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When I decided to leave my well-­paid corporate job to become a
Hypnotherapist in 2010, I was terrified and elated at the same time.
Many people around me said that I was crazy! But, I knew I had the
opportunity to do something that I was truly passionate about and that I
believed would bring value and positive change to my clients.

I had studied hard for my qualifications, being Master Practitioner training

with Tad James and my Diploma of Hypnotherapy at the Academy of
Hypnotic Science, and I even received the ‘Erickson Award’ (in recognition
of the high standard of written and practical work presented during the
Diploma of Hypnotherapy), as well as a myriad of other certifications. But
there was a problem! Even with this great new kit bag of skills no one
had taught me how to run a hypnotherapy practice! I assumed the clients
would just come to me as soon as I decided that I was ready.

They didn’t.

Escaping the ‘Corporate World’ now seemed like an unattainable dream.

I was determined to start making my business a success so I could make
the difference I had trained so hard for.

There didn’t seem to be much support around for newcomers like me.
There was nothing out there designed specifically for the Hypnotherapy

So I did what any committed and ‘going to succeed at any cost’

entrepreneur would do. I mortgaged my house to pay for my education.
I hired mentors and paid an arm and a leg to coaches to get me started.

There was a lot of trial and error over the next year and I spent a lot of
money looking for the solution. Some things paid off but a lot didn’t.

Eventually, everything I was learning started to come together and within

the first 12 months of applying the strategies I describe in this book, I
earned $165,000 in my first year of business. Today, after 6.5 years of
business. Now I’m proud to claim that Hypnofit is earning in excess of
$40K a month and growing steadily.

Looking back, I think if somebody could have just shown me the way,
without charging like a wounded bull, I would have followed that person to
the ends of the earth just so that I didn’t have to get down on my knees
and beg for a way forward. Luckily those days are behind me now.

These days, my mission and my passion is to share my business skills and

raise the profile of hypnotherapy globally, helping therapists around the
world develop the thriving, commercially-­successful practices that they

The first step to building a successful practice that pays the bills and
rewards you for your skills is developing the ability to attract enough
clients consistently.

In the early days, you probably do not have a lot of money to throw
around on promotion. That is why this guide focuses on powerful strategies
that are also inexpensive.

This book describes nine strategies that I still use to attract new clients.
They are easy and actionable so that you can start implementing them

Let’s dive in.

- Helen x


No matter who your target market is -­chances are they
are using Facebook. If you are serious about building
a business, you need to have a profile on Facebook. If
you want to keep your Facebook page private, you are
missing out on the opportunity to let people know what
you do and how you can help them and their friends and
their friends of friends of friends!


Every business owner needs a Facebook Business Do daily posts (it’s important to be consistent)
Page as well as their own personal profile
Don’t be afraid to use your personal profile to
Use a friendly profile picture of YOU, not of your talk about your passion. Your personal profile
cat or family has a far greater reach

Use a Facebook cover photo that captures who People are interested in your passion and they
you are will be particularly interested if your skills can
help them with a problem they have.
When you meet someone, send them a friend
request with a personal message as you need to People need to be reminded that this is what
have as much exposure as possible – it’s far more you do so that they’ll think of you when they or
powerful than a business card their friends need help.

After a couple of weeks have passed, invite these

people to ‘like’ your business page


This method is a time-­tested one that is worth the small
investment it requires.

Flyers and postcards can be some of the most valuable

assets available to promote your practice. While these
traditional marketing pieces may seem out of date in
the digital marketing age, they still are among the most
valuable assets to build your clientele.

Flyers also make great passive advertising. Your flyers

can be in physical locations all over the city when you
can’t. When a person sees your flyer displayed at an
event, in a colleague’s lobby or even at their local cafe,
they can pick it up to learn more without pressure. When
they use your flyer as a cue to begin researching on their
own, you increase the chances that they will pick you if
they decide that hypnotherapy is for them.

You can place them in places where your clients ‘hang

out’, such as doctors, naturopaths, dentists, etc. Your
prospect holds the flyer in their hands and they can be
saved to look at later. Whereas, when you save an email
or make a mental note to go back to the site you saw in
an online ad, you are likely to forget and move on with
your life. Postcards and flyers can be shared with others

These assets are also cost effective. In our competitive

field, each flyer or postcard may cost less than a click on
a digital display ad.

These are the traits that flyers and postcards share.

However, they each have large benefits of their own, as

WHY YOU SHOULD MARKET Think about how you feel when getting mail that
is addressed to you. In the past, most of our
communications came this way, so it was no big
deal. But, with more and more coming through
When you hand out flyers at an event, you can get
our emails, social media accounts and text
immediate feedback from your hypnotherapy
messages, a piece of paper mail is something
prospects. This is an opportunity to open a
special. When you reach out this way -­-­especially
conversation about what you have to offer. You
if your competitors don’t -­-­you are setting
can answer prospective clients’ questions and
yourself apart from the rest.
make them more likely to book their first session.



If you want to reach more prospects, postcards

are the way to go. Over half of all postcards are
read by the recipient. This exceeds the read-­rate
of marketing emails by miles. Direct mail also
has a high conversion rate, with an average of
nearly 4%.



Some feel that they need to work in secrecy to avoid

competition. But, this is an attitude that isolates people
and puts barriers between them and true success.

We do better when we ALL do better!

The professionals you network with do not have to be

directly in hypnotherapy. There are many professions
where people come into contact everyday with people
who can benefit from this sort of therapy. The most
relevant question to ask yourself is “Where do my
potential clients hang out?”

Physical therapists BECOME A JOINER
Doctors Getting into networking and professional groups
extends your reach and gives you a built-­in
Lawyers support structure in your efforts to build your
business. You can often learn a lot from these
Dentists groups. They can teach you more about how to
promote yourself; they can give you information
Naturopaths about new venues; and can help you learn more
about what your potential customers are looking
for from hypnotherapy.
By sharing resources with other practitioners and
local businesses, you can all get a boost. There is You do not have to join a group that is specifically
value that you can add to someone else’s client related to hypnotherapy. There are many that
base who in turn can then become your clients can provide benefit. For example, Local Women
and vice versa. in Business groups put you in touch with other
small business owners in your local area. A group
dedicated to learning a technical skill can also
Ask a local business if you can give a talk
be a great place to learn about marketing and
Call someone experienced in your field to see promotion.
if you can meet for coffee and determine how
you can help each other out It can take some research to find the right group.
Start by looking on to see what
Write to a local publication and ask if you
sorts of local groups are meeting in your area.
can write an article for them
You can begin your search concentrated on your
area of interest, or start with a wide search to
These messages will often be sent to people find the most active local groups.
who you do not know well. But, these unknown
connections can bring you some of your strongest The more people that you are connected with –
progress. the bigger your circle of influence – the greater
potential for business opportunities to occur.



The person standing at the front of the room is always

regarded as the expert.

As a trained Hypnotherapist, you have knowledge to

share. Offering public talks on topics that relate to your
area of practice can significantly boost your business.

The talks that you give can include a range of subjects

that relate to your work. You can give a talk on issues
that you have treated. You can tell the story of your own
experience with hypnotherapy and what it means to you.
You can also, without breaking client confidentiality, tell
generalised anecdotes about the successes you have
seen in your hypnotherapy clients. If you are new to the
profession, you can use case studies from your training.

Giving these talks establishes you as an authority in your

field. You know the value of what you do and how it can
help other people. This sort of authority builds trust. It
makes others feel that you have the skill and knowledge
to help them with their journey through hypnotherapy.

And, more simply, these talks make you known to the local
community. There may be half a dozen Hypnotherapists
in the local directory; you are the one who they have seen
out in public, speaking about your craft.

There are opportunities to speak available It can be helpful to make a small press kit to
everywhere. A few ways to find speaking promote your speaking engagements. It can
audiences: include a description of your experience, a list of
places you have spoken before and even
recordings of your previous presentations.
Look up local health expos and ask the
organizers if they will have speakers.
Also, other Hypnotherapists will more readily
refer their clients to you if their client requires a
Get in touch with networking groups and
specific expertise that they don’t have.
offer to add a presentation to their next
Many people are nervous about the idea of public
speaking. And, it’s natural to be intimidated at
Call schools and see if they are looking for
first. However, the more you work in this area, the
more comfortable you will be. You will become
a more confident and effective speaker. Practice
your talk in front of a mirror and then in front
Ask your local gym if they would like a
of a friend. You will feel more comfortable if
mindset expert to speak to them
you are well-­prepared. Over time, you may find
that giving these sorts of presentations is your
Speak at your local Rotary clubs
favorite promotional outreach.


Writing articles for local newspapers, magazines and
websites can give you the same benefits as your speaking
engagements. Your practice gets exposure by appearing
in these publications. And, through the work itself, you
can demonstrate your ability and experience in this field.

However, they also have the benefit of giving you even

wider reach: this is a type of passive marketing where
you give out information for interested people to find on
their own and follow up with.

Do not feel worried if you have not written for a publication

before. Many of them are starved for content and would
be happy to have you. Your expertise in the subject is
what is attractive, not your skill as a writer.

Start by picking up publications offered in your area.

Get the local paper. Grab free local magazines that are
displayed in bookstores, yoga studios and cafes. As you
collect each publication, look to see what their policy is
on submissions. Some may post this directly in the paper
or magazine, usually in the front near the masthead.
Others will have their submission guidelines online. When
they are on the publication’s website, they can usually be
found in one of three places: a dedicated submissions
page, on the “About us” page or on the “Contact us”

To start, look for ones that will publish your article in

exchange for a byline that gives information about how
people can contact your practice. In these situations, you
are gaining exposure for your practice.



Radio shows, especially the talk-­oriented ones that run
during morning drive time, are usually looking for new
guests to share with their listeners. Offer to help them
while gaining publicity for yourself.

There are a range of types of stations that you can appear

on, each with different benefits. Most areas will have a
community radio station. You can also find a number
of stations dedicated to talk radio or music for specific
demographics. Find the ones that are most likely to be
listened to by the people who you most want to reach.
When you are looking for radio shows, do not discount
podcasts. This growing medium is listened to by more
and more people every year.

To find the demographic information about the shows

you are considering, download their advertiser kit. They
often share information about how many listeners they
have, their listeners’ age groups, gender, income levels
and even sometimes interests. This data helps you find
the shows that are most likely to be popular with people
who are most likely to be interested in hypnotherapy.

Once you have selected a show, simply get in touch and

tell them how you can add value to their listeners. Find
out the specific name of the producer that is responsible
for that segment and send a personalised email directly
to them.

Remember this is not about you! It’s about adding value

to their client base! And, by adding value – you will also
reap the rewards!

Make sure you follow up the day after you have made a
submission or sent an email. Follow up is crucial.




Write an eBook and give it away for FREE on your website

in exchange for a potential client’s contact details.

Use this formula to create a sexy title and build your


eBook Title Formula = [NUMBER] [TARGET LABEL] [3


e.g. 3 mistakes busy women make that keep them

overwhelmed, overworked and over it!

or: 3 reasons professional women are depressed, burnt

out and anxious.



Every area has health-­related events and wellness expos.
Most often, these events have a number of activities for
participants throughout the day and a section where local
health providers have booths to promote their services.

These can be some of the most effective forums for

finding people who are interested in hypnotherapy.
Your audience there is made up of people interested in
improving their health and wellbeing.

But, just showing up is not enough. You need to ensure

that your booth draws people over and that you provide
them with interesting information that spurs them to
make an appointment.

Before booking a booth of your own, attend an expo

as a guest. Look at the booths. What draws you? What
features do you think make a professional and inviting
expo booth? Do not be afraid to take pictures of what
you like.

While you may not be able to replicate everything that

you thought was effective, you should be able to bring in
some elements. With the right skirting and signs, a simple
folding table can help you make a great impression.

You’ll need to have materials at your booth to Fun, small giveaways -­ make yours colorful
give to those who visit. Flyers and business cards and noticeable
are obvious. However, to get the best impact, go
beyond these. Work to create materials that are A 10 minute hypnosis session on easing
interesting and useful to the people who show stress
up at your booth. A few ideas:

You should also make sure that you have enough

A free giveaway for every person who people manning your booth to answer questions.
leaves their email address If it is a popular expo, you should have at least
two people present so that those who come to
A big prize draw (like an ‘entire weight loss your booth always have someone who they can
program’) for everyone who leaves their readily talk to.
email address
If you followed the guidelines above – you will
Instructions for simple mindset exercises be walking away with an instant database full of
that people can do to help reorient their prospects that are interested in your services and
minds may purchase from you in the future if you keep
nurturing them and giving them value.



How many times have you stepped into a business

because you saw their sign on the road? These assets
draw valuable attention.

Before you invest in sandwich boards, take a look at your

local council regulations. Some areas forbid the use of
sandwich boards altogether. Others have rules about
sizes, colors, content and how long they can be outside.
By studying these rules before you start, you can reduce
the chances that your boards are confiscated or that you
wind up with a large and unwelcome fine.

The most obvious information to include on your sandwich

board is the name of your business, the services you offer
and your phone number.

Remember -­the fewer the words, the easier to read.

Stick to dot points and one or two words for services

frame sandwich boards can be purchased on-­ line
at Officeworks, Staples or any number of print & copy

If you have never had to promote yourself before, the process can feel
intimidating and a little alien. Many of us are shy about self-­promotion,
because we are socialised against it.

The most important thing to remember is that you business. Dedicate a bit of time to it every day. While
deserve the attention. You deserve to have clients an hour may not seem like a lot of time, it will add up
coming to your practice. You deserve the opportunity to a lot in the end.
to help others as well as the opportunity to make a
comfortable living with your hypnotherapy skills. More More than anything else, it takes confidence and
than that, your potential clients NEED your help, so commitment to do the work to promote your growing
stop being the world’s best kept secret! hypnotherapy practice. I am committed to helping you
If you do not know where to start, the best advice is to
start small. Go to one networking meeting. Send one If you read my book and start putting these tips into
email to someone who has helped you with your dream practice, I’d love to hear about it. Let me know what
to build your practice. Go to an expo and start taking worked for you, where you still need work and what
notes. other ideas have helped. Follow me on Facebook for
tips, community and encouragement. I look forward to
Once you gain some momentum, you should start seeing you there and being a part of your journey to a
thinking of promotion as a regular task for your successful hypnotherapy practice!

Create a Thriving 6 Figure Practice

3 elements that exceptional therapists share.

But for those who want to make a massive
difference, there is a 4th.

Does this sound like you?

- Feeling pressure from clients to work a miracle in the first

About Helen
- Feeling exhausted from trying to give clients too much
(but it never seems enough)?
- Feeling anxious about asking for what you’re worth?
- Looking at a blank appointment calendar, wondering
how to attract new clients?
- Attracting clients who don’t value you or your expertise?
- Feeling frustrated or blocked from getting to the next


is a free webinar where I’ll introduce you to my Expert
Hypnotherapist System, which grew my practice to $165k Helen Mitas is the world’s #1 Hypno Coach.
in turnover in my first year, and has tripled my revenue in
Helen is the founder of Hypnofit, a thriving
the years since. On the webinar I will explain:
Hypnotherapy clinic in Melbourne, Australia.

- How I achieve deep and lasting transformations without Hypnofit continues to help thousands of people
suffering from the debilitating effects of depression,
overwhelming the client or exhausting myself
addictions and weight problems.
- How I introduce my prospects to a program, rather than
individual sessions Helen is an experienced International Speaker and
- How I booked my practice solid on word of mouth alone, published author of her book ‘Mindset Dominance’.

without spending a fortune on marketing Dedicated to raising the profile of the Hypnotherapy
- The approach I came up with to generate more revenue Industry globally, Helen specialises in taking start-ups
from less clients, so I could stop chasing so many leads to a six-figure turnover within 12 months just as she
has done with her own business.
- How I built my a practice to make a bigger impact
Helen can be reached at


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