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HUM – 7 Acadians & the Battle of the Plains of Abraham Quiz

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Part 1: Matching – Write the letter of

the descriptions beside the term.

A) Man in charge of expelling the


B) French General during the Battle on

the Plains of Abraham. ____ 1. Acadian

C) Leader of the British army during the ____ 2. Governor Lawrence

Battle on the Plains of Abraham.
____ 3. Cajuns
D) The name of the war fought by the
British and the French over control of ____ 4. James Wolfe
New France
____ 5. Marquis de
E) Forcing people away from their home Montcalm
and country by order of authority.
____ 6. Superpower
F) Descendants from the Acadians who
settled in New Orleans, Louisiana. ____ 7. Francophone

G) A person for whom French is the first ____ 8. Acadia

language used and still in use.
____ 9. Seven Years’ War
H) A country that is more powerful than
almost all other countries. ____ 10. Deportation

I) A Francophone citizen of Acadia.

J) Before Nova Scotia was renamed by

the British, it was called this.


Part 2: Multiple Choice – Read the following questions carefully and circle the answer
that best fits.

1. Why did Governor Lawrence believe the British would not be safe with the Acadians
living among them?
a) British troops captured a fort with 300 armed Acadians defending it
b) Acadians had started stealing food from British farms
c) There was a history of violent attacks on British courthouses
d) He did not understand French so he thought they were always plotting against

2. The Acadians were finally deported from their homes because

a) the Governor was dumped by the daughter of a prominent Acadian
b) they would not stop speaking French
c) they started a rebellion against the British
d) they refused to take an oath swearing their loyalty to the British

3.  What was the main cause of the 13 Colonies/Britain to start war with New France?
a) They were enemies of France
b) They wanted to stop New France from having slaves
c) They wanted control of the Ohio River Valley and fur trading resources
d) None of the above

4.  Acadia in the 1600s was

a) A French settlement, including some territories of the modern day Maritimes.
b) An English settlement, including portions of Newfoundland.
c) A French settlement now called Quebec
d) A French settlement in the Ohio River basin.

5.  When the British conquered New France, they discovered that all of its inhabitants
were of the same religion. This religion was:
a) Baptist
b) Protestant
c) Anglican
d) Roman Catholic

6. During the battle on the Plains of Abraham, Major-General James Wolfe thought his
troops could win if:
a) The French troops did not leave the fortress of Quebec
b) The British waited until winter to attack
c) The French troops could be drawn out of the Fortress of Quebec
d) The First Nations groups joined the battle

7. The Battle on the Plains of Abraham lasted 15 minutes. What happened in the end?
a) The French lost the fortress to the British but both Montcalm and Wolfe were
b) The French held off the British and killed Wolfe
c) The British won control of Quebec but their leader Montcalm was killed.
d) The French won control of Quebec but their leader Montcalm was killed.

8.  The Battle of the Plains of Abraham is considered a major turning point in Canadian
history. This is because
a) France now had control of the entire region.
b) Britain was now in control and New France was no longer.
c) It was the bloodiest battle on Canadian soil.
d) The French and British both lost in the battle.

9. Which of the following is a weakness of the British in the 1700s?

a) Depended on England for supplies
b) Had the least powerful navy in Europe
c) Had no First Nations allies
d) Army is not used to fighting in forest warfare

10. Which of the following is not a French strength in the 1700s?

a) Possessed strong fortresses at Louisbourg and Quebec
b) Had a vast territory in North America
c) Many First Nations allies
d) All of the above

11. Control of New France was an issue for Britain. Their desire to control all of North
America depended upon first attacking and controlling what key territory?
a) The Fortress at Louisbourg
b) The Fortress in Quebec
c) The Louisiana Territory west of the 13 Colonies
d) Both a and b

12. Following the aftermath of Battle of the Plains of Abraham, the group of people that
historians consider as the real losers were…
a) The First Nations peoples because they helped their allies and got little to
nothing in return, plus they lost control of their lands
b) The French because they had lost possession of the 13 Colonies
c) The British because the Canadiens, the French, and the First Nations now saw
them as greedy imperialists
d) The Canadiens because they sided with the French and disagreed with the

13. The Treaty of Paris 1763 officially ended the Seven Years’ War. This treaty…
a) Forced the French to follow rules such as giving gifts of tobacco, ammunition,
and wampum to First Nations peoples
b) Announced that Paris was now the capital of France and all French people must
eat croissants
c) Gave France possession of most of North America and forced the British to
cede their territory
d) Gave England possession of most of North America and forced the French to
cede their territory

Part 3: Multiple Selection - For the following questions, select the answers you think
are correct. There might be more than one correct answer.

14. If France had won the Battle of the Plains of Abraham like they did in our re-
enactment, the Canada we live in today could have turned out to be quite different. Some
examples of what could have changed throughout history if the French won include…
a) France would have the power to rename British North America to French
North America
b) Control of the 13 Colonies would be transferred to the British
c) French would be the predominant language in Canada today
d) The British would keep control of Quebec

15. The French, the Canadien, and the Amerindians (First Nations) likely perceived the
British as…
a) Friendly allies
b) Colonizers who were trying to assimilate groups that were different from them
c) Land eaters who were hungry for gold and glory, and eager to conquer
d) Settlers who just wanted to live a peaceful life on the east coast of North

16. 18th century warfare…

a) Included muskets as the weapon of choice because they were quick to load,
effective, and had accurate aim
b) Consisted of battles that were bloody, violent, and as a result, lots of people
c) Had fights over land, resources, gold, and glory
d) Included drones, nuclear bombs, rifles, and machine guns


Part 4: True or False – Circle whether the answer is true or false.

17. In 1756, the King of France (Louis XV) declared war on England because he is
concerned that the British want to conquer New France.
a) True
b) False

18. The French were allies with the Scottish Highlanders

a) True
b) False

19. The British were allies with the First Nations

a) True
b) False

20) The Seven Years’ War happened from 1750-1777

a) True
b) False




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