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Site condition and approach

Existing trees 74

Site condition and approach Design stratergy

Untouched 65

Cutting down 5

Transplating 4

Proposed vegetation 300

Total 369

Cut down


Proposed trees

Existing trees
Proposed Physical
Design requirement Maintenance Growth Family name/species/ common name
Vegetation Characteristics

Pollution control
Dense Little 8-10'
Visual screening Oleander, Golden dewdrop ,Duranta
Dense Little
Noise barrier Bouganvillea, Duranta plumieri, Duranta plumieri varigata, Duranta goldeana, Murraya etc.
Climbers Little Organic
Spread on boundary wall Bougainvillea species

Trees Medium Little 6m-10m

Ecological value Caesalpinia, Lagerstromia throreli, Melia azadirach, Plumeria accmnata, Saraca Inidica, Tabeulia spectabilis.

Dwarf Little 3m-5m

Albizia lebbek, Bisantha, Bixca orellana, Brownera grande eps, Crodia sebestena. Wevthrnia blackein Parkinsonia acuminata,
Asthetic value Plumeria rubra.

Scented flowers Little

Anthocephilus cadamba, Alstonia scholaris, Cananqium odoratum Michelia champaca, Mimusopselengi, Dillenia indica,
Visual & Other Sensory Gardenia latifolia, Custravia augusta, Magnolia grandiflora, Nyctanthes arbortristis.

Noise reduction Little Terminalia Arjuna, Alstonia scholaris, Azadirachta Indica, Butea Monosperma, Mangifer Indica, Madhuca Indica, Juniperus
Peripheral chinesis, Eucalyptus Citradora, Kigelia pinnata

Oval shaped Little

Around walkways and roadway Populus alba, Albizzia julibrissin, Crataeqs cerusoalli Cornus sp., Betula pendula Cassia fistula

They frame the views and structure in Columnar Little

the landscape setting . Juniperus chinensis, Betula pendula, Quercus robustaj Eucalyptus robusta, polyelthia pendula.

Flowering trees to create a language in „„Red Little

different outdoor zones „„Bombax ceiba, Amberstia nobilis, Cassia marginata
White Little
Alstonia scholaris, Baiiasea minor, Magnolia pterocarpa Milingtonia horternsis and plumeria acurmnaata.

Scarlet Little

Barningtonia monandra, Cassia pavarnica Crennigena, Kelnbovia hospita.

Indoor Plants removing Formaldehyde and other Medium

VOC’s (volatile chemicals) in the air. Money plant,

removes CO2 and converts it into
oxygen Areca palm
converts CO2 into oxygen at night Mother-in-law’s Tongue
Existing tress on this site are an asset to the environmental aspects of the city. Study of
developments around the chosen site points that a lot of old trees were chopped for erection of
new structures. Hence, dealing with vegetation on this site requires sensitive approach.

Benefits of existing and proposed vegetation for a public project:

Effect of Plants :

Plant leaves function as efficient gas exchange systems. Their internal structure allows rapid
diffusion of water-soluble gases. These characteristics allow the plant to respire and
photosynthesize, and they can also remove pollution from the air. Some of the beneficial results of
plantations may be:

(a) They are good absorbers of sulphur dioxide.

(b) Parks with trees have an SO2 level lower than city streets.

(c) Roadside hedges can reduce traffic generated air borne lead, on leeward side.

(d) Heavy roadside planting in the form of shelterbelts can result in a reduction in airborne lead.

(e) Complete dust interception can be achieved by a 30m belt of trees. Even a single row of trees
may bring about 25% reduction in airborne particulate.

Health Value : There is mounting evidence that stress and noise have an impact on our physical and
psychological health. Trees and vegetation can affect our mood and help relieve stress.

Economic Value : Trees are a major economic asset to a community, building a positive community
image which is a key factor in attracting residents, businesses, and visitors alike. The attractively
tree-lined public areas are more desirable than those areas without trees. The landscaped areas
enjoy higher occupancy and rental/lease rates than identical properties that lack landscaping.

Shelter : The shade of trees is welcomed by man and beast alike, providing essential shelter in the
hottest climate

Ecological Value : Plants provide significant values to all sectors of natural environment in cities. The
loss of vegetation cover adversely affects the soil, Air & Water balance


Air Quality

Lower Heating and Cooling Costs

Reduced noise pollution

Surface runoff
Refrence for transplanting process
Transplanting is done when there is enough moisture in the soil. Hence, monsoon is the right time as
there is enough moisture in the soil

Transplanting Procedure

 Plant should be bodily lifted with as many roots as possible and taken to the new position
immediately. Ball of earth surrounding the root should be also be lifted. „ Cover the root ball
with damp material which will retain moisture (burlap, peat moss, canvas, plastic, etc.) until
 Plastic should only be used in shaded areas for less than a day or heat injury and/ or root
suffocation may occur. When a tree or shrub is stored, it should be protected from direct
sunlight, winds, and temperature extremes. If any woody plants cannot be planted for more
than a week, their roots should be covered with a match or moist soil and the plants should
be placed in a shades area. In all cases root systems should be allowed to dry out. Dry roots
can severely decrease the potential for transplant success. „ Roots should not be injured. It
must be cut so that the amount of water absorbed in the new site can be checked.
 There is a change in the environment, thus more amount of water might create problems. „
If the earth breaks away from the root area, it must be smeared with clay, cowdung and
 The entire plant is then placed within the pit and fine soil can be added. Finally good soil will
cover up the root. The replanting is to be done to the same depth as was at the old location.
„ Broken limbs should be removed and leaf area to be removed and leaf area to be reduced
to check evapo-transpiration. At the same time branches have to be cut back.

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