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‘BXT. GAY: CROWDED LONDON STREET { An endless etream of padeetriane cronaing the frame. ut to a shot looking through pedesttians and re fectiona Qedeutrians Gf @ YOUNG MAN Witting in the window of @ atten Shop, looking out ac the people walking past, WALE VOU! (ids) The Toliowing se ey explanation, .; well, my... nt of... well, vat happaned, The young min to tall and lim, mid to late twenties, with dark, long, groazy hair and unshaven, da cut to the young man obteide, on the stree: He in peering head a he walks, oa If trying te epot a lost Exiend. VOICE (¥sG.) (CONT'D! 1a; an, adn en my own er quite & olin by shen dp Te becons.. Jonaly.,.. A Wide shet shave, young) man amidst a bustling Oxford Berset crowd , \ wane vorce Ae 0.) [conn Dy tored, Noch: a daa you see, \ That's whan began shadowing, | i OLDER Maa YOICH 1¥.0.1 jShacowing? f Mikun voter ( Yeah, shadow! 1 ated "y spania te Eoliow ie ‘The young san cute purposefully theaugh the crowd, in @Lo~ ‘OLDER MALE VOICE (¥.0.1 who? WALA VOICE (W.0.) Anyone, a stranger, T mean that was the whole point; following sameane completely at randen. Anyche who wouldn'e iow whe you were. ‘The young man is wtaring st someone Cixedly am be moves in 310 HO. Hin POY shows ua a man's back dodylng between cther pecple, alvaym threazening to lowe um, still in SLO-Mo. \ LORE MALE VOICE (V.0.) / | Aad than / YALE VOICE (V.0.) : ‘pos then nothing. Me SAP INTD REAL TIME. Fas nana back disappears inte che erews and cease to fallow hi ‘The moi ef the city oone up loud, The young man tas come co a virtual standstill. ie anche the vorid washing around nim OLDER MALE VOICE [v.0.) Hel 2 PALE vOICH (v.0.) Nothing) 1d fotlow nomebody for a ‘while then pick somone elne and follow them of go home or whatever. A ‘The young muin's eyes\dart about, watching the people around Elm. ite eunres eo 3 own tho road) pulled gently by the Clow of pedeatriana. / MALE VOICE (V.0.1 why did you ek WoIcE (W:8.9 hinds 3/aimtati eae yo Babe othe eset Sh sand Aladin Ba f KALE WOLt 4W.0.) (Coan) bee if you let them settle cn a patagn, than chat becomes a indvidund.. . We [3x on a face, a woman hurrying along MALE WODCE jv,Q,) (CoMt seDuet. Like... THAT... SHOCK CUT en the sound of SKAPPING 7: as STRAT! tor IMT, MIGHT: Close Go Eingara in kent Sf the YOUNG MANSY fa We locke difference; hair short, clean shaven, bruised face, @ plaster cver one eya, Geated opposite iy an OLEH MAN. \ YOUNG rat It just became... ircesistibie ‘The older man considers this before replying, OLDER MAN (muspicious) Bo you fullowwd womma? vOuNg MU Tt wasn't some pex thing. F Followed apyore. Cuet Cor the wake of it, © ust te pee whore they went, what iphey tare doing. \ OLDER MAN Yoh wore playing aecror wows yours maw / nla true, buy te dike ie) / Nes awriter- 1 waft to be weiter. \I wanted to bes makeriol fcr characters. you ww, to write about thes, iil’ T did was follow in aieh. f ‘Dissenva Ter ‘EXT.DAY: A BUST STREET Ty ue WEST ED. The Toes Wut (Long hate, segee| muha 6 eas wae. ehunktoe a road. iim aye ta caught by a man ing by in Se eae iat” ieleat ie enue aia teat tall; dark baleed wiring a dark quir, We im carrying an evernight bag. f f fo younie: 2 ed tthe dangers 1oculd rell I was up egies ‘The Yous Mn turns sbout and starteto follow, speeding up $0 as nok t: sort. DARK SUIT eaves in an out of other triéna, hie bag alung Be Bla shoulder, namvy. \ ai TOUR WAM fra "Dp yeB woulda'e Jee myse tow ‘anyone f for too long. wouldn't follow\ f ire arr ark, pete ree te tition hei or bes tae ona ° \ The POUMG. MAT Follows, coming up behind DARE SUIT aa he waite a5 o croaaing. the Lignss change and they band acrumn the road, the TOUKG WAR hanglig back wlighi2y. DARK SUIT enters CHARING CROSS utation, the TOUND MAN in Purmult, DARE 6017 cromsos the statzon co the left umyigs office where be hands his bag to the attendant behlod thw counter and takes hin ticket. We heads beck out of the #tation. the ‘YOUNG MAN follews, CARE SUIT enters o uasll decrwey between two ahopa. The YOUNG MAM hanged around nearby, before walking’ up to the doe ray examining the doorbell. The belle are for fate up abow ahops, moat of the nares arc net matked. He crosses tk cond and locks up at the windows, but can'k # much t] any of them, YOUNG MAT fied ote to valk xem iat he henre « door open bekind hin and ke glances back ‘bo ane DARK SUIT ooming out. of a deorvay cartying arather overnight bag. YOUNG Han 1.0.) (CONT'D) the Wings deporkang ule say thar even’ Out whee & n workedier Lived, 1 would sever fetiow She wank pecscn twice, DARK SUIT leche abdut as ne coma cut on to the pavement and the YOUNG MAN ua fer urn back and continue te walk in the dcreceion im UNGER he wan alveady headed. When be roachen the corner, he glances back dew tke street but the street is-erpey. The PORG MAK leoku araund thowghbfully before hurrying off araind chy corper, The Youn MAN cushed tI ranring but faster then ‘The TOUNG NAN cuohea into crows fron the lee office, waiting breathless. Conmubers staan across the tation, chacuring hia viev af crowied strentm, not quite ‘ye seen him mave before. the dormer, hw ai back ddwa the screst bur the srrest 4s enpty. The Tom Looke fraund thenght fully betors hurrying off around tha corner. The YOUR: HAY cushes oh crowded atree=s, not quite runnify but faster chas We've seed hie wore before. ‘The YOURS MAN rushes into CROSS STATION and stands the YOUNG MAN ia fo! co tura/back and contiave to welk in Ene direction in whith hé was alyeady headed. When ke reaches arrose from che Isft-i ailice, waiting breathlers. Conmiters ptrean across the tation, ebscuring his view of the of fies, Through a gap in the flow of 0 the TOWNS MAM catches a slimes of OARK Si0T. The WAH moves clower, wading hrobah commtera ta get a bettas loos. ‘The YOUNG MW onew DARE EUIT ower hie ticket and pick up his firse overnight bag, DARK SUIT aldngs cre back ever each’ duc before heading ‘off through the atacion towards the hack entrance onte UWARAPORD BRIOGE. ‘The YOUNG MAM follows, rose the tbr. . sreine rumbling past on an cee’ bas wide, | oak abvhaniag hey pase through chi SOUTH SANK CHER dnd head south, entering residential strests az it gate dick. DAKE SUIT artives at a arail block of Elate and himwelf in. The YOUNG HAM seam a Hight come on ina third floor windaw. We makna a note of the addeess, turna and walhe away. FET. BAT: OUTRIDR A ALCOR OF PLATE I TUE WIE HD. The TOUMG MAL oraraa up wt the tullding, perplexed. DANE IIIT comes ont pt che baliaing, = epurtshay alung vet Rie shoulder. Ae he walke down the #treet the TOUnG MAN folicuws, the theang cf people weeking arvang thew. AME SULT dives inta # cafe. the ToUNd Hh dooms abreast of Lt and Inoke thrawyh the window. tee cate le ielativiey large and caasonably erowied) OARE S027 bam taken a tablirweas the beck, facing avay free the door. the YOU HAL Looks abcul, inkes 4 deep breath and pushes open the Oy fom Be the ete. % Tt., BAY) CARE, PIVE_OW IX TAMLES, MOETLT OCCUPIED. THO KRW HANH THE COUWPEN WARING THR FOOD, OME WAITRESS SUUREETNG SETWiEN ‘Hn TABLES. The YOUNG AN entire, Keeping an aye Ol DANE SUET*E bank, the TOUNG MAH alidee bebind « table. ATRESE Yeah? row MAR Coftes, black. marouien ‘You're galng to take lip oon of ay tables over tunch with just a coffea? ‘TORNO va Aad chips. Me iooks up at the waltiseas shove ecill there. f SOtniG HAM And an onigtta,.. pleases, ‘The WACTRISE turns dnd Leaves. the YOUNG MAN looks over to DARE SUIT. \The spars hag rests ide DARK SUrP'S fewt. DARE SUTT eats, Mw cun*t ame what, Pho waitenas bitknge the TONG HANS food. Ha\plays with It ax be sousiders DARK SUIT. ‘The FOURS WAN gulps at hin coffee, Tine paawan, the other tables changes DAIL UIT geta up, picks up bie beg ond turns aroun, eoving towards she room woe the TOUNG fu studies his half-eaten oalette lotently. yet % SARK HUITIO.S. | Mind Af ¢ feln yoo? ‘The YOUNG MAW oaks up) DANK SUIT im at his elbow, amiling. DARK BUTE alts dows without walting for a imply. DARK SUIT (matter—of-tact) ho nd wy? ‘The YouNG MAK looks confused, The WAITRESE kx ot their table. SUET (to waitrenn) Anethar black ceffee fot sb and... {ta the YOURG HAN) wor WORE te gre lags Phe YOUNG HAW shaken hie head and starts to murmur negatives, HAMM Sart cenebea ‘ayer, ploke op the YOUNG NAN'S empuy mq and ankife it, DARK SULT (te waitewem) And another eofien. Rooke Lita the sug) ses aleo blacks ‘The waltream jeaved. OARE SUIT stares at the rOows MAN who Le having trouble returning hin geen. PARE SUIT You're obviously not « policaman #0 who are you and are you followkng mut = ‘The FouNG WAN balf-amlles if be bas mot understood the qestion, then glasoes from aide to side in an attempt to louk Uncemprahending , rounc was vm sorty? DARK sure You've heen following me ali morning... why? Following? I‘m sarry say Sat F's abeolnhinipne Len Ghia you'es baukiog aboot= i DARK SUIT (aqgreosive| on't pias me about. he ak ary dt ‘The YOUNG HAH can't think of anything to say. An uncomfortable ellence broken by the waltres bringing two Notteas, HARK SUIT (to waitress, eyes etLLi on YOUna MAN) {to YOuteD man) ‘Thank. flogar’? A folloved you and cam in here- 1 cape vee Bungry- but Piwanted to see Lt it wa GAME SUT atares wt his. oes bow ie wasnee, aie a Ae gure Why didn’: you just aah me when you waw an} OUNG HAM 1 would've been enbarasned. GARE GUIT[amijing) Mot aa mabaranved as you ape pow, ‘TONG HAN Laughing nervously) Wo, E wuppose not. DAME GUIT ape at bin woffes. The YOUNO MAH follows sult. DAK SUT? Whet‘s your mane? ‘outa na ahh. ARK SUIT vl lon. ARE BUTT Wall, "BLLI"... what do you doy vor Actually, I'm kind of ‘ARK SUTT “Between jobs cight now", vou MAI ‘That's cight. ‘DARE hort jemmuld you do? ‘rout WAM T don?t know. DARE S27) enlLing) fon't be , “MLLL". Phere sust be gone burning ambitian cating ava} you. Peachaverrometiing of tbe few Late dé “tare RIND OF tT voog jan “MAM BASH No. DARE SULT WoT ‘vow MIN Wo. DARE sure Painter? ‘yoUNG Malt Mee \ name sure motos? renee. KY mo. CAME BUTT Pils? ‘YOUNG, HAN ta. pare ooyr Weiter? TOG KAM aLight pause) na. pare suit | Writers Sh? (roves aM wo. fame SUTT But you «rive? ‘roumG FINN tot really. Ceara n panies der the Youn Het 4 oan cont fut sometiaea? YouNs Ham fonetinos, who dosent? AME SORT tpaueej Ke. fo you're @ writer. ‘Youns. an Eodidn't amy that. What makes you think that I's m= welter anyway? DARE suey fa Educal unamployed yuoasthiag’ whe fiacies Massif s weleate to teal tees inte he Thomo Mell, 1'm not a writer, AIK SULT You haven't even asked my nano. TOUNG WAN What's your= ARE Or what"s in my bag, rOUNG WAN ag? au ri qeaturts at Abe foot) My bag. The own you've beet Be wtaring, at. DAME SUIT stares aeatises hy at o thought fate undecided. ene ‘FOUN a HLgbing ) What*s your name and what's in your bag? STG (h ABE SULT umiles, and reaches down for hie bag. . DARE SUIT abs My fame’s Cobb. Wake o lsok tar yourtalt- cas Pauses, then, om CORD, tee reaches forward and pulls une bay socteed they aeiee deena (and peers inaida. The YOURE MAM Inoks purried. CONN grins: deal he hag anh 9d. '0) remmging beneath thew the 00ND KA uncovers some jevelory ahd a camera, le looks up at CORM, pussled. COBH (ami Ling) What were you expecting, drugat what They're yours? COND Cimighing) Thay ace now. ‘POCMS MAM Mhy would you take thelr eld coay Masy to grab « load, many totally untraceable. A 9cod staple. Sahn lot mote tricky, far more lenidiranies TOUNT KAR You oat Louk Like w burylak. ‘coun Sound Like « compl inent. ‘Yoo YOU Kath shrugs and amilea, eipping yp the bea. tarlening broadly) intiessted on™ im i tip the stairs aud stope outalde thm door. HAN [ho haw long halt and ie unehawen) follows, babind COMD, Looking over CORB'H 4haulder ap he exaninew ‘ly os the door, After = pause he reaches into ket and turne te the TOUNG MAN, COMM whispering) 2 reaches owe and ahifte Lt wlightly, & He taps COWN ox the shoulder acd whim on it up in front of his fare. Boginner'e Luck. y COMB opans the door ahd hada Inside, the ound ya follewkng. \ (Xine,, oars mon Wanusay oF yLAn, Ho GIGes+ cou Ghey pave FILTERS THROUGH KET CUREATHE cont in firet, forvard through the Flat with the TounG BAI at’ lis shoulder, Looks Left and right into on \ ‘thoy advanow, Ahern open gently te doadde anc to lak more it he nd af the ball coum turns r 2 or G # i ® F fs \, Right, et ome ne need i f \ ‘yous MAN (wbieparing) \, A beg? * coe, ‘Po carey the etutt out af hare. Why are yoo wolepering? \ COMM passes throogh a door off to the lefts ‘, Vane, bare re on rms uxt. A titon, te ward piles of books and neatly falded clothes by the ‘wall, coma athe room te the first wardrove and opens bt, ee coma \ Thess In wardrobe} Bingo. OS a cane ee MA % a, Beat wt LL Don't you have yeu own? oh, sure; Les a big bop elth ‘veg? written across the aide, GeResss what do you 1 ‘The TOUNS HAN Looks artind and ahraqe. \ cos ‘ Hot wach in heew of any values ‘rou MAN You don't seam toc bs \ ‘There'll be oooh SAR tae tsi E don't oan ‘ do Lt (or the sonay, anyvay. ‘remmicy AB yi Bo why= cont For tha yr And becauee, Like yi, 5'i interested in ‘ YOUNG MAN raineu hin epebrove, ‘ You can tell @ lot on eo from thelr etutt. tow \ Old would you aay thawe were? \ ‘The YOUNG MAN shicage. ‘ wer yt one Laundry bag a0 t Loh make ee think hat Pa ever a ‘rou HAN But Lf they're only 20 they could have heen living together far yearn. Comm Look at the books. They're oducated- probably went te coll. ted wheo dL or 22, wouldn't ine Doan tract win they wer or leant the last year of college. Get « better idea trom their minic. CowB moves to the laundry bag, and reaches into hin pocket. lle Bulle ot a pair af Ince pantlon, hlaicy thes he % place, tio young into atutte ore ba Bauoy, eh? 1 took tham from the lant sharing a tlat. ha ont beads (Cow | vinking) Give "em something to chat about. CORB leaver the bedroom. The TOUNd MAH fellown. Rowe.;, ons run akcannt corridor carrying the bag, the TOUNG MAI CONS walks down the bohind hin, Why did you do that? (ever hie shoulder) \\ mesa tind then Ln hp trouser abd want to Know whone they are. \ me wtystill To ate be slab wg? cone aboot to feo the TOUNG BAN eo abruptly that they aimomt collide. Thace ina manic lock (n COMN'R myen, [deadly serious) ‘The hiesa. CORO turnd and from in front of hin a Hous grin break scrows his face which is hidden frow the diver t a YOUNG WAN uhakes Nie head and hoady after his, cA! Sher VWumr., DATs Or Yeu wuar, Ti TAKING Two GLASER fom raOK _ 6 A BOVTLE OF HAD WINE ON THE COUNT. Yo ‘CORM takes # corkscrev aut of the and starts te open the hottle, his hands amoeth and surgical, almost = Ln CoM [Levering tha cork ut) You'd have trouble doing this kibh your gloves en. COMM placis the corkecrey om Lis counter and pours two glassen picke of vine, handing one to the young man wha hat. OC op the corkscrey and starts to remove the tron it. ‘TOUNG MAN So are we going to take anything? \ acing the ectkscrm bach Lito the deavas) heart desires. fut 150k, that's aot the pee aie dust work. This Le what wt about aru) ‘ uw wtering someone's 1ife, finding ost #ho they ars... juet foe! (t- wtandiog Lh pomonn's Leche 5 dtr: thelr wine, someone you'l| never even Cobb jane the Se into the meck of the bottle and stlekw iY wp om tha shalt. Just 40 fe does eo there ie the wumietaheabie sound ef Tit PROWr DOOR BEING OPENED. Cobh apine around to teow the hen dear. YOUNG HAM throws hin glass down ente thet ‘ bad 5 Aner. pays me maazane or wien rexct cm Boch OPUS KM A YOUR WOMAN ENTE FOLLOWED BT A GOLDER MAN. SUR SYARTS TO TARE ‘OFT WER COAT AR SNH MEADS | ‘Ti KITCHEN. Tho man node wtands in thn ball, starting t6 remove his raincout. SHOT een, Leads, atarlr t the dot. The yaum looks tarriMed, glancing troe the beck of cobb 3 z E 5 # TOUNG MAN (tease ' Fock do- nae bas au ‘SRE | 0 il The door swings open Cobb's face traneforee into ay sipraesice of Lasacesa tag. The woman eves thaw and freases. steps forward, palms bpen. Sob 4 (ey relaxed) tow start ie agency oF are viewing ae wall? a ee ‘, Aa he speaks he has moved right up te the wasn, clase nouah that, he feel ado mtepback Lata the halt Fhe young man follows, ee fe the woman's abemeson fs ot Gaels. x Hey »% eual L ee (esse, confumed) What are Fou.doing Ln mp that? ay 1oT Oy HT. onve tom TOF THE FLAT. ‘oman comes into the ball toll Foun mah. Cobb on tion to tha alder ace che’ tense Trtven im the matt looking a8 Rervade aa the young mn. cone te the woman | Viewing Le. thw agent sald you'd be out thi afternoon, (hewitdered) nie were aot. moving, (to alder man, ‘Log woman} Sons be the wan of the hoare, You hava a lovely: The older aan nervously to the vost. The man and Cobb are beth now che doues — comm Me"l1 Leavelyou in peace, then. Mek we're pot Hoyinat opm o loch bevel lderad| Wot even at the en meant? : Or ‘The wean notiow their gloves. Cobb netiows her potleiag. £ should check with the agent) then, Lov. Sorry to have bothnred you. Cobb Leaves, closing the door in the coupje*s bewildered faces. ‘ERT., GAY: ROOFTOS. The young man comma out af 4 dosrway onto\the [lat roof, < ay mn follinded by Cobb. Cebb clare the dour bebitd him, ei Thowlay:® have come back up here. We'hd hawe eo wali ‘aden before we ga down, There's another way off Cobb sticks to Leak ardund the edged of the coot. Si essa RENE ent Sheena dink ae RE een So what did- 7 en con 1 Jumt eonfvmed them. We caught thew on the bop. roweG HAN Wem do pou mean cone ‘That bios waia"t the boyfeiand. Why do you Uhiak be ght eg ere fean Ral ad YOUNG sun You regkon? (COME Definitly. Why elee would be home from hag aenglnd siddie of ‘che af ‘afeernoon? You jowt can’t plan for khat of shit, we wore unlucky; Don't be put aff. it's gaing to happen sext tise. YOUNG RAN ita oot ae muzs. cone (offended) Gh yeah? Weil oeak time You Gan Wo the prep work, YOUNG An 7 didn mein that coma I'm nerioas. You pick a mark, check it cut\to your own aetiatection— days, mothe, years, whateverned shat’ what we"l) MLE next. HOURS Ad (thonght fully) Tesh. Yeah, alight. * a Tell you what. WOUNG AN wheat? { feel bad abowt pulling the pant: 0 roucine bloke~ abe“il give him « load of it. and ita bee thet" sorewkog around. ‘The young min Laughs, releauing tension. Fang [0 wEAcK. #, hee DOU: EWPRARCE TO A WASHER BAR ETATA ‘TAR BLOND prec a » leaking tobind herself en if Eeepictione of beiag foticved. “te geet dawn the stairs inte the whe YOUNG saw (abort hale, Elmar whiawen) = the dikrance, pouves, uncertain. Se Looky abot, then dives Le. HET,» DORE: BAMMUNEY AR /clUM, 2 aided bar, boothe anit tay! wena le. ‘The YOUNG WAN enters. The place ke set full, The BLONDE in seated at tha bar, sha watshes the YOUNG MAM coma ln, then looks away, undntercated. ‘The TOUNG MAR the eaning oo it several = Sinaia at reese, at oy ae et fye. dhe tn sbitvious to his “an Im the bartnedex [son the phone bohind the bar. ‘he YOU KAN uoeak= looks nf ‘Pex Brom wh La nz walting’ for tbe bartandne Eo hazy ap the phone. ‘sitinte pra! sone from along the bar, tut ashe Looks knboppy. sae ie baredoitar hens pike phone, ahutfias oyer and looks ‘The bartender grabi a battle from the fr! / opens Lt and sete icon ft Eee oe Cat Fe ‘The sia hae Shae bad Zelioe Ut ogeheaie #5 ih ‘YOUNG HAN who ohakes bie and eaises tha bottle to bis UL rt ng ‘the youNG wo YOUNG MAM buy yoo a drink? ‘ DLONDE (etasing abond) Yeah, bat you can't @leep with i. ‘The YOUNG MAN emilee quirtieally. TOUNG KAM thy not? telat ie sprit ag el i | nothing alee, her eapreasion hard to read, ‘vil. Lon Hew hth him, ‘She jerks her head behind them. Tha YOUNG MAN turns, smoing thee fon seated at « table acroas tha room, papurt on the table, wu ently tal] = es, tae oe SETI Pet better mete, a ‘af them young, ZONE wa eueing back Met thar beld cow! ‘ ~~ J Behl Lot you Ip eee dela ba See ariak. but mex in out af thie question, =e ae wou sna ‘ro mao CLL went 0e bey ee hearin a TOURG RAR fight aneer, the BLONDE laughs. The TOUNG MAN Sipe Erow his ‘rouns mmr Bo what's @ beautiful young woman ike you doing — tie tiie In plate Like this? ‘TORE: maB wlth = baid oid mune dike thet. Fan BLOWER Recg story. Keep your voice down, he owns thie place, ‘TOU HA Siet trying to get your attention, You're interested how aran"t you? ‘ THE RLONDR (turning’avay) The TOU KAN Le disarmed. le looks at thé label of hin beer for something to say. Wigs, Lag Na HAN 16 Blacithy Kace—tie to ey felende, ie THE MLOMDE (without Looking at bil) ‘The YOUNG MAN hin pouth, plumed off, but changes his hie std before bs apie, YOUNG WAN (noftly} You've chviovaly had a had day, one of thowe days vhich maken you feel that evarybody's cut for thelr pound of > ‘SWE MuotiC turns to look at him, her akpreamlon wotter, but wot frie mriome (alow, coamisbe wary mult Ls the kind cf dap'i've bean hacing tatoly- [THE BIONUH glanens out of the corner of her oye towards BALDY. BALDT Ie watching them. acre a ‘vouns MAU such an? Tat NUM slaps the TOUNG MAM Rard atioeu the Face. ll Toke Fer avomOE ening to her dink) FL be cutalde ten minoten, oe MAE., MGIC: TRICE TO sanju. he YOUNG RAN Is Lotteling outside. = ae comen op gat ot se aluh and walkin cowarie tha TOWN BAN ‘ithou. appear even notion bin. Wa falle ints step beaide her. ‘they Pt gpaih fer cevacal pees ‘rat oxi Live clade? b SHOT w LO Tit., SLGHT: A LIVING NOOM- BMALL BCLACTIC Mn OF erurr. Hubber last, portable toro. sank, portable stares. The bionde sircies the tros alevly, Joukleg at various Items, her overcoat till ons he young mah esters (he haw short hair and le eless shaven), barrying two Glasses. sahee ‘The blonde hasn't heard him com he ‘ati her from the doorway as aha reaches out te touch & aitting a a shouldar-high shult. As she touches dt falls ive gum pleosrs aw abe grabs at then the not young pan watching ca Hlustered) Hm worry, 1 Juit tovehed Ley tt YounG mat unt came apart in your hands. ‘THE BLONDE fio, really, it did, Se eee pe ih se eee Secsnecty ‘bvstieed pune qiaatan aot oi Se ee Jace} nt Tey Fal seeee tee seat tes ‘the young man drops the plesex into # waste papar basket. ‘The young #an unilee ae he moves inte the room. ‘young MAM 1 know, Lt wae already broken. somebody dropped it, 1 to gine It... (he gcabe two pled tt. lasts sala'en sha shel tn tele Sierey Seed LL oever yet around tn it. ‘The young man dropa the pieces into a waste paper basket. TOUNG MAN (ypester! i chabe| fats a BE EA toe at hale) Phe Blonde perches on the edge\of a chair, her cost @ it, 11 on. The young aan takes a bottle cot\of « plastic bay, opens ant ‘two Moasuren. We hande the blade a delat’ ‘ine sips at t. She looks cold. \ oun fo what abowt the bald Bhat aboot hie? ‘rouNG HAM You're goimy okt with him? iucene Wot mxactly. TOUNG Malt pet yoo aid Rie a tnaviar-of-tect) BLOND t used te have 2 thing gaing with him, but it's bawn over fat « long tine. ‘youRG HAN ho why did\you tell me you were with hime To gut rid of, you, Maw (gine) So when you douided to Wave a adrink with my why Aid ve have te come, hace? Lota te cll gots jealous, stan person, tend, ¥ relace ei i, he wa sa Taka» 0 FEL dest sn ew rf hy not? BLoHbE 1 was burgled yesterday. yOUWO MA Really? (feet ld Wy feel Ute, tu Elad your place Lone Phehig Ae oid quentLon, | Ment people ask “whet did they yours Hat Im curioas about the way people feel aboot things. ns sorea ce i dail zebohlagak 4 leak eve inh tthe papers and ausctted crap. ‘rOUMG may \, ra a weiter. (opening the qane to reveal as anclent manual typewriter) LOWER (dendpan) os. = YOUNG MAM or camo Sot TOUNG MAM Mow did Le fenl? ee (ewer ot) Great. How de you khink it felt.7 1 don"t really want to talk about it thank ‘pou, iw Jjriey 1) The young man tA a \ rooms mA ‘the ant haadille ¢ Le whieh front af the dewk, Qo ate te dain front a a TOUS HAN fo tha bald quj'e dangerous? BLONDE | Lnughiny Chriet, you're a pory nea Youne Dangerous Like how? ALONE Dangerous like criminal type, involved with had things type dangerous. ta “hat wort of bad ‘her Lown The uaual; girls, ca oun Hogarines? am And films... swe hod he owns @ couple of eluba. room: tau Woaluhy? \ wore | Yeu. And refined. It took a time to realize th ‘sort of ge which be whe cap of, your pam What gort of things? \ LOND Perhaps another time. f think I'd better be going. PACH 0 BLACK (x |? IPH., DAY) CARE ‘The YOUNG HAN Kite alabe at a table by the winicy, watching the bullding oppoaite. We hee shore hair and weark auiqlanven to hide fhe worst of his taclai Lule, but hie mwollen Lip da tall noticeshie. in front of his on the tabla are a cup of coffee, = acteook and a pen. Be wipe at the coffer. Weer, GAY! GFFICE BUTLDING- YOUNG WANS .O.¥. rnin Tum CAFE. BALDY exits the bullding and halle = taxi, ise: DAY: CAPE. ‘The TOUMG MAN opens the sotebook and writes La it, aid wos- FADS TO RIACK, a Drives, cnr seein dealin mebig natnonat ta be Riek. The young mn stands at the window, «, pom the Rereet below. he hae short hale a pao Laney tall eed. Bs picks ip the talaphove and lata » sins, eae eg a the! phon is answarwl,by «man ve aight rasogal ne — (Orme) weabr youre wan The mm... DELI. ‘com oemed What the Fock do you want? TOUnd KAN Advice, A pause, wenn. On. what? ‘vot box ‘The jab. tesa) What fucking Joh? YOUNG: aa ‘The one 1 asked you about. lov.) Wert interented, ‘TOUNG MAR (saarting) T gathered that. I'm doing it op my own, 1 wondered about, protection - \ Protetiont (ers) YOUNG MAN ae jt icine corre Ss ech one Cobh Laugh at the other end of the phone, cone fon.) zs fteel shin, mun-cbucke- they're ciright, Toole are goed; ahacpaned ecrewiriver, hammer, chisel ‘TOUS MA tamer? oom [Ooms en Yeah, medium alse, good ety. Get chee Manmer you can y dooce tach see bis 1S iam Your ealathand, you's eat The young man’ Yi distastag: '# eyes have qiaced over~ he doesn’t seem to be tovee) You #till there? ‘The young min hangs a without « word, and wer FADE TO ALAC. 2p * Piet saneamakiad ‘Coll and the young man (he has tong fimir and ie unehven) are patting on their gloves. Cobb looks at the young man's leather gloves. coms \\Why doa't you get some of thaw, for Christ's sake? ‘OURS MAN Mberw do you get thea? 4 con ara! a bow from the Middlesex Howpital, but yoo exn Cobb bende down spd checks under the doormat. He stral “ ot ds dorm et under etraightens tp Ang-tusking-go. le unlocks the door add they step cautiously Loaide. hy. BAY! INSIDE THE FLAT ME DIMLY CIT MALLMAT, Cobb proceeds slowly dave 2 Bally gushing ogee aah Unterkar Fecal germve sing Myers hing Tai stope et the Lest doors cone You find «hag, If) heck out the stage. 1 bate ‘THR LIVING ROOM. A taal room with an eolentio mix ot tuft; rubber plant, portable t.¥., desk, portable stereo. Cobb enters and elrelea Around the roy mihning hia gloved hands across the muntlepleoce, rubber plant leaves, ate.. ‘The young man! enters carrying a sparta bag. YOUNG WA Were vo qo. ‘conn \ {almoat to hinao Lf) ‘That vas quibk, We nay fot need it, (he looks at the young man) thate's fock=all here, ‘Tight on the young fan's face; ha'e really Interented. \ ‘youms Maw \ on (ourmaatioy Oh. the Aewke i os res, a around. Cobh ptevle rowhd the coon ah sieet ina aneeat tu? cab Maw etopond at suo wheivan. Haar bis shoulder be Séreaie ‘Semilestiek, oe candie La it spent secondhand. veld. Bh abe ees co ies jou san have te filets" frcking useles thy Sand iseriek Off the eiwlt and onto ane floor, 1 Seanke Es cos cone i feor. rouNS Hh Wer, wat arm ger vandals Se'bkrgtarey You're « burglar) 6o Burgi rhe a Well... what hous ie code "a? Cobb cromee to the small cd, cack. coma interested aw) Wot mith of u aclLaction, ! mm, hia aut} = (drawing aut) (flipping through od, '« very Littte hare. tod! We TD soane’ guile pettonal, Ce Wow'w that? \ conn ‘Thare's hone of the ere ‘that people play vhes thelr friends comm round, you i, ea ‘Listened to or even noticed but to Thy ead debe ts reations ‘TOUNG MAN \ Like what? cnn (glances around roam) FOP wonsone this age... I duno, maybe Simply Med or Woketamod haa; toes acl of whit. N YOOWG MAB He's 'yot good tanta? CORB owns over tip the dewk, Hash te ue on, bet be Lite. tucker with ne social The young man kaises ble eyebrows. At the desk Cobb flips open a black case ta sees Ne ancient, typewriter. Wise machine. | \worni nott Vou think he’s a writer? \ peoafting) If be wanted to write he'd have a Word processor. Me vee et ) he wants to be a writec- and that’s two... something) cee two completely alt! et ilar You checked thie aut, yoo Ha \ \ Ag te pot in) ight. wuspjeloun You watched nin ofaa and ni tls routine? YOUNG MAN | ( ive) 1 told you, 1 checked Lt out, Cobt turns to the desk and stares at it, 1s coma. ‘This guy's unemployed. YOUNG MAN Ho be dan't. emp ‘unemployed. Look at this demk, le with jobs don't vant thle Bide in their Livlag Panel ‘ {iter ne oe thie Ly unempl or a student... either way be \ ool’ be bask any Sas wevond! % TOG HAM (Concerned) \He won't. I watehed him come and qo, be‘ got a job, ae f ut What's he do, then? YOUNG MAN( Lnsietant) 1 shod Ak outs Cobb tops rummaging, turns around and glares at the young man. (nalevolent | What the fuck is thie, then? Cahb holde up « booklet. conn You should rezoqulze sal tala cookie fuckLag wb.4, ey Cobb grabs the young man and throva him against the wall. Cobb holde the man's fece with his Lett hand and slaps the booklet acroms it the other, hard. Checked Jt ott ay iit Werte te Xo get oe thrown in Cobb coleases the young gan, i i hie for a few second) bafers walking autor the th tepid ty a tae ee cae ie face before following. Par., DAT) ‘THE BALL, The youny max hurtles ater Cobb, whe\le alncit at the fone yous Maw | Aran"t wa golrg to take anything? \ We'te going now. T Pamie teal \from no-hope dole wcroungert. Ho offence, \, {to bimaele} Nous taken. opans tho front door and tucns to thoe the approaching young coma There's shothir place. One that {!we eheoked aut... Thay leave, cloeiog the door. behLad the. AOE TO BLACK ™ Op wer. nari wow OF TERRACED TomNCKiSKD ‘the young mun (with wbuet bate and alsan shaven) Initere at the bus ‘stop, watching the blonde's second-floor wlmlows. eurtolnn re eae ‘back to reveal the blonde. Whe stande at the Window. ‘The Brant dear opene and baldy steps oot. ‘The young man watches Baldy aa he walks down Lhe steps onto the Btrest and turn elght, muy from the young san. ‘the man valta for a few weounds before walling up to the _tod clinging tha Blonga!s bukser ‘the front door cliuke cant wnbookigt heads inmide. ‘ J \ 5 whe, sar rm canzwar CURSOR TIF WIERON'A VLA. the a the door ka, the door pushes Sree ee en \ rum LONE jo.e-, fem wLthiny ttle opant ‘fhm young mani enters. Paws. DAY) TUE) MALL OF A LARGE AARMOMT. NOISE GY A sHGWEA RUNING, THAN KONTO OWT OF Ali OPEN DOORMAT. The young nan down tha neil, taitlounly., Zhe blogde emmen but of a doorway bp @ bathrobe, glances at the young man ithe dlaappaare Into the bathroom before the youny wan hes o chance to reply. \ emg Make yourself ak home, I'LL be # ainute, The young ar comes down tho cortidor, Aa he cosas past the bathroom he sees that abe fae only half clowed the door = he peg teapenoh taal Ri and steam, fe goes through post doorway along. Pre. oars sue vine noon, utp SASTEFULLY ORCORATED, ALMOST CLAPPTERED - SdiOt PLOTORME! THE MALLE, LOTS OF PLAMTS. ‘The young man cones inte the room, gli around. We moves over to a mal) Mable by the wall and dovn at it. ‘There is nothing on At, he runs hie Eingace over the polished wood surtace then torne around, looking about the coon for something which be can't find. fo crospes the room and \eite down in a lacge arwchaly near the whndewe, \ Sart a ‘me bt enters, atili fx her rote, rubbing her wat hols wlth © tows! ‘TOUNe Wut \Miew place. mene Teeiit (eal he Soe (abet down pa’ the wich? hanks. fean’t atest the ‘that soma stranger vai Ls here, comaging around. Crompy- wan What'd thay take? youn ED playac, dla, atuet Like that. tock com ot ay it chy it in - the pallow pu ae that that's prmtty standard. <4 tay Yi, b ouWs Ma Must be bad ~ lowing thet stuff. Lowon jateuqatngy rasunennsLl seen tee permiunal stuff wam worm, wouNG 90uH Pusepeni eryt? Of ie Lobe They took some cf my thinge. They cLfied through my underwear. | \ etna pe Probably though®\you hapt. valuables hidden there. ‘THe BLONDE johaking her head with evident distaste) ‘They took oom of ie roobs | @hit. Why would they chat rie DLoMot eoesizs Come on, don't play the A Caen Sa = know the sort © Kinky voyeusiatlo shit men get. ap 5 ut (ohakiyig hin head) Mo. Mo, no, no...1'm not Lato that kind of... go you have oo Lnterest in Gppen’« underwear, ‘whokeowvnr? 4 TOUNG Wall 4 Ho, t'm Lnterosted In what's inside ft, that’s all. “ - n SIT = Tus Btomnie So Lf 1 offered you # pair of my pantisn, you wouldn't te remotely Lint iF TOG MAR (Fenid sot, though I'm sare they're Lovely, no you've eubarasead tot enough thea 4 ‘TaE RLONCE ’ 9) Well, they took wome. Th waist, aise, % ose of my earrings - not tha pales ‘Seat dan ee eit: Sheody sonoyag. YOUNG MAH you've jae mixplased it. Tae MLONDE Mo. | kacw when te ue — thay tech Lt: fuat to, feck jeody aumeying, they y shin fe cently clever T wear the one they Lett an ite tous KAN why? ‘THE GLOBE (a) Makes ke feel qood am! sisoral ie 2 dent: towne aioe a hing to talk about, am The blonde wighe looks over to the window. THR GDOMON tisk) Give oe a ita TPL get dewsned. goon aa she is out of the room the young mar Jumpe out of hie e Le and Lifts up the seat cushion, Looking undarrenth, ite a ane se a ba ie ob ce he chair, foal for ing. te comes up ompty handed, pusslement on tae, ceplaces the cushion, ‘The young man goes into thie hall and crosses to ahathar doorway. Same. acy mixuoanr > ‘the man pauses at the door, It le a crack and through ithe ‘eaak tha pont aah can ane Lata the Dodoo. Tire, wats ‘a metnoce / ‘The young man's POV through the cragk show ue the bldade almont drensed, buttoning torn kn fant of the mirror, ‘The young man watches for a wecond or teo than puahen the door opan quietly. ‘Tho blonde turns her baad to look at hin, apparently meneorieee ‘The young san moves tovarda her, Ghe allows him to reach cat and

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