds VGT FTEC XLK IYW

Vanguard Information Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Select Sector SPDR® iShares U.S. Technology ETF
Technology Index Fund ETF Technology Index ETF Fund

Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus

Fund Category Technology Technology Technology Technology


Morningstar Rating
Above Average Above Average Average Average

Morningstar Return Above Average Above Average Average Average


Fund Price $244.85 $72.48 $91.67 $232.60

Today's Change +0.67 +0.24 +0.29 +0.54

1-Year Return +31.02% +31.03% +31.64% +29.69%

vs. selected funds Average Above Average High Below Average

Net Expense Ratio 0.10% 0.08% 0.13% 0.42%

vs. selected funds Average Below Average Above Average High

Avg. Market Cap $157.5B $150.3B $253.9B $205.2B

vs. selected funds Average Below Average High Above Average

Sales Load No Load No Load No Load No Load

  Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage
Commissions Apply Commissions Apply Commissions Apply Commissions Apply

Inception Date 01/26/2004 10/21/2013 12/16/1998 05/15/2000



Performance YTD | 1 Year | 3 Year | 5 Year

Growth of $10,000
Total Return

VGT FTEC XLK IYW Comparison:  S&P 500

The chart above represents the growth of a hypothetical investment of $10,000. The total return is not adjusted to reflect sales charges or taxes;
however it does show actual ongoing fund expenses and assumes the reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. If the returns were adjusted to include
sales charges, the quoted performance would be lower.

The performance quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an
investment will fluctuate thus an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be
lower or higher than the performance data quoted herein.

Compared Funds VGT FTEC XLK IYW

Vanguard Information Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Select Sector SPDR® iShares U.S. Technology ETF
Technology Index Fund ETF Technology Index ETF Fund

Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus

Fund Category Technology Technology Technology Technology


Morningstar Rating
Above Average Above Average Average Average… 1/4
1/1/2020 Compare Mutual Funds

Compared Funds VGT FTEC XLK IYW

Vanguard Information Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Select Sector SPDR® iShares U.S. Technology ETF
Technology Index Fund ETF Technology Index ETF Fund

Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus

YTD Return +42.94% +43.23% +43.65% +40.80%

vs. selected funds Average Above Average High Below Average

1-Month Return +5.59% +5.69% +5.37% +5.50%

vs. selected funds Above Average High Below Average Average

3-Month Return +11.00% +11.13% +11.20% +11.58%

vs. selected funds Below Average Average Above Average High

5-Year Return +18.81% +18.22% +17.62% +17.12%

vs. selected funds High Above Average Average Below Average

10-Year Return +17.67% -- +16.92% +16.32%

vs. selected funds High N/A Above Average Below Average

Since Inception +11.16% +19.66% +6.15% +4.04%

Inception Date 01/26/2004 10/21/2013 12/16/1998 05/15/2000

Click the fund symbols above to view standardized performance current to the most recent calendar quarter end, and performance current to the most recent month end.

Ratings & Risk

Risk vs. Return YTD | 1 Year | 3 Year | 5 Year


14 17
There was insufficient data to chartfor the selected time period.

The Risk vs. Return chart to the left compares the actual performance of these funds over a specified time period against their standard deviation, which
measures how much the fund's returns may have fluctuated around their mean. When a fund has a high standard deviation, its range of performance has been
very wide, indicating a greater potential for volatility, or risk.

Compared Funds VGT FTEC XLK IYW

Vanguard Information Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Select Sector SPDR® iShares U.S. Technology ETF
Technology Index Fund ETF Technology Index ETF Fund

Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus

Fund Category Technology Technology Technology Technology


Morningstar Rating
Above Average Above Average Average Average

Morningstar Risk Average Below Average Below Average Average


Morningstar Return Above Average Above Average Average Average


Standard Deviation 16.02 15.90 15.25 16.13

vs. selected funds Above Average Average Below Average High

Sharpe Ratio 1.46 1.42 1.42 1.35

vs. selected funds High Above Average Above Average Below Average

R-Squared 68.72 69.84 71.30 68.21

vs. selected funds Average Above Average High Below Average… 2/4
1/1/2020 Compare Mutual Funds

Compared Funds VGT FTEC XLK IYW

Vanguard Information Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Select Sector SPDR® iShares U.S. Technology ETF
Technology Index Fund ETF Technology Index ETF Fund

Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus

Beta 1.17 1.17 1.14 1.18

vs. selected funds Above Average Above Average Below Average High

Alpha 11.43 10.49 10.04 9.64

vs. selected funds High Above Average Average Below Average


Compared Funds VGT FTEC XLK IYW

Vanguard Information Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Select Sector SPDR® iShares U.S. Technology ETF
Technology Index Fund ETF Technology Index ETF Fund

Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus

Fund Category Technology Technology Technology Technology


Morningstar Rating
Above Average Above Average Average Average

Portfolio Turnover 5.0% 18.0% 6.0% 19.0%

vs. selected funds Below Average Above Average Average High

Asset Class
Giant Cap
Large Cap
Medium Cap
Small Cap
Micro Cap
Avg Mkt Cap: $157.5B Avg Mkt Cap: $150.3B Avg Mkt Cap: $253.9B Avg Mkt Cap: $205.2B

Sector Breakdown        
vs. selected funds Cyclical   11.1% Cyclical   11.4% Cyclical   13.2% Cyclical   0.5%
Financial Services 11.1% Financial Services 11.4% Financial 13.2% Consumer Cyclical 0.5%
Defensive   0.0% Defensive   0.0% Services Defensive   0.7%
Consumer 0.0% Consumer 0.0% Sensitive   86.8% Healthcare 0.7%
Defensive Defensive Industrials 2.6% Sensitive   98.8%
Sensitive   88.9% Sensitive   88.6% Technology 84.2% Communication 18.0%
Communication 0.3% Communication 0.3% Services
Services Services Industrials 0.2%
Industrials 2.7% Industrials 2.7% Technology 80.6%
Technology 85.8% Technology 85.6%

Top 10 Holdings AAPL 17.5% AAPL 17.5% MSFT 19.4% MSFT 17.4%
  MSFT 15.9% MSFT 15.9% AAPL 19.0% AAPL 17.0%
V 4.3% V 4.6% V 5.3% GOOG 5.9%
MA 3.8% MA 3.8% MA 4.4% GOOGL 5.9%
INTC 3.7% INTC 3.7% INTC 4.3% FB 4.5%
CSCO 2.8% CSCO 2.8% CSCO 3.2% INTC 4.1%
ADBE 2.2% ADBE 2.2% ADBE 2.5% CSCO 3.1%
CRM 2.0% CRM 2.0% CRM 2.4% ADBE 2.4%
ORCL 1.9% ORCL 1.9% NVDA 2.2% CRM 2.3%
ACN 1.9% ACN 1.9% ACN 2.1% NVDA 2.1%

Fees & Management

Cost Analysis Hypothetical example: Fees were calculated assuming an initial investment of $10,000 followed by additional reinvestments of $2,500 every year for four years
(with an estimated rate of return of 5 percent).


$125.02 (0.52%) $108.38 (0.45%) $149.96 (0.63%) $389.72 (1.65%)… 3/4
1/1/2020 Compare Mutual Funds

Compared Funds VGT FTEC XLK IYW

Vanguard Information Fidelity MSCI Information Technology Select Sector SPDR® iShares U.S. Technology ETF
Technology Index Fund ETF Technology Index ETF Fund

Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus Prospectus

Fund Category Technology Technology Technology Technology


Morningstar Rating
Above Average Above Average Average Average

Expense Ratio 0.10% 0.08% 0.13% 0.42%

vs. selected funds Average Below Average Above Average High

12b-1 Fee -- -- 0.04 --

vs. selected funds N/A N/A High N/A

Redemption Fee -- -- -- --

Sales Load No Load No Load No Load No Load

  Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage Brokerage
Commissions Apply Commissions Apply Commissions Apply Commissions Apply

Initial Minimum -- -- -- --
Initial IRA N/A N/A N/A N/A
Initial AIP N/A N/A N/A N/A

Additional Minimum -- -- -- --
Additional IRA N/A N/A N/A N/A
Additional AIP N/A N/A N/A N/A… 4/4

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