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FASCICLE XV ISSN – 1454 – 9832 - 2008



“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania

The biomechanical qualitative analysis of techniques of karate for distance
fight will provide different result from both qualitative and utility. As the
basic techniques run in the first phase, when there is no opponent, it is
possible to perform a qualitative analysis of biomechanics, to improve and
refine technical motions and gestures, to render them more efficient. As
always, this initial facility will be paid later, when we have to analyze the
free combat competition with the opponent and when the biomechanics of
karate analysis will be more complex.

Key-words: biomechanics, karate techniques, qualitative analysis

1. Classification of karate techniques from from a maximum distance allowed useful. Even
biomechanical point of view in the case of football the theoretical direction
of the attack can be infinite, but in reality, it
The techniques of karate are classified will be limited from the coxo-femoral joint
according to the kinetic chains that are running, which will provide an optimal offensive
while the purpose (attack/defense) will capacity. Even in football there is a
influence the choice of the preferential location classification of location plans and then
angles: preferred directions for the attack.
a. Medium distance: superior kinetic Fixed hip: Forward /Back direction
chains (fists and all arms (plan of vertical location)
techniques) Lateral direction-
b. Long distance: inferior kinetic Left/Right (plan of
chains (all the leg techniques). oblique location
According to this classification, it is ascending/descending)
always possible to identify the fundamental Mobile hip: Circular direction (plan
techniques, location plans and the angles of of horizontal location)
a) Medium attack distance:
The basic function of the superior 2. Biomechanical analysis of simple karate
kinetic chain consists of acting at medium techniques
distance, using “fist” (Tsuki) or “strike” (Uchi). (Kizami Tsuki, Mawashi Geri, Gyaku Tsuki,
For these techniques biomechanics have to Ura Mawashi, Geri Ashi Barai)
identify the components of the kinetic chain and
the involvement of muscles involved. 2.1 Kizami Tsuki (gap punch)
Obviously, the area that the arm can cover is To perform the analysis of technical
related to the theoretically infinite possibilities gesture would be multi-stages decay as
of arm orientations. fundamental technical karate indicates: loading,
b) Medium and short defense distance movement trajectory, impact. Run the study in a
Referring to the superior kinetic chain, static position (stationary), so can improve the
blocks are at medium and short distance, the technique in simple biomechanical conditions.
structure covers a volume of space given by the These improvements will also notice being Free
length of the arm or the whole kinetic chain Kumite.
(arm-forearm-hand). The time taken to Knowledge of biomechanics serves to
implement these techniques is quick in practice, avoid common mistakes in that reported by
but to make them effective should avoid the tradition. Taking into consideration the Kizami
direct contrast preferring to deflect the impact Tsuki (fig.2), it is made with the arm which
forces in order to avoid unnecessary damage. corresponds to the advanced leg while
c) Long attack distance maintaining raised the heel of the foot
The inferior kinetic chain is stronger backward. The basic position (fundamental) is
than the superior one (a ratio of three), totally different, run in Zenkutsu Dachi (front
therefore the karate techniques are much more stance) with the heel of the foot backlog
dangerous, also allow you to manage the combat supported on the ground. Based on the analysis

FASCICLE XV ISSN – 1454 – 9832 - 2008

of that technique, performed in the first instance advanced spreads instantaneously, without the
we can see that the exploitation of mechanical notice of loading.
push forward is much more effective. By Movement trajectory (Push): The action
analyzing the dynamics of the movement would moves the left leg (in the case of Hidari Kamae-
be produced three stages: loading, movement fight stance with leg left in front), when starting
trajectory (push), impact. is accompanied by rotational joints, while the
Loading: This phase in the action of left knee pops up allowing making a real lunge
attack is completely absent (from which derives (fig.1).
Kizami Tsuki) as the kinetic chain upper arm

Fig.1 Kamae (Fight stance) Fig.2 Kizami Tsuki

In this case we must analyze both the transferred to opponent. Also, the Seiken (front
kinetic chain superior and inferior, because the of the fist) has its effectiveness if led by the
result of Kizami Tsuki is linked by usage of middle of backbone (towards the middle finger)
drag-leg in the moment which raises the knee to and not with the carrier internal or external
push that back leg as was mentioned have the (index, ring or little finger), to safeguard any
heel of the foot raised to make the push. In trauma or fractures. The kinetic energy
essence we would have: relaxation of the arm, transferred through the middle of backbones
dragging the front leg, hip rotation joints and because of the movement of screwing arm is
push the back leg. Everything will take place translated into pressure of about 400-500
simultaneously and then conclude with a contra- Kg/cm2, this is reflected on the danger of
rotation hips that will allow the quick this technique both who punches and who
withdrawal of the arm in the initial position. So receives, and the consequences must be
there is a link between on the superior kinetic prepared opportunely.
chain and inferior kinetic chain. From
experience of athletes was found that this 2.2. Mawashi Geri (circular kick)
technique seems simple, but analyzed from a An analysis of this technique leg can be
biomechanical point of view result that was decayed in three fundamental stages similar to
quite complex for the final result. Kizami Tsuki (loading, movement trajectory,
Impact: Reminding that the impact is impact). The Mawashi Geri (fig.3) is a
considered virtual (for the control of technique technique that can be done with both legs
in sport karate), in any case as higher will be advanced or backward.
the speed as greater will be the kinetic energy

Fig.3 Mawashi Geri Fig.4 Gyaku Tsuki

Loading: Initially this technique the body will try to compensate the lifting of
provides the distribution of weight ranging from the knee with the bend in the opposite direction.
50% to 100% on the leg support, at this stage Turning from bipolar support (two feet) to

FASCICLE XV ISSN – 1454 – 9832 - 2008

univocal (one foot) when the only point of

support of the trunk on the leg is the hip witch 2.3. Gyaku Tsuki (reverse punch)
rotates around femur axis conditioning the It is a winning technique if is executed
effectiveness ok kick. with the right distance and time. Suppose the
The loading can be executed in two event of an attack of Kizami Tsuki, executed by
distinct ways: Uke (defense athlete). For a moment, he
a. Abduction of leg on the transversal completely loses the attitude of the body
plane with the gaiter bended on opening the guard when his arm is extended.
thigh and heel near the buttock; Tori ( attacker athlete) remain in its proper
b. Deflection thigh on the pelvis, attitude defensive offering to opponent a
opening it, extra-rotation of foot minimum useful surface of the target and, by
support. lowering the center of gravity , makes a kind of
Movement trajectory: in static conditions block (Nagashi Uke), extends the position (Yori
or in solitary training ,movement trajectory Ashi) and at the same time rotate the pelvis on
refer to the development of kinetic chain is transversal , stretching the arm backward and
those to pick up the leg on transversal plane perform Gyaku Tsuki (fig.4).
and then define the target (geodan-up, chudan- Analyzed in sequence and in solitary,
middle, gedan-down levels) in the second phase this technique will be developed in the
of the technique (with the stretching of leg). following order: From left guard (Hidari
Notice that the main function of the technique is Kamae), lower center of gravity - moving the
that concerns superior limb and the then femur front leg forward slightly diagonal left -
together with strips of muscle concerned (small launching arm (punch), right guard taking care
buttock, medium buttock, tensor fasciae latae, to keep the elbow close flank - left arm will be
obturator internus, piriformis). positioned to protect the face - right fist hits –
Impact: In Mawashi Geri, the impact the result: Gyaku Tsuki. Running the technique
will be with the point of foot called 'neck of the in this way will certainly have a space for
foot' (Haisoku) exactly between the 1st and 2nd action gaining increased ten to twenty
metatarsal of the foot with fingers in extension, centimeters elongation compared to Gyaku
the foot will have great speed so that is Tsuki made in the traditional way. The return
convertible into maximum kinetic energy. The after perform this technique will certainly be on
power derives from the combined attack of hip the side where the opponent cannot make any
femur as well as the support gaiter that at the immediate action.
moment of impact tend to relax (because of
momentum), then needed to keep it slightly 2.4. Ura Mawashi Geri (circular reverse kick)
inflected and finally maintain loads of the In this situation the athletes a long
muscles for greater stability and prevent distance between. Ura Mawashi (fig.5) is a very
damage to the ligaments of the knee. Also the complex technical and capable of being
condition of slight decline of this articulation, developed in several ways (fake - direction
will allow the knee and ankle an axial rotation changes - changes leg etc.). Initially, the
that will absorb the countercharge of the impact technique is expressed identical like both Mae
(if this were true), or control of technique in Geri (front kick) and Mawashi Geri (circular
sport Kumite. kick).

Fig.5 Ura Mawashi Fig.6 Ashi Barai

Loading: it always comes with the Continuing with the analysis of Ura Mawashi
decline of thigh on the pelvis. The muscles Geri ,it perform with opening of the pelvis, the
involved in this action are mainly the tensor of extra-rotation of support leg and launching
fasciae latae, iliacus, adductor, and femoral tight towards the direction of target towards the
quadriceps (front right). At this point is decided target slightly exiting back into the sagittal
to perform one of three types of kicks above. trajectory and then get to the point of impact.

FASCICLE XV ISSN – 1454 – 9832 - 2008

Movement trajectory: take for example the center of gravity of the body to move along
that of Mawashi Geri with the variant that will the transversal parallel plane to the floor. This
not affect Haisoku area (‘neck of the foot’) but biomechanical feature will get the highest
below the toes (Koshi). As mentioned earlier possible speed of movement. From this follows
the importance of technique is given by the that quick attacks and withdraws as fast must be
speed of the same loading. The muscles brought by straight trajectories, though with
involved in extension of gaiter are identified in different angles, the straight lines as the
the opening push hip, in the femoral quadriceps, shortest way and then faster to go between two
continuing with the contraction of buttock, points.
femoral biceps, semimembranous,
semitendinous, sartorius, gastrocneumus to 3.2. Usable attack target
finish with anterior tibialis, flexors of the The first important biomechanical
fingers, long and short peroneus, soleus, etc. concept to fix is what is called 'cross sections'
which in our case is the area of useful attack
2.5. Ashi Barai (swept behind the leg) target. Considering the body of athlete, the
In karate, opposite Judo and other target of a technique is the plan found on the
disciplines, the Ashi Barai (fig.6) is done larger strike surface. The maximum usable
without the use of arms, because is the attack surface is the front than the rear of the
imaginable easily. In karate the couple of body in frontal location. The correct guard
athletes is at long distance and in the second of position is the one which minimize the area of
movement is in unstable equilibrium. It's attack. At this point it is appropriate to locate
important for those who perform the technique the hips and bust a 45 degree angle to the
to apply the concept of feint and divert attention opponent position, so keep the arms in an
of opponent so that it can precede the technique optimal angle will gave more control of the
without possibility of reaction, but it is equally defense area.
important to make it with a perfect choice of
time. For example, to feint Gyaku Tsuki 3.3. Defense penetration
Geodan, Uke moves back and raises his arms in Is necessary to identify the defensive
defense, Tori shortens the distance and perform methods, in essence, means that basic
Ashi Barai when Uke remains slightly biomechanical mechanisms that are used to
unbalanced back, then close the action with prevent contacts of strikes, are essentially:
classic Gyaku Tsuki when the opponent is land. block and shifting. The first is designed to
Indeed, in Karate the only projection is not block or divert the technique of attack, the
counted, it is essential to complete the action second, who is certainly preferable is basically
with a technique. aim to bring the body out of the attack direction
that the opponent intend to perform his
3. Conclusions technique. In this case, the essential
components are as stated above: the rotation or
3.1 .Movements trajectory straight translation.
Initially the analysis is focused on
movement as biomechanics mean, which has the 3.4. Overcoming defense
purpose to vary the distance between the To overcome the defense of opponent
athletes. All movements are classified into two have used those methods which biomechanical
groups: straight and rotation. terms tend to cancel the distance between the
In combat are complex combinations of athletes hoping defensive means, identifying the
basic movements so during moment of special so-called dead corners where you can exploit
movement is necessary a very careful control of the speed of the blow that penetrate the defense,
the equilibrium dynamic adjusting the through combinations, fake or use neutral
percentage of the weight burden on hind leg or trajectory with the aim of misleading the ability
foreleg. In this way is possible to perform fast opponent reactive.
and sudden changes of direction during the
execution of the technique. In the Karate References
competitions has been an evolution in favor of 1. Kanazawa ,H., Kumite Kyohan, Shotokan
Karate International, 1985
moving in line (forward-back) pursuing some 2. Ingber Lester, Karate Kinematics and
fundamental objectives: to fool the opponent Dynamics, Unique Publications, 1981.
defense opponent, put in a position of 'safety' 3. Stull, R.A. & Barham, J.N., An analysis of
after the attack, or in optimal condition for movement patterns utilized by different
karate styles in the karate reverse punch in
counterattack. Another important factor to front stance, Biomechanics in Sports VI,1988
optimize the best movement time is make 4. Wilk, S.R, McNair ,R.E. & Feld, M.S. , The
rotations and shifts in speed so effective thus physics of Karate, American Journal of
Physics, 1983

FASCICLE XV ISSN – 1454 – 9832 - 2008

Mots-clés : biomécanique, techniques de karaté,

Résumé :
L'analyse qualitative biomécanique des Rezumat:
techniques du karaté pour le combat de distance Analiza biomecanica calitativa a tehnicilor
fournira le résultat différent de qualitatif et de utilizate in karate pentru lupta la distanta,
service. Car les techniques de base fonctionnent furnizeaza rezultate diferite din punct de vedere
dans la première phase, quand il n'y a aucun calitativ si al utilitatii. Scopul analizei
adversaire, il est possible d'exécuter une calitative este acela de a imbunatati miscarile
analyse qualitative de la biomécanique, si loviturile de karate pentru o eficienta sporita.
d'améliorer et raffiner des mouvements et des Analiza calitativa din punct de vedere
gestes techniques, pour les rendre plus biomecanic este mai usoara pentru lupta fara
efficaces. En tant que toujours, ce premier adversar, dar se complica foarte mult atunci
service sera payé plus tard, quand nous devons cand se analizeaza tehnicile de lupta cu
analyser la concurrence libre de combat avec adversar.
l'adversaire et quand la biomécanique de
l'analyse de karaté sera plus complexe. Cuvinte cheie: biomecanica, tehnici de karate,
analiza calitativa


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