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How to Transport SAP Query(User Group Infoset and Query) to Quality System


1. Go to SQ02 .

Select Environment -> Query Areas..

Select Standard Area (Client specific)

(If Query does not exist in Standard Area then You will have to copy that Query From Global Area to Standard

For Coping Query From Global To standard first select that query from list.

2)Now select Environment-> Transports

3)In next screen select Copy Global to standard radio button.

Check Overwriting allowed (only with import/upload/copy)

Remove Check for Test Run

Select Transport InfoSets and queries radio button

Fill Infoset and Query with corresponding names.

4)Now Press Execute button.Copy Log will be displayed.

Now Query exist in Global & Standard Area.

5) Go to SQ02 .

Select Environment -> Query Areas..

Select Standard Area (Client specific)

Select Infoset from list.

6) Select Environment -> Transports

7)Select Download radio button

Check Overwriting allowed (only with import/upload/copy)

Remove Check for Test Run

Select Transport InfoSets and queries radio button

Fill Infoset and Query with corresponding names.

8) Click on Execute button

Now It will ask you to save it.

Now Open another system where you want to make copy of that infoset.

In the same way transport the User Groups using the Transport User GRoups radio button.

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1. Go to SQ02 .

Select Environment -> Query Areas

Select Standard Area (Client specific)

2. Select Environment -> Transports

3)Select Upload radio button

Check Overwriting allowed (only with import/upload/copy)

Remove Check for Test Run

Select Transport InfoSets and queries radio button

Fill Infoset and Query with corresponding names.

4) Click on Execute button.

It will ask you for the place for uploading file.

Select that place (from where you downloaded file).

Now infoset & query is uploaded.Log will be displayed.

in the same way download the user group also.

5)Go to SQ02

Select Environment -> Query Areas

Select Standard Area (Client specific)

SQ02 -> Infoset -> Generate.

Enter Yes.

6)Go to SQ01

Select Environment -> Query Areas

Select Standard Area (Client specific)

Enter your Query Name.

7)Click on Execute button

Page 2 of 2 Feb 16, 2016 02:00:04PM MST

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