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Name Rarity Description Effects Relevant Spell Crafting Reference

Elixir of Health Rare Red liquid with tiny bubbles of When drunk, it cures any disease; removed — 20 days dmg 168
501-5,000 gp light. blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned 500 gp
Lv5 or higher conditions. Lv6 or higher
Oil of Rare Cloudy gray oil. Beads form on The vial has enough oil to cover a medium or Etherealness – Can’t be perceived or affected by 20 days dmg 183
Etherealness 501-5,000 gp the outside of its vial and smaller creature; 10 minutes to apply. Creature creatures that aren’t on the Ethereal Plane. Pass 500 gp phb 238
Lv5 or higher quickly evaporate. gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 1 through objects on the original plane. Each foot of Lv6 or higher
hour. movement costs an extra foot.
Oil of Sharpness Very Rare Clear, gelatinous oil that The vial has enough oil to coat one slashing or — 200 days dmg 184
5,001-50,000 gp sparkles with tiny, ultrathin silver piercing weapon or up to 5 pieces of ammunition; 5,000 gp
Lv11 or higher shards. 1 minute to apply. The coated item has a +3 Lv11 or higher
bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 hour.
Oil of Slipperiness Uncommon Thick and heavy sticky, black The vial has enough oil to cover a medium or Freedom of Movement – Movement is unaffected 4 days dmg 184
101-500 gp unguent but flows quickly when smaller creature; 10 minutes to apply. Creature by difficult terrain, spells and magical effects. Can 100 gp phb 244
Lv1 or higher poured. gains the effect of a freedom of movement spell spend 5 feet of movement to escape from Lv3 or higher phb 246
for 8 hours. The oil can be poured on the ground nonmagical restraints.
covering a 10-foot square, creating the grease Grease – creatures in its area must succeed on a
spell effect for 8 hours. Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.
Philter of Love Uncommon Rose-hued, effervescent liquid The creature that drinks this potion will become — 4 days dmg 184
101-500 gp with an easy-to-miss bubble charmed by the next creature it sees within 10 100 gp
Lv1 or higher shaped like a heart. minutes for a duration of 1 hour. Lv3 or higher
Potion of Animal Uncommon Muddy liquid, when agitated When drunk, a creature can perform the animal Animal Friendship – convince a beast that you 4 days dmg 187
Friendship 101-500 gp bits can be seen that look like a friendship spell (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will. mean it no harm. The beast must succeed on a 100 gp phb 212
Lv1 or higher fish scale, a hummingbird Wisdom saving throw or be charmed. Effect fails if Lv3 or higher
tongue, a cat claw, or a squirrel the beast’s intelligence is 4 or higher.
Potion of Rare An eyeball bobs in this yellowish When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the Clairvoyance – create an invisible sensor within 1 20 days dmg 187
Clairvoyance 501-5,000 gp liquid but vanishes when the clairvoyance spell. mile in a familiar location or an unfamiliar location 500 gp phb 222
Lv5 or higher potion is opened. that’s obvious. The sensor remains in place and Lv6 or higher
allows seeing or hearing. An action can be used to
switch between seeing and hearing.
Potion of Common Separated into brown, silver When drunk, a creature gains a climbing speed — 2 days dmg 187
Climbing 50-100 gp and gray layers. The layers equivalent to its walking speed for 1 hour and 50 gp
Lv1 or higher won’t mix when shaken. gains advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks Lv3 or higher
made to climb.
Potion of Rare The red in the potions liquid When drunk, a creature gains the “reduce” effect Reduce – Size is halved in all dimensions and 20 days Dmg 187
Diminution 501-5,000 gp continuously contracts to a tiny of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no weight is reduced to one-eighth of normal. 500 gp phb 237
Lv5 or higher bead and then expands to fill concentration required). Decrease one size category. Creature has a Lv6 or higher
the container. Shaking the disadvantage on Strength checks and saving
bottle does not interrupt this throws and weapons deal 1d4 less damage.
Potion of Fire Uncommon Orange, flickering liquid that When drunk, a creature can use its bonus action — 4 days dmg 187
Breath 101-500 gp emits smoke. to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet. The target 100 gp
Lv1 or higher must take 4d6 fire damage or succeed on a DC Lv3 or higher
13 Dexterity saving throw to halve the damage.
The effect ends after exhaling fire 3 times, or after
1 hour.
Potion of Flying Very Rare Clear liquid that floats to the When drunk, a creature gains a flying speed — 200 days dmg 187
5,001-50,000 gp top of its container, full of equal to its walking speed for 1 hour. 5,000 gp
Lv11 or higher cloudy, white impurities. Lv11 or higher
Potion of Rare Fog-like but pours like water. When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the Gaseous Form – Transform into a misty cloud with a 20 days dmg 187
Gaseous Form 501-5,000 gp gaseous form spell for 1 hour (no concentration flying speed of 10 feet and resistance to 500 gp phb 244
Lv5 or higher required). nonmagical damage and advantage on Strength, Lv6 or higher
Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. Can
occupy another creature’s space and pass
through small spaces. Can’t cast spells, attack, talk
or manipulate objects.
Potion of Hill Uncommon Transparent liquid with the When drunk, a creature’s Strength score is — 4 days dmg 187
Giant Strength 101-500 gp fingernail of a hill giant. increased to 21 for 1 hour. 100 gp
Lv1 or higher Lv3 or higher
Potion of Frost Rare Transparent liquid with the When drunk, a creature’s Strength score is — 20 days dmg 187
Giant Strength 501-5,000 gp fingernail of a frost giant. increased to 23 for 1 hour. 500 gp
Lv5 or higher Lv6 or higher
Name Rarity Description Effects Relevant Spell Crafting Reference
Potion of Stone Rare Transparent liquid with the When drunk, a creature’s Strength score is — 20 days dmg 187
Giant Strength 501-5,000 gp fingernail of a stone giant. increased to 23 for 1 hour. 500 gp
Lv5 or higher Lv6 or higher
Potion of Fire Rare Transparent liquid with the When drunk, a creature’s Strength score is — 20 days dmg 187
Giant Strength 501-5,000 gp fingernail of a fire giant. increased to 25 for 1 hour. 500 gp
Lv5 or higher Lv6 or higher
Potion of Cloud Very Rare Transparent liquid with the When drunk, a creature’s Strength score is — 200 days dmg 187
Giant Strength 5,001-50,000 gp fingernail of a cloud giant. increased to 27 for 1 hour. 5,000 gp
Lv11 or higher Lv11 or higher
Potion of Storm Legendary Transparent liquid with the When drunk, a creature’s Strength score is — 2000 days dmg 187
Giant Strength 50,001+ gp fingernail of a storm giant. increased to 29 for 1 hour. 50,000 gp
Lv17 or higher Lv17 or higher
Potion of Growth Uncommon The red in the liquid When drunk, a creature gains the “enlarge” Enlarge – Size doubles in all dimensions and weight 4 days dmg 187
101-500 gp continuously expands from a effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours is multiplied by eight. Increase one size category. 100 gp phb 237
Lv1 or higher tiny bead to color the clear (no concentration required). Creature has advantage on Strength checks and Lv3 or higher
liquid around it then contracts. saving throws and weapons deal an extra 1d4
Shaking the bottle won’t damage.
interrupt this process.
Potion of Healing Common Red liquid that glimmers when When drunk, a creature regains 2d4 + 2 HP. — 2 days dmg 187
50-100 gp agitated. 50 gp
Lv1 or higher Lv3 or higher
Potion of Greater Uncommon Red liquid that glimmers when When drunk, a creature regains 4d4 + 4 HP. — 4 days dmg 187
Healing 101-500 gp agitated. 100 gp
Lv1 or higher Lv3 or higher
Potion of Superior Rare Red liquid that glimmers when When drunk, a creature regains 8d4 + 8 HP. — 20 days dmg 187
Healing 501-5,000 gp agitated. 500 gp
Lv5 or higher Lv6 or higher
Potion of Very Rare Red liquid that glimmers when When drunk, a creature regains 10d4 + 20 HP. — 200 days dmg 187
Supreme Healing 5,001-50,000 gp agitated. 5,000 gp
Lv11 or higher Lv11 or higher
Potion of Heroism Rare Blue, steaming and bubbling When drunk, a creature gains 10 temporary HP Bless – Bless three creatures within range. For the 20 days dmg 188
501-5,000 gp potion. that last for 1 hour as well as the effects of the duration of the effect, when a blessed creature 500 gp phb 219
Lv5 or higher bless spell (no concentration required) for the makes an attack roll or saving throw they can add Lv6 or higher
same duration. a d4 to the number rolled.
Potion of Very Rare The container looks empty but When drunk, a creature becomes invisible for 1 — 200 days dmg 188
Invisibility 5,001-50,000 gp feels like it holds liquid. hour along with anything it’s carrying or wearing. 5,000 gp
Lv11 or higher The effect ends early if the creature makes an Lv11 or higher
attack or casts a spell.
Potion of Rare Syrupy metallic liquid. When drunk, a creature gains resistance to all — 20 days dmg 188
Invulnerability 501-5,000 gp damage for 1 minute. 500 gp
Lv5 or higher Lv6 or higher
Potion of Very Rare Amber liquid with a scorpion’s When drunk, a creature’s physical age is reduced — 200 days dmg 188
Longevity 5,001-50,000 gp tail, an adder’s fang, a dead by 1d6 + 6 years, to a minimum of 13 years. Each 5,000 gp
Lv11 or higher spider and a tiny beating heart subsequent time a creature drinks this potion, Lv11 or higher
floating in it. These ingredients there is 10% cumulative chance that it will instead
vanish when the potion is age 1d6 +6 years.
Potion of Mind Rare Dense, purple liquid with a When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the Detect Thoughts – Read the thoughts of any 20 days dmg 188
Reading 501-5,000 gp floating pink cloud. detect thoughts spell (save DC 13). creature you can see within 30 feet. The creature 500 gp phb 231
Lv5 or higher must speak a language and have an Intelligence Lv6 or higher
of 4 or higher to be affected. Initially, only surface
thoughts are learned, but on subsequent turns the
spell can probe deeper into the creature’s mind or
be shifted to another creature. To prevent deeper
probes, the target must make a Wisdom saving
throw. The spell can also be used to detect the
presence of thinking creatures you can’t see within
30 feet.
Name Rarity Description Effects Relevant Spell Crafting Reference
Potion of Poison Uncommon Looks, smells and tastes like a An identify spell will reveal its true nature. When Identify – Learn the properties of one object. The 4 days dmg 188
101-500 gp potion of healing: Red liquid drunk, a creature takes 3d6 poison damage and object must be touched. 100 gp phb 252
Lv1 or higher that glimmers when agitated. must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving Lv3 or higher
throw or be poisoned. If poisoned, the creature
takes 3d6 poison damage at the start of each of
its turns until the effect is ended. The creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns. On a successful save, the damage on each
subsequent turn is decreased by 1d6 until it hits 0.
Potion of Uncommon — A potion that when drunk, grants a creature — 4 days dmg 188
Resistance 101-500 gp resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour. The 100 gp
Lv1 or higher DM chooses the damage type. Lv3 or higher
Potion of Speed Very Rare Yellow fluid, streaked with When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the Haste – Speed is doubled. Additionally a +2 bonus 200 days dmg 188
5,001-50,000 gp black. It swirls on its own. haste spell for 1 minute (no concentration to AC, advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and 5,000 gp
Lv11 or higher required). an additional action per turn is gained. The extra Lv11 or higher
action can only be used to Attack, Dash,
Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object. When the
effects end, they can’t move or take actions until
after their next turn.
Potion of Vitality Very Rare Crimson liquid that pulses like a Crimson liquid that pulses like a heartbeat with — 200 days dmg 188
5,001-50,000 gp heartbeat with dull light. dull light. When drunk, a creature’s exhaustion is 5,000 gp
Lv11 or higher removed and any diseases or poison effects are Lv11 or higher
cured. For the next 24 hours, the creature regains
the maximum number of HP for any Hit Die spent.
Potion of Water Uncommon Cloudy green fluid that smells When drunk, a creature can breathe underwater — 4 days dmg 188
Breathing 101-500 gp like the sea and has a jellyfish- for 1 hour. 100 gp
Lv1 or higher like bubble. Lv3 or higher

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