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Moodle Introduction

Pictorial OER created for FDP

Courseware creation using Moodle for outcome based education
(with CO-PO attainment as per NAAC/ NBA perspective)
Dr. Naim. R. Kidwai
Professor, Deptt. of ECE
Integral University, Lucknow

FDP on "courseware creation using Moodle for OBE" at IU

7/4/2019 1
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
21 Century Education

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,
but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
—Alvin Toffler in the book “Future shock”

FDP on "courseware creation using Moodle for OBE" at IU

7/4/2019 2
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
21 Century Education: Skills
3 R’s 7 C’s

• Reading • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

• WRiting • Creativity and Innovation

• ARithmatic • Collaboration, Teamwork and leadership

• Cross cultural Understanding
• Communication and Media Fluency
• Computing and ICT Fluency
• Career and Learning Self Reliance
Ref: Book by Trilling and Fadel (2009)

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7/4/2019 3
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
Education 4.0
In last 250 years Society has undergone 4 industrial revolutions that has changed the
workforce skill requirement
1.0 1780: Invention of Steam Engine
2.0 1900: Production line
3.0 1970: Invention of Computers
4.0 2000: Internet and networks

To align with Industry 4.0 requirements, Education has to transform

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7/4/2019 4
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
Education 4.0
Trends related to Education 4.0 (Fisk, 2017)

• Any where any time learning (24x7)

• Self paced learning
• Flexible pedagogy
• Collaborative learning
• Hands on learning
• Data interpretation skills as Data analysis is done by computers
• Formative assessment
• Flexible curriculum
• Teachers change to facilitator

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Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
E-learning and Learning Management System
Trends related to Education 4.0 is well served by e learning

• Any where any time learning (24x7)

• Self paced learning
• Flexible pedagogy
• Collaborative learning
• Hands on learning
• Formative assessment
• Teachers becomes facilitator

A LMS platform supports e-learning and its administration

Moodle is an open source platform (used by IIT Bombay for its MooC offerings)
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7/4/2019 6
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
• An open source application software developed in PHP under General Public
License (GPL)
• A platform for interactive online learning courses.
• Developed by Martin Dougiamas, with ‘social constructionist’ principles in mind
with first version launched in 2002.
• Moodle is accronym of : Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
• Due to its modular structure, Moodle is
• Versatile
• supports a lot of useful function
• customization Moodle icon:

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7/4/2019 7
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
Moodle facilitates
• Course management and acessment
• Online colloboration and discussion
• Repository for learning content, and online courses.
• ‘in the pocket’ and ‘on the fly’ learning using smartphone
• Blended learning and flipped class room concept
Moodle supports both
• Synchronous, colloborative, Scheduled courses
• Self paced learning courses

FDP on "courseware creation using Moodle for OBE" at IU

7/4/2019 8
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
Why Moodle is a learning Management system (LMS)?

Referring to Wikipedia definition, LMS is a software application for the

• administration,
• documentation,
• tracking,
• reporting
• delivery
of educational or training programs


Moodle supports all the features of learning management system (LMS)

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7/4/2019 9
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
Moodle Features
Moodle, is a Learning Management Software, using which teacher and learners can
communicate especially in out of classroom scenario.
• 24/7 access
• Communication tools
• Student Colloboration
• Discussion forum: Teacher/learner interaction and learner/learner interaction
• Learning resources repository
• Acessment tools
• Reports

FDP on "courseware creation using Moodle for OBE" at IU

7/4/2019 10
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
Moodle Features
• Acessment tools • Gamification
• MCQ- Single Answer • Snake and Ladder
• MCQ- Multiple answer • Word puzzle
• True/ False • Crossword
• Fill in the blanks • Millionaire
• Drag and Drop • Sudoko
• Matching • Colloboration & Feedback
• Short answer • Discussion Forum
• Essay type • Feedback
• Calculated MCQ (different numerical value for each) • Survey
• Video/ Audio/GIF quiz • Questionaire

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7/4/2019 11
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,
Why Moodle
Todays students are Todays Teachers are
Digital natives (21st century generation) Digital Immigrants (20th century generation)
Technology oriented Adapting Technology
Play oriented Work in linear fashion
Prefer graphics Prefer reading texts
Expect Twitch speed and random aceess Used to learn and solve in standalone mode

There exist a technology gap between students and teachers

Moodle acts as a bridge to this technology gap

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7/4/2019 12
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,

Free Moodle sites

• Limited to 50 users
• Unlimited (ad based)

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7/4/2019 13
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,


FDP on "courseware creation using Moodle for OBE" at IU

7/4/2019 14
Lucknow by Dr Naim R Kidwai, I.U., Lucknow,

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