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CSC bid battle: City Power 100:


Issue 1,286 Thursday 16 December 2010

Revealed: how much the City paid in tax last year

even as the effects of the crisis

BY STEVE DINNEEN weighed on institutions across the

City. I was surprised the drop was only
THE City paid a staggering £53.4bn in £8bn, given the effects of the financial
tax last year – more than a tenth of crisis. Next year, I suspect that the
total government tax receipts. £8bn will be almost recovered. I’m
The report carried out by PwC for
the Corporation of London shows tax
paid by the UK’s financial services
COULD BUY: very concerned that new bonus rules
could drive talent away from the UK.”
Anthony Browne, the Mayor of
industry is ahead of any other sector. London’s adviser for economic devel-
Business leaders and industry fig- opment, said: “These figures are a
ures lauded the City for its contribu-
tion to the UK and called for
politicians to heed its importance to
67 good message for the rest of Britain. It
is in everyone’s interest that there is a
thriving financial services sector.”
the public purse. Millennium Angela Knight, chief executive of
Banks were the biggest tax payers in the British Bankers’ Association, said:
the financial services sector, with their
contribution set to rise even further
next year when the £3.4bn raked in
at £789m 265,000 “This shows just how significant the
UK financial services industry is to the
UK economy in tax and employment.
through the bonus tax, which was nurses “We have always maintained that
levied from 2009 but collected after the industry is a big taxpayer – it pays
the year-end in March, is taken into at £20,000 a lot of tax despite perceptions to the
account. contrary. If this is what the industry is
In corporation tax alone financial
services brought in £5.6bn, down from
£7.6bn after a tough financial year. In
1,060 contributing, in a year like this, then
imagine what it would pay in better
years.” Luke Johnson, who founded
contrast oil and gas firms saw their hospitals Pizza Express and is a former Channel
corporation tax receipts plummet 4 chairman, added: “This is a tangible
from £10.3bn in 2009 to just £5.5bn as
at £50m demonstration of the vital role that
they struggled in the wake of the financial services and the Square Mile
recession. Overall the amount of tax plays in the UK economy. It is the
paid by the financial services industry Corporation of London policy chairman Stuart Fraser hailed the City’s contribution to the UK Picture: Micha Theiner/City A.M. engine of growth for the capital city
fell £8bn – down from £61.4bn in 2009, and, to put it bluntly, the UK as a
which equated to 12.1 per cent of total sector, equivalent to 3.5 per cent of the on-year. man Stuart Fraser told City A.M. the whole. If we demonise the City and
tax receipts. workforce, with total employment tax National insurance contributions findings prove the City is a vital con- the key players emigrate, then the
The total tax paid as a percentage of of £24.5bn. The average amount of tax accounted for 39.7 per cent of taxes, tributor to the UK. nation as a whole will be losers.
profit was 48.5 per cent, down from paid by each employee was more than with VAT at 23.9 per cent and corpora- He said: “This report shows the vital Additional reporting by Alison Lock
57.4 per cent the year before. £40,000, on a salary of £71,236. The tion tax at 16.6 per cent. contribution made by the financial ALLISTER HEATH: P2
More than 1m are employed by the number employed fell 7.9 per cent year- Corporation of London policy chair- services industry to the Exchequer FULL INTERVIEW: P18

US sues BP for $21bn in FTSE 100 ▼ 5,882.18 -9.03

DOW ▼ 11,457.47 -19.07
NASDAQ ▼ 2,617.22 -10.50
£/$ ▲ 1.56 +0.01
£/¤ 1.18 unc
¤/$ ▲ 1.32 +0.01
1/11/10 - 28/11/10
is 113,348

fresh Gulf spill lawsuit



BY MATTHEW WEST London for their roles in the worst oil .&/ª44)*354

spill in US history.


THE US government said yesterday it The US Justice Department asked a

would sue BP for $21bn (£13.5bn) federal judge in New Orleans oversee-

alongside four other companies tied to ing the litigation related to the oil
the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in August, spill to hold the companies liable,
for violating US environmental laws, except for Lloyds, for unlimited dam-
in the opening salvo in what will likely ages, beyond the $75m cap under the
be a lengthy legal battle. US Oil Pollution Act. "--46*54
If successful the damages from the BP said the lawsuit was “solely a
lawsuit would be on top of the $20bn statement of the government’s allega- #6:(&5
that BP has already agreed to pay into tions and does not in any manner
a fund to compensate people on the
Gulf coast who have suffered finan-
cially because of the spill.
constitute any finding of liability or
any judicial finding that the allega-
tions have merit”.
The final damages figure depends Also yesterday, BP said it was exam-
on the US government’s ability to
prove gross negligence.
The lawsuit seeks damages from
ining a possible sale of its Canadian
natural-gas liquids business as it seeks
to raise up to $30bn to pay for its Gulf
46*54 '30.‚
BP, Transocean, Anadarko Petroleum of Mexico oil spill. The unit, which
Corp, Mitsui & Co unit MOEX and includes pipelines and processing sta-
Transocean’s insurer Lloyds of tions, could go for $2bn. P2: MORE
2 News CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010


Reform needed – but City vital to UK TELL US YOUR TOP 3 CHOICES

The Power

The Power Hundred 2011, published on
Two years ago, the Power Hundred was
required to tackle years of govern- but it overtook North Sea energy to never go bust as a result of having to 22 December in City A.M., will highlight all
those who were calling the shots in the City,
dominated by those involved in rescuing the
banks. This year's list will have a different

ment over-spending even greater. become the top payer of corporation take on the sector’s huge liabilities. whether they be bankers, lawyers, chief
executives or hedge fund managers, in 2010.
complexion, with dealmakers and successful
business leaders in the ascendancy.

These refreshing facts follow tax. Finance employed over 1m work- That was only true in one way: banks FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN, SIMPLY TELL US YOUR TOP 3 CHOICES FOR THE POWER HUNDRED. A NEW WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN EACH DAY.


Go to to submit your entries.
Wednesday’s report from the National ers, generating £24.5bn in employ- were far too leveraged; their balance Don’t forget to pick up City A.M. on 22 December to check out who's up, who's down, which banker is
pulling the best deals, who has entered our exclusive club and who has dropped out of it.

Audit Office, which said that UK tax- ment taxes. This would have been sheets had to be cut, which by defini- *from London City Airport, excluding Milan Linate. Terms and conditions apply

To celebrate this year’s list, CityJet, City A.M.’s partner for the Power
payers would likely suffer “no overall even higher had the sector not lost tion is reducing their size as a share of Hundred 2011, is giving away one pair of flights each day for 7 days in the
run up to the list. CityJet is a subsidiary of one of the largest airlines in the
loss” from the banking rescue, includ- 91,000 employees (7.9 per cent of the GDP. But the remainder of that con- world and offers a choice of over 480 flights a week to 14 major European
and UK business centres from London City Airport. With just a 15 minute
ing the equity stakes in RBS, Lloyds total). Average pay in the sector was clusion was based on the wrong prem- check-in time - the shortest of any UK airport - CityJet are the smartest
choice for time-conscious business and leisure passengers in London.

EDITOR’S LETTER and Northern Rock, various guaran- £71,236 and employment taxes per ise, which was that bailouts are always TERMS & CONDITIONS: The prize is 7 pairs of tickets, valid for flights to any of the CityJet (London City network) destinations excluding Milan Linate. The promotion commences
13 December 2010 at 00h00. The promotion closes 21 December 2010 at 24h00. Entrants must be over 18 years of age. Entry is open to all residents. Employees of CityJet, VLM,
Air France, CITY A.M. and the immediate families are not eligible to enter. Flights cannot be exchanged for cash. Only one entry per person is permitted for each day of the promotion.
Entry into the promotion is free. Entrants must provide their name, email address and telephone number. Each entrant acknowledges and agrees that tickets must not be resold or
used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes. Flights are not available on bank holidays in UK and Europe. Flights must be taken before 30 June 2011. It is the winner’s

tees and the Special Liquidity Scheme. employee £40,481 (including all necessary in a recession.
responsibility to ensure the winner and their guest have passports that are valid for 12 months, and any necessary visas. The winner and their guest are responsible for their own travel
insurance. Travel expenses and accommodation are not included. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. CityJet exclude liability for any loss, damage
or injury whatsoever suffered or sustained arising out of or in connection with this competition. Winners will be drawn randomly from all entries received. Winners will be notified by
telephone before 31 December 2010. Details from all entries will be collected and used for the purposes of conducting this competition and for surrounding publicity purposes.

Interest on the gilts issued to fund the national insurance contributions). Capitalism requires that all bad
help to the banks is being covered by Those cheering whenever bankers are firms be allowed to go bust, wiping
AT last, some facts to enlighten a
debate mired in hysteria, dema-
goguery and ignorance. The much-
the fees charged.
This does not excuse stupid actions
during the bubble, and this newspa-
sacked should understand that one
job loss in finance entails close to two
job losses in the public sector.
out shareholders, bondholders and
staff contracts. Lehman’s disorderly
collapse showed that banks are slight-
maligned financial services industry
contributed an estimated £53.4bn to
UK government taxes in the 2009/10
per has long expressed its outrage at
the way some institutions were bailed
out, even if taxpayers end up making a
It is in the UK’s interest to have a
thriving financial industry – just as it
is to grow as many other industries as
ly different to other companies
because of their inter-connectedness.
Special resolution procedures need to
financial year, 11.2 per cent of the profit on their stakes, as is now likely. possible. But it is equally imperative be introduced to allow bank failures
total UK tax take, according to a report But it does mean that critics who that the City doesn’t help promote to take place in a controlled manner,
today from the City of London
Corporation. The banks are the
allege that finance firms are of no
benefit to the UK are talking danger-
boom and bust or that all of its liabili-
ties end up being underwritten by tax-
protecting the overall economy. It is a
tragedy that such wind-down TELL US THE
biggest taxpayers within the overall
finance industry. Without the City,
ous nonsense – as are those who
believe that it is the bailouts that sent
payers. That is the key issue. There are
many who, following the crisis,
schemes, now planned by the FSA,
were not in place three years ago. For CITY’S TOP
therefore, the UK would be sunk, the
budget deficit even larger than it
the deficit and national debt soaring.
The industry’s total tax take fell
claimed that banking needs to be
reduced to a small share of GDP to
that, regulators, who write bankrupt-
cy law, are entirely to blame. THREE: P12
already is and the spending cuts £8bn last year due to the downturn make sure the government would


7th Floor, Centurion House,
24 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AJ
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334
FSA to reveal The US Department of Justice yesterday
joined the hundreds of lawsuits that have
been filed as a result of the Gulf of Mexico
oil spill, the largest in US history:
- About 379 cases, the vast majority of the
federal cases, have been consolidated with
a federal court in New Orleans. The court is
coordinating discovery and other procedur-

full RBS view

Email: ● TYPES OF LAWSUITS al matters. The court has scheduled "test
Editorial - The vast majority are for economic losses trials" for next year to determine which
Editor Allister Heath filed under the Oil Pollution Act, seeking to parties are potentially at fault.
Deputy Editor David Hellier recover lost wages or damage to a busi- - The securities-related lawsuits are before
News Editor David Crow ness. Thousands have claimed they were a federal court in Houston.
Night Editor Katie Hope harmed by the spill, including shrimpers, ● DEFENDANTS
Business Features Editor Marc Sidwell owners of commercial vessels, seafood -- BP has been the focus of the lawsuits,
REGULATION Turner’s letter to the Treasury processors and even owners of nail salons. but other parties sued include:

Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel

Sports Editor Frank Dalleres BY MARION DAKERS select committee chairman Andrew - Personal injury and wrongful death cases -Anadarko Petroleum Corp, which owns a
Art Director Craig Gaymer Tyrie came after he was called to a brought by workers hurt in the blast and 25-per cent stake in the Macondo well that
Pictures Alex Ridley THE Financial Services Authority meeting with business secretary by families of the 11 killed. spewed the oil.
(FSA) pledged to publish its report Vince Cable to discuss making the - The states of Louisiana and Alabama have - MOEX Offshore, which holds a 10 per
Commercial into the near-collapse of Royal Bank report public yesterday afternoon.
filed lawsuits over claims for loss of cent interest in the well.
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery of Scotland (RBS) yesterday, following Tyrie had been pressuring the watch-
Commercial Director Harry Owen widespread political pressure. dog to release the details of its find- resources, loss of tax revenue and response - Transocean, a Swiss company that owned
Head of Distribution Nick Owen FSA chairman Lord Turner said in a ings, within the confidentiality limits costs for the cleanup. The federal govern- the Deepwater Horizon rig, which it leased
letter yesterday he hoped to release “a of the Financial Services and Markets ment is pursuing civil penalties under the to BP.
Distribution helpline clear description of any key failings” Act. Clean Water Act that could top $4,300 per - Halliburton Energy Services, which
If you have any comments about the distribution
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email by the end of March Cable said in a TV interview that he barrel of spilled oil, or $20BN, if gross negli- cemented the blown-out well. RBS was not warned in advance of still did not know the details of the gence is determined. -Cameron International Corp, which manu-
Turner’s volte-face, which was report, but added that his meeting - Securities-related claims have been filed factured the blow-out preventer valve that
Editorial Statement released to the press before the bank with Turner had been productive. on behalf of investors who bought BP’s was meant to prevent a spill from the well.
This newspaper adheres to the system of saw a copy, but said it had “no objec- stock, which lost half its value in the -M-I LLC which provided drilling fluids for
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints tion” and would “engage construc- Adair Turner said the months after the rig explosion. the well.
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the tively to facilitate publication of the
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s FSA would publish the ● LOCATION OF CASES -Weatherford International, a Swiss com-
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at report”. The FSA previously claimed - Most have been filed along the Gulf Coast, pany that was involved in the casing RBS was blocking the release of its findings of its report
investigation, and maintained it had into Royal Bank of in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama process for the well.
Printed by Newsfax International,
not written up its findings in a docu- Scotland by March and Florida. But some cases have been filed -Hyundai Heavy Industries, which manu-
Beam Reach 5 Business Park,
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS ment that could be released. as far away as Ohio and California. factured the Deepwater Horizon rig.


HACKING ROW owned lender that owns part of the WELLCOME TRUST WARNS BANK Bill Gross, who runs the world’s TALKS OVER MORTGAGES
Lawyers representing the actress UK’s Barclays Bank, is set to launch Britain’s richest charity and one of its biggest bond fund at Pimco, last Bank of America, after vowing to
Sienna Miller have alleged that a sen- the country’s first private equity fund most successful investors gave warn- month raised holdings of US govern- fight requests that it repurchase cer-
ior executive at the News of the of funds in a sign of how rapidly the ing yesterday that the country is fac- ment-related debt for the first time tain loans, has begun potential settle-
World ordered a private detective to Chinese private equity industry is ing its biggest inflationary threat for since June. Gross increased the pro- ment discussions with some of its
hack into her mobile phone voice- maturing. With direct approval from 20 years and disclosed that it had portion of the US government and largest mortgage investors. The 17-
mail account, reigniting a controver- the State Council, China’s cabinet, abandoned bond investment as a con- related securities in his Total Return member group now in talks with the
sy over journalistic practices at the the fund of funds is scheduled to sequence. Wellcome Trust, which has Fund to 30pc of assets in November nation’s largest bank includes the
tabloid Sunday newspaper. raise a total of Rmb60bn ($9bn), pro- amassed a £14.5bn investment for- from 28pc in October. Federal Reserve, Freddie Mac,
viding a huge boost to the burgeon- tune, said that it had sold its last BlackRock and Allianz SE's Pacific
GOLDMAN’S SZE TO LEAVE FOR HEDGE ing domestic private equity sector. bond in April as it positioned itself for CLAIMS RGI IS USED AS PERSONAL Investment Management.
FUND a rise in inflation. BANK ARE MISLEADING, SAYS
Goldman Sachs’ biggest proprietary BRAND COVENTRY TO BE THE HOME OF TATA’S The Aim-listed Russian property com- YOGURT ADS
trading desk and one of the bank’s Hyundai Motor is preparing to ELECTRIC CAR pany accused of being used as a “per- Dannon, one of the biggest promot-
most highly paid employees, has relaunch its brand as “modern premi- Dreams of making Britain the world- sonal bank” for management has ers of probiotic foods such as Activia
begun raising money for what is um” in line with the South Korean wide hub of the electric car revolu- claimed the allegations against it are and DanActive dairy drinks, agreed
expected to be the largest hedge fund carmaker’s growing confidence and tion have been boosted by Tata, which “misleading and unfounded”. RGI Wednesday to pay $21m to settle state
launch since the financial crisis global Hyundai and its sister brand pledged its plug-in hatchback would International was accused of bribery, and federal investigations into allega-
began. Sze’s new hedge fund – eagerly Kia will this year produce more than be produced in Coventry. The Indian nepotism and financial malpractice tions that the company's claims for
anticipated by many in the industry – 6m vehicles, up about 20 per cent on carmarker confirmed the Tata Vista by Petr Shura, owner of 22.5 per cent the health benefits of foods contain-
is to be called Azentus Capital and 2009, and will be the industry’s fifth- EV will be built in the spiritual home of the company, in a stock market ing probiotics were exaggerated, or
will based in Hong Kong. largest carmaking group. of the British motor industry. statement on Monday. not properly supported.
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 Politics 3

Auditor refuses
Britain’s best to sign off on
drafted in to MPs’ expenses

run Whitehall

THE auditor general refused to sign
Clockwise off MPs’ expenses accounts for last
from top year yesterday citing concerns over
right: Sara nearly £14m of payments.
Weller CEO of Amyas Morse carried out a “full
Argos, scope audit” of £98.1m expenses paid

POLITICS in the New Year which is also when Andrew in 2009-1 – the year of the expenses
BY MATTHEW WEST the first board meetings are expected Witty CEO of scandal.
to take place. The Cabinet Office said GSK, David The audit found the House of
THE Cabinet Office yesterday pub- the non-executive board members Verey senior Commons authorities had failed to
lished a list of top business leaders will help steer responsibility for adviser at obtain receipts to justify £2.6m in
who have been appointed as non- strategic and operational leadership Lazard, Lord claims. Another £11.3m of expenses
executive directors to sit on Whitehall for each government department and Browne for- had been incurred on items which
boards. for agreeing each department’s three- mer CEO of MPs could not prove were necessary
The appointments are designed to year rolling business plan. BP for parliamentary purposes.
ensure the government operates in a They will also provide advice and The news came as David Cameron
more business like manner and are support to ministers and civil ser- met with backbench MPs last night to
the brainchild of Cabinet office min- vants, challenge discussions and dis- discuss problems with the new sys-
ister Francis Maude and Lord Browne, cuss any performance issues with tem governing MPs’ expenses.
the recent author of the report on Lord Browne and the Prime Minister, The Independent Parliamentary
higher eduction funding and former the Cabinet Office added. Standards Authority (Ipsa) has faced
chief executive of BP. Maude, said: “Today’s names criticism from MPs that is not work-
Among the list of appointments include business heavyweights with ing properly and it’s too expensive.
are Sara Weller, chief executive of huge experience of financial manage- Last night the Prime Minister
Argos, Jim Leng former chairman of ment and improving operational per- agreed the new system was “anti-fam-
Rio Tinto and deputy chairman of formance and they will play a key ily” and would have to relax its grip
Tata Steel, chief executive of role in helping departments rise to by 1 April, or face being reformed.
GlaxoSmithKline Andrew Witty and the challenge and deliver further sav- A spokesman for Cameron added:
Babara Stocking chief executive of ings. Previously, we have paid mil- “There needs to be a better system in
Oxfam. lions of pounds to consultants for this place by 1 April otherwise it will have
Of the 31 board members kind of advice.” to change. That can be through Ipsa
announced yesterday, 13, or 42 per He added new efficiency measures From left to right: Jim recognising its shortcomings, or it
cent, are women. The remaining list put in place by the government had Leng, Baroness Hogg and can be it being changed. Either way, it
of board members will be published already saved over £1bn. Babara Stocking will have to change.”
4 Focus on CSC CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

CSC fends off How not to

deal with a
Simon’s £3bn takeover bid
SIMON’S pursuit of CSC has been a
textbook example of how not to

takeover bid The Trafford

Centre in
Manchester has
sparked a
takeover bid

Picture: REX
handle a takeover bid. First it said it
would bid for CSC on the precondi-
tion it did not purchase the Trafford
Centre (providing all sorts of rea-
sons for why it was a bad pur-
chase); then it offered to finance
the acquisition of the mall instead
of Peel (destroying its own argu-

PROPERTY ditions including the end of the

BY MARION DAKERS Trafford purchase and access to CSC’s ments against the purchase); now it
books to undertake due diligence. TIME LINE | THE FIGHT FOR CAPITAL SHOPPING CENTRES is back with an indicative offer of
US property giant Simon tried to push Credit Suisse analyst Steve Bramley- 425p – again providing manage-
Capital Shopping Centres (CSC) into Jackson told City A.M. that Simon’s ● 24 November ● 8 December ment does not purchase the
scrapping its £1.6bn purchase of the offer was unrealistic. “I don’t think Manchester shopping centre.
Trafford Centre yesterday with a there’s enough financial headroom
CSC confirms it in advanced talks with Simon sends a letter to the CSC board But CSC knows it has to at least
£2.9bn indicative offer for the entire for Simon to increase its offer to a level Peel Holdings to buy the Trafford Centre offering to fund a 400p per share plac- consider Simon’s offer, which repre-
company. acceptable for CSC shareholders. in Manchester for £1.6bn. The deal looks ing, providing Peel Holdings accepts cash sents a 21 per cent premium over
CSC rejected the 425p-per-share pro- “A lot of the big CSC investors are set to be the biggest-ever single property rather than a stake in CSC in the Trafford the stock’s closing price in the past
posal after an emergency board meet- involved to maintain exposure to UK transaction in the UK. deal. CSC rejects the offer, and Peel six months. That would allow share-
ing yesterday, claiming the move was property, which they are unlikely to writes a letter in support of its position. holders to exit their investment at a
“yet another attempt by Simon to frus- exchange for cash at this stage.” ● 25 November 13 per cent premium to the last
trate the Trafford Centre acquisition”. Capital Shopping Centres shares World’s biggest mall-owner and CSC ● 15 December: 7am reported Net Asset Value of 377p.
However, CSC delayed its sharehold- gained 4.9 per cent to close at 415.6p. shareholder Simon Property publishes a Simon makes an indicative offer of 425p Simon’s advances will provide
er meeting planned for 20 December, letter it wrote ahead of CSC’s announce- a share for CSC. support for the share price in the
which would have given investors a ANALYSIS l CSC Group near term, but we think its flip-flop-
420 p
ment, urging it to delay its purchase of
chance to approve the Trafford deal 415.60 the Trafford Centre until it can make a ● 15 December: 2.30pm ping speaks volumes about the
with current owner Peel Holdings. Peel 15 Dec probability of an eventual deal. This
400 takeover offer. CSC shares gain 12.5 per Following an emergency board meeting,
backed its stance. is less holy matrimony and more
Simon welcomed the delay, and
cent. CSC rejects the offer as “yet another transatlantic teenage crush. Savvy
urged CSC “to listen to calls from your
380 attempt by Simon to frustrate the investors will get out while the
shareholders – many of whom we have ● 8 December Trafford Centre acquisition”, but says it going is good.
spoken to – opposing the Trafford Simon demands to see CSC’s books so it will delay its EGM.
Centre.” can perform due diligence ahead of a for-
Its indicative offer represents a
seven per cent premium to CSC’s share

mal takeover offer, threatening to sell its
6.25 per cent stake; CSC refuses.
● Late January 2011
New EGM to vote on Trafford deal.
20 Sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17 Nov 7 Dec Analysis by David Crow
price on Tuesday, and comes with con-
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 Eurozone debt crisis 5

GREEK unions
Moody’s warns on
Spain’s debt rating
grounded flights,
kept ferries docked
at ports and shut
down public servic-
es yesterday to
protest wage cuts
as the Athens gov-
ernment continues €210bn’s (£178bn) worth of debt next

to stick to the con- BY JULIET SAMUEL year, according to Goldman Sachs, and
ditions of its inter- Spanish banks’ refinancing needs will
national bailout. MOODY’S yesterday warned that it had hit €35bn.
put Spain on review for a downgrade Stocks and the euro fell after
Picture: GETTY on its sovereign debt due to its refi- Moody’s warning: the Eurostoxx 50
nancing needs over the next year. closed down 0.69 per cent, while the
But the ratings agency added that it euro had dropped 0.7 per cent against
does not expect the country will need the greenback by yesterday evening.
a bailout, saying it “does not believe However, bond investors appeared
Spain’s solvency is under threat”. reassured: the yield on 10-year Spanish
Spain will need to refinance debt closed down at 5.5 per cent.

Fears for euro AS


may force ECB


to launch QE F P RICE
shown a willingness to take drastic
HAL or

BY JULIET SAMUEL action. “That’s how the ECB has func-
tioned all along,” she says. “It says it’s
GERMANY has signalled it would be
prepared to fund a possible doubling
hoping to withdraw emergency meas-
ures but at the same time has gone BETT
in the European Central Bank’s (ECB)
capital reserves, which economists say
could be a precursor to the launch of a
and bought up a whole bunch of debt.”
Figures show the bank bought €2.67bn
of sovereign bonds last week.
European quantitative easing pro- With German chancellor Angela
gramme. Merkel refusing to consider other
If the ECB does decide to loosen its measures such as increasing the size
monetary stance, say economists, it of the Eurozone’s bailout fund or issu-
would do so by ending the “sterilisa- ing region-wide bonds, Greene says
tion” of its bond purchases. that radical action by the ECB could be
Last month, the bank was forced to the only option left.
restart its intervention in secondary Capital Economics’ Ben May agrees
bond markets to stem the rising tide of with Greene that the bank might have
gilt yields in peripheral Eurozone to fall back on QE: “We certainly think
economies, but in the past it has offset it could if it wanted to,” he says.
the monetary loosening effect of its But others are sceptical, pointing to
purchases by selling bonds – so called the institution’s hawkish rhetoric.
sterilisation. Saxo Bank’s Nick Beecroft says: “It
Megan Greene, a senior economist would go against the grain of the ECB.”
at the Economist Intelligence Unit, He also points out that while Germany
says that with the Eurozone’s options has agreed to a capital increase for the
limited politically, the bank might be bank, German fears about inflation
forced to stop sterilising its purchases could be a barrier to any QE.
– effectively ushering in a Eurozone But he added that the bank could
QE programme. scale up its bonds programme: “I
She claims that while the ECB talks think it will do whatever is necessary
down its desire to intervene, it has to save the euro.”

UK to be free of bailout
commitment from 2013
gotiate the bailout if they win next

EUROZONE CRISIS year’s elections.

CHANCELLOR George Osborne has Osborne announced that Britain
said that Britain will be free of its com- stands to make £440m from interest
mitment to fund Eurozone bailouts by on its £3.25bn bilateral loan to Ireland.
2013, even as the European Council But he also assured parliament that
(EC) meets today to negotiate the legal he has struck a deal to free Britain
basis of a permanent bailout fund. from its participation in Eurozone
The EU summit comes as the Irish bailouts once a permanent fund is
parliament voted yesterday to accept established in 2013. The UK is obliged     
the terms of the €85bn (£72bn) EU/IMF to contribute up to €7bn for any
bailout. The vote underscored Prime bailouts until then under the terms of
Minister Brian Cowen’s fragile grip: a deal negotiated by former-chancellor
the bailout passed 81-75, with the gov- Alistair Darling.
erning coalition relying on the sup- The European Council meets today
port of three independent MPs. and tomorrow to alter EU treaties in
Opposition parties have sworn to rene- order to establish a permanent fund.
6 Economics CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

Job cuts rise NEWS | IN BRIEF

Eurozone employment stagnates
Employment failed to grow across the
Eurozone in the three months to

as tightening Employment minis-

ter Chris Grayling
hopes to boost jobs
September, it was revealed yesterday.
The Eurostat office estimated no change
in job rates across the single currency
area, yet revised up rates for the second
quarter of the year. Employment grew
by 0.1 per cent in the three months to

begins to bite
in the UK
Picture:Micha June, it said. For the third quarter, falls
Theiner/ CITY A.M of 0.7 per cent were recorded in Greece
and Spain.

Christmas boost for retail sales

ANALYST VIEWS: WHAT CAN WE DO TO STOP Holiday season high street sales are up
UNEMPLOYMENT RISING? Interviews by Julian Harris
on last year, employer’s body the CBI
reported yesterday. Some 67 per cent of
retailers expected higher sales than last

UK ECONOMY falling public sector employment,”

the Office for Budget Responsibility year, with only 11 per cent preparing for
(OBR) said last month. MATTHEW SINCLAIR | TAXPAYERS’ ALLIANCE a decline. The positive index score was

UNEMPLOYMENT rose in the three Government employment could the highest year-on-year comparison
months to October as government job drop by 330,000 as part of the austeri- since April 2002. However, fewer retail-
cuts took their toll, official data ty measures. Yet there are still 6m
People on benefits have little incentive to work due to high, complex ers expect the sales boom to continue
taxes. The minimum wage of £5.80 an hour can be worth as little as 26p. By

showed yesterday. government employees in the UK, into next year, with the VAT rise – on 4
Unemployment crept up to 7.9 per according to the ONS data, including
adopting a more realistic poverty line, the government could save enough money January – threatening to dampen sales
cent, the highest rate in six months, over half a million civil servants.
to lower the marginal tax rate, and tackle long-term unemployment. of big ticket items.
representing an increase of 35,000 Unemployment benefit claimants
people to 2.5m in total. actually fell by 1,200 in November to
SIMON KIRBY | NIESR Production wages edge upwards
The news came from the Office for 1.46m. And 56,700 fewer people Signs of pay rises in the manufacturing

National Statistics (ONS), which also claimed Jobseekers’ Allowance com- sector are starting to emerge, according
announced that government sector pared to the same time last year. to business group EEF. The average pay
employment was down 33,000 in the And in London unemployment fell
I would limit fiscal consolidation until we have robust economic settlement crept up to two per cent
growth. Under the current plans, unemployment will hit 8.6 per cent next year.

third quarter of the year. by 4,000 from August to October. from 1.8 per cent for the three months
Employment in the private sector The coalition is trying to boost the
Long term unemployment leaves a big scar, and we must avoid ending up with to October, it said. Only 23 per cent of
remained steady, totalling 23m, the jobs market by cutting tax, simplify-
NEET [not in employment, education or training] young people. the surveyed settlements ended in a pay
same as the previous quarter. ing regulations, and sealing interna- freeze, and none resulted in less pay.
The figures are in line with fore- tional trade deals, employment
casts made by the government’s fiscal minister Chris Grayling said. DAVID KERN | BRITISH CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Fears grow for Japan’s economy

watchdog, which expects 7.9 per cent “We are increasing the support The Bank of Japan’s latest survey of
unemployment for this year, with a available to people,” he added. business conditions delivered more bad
slight rise to eight per cent next year. But opposition leader Ed Miliband Given the expected fall in public sector employment, it is critical that news for its ailing economy. The headline
businesses are able to create new jobs. The labour market needs to remain as flex-

But unemployment is projected to said the coalition’s confidence in the index of the quarterly Tankan survey fell
fall from 2012 onwards, as “private economy would “seem very hollow” ible as possible. Onerous regulation must be scrapped or suspended so that the to +5 (from +8), stoking fears of a con-
sector job creation more than offsets to people affected by unemployment. private sector can absorb the temporary public sector job losses. traction in GDP.
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 Economics 7

ANALYSIS l Total tax ratio as percentage of GDP, 2008

Factory boost




for America’s






slow recovery



“This is more evidence suggesting

that the economy is getting its groove
back,” commented Ashworth.
BROAD based rises in consumer Meanwhile, core US consumer
prices and manufacturing were prices (excluding food and energy)
warmly received in the US yesterday, grew steadily by 0.1 per cent in
following the Federal Reserve’s final November, in line with expectations.

OECD: Britain’s tax burden is greater

meeting of the year on Tuesday. Headline inflation measured 1.1
Positive industrial production fig- per cent on last year, slightly down
ures offer hope for the American from October’s rate of 1.2 per cent.
economy as it stutters towards recov- “The period of disinflation has

than peer average and up since 1995

ery. largely run its course,” said Peter
Overall production rose 0.4 per Newland of Barclays Capital Research.
cent in November, despite a huge The data showed “small rises across
drop in automobile output. most core components,” he said.
“Motor vehicle output can be Fed chairman Ben Bernanke
volatile from month to month,” said recently told television programme
Paul Ashworth of Capital Economics. 60 Minutes that the US was “close to a average in 2008, despite falling in government – fell on 30 May this year,

“Otherwise, the gains in manufactur- point where prices start falling.” BY JULIAN HARRIS recent years. according to the Adam Smith
ing output were fairly broad based.” Deflation would be “a serious con- Some countries have reduced their Institute.
Excluding motor vehicles, manu- cern” if the Fed did not pursue histor- BRITAIN’S tax burden has increased tax burden since 1995, such as New And allowing for government bor-
facturing output increased by 0.7 per ically loose monetary policy, he said. since 1995 and is higher than that of Zealand, Ireland, Canada and the US. rowing, the state consumes 187 days’
cent on October. And the US housing market many peer countries, the Organisation And even high tax countries, such worth of incomes every year, they said.
And an index of business morale in remains stagnant, according to the for Economic Co-operation and as Denmark and Sweden, have In recent years tax revenues have
the sector bounced back after a fall in National Association of Home Development (OECD) revealed yester- reduced taxes. But in the UK the bur- fallen in most countries, due to the
November. The Empire State manu- Builders. Yesterday the group report- day. den increased by around 1.5 per cent. economic slowdown, and tax reduc-
facturing survey jumped 22 points to ed unchanged sales rates for Overall taxes, as a proportion of Tax Freedom Day – the day until tions designed to cushion the effects
record a positive reading of 10.6. December. GDP, exceeded the 34.8 per cent OECD which all revenue effectively funds the of recession, the report said.
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 News 9

Clash over female targets

companies should be required to But the IoD’s director general Miles

report on boardroom diversity. While Templeman said that the CBI’s pro-
BY THOMAS HAMED stopping short of requiring firms to posal would risk the UK corporate
THE Institute of Directors (IoD) yester- have a quota of women on boards, it governance code becoming “politi-
day slammed the CBI’s “quick-fix” means companies would have to set cised and removed from commercial
suggestions to introduce more internal female quotas and would be realities”. He warned that a reliance
women onto the boards of compa- forced to explain if they fall short of on forced gender diversity would
nies, believing that forcible diversifi- this figure. impact on other dimensions of diver-
cation would constrain British The CBI is calling for its proposal to sity that are necessary in the board-
industry. be added to the UK Corporate room, including experience, personal
CBI President Helen Alexander backs targets Picture:Micha Theiner/ CITY A.M The CBI is proposing that all listed Governance Code. background and actual ability.

McDonald’s Public sector

faces suit in pensions
US over toys hole grows

A US consumer group yesterday sued ENGLAND’S public sector pension
McDonald’s to stop the world’s largest scheme may be underfunded by
hamburger chain from using Happy £100bn, research claimed yesterday.
Meal toys to lure children into its Unions reacted with fury to claims
restaurants. that the Local Government Pension
The Center for Science in the Public Scheme’s deficit in England has more
Interest is representing a Sacramento than doubled from £42m in 2007, and
mother of two in the lawsuit, which is now just 57 per cent funded com-
alleges unfair marketing and other pared with 74 per cent three years
violations of California’s consumer ago.
protection law. It does not seek mone- Councils’ £5.8bn annual taxpayer
tary damages. contributions to the LGPS now barely
“The lawsuit is about the change, cover new pension pledges, the
not the money,” CSPI litigation direc- research by independent pension con-
tor Stephen Gardner said. sultant John Ralfe found.
“We are proud of our Happy Meals They would need to increase contri-
and intend to vigorously defend our butions by £4bn a year to plug the gap
brand, our reputation and our food,” over the next 25 years – even after cut-
said McDonald’s spokeswoman ting £20bn from the deficit to
Bridget Coffing. “We listen to our cus- account for pension rises being val-
tomers, and parents consistently tell ued by CPI and not RPI, it said.
us they approve of our Happy Meals.” Ralfe said the debate just repeated
Walter Olson, a senior fellow at the that held in the private sector a
Cato Institute and tort reform advo- decade ago. “I feel we are in a time
cate, said he thinks that McDonald's warp,” he told City A.M. “The differ-
will ultimately prevail but that it will ence is that in the private sector com-
likely have to go through multiple panies realised defined benefit
rounds of legal wrangling, which schemes were very costly and very
would suit CSPI. risky, so took steps to address that.”
“In the meantime, they’ve got their Ralfe’s data showed that the
step towards a national debate, which scheme’s asset value rose just eight per
is what they want,” Olson said. cent from 2007, to £132bn, while liabil-
McDonald’s debuted the Happy
Meal in the United States in 1979.
BHP Billiton | Rio Tinto | Xstrata ities soared 41 per cent to £232bn.
The LGPS also has an average asset
Modern offerings have included allocation of 70 per cent equities,
themed items from popular films like which Ralfe said left taxpayers severe-
“Shrek” or sought-after toys like Ty ly exposed to the risk of a shortfall.
Beanie Babies. “If equities perform spectacularly
The Happy Meal has been a huge over the next few years, OK, but what if
hit for McDonald’s –- making the they don’t? It is absolutely clear that
company one of the world’s largest local councils don’t have a risk man-
toy distributors – and spawning me- agement strategy or a Plan B if it goes
too offerings at most other fast-food wrong,” he said.
chains. But Bob Summers, chair of the
But lately it also has come under Chartered Institute of Public Finance
fire from public health officials, par- and Accountancy’s pension panel
ents and lawmakers who are frustrat- said there was “potential for some
ed by rising childhood obesity. very highly misleading information.”

BT cannot hike prices to pay for retirement Soros invests £7m in Flybe
tries, which sometimes allow deficit duty to further the interests of citi- £7m, according to regulatory filings

BY STEVE DINNEEN recovery payments to be included in zens and consumers by promoting yesterday.
regulated charges. The decision was competition.” GEORE Soros, the billionaire hedge Flybe yesterday said it had exer-
BT will not be allowed to increase the welcomed by rivals BSkyB and BT’S mammoth pension deficit fell fund manager, yesteday emerged as a cised its over-allocation of shares, rais-
amount it charges rivals to use its TalkTalk, which will avoid paying by £2.9bn last month thanks to a significant new investor in Flybe, the ing another £6m and bringing in
infrastructure to help plug its pen- higher prices for the same service. An change that links pension payments British low-cost airline, following its extra funds for float manager Bank of
sion deficit, communications watch- Ofcom spokesman said: “We believe to the Consumer Prices Index infla- flotation. America Merrill Lynch.
dog Ofcom ruled yesterday. this is important for creating an envi- tion measure instead of the Retail The financier, famous for betting Flybe, the UK’s biggest domestic air-
The move is a blow to the telecoms ronment in which regulated firms, Prices Index. The fall in deficit, which against the pound in the 1992 fiscal line, raised £60m by offering 20.3m
giant, which had hoped Ofcom would such as BT, and their wholesale cus- stood at £9bn in 2009, will immedi- crisis, has acquired a 3.4 per cent shares at 295p last week. Its shares fell
follow the example set by regulators tomers are willing and able to invest. ately have an impact on its interest stake though his Quantum Partners 2.75p to 337.25p yesterday in their
of the postal, energy and water indus- “The guidelines meet our principal payments. vehicle that will have cost more than first day of unconditional trading.
The Capitalist
10 CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

EXPRESS “Change your

shoes once a
YOURSELF, day. With
WITH UBS’S ‘fresh’ shoes,
you will feel
STYLE GUIDE better and
improve your
THE Swiss are famous for their precision,
but only when The Capitalist got hold of
UBS’s 43-page dress code for its branch staff
performance IHG’s Richard Solomons keeps track of his clan

did it become clear just how highly the

bank values exactness.
at work.” research note to talk down the idea of
investing in commodities. Specifically, he
The dress code has been doing the argues: “Commodities for the long run?
rounds for a few days now, but you might Not on your Nellie – I’d rather eat coal!!”
not have had a chance to leaf through the You see, it’s just easier to avoid the heart-
most important lines of this serious docu- break if you steer clear of ’em: “Prior com-
ment. The UBS dress code shows how to tie such fashionable French neck-wear as a “foulard” and “nicky” modity bull markets have been much like
If your shoes have a heel over 7cm in England football managers,” he writes.
height, for example, forget it – it’s just not appearance” and that the right outfit Luckily, it seems the Intercontinental “They promised much, burned brightly for
allowed. Nor are open toes, dull leather or imparts “the concepts of truth, clarity… Hotels Group’s chief financial officer a while, but ultimately crashed, breaking
colours other than black. And don’t forget: stewardship, responsibility and integrity, Richard Solomons has found the solution: the hearts of those who believed in them
“Change your shoes once a day. With ‘fresh’ conscientiousness, reliability and consis- install an app on your iPhone that tracks most.” Oh, Dylan. See, the rest of us just try
shoes, you will feel better and improve your tency, and respect of the highest profes- the whereabouts of your wife and kids. not to take Fabio Capello too seriously.
performance at work.” sional standards”. OK, a little... unconventional, but, hey,
As for adding “personality” to your outfit The Capitalist is just waiting for the bank how else are you going to defend your wife
with jewellery, here’s where you’re allowed
to experiment! Within the colour scheme
to roll it out across the investment banking
division. Clarity and stewardship – surely
from stalkers? FRAYING CABLE
Whoops! A rather hasty cut-away dur-
of the dress code, that is. As for wearing that’d be a few hundred million in fees ing last night’s Jeff Randall Live show
more than seven pieces of bling, it is strict-
ly forbidden. (What is it with the number
well spent? CHEWING COAL on Sky gave a little glimpse of how
With Portuguese government min- business secretary Vince Cable gets
seven?) isters pleading with the popula- through his busy days. Cable was
So what is the philosophy behind this
solemn instructional document (aside
ALL IN THE FAMILY tion not to hoard sugar in shown gratefully accepting a paper
Many an executive has pondered the diffi- anticipation of a shortage, and cup of Costa coffee before the produc-
from that of an 19th century finishing cult question of how to stay in touch with Pakistan and Egypt also running ers cut quickly back to their anchor.
school)? Well, it stems from a belief that the family while maintaining such a trying low, Societe Generale’s Dylan Grice Sometimes you just need that extra caf-
“individuals are judged primarily on their schedule. used his regular “Popular Delusions” feine injection before a live two-way, eh?
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2O10 News 11

RBS transfers Chinese

retail arm to Asian bank
The agreement will take six months ANALYSIS l RBS

and involves no cash deal, transfer of 50 p
outlets or business licences. 40.76
ROYAL Bank of Scotland (RBS) contin- RBS will now focus on developing 15 Dec
ued its divestment plan yesterday by its wholesale and investment bank-
winding down its retail and commer- ing businesses in the country. “RBS
cial operations in Chinese cities. remains strongly committed to the 42
RBS will tranfer its 25,000-strong long term development of its busi-
customer base, business portfolios ness in China,” its statement said.
and employees in Shanghai, Beijing The deal is the latest non-core asset 38
and Shenzhen, to Singapore-based divestment following its restructur-
20 Sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17 Nov 7 Dec
bank DBS China. ing in the financial crisis. RBS, led by chief executive Stephen Hester, will focus on wholesale banking in China Picture: PA

eBay snaps up Critical Path Twitter financing values it at $3.7bn
Web commerce company eBay said yes- Twitter has raised $200m in financing in
terday it acquired Critical Path Software, a deal that values the microblogging com-
a mobile software application developer, pany at $3.7bn (£2.4bn), less than a year
as the company further embraces selling after it began its first serious efforts to
via mobile. Terms of the deal were not make money. The investment came from
disclosed. US firm Critical Path Software Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner
has worked with eBay for over two years, Perkins Caufield & Byers and existing
most importantly developing its app for investors. The money will help Twitter
Apple’s iPhone, which eBay says has been grow the company, Twitter said in a post
downloaded more than 14m times. yesterday on its corporate blog.


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12 News CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

Virgin Atlantic confirms MAN OF THE MOMENT

a number of approaches
Airlines have been named as the 49 per cent stake in Virgin Atlantic, is

BY MARION DAKERS interested parties, though Delta told thought to remain keen to offload its
City A.M yesterday: “As a matter of pol- holding.
VIRGIN ATLANTIC confirmed yester- icy, we do not comment on industry Virgin’s path to a tie-up has recent-
day that it has received “a number of rumors or speculation about poten- ly been cleared by British Airways and
lines of enquiry” from other airlines tial airline partnership.” Iberia, which got their £5bn merger
about a possible tie-up or merger deal. Deutsche Bank also declined to past regulators on both sides of the
Sir Richard Branson’s airline said it comment. Atlantic last month. Virgin had earli-
has appointed Deutsche Bank to help Branson has previously talked er protested against the deal, claim-
handle the approaches, which it said about merging Virgin Atlantic with ing it could stifle competition.
are likely to run on for a number of another carrier in order to compete Virgin ended talks with Lufthansa
months. as the market consolidates. last year about a potential acquisition
Rivals including US-based Delta Singapore Airlines, which owns a of British airline bmi.


MARK ZUCKERBERG, 26, the billionaire co-founder of Facebook, was yesterday named
Time magazine’s 2010 person of the year. He beat WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian
Assange, the 33 rescued Chilean miners and the US Tea Party movement to the honour.
The award is given to the person judged to have most influenced the culture over the last
year. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke won the prize in 2009. Picture: REUTERS

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CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 News 13

Three fired as Apprentices enter final straight

pleting a Ph.D in Papyrology) to inter- wondered if they were the result of of telecoms licenses available in the out that there’s a difference between
rogate the final five. Her steely glare Viglen’s first foray into artificial Isle of Man). Jamie may or may Amsair and Amstrad and the correct
and raised eyebrow were as effective as intelligence. not have a third nipple and pronunciation of Viglen.
ever, though other interviewers Stuart seemed to be having the apparently Chris is one of the Back in the boardroom debate con-
favoured a less subtle approach. “I’m toughest time, with questions foremost theology scholars in tinued about the five hopefuls. Was
going to give you an opportunity to do raised about his ethics, business Britain. When he was pressed on Stella passionate enough? Should
it the hard way and I’ll rip you to practices and just how truthful his it, he admitted he meant he Joanna stick to running her small
shreds,” snarled Claude Littner, play- CV was. He was also asked did well at A Level. One business? There was at least one easy,
ing the role of a cut-price Bond villain. the question viewers have wonders how he’s and long overdue, decision as Lord
APPRENTICE REVIEW Grilled in the glamorous surround- been waiting 11 weeks for reinterpreted his Sugar finally told Stuart to pack his
GRAEME ALLISTER ings of Viglen’s St Albans headquar-
ters, each candidate had their own
an answer to: “I’m Stuart
Baggs, the brand’ – what on
Cycling Proficiency
test and grade two
Baggs. A true Christmas miracle.
With another two firings due, Lord
way of dealing with the interview earth are you talking piano exam. Sugar got rid of Joanna and Jamie,

HE penultimate episode and the process. Joanna crumbled, Jamie about?” Speaking of learn- albeit with rather less relish. And so
welcome return of a familiar blamed others for his failings while We never quite found out ing new things, per- to the final, with Stella vs Chris, in a
face. For the interview challenge, Stuart violated basic social conven- but it is fascinating what haps mid-interview battle of the monotones, with experi-
Lord Sugar prised Margaret tions. Stella and Chris meanwhile reg- you learn from these inter- wasn’t the best time ence on one side and education on
Mountford from her scrolls (she’s com- istered so little emotion you views (aside from the range for Joanna to find the other.

Paul Idzik, chief

executive, joined
DTZ in 2008 after
standing down as
chief operating
officer of Barclays

DTZ narrows
losses to £6m
said chief executive Paul Idzik, who

BY MARION DAKERS joined the firm in 2008 after he left his
role as chief operating officer at
REAL estate consultant DTZ said yester- Barclays. “We have got through our
day its first half loss narrowed on a restructuring and now feel very confi-
strong performance in Asia, as it dent, with results across all but one of
retained a cautious outlook due to our markets growing.”
market uncertainty in the UK and The firm secured £10m of mezza-
Europe. nine debt from majority shareholder
The company yesterday posted a pre- Saint George Participations in October,
tax loss of £6m for the six months to 31 alongside an extended £15m revolving
October, compared to a loss of £20.6m credit facility from RBS.
in the same period last year.
DTZ, which competes with property ANALYSIS l DTZ
services firms such as Jones Lang 52 p
LaSalle and CB Richard Ellis, said it was
trading in line with market expecta- 38.00
tions for the full-year after it issued a 48 15 Dec
profit warning in October.
The company said its pipeline for
new business was healthy but econom-
ic uncertainty in Britain and Ireland,
its largest market, and across continen- 40
tal Europe, was hurting revenues.
“DTZ is a bit of a work in progress,” 20 Sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17 Nov 7 Dec

JPMorgan buys Allen & Overy

office from Hammerson venture
£35m, the developer said.

Hammerson said its net proceeds
JPMORGAN Asset Management has from the sale of its stake in Bishops
agreed to buy law firm Allen & Overy’s Square stood at £79m.
office on the Bishops Square site in a “[T]his acquisition represents a fur-
deal worth nearly £557m, joint sellers ther expansion of our funds’ core
Hammerson and the Oman property portfolio in Europe,” said
Investment Fund said yesterday. Peter Reilly from JPMorgan.
The 71,900 square foot office, Clifford Chance and Jones Lang
which was developed and completed LaSalle advised the sellers, while
by Hammerson in 2005, was valued at JPMorgan was advised by Berwin
£510m in June with passing rents of Leighton Paisner and Deloitte.
14 News CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

Tullow starts production

Licence / Block
Tullow operated
Tullow non-operated

Field/ Discovery

Oil at first Ghanaian oil well

African coast. in a note the start of production “is a

Tweneboa BY MARION DAKERS Production at the Jubilee field, timely reminder of how far Tullow has
which is managed by Tullow, will start come in a very short space of time in
Jubliee UK oil explorer Tullow celebrated its at 120,000 barrels per day, and is Ghana with Jubilee on stream just
Owo Odum first oil production in Ghana yester- expected to double within three years. three and a half years after its discov-
day, which is set to propel the country Mills warned that the lucrative find ery”.
DEEPWATER WEST CAPE into the top ten producers in sub- “means that we are assuming a very Tullow remains locked in disputes
TANO THREE POINTS Saharan Africa. serious responsibility. And especially with the Democratic Republic of
Ghanaian president John Atta Mills for those who are in leadership posi- Congo and Uganda over its licenses for
50km opened the valves at a televised cere- tions, we must ensure that it becomes oil fields in the countries.
Gulf of Guinea mony to mark the nation’s first oil out- a blessing not a curse.” Its shares fell 1.7 per cent to close at
put, around 40 miles off the west However, Evolution Securities said 1,215p.

Xcite suffers after BG Group strikes

hit by more delays crude in first well
at Bentley field off Chinese coast

AIM-listed oil explorer Xcite Energy OIL company BG Group has struck oil-
said work at its Bentley field in the bearing sands off the Chinese coast at
North Sea has been delayed again by its first attempt, the firm said yester-
poor weather conditions and techni- day.
cal glitches yesterday. The firm will now test the find in
The firm, which had hoped to start the South China Sea to assess poten-
oil flow testing in the first week of tial for oil production.
December, said yesterday work will If viable hydrocarbons are found,
not begin until weather and opera- the Chinese state-run oil company
tional conditions improve. CNOOC has the right to buy up to 51
Aberdeen-based Xcite said however per cent of the proceeds but will con-
that plans for an alternative testing tribute to development costs.
procedure were underway. Shares in BG Group is due to complete a sec-
Xcite, which almost doubled in price ond well in the area near Hainan
when the firm confirmed the pres- Island in the new year.
ence of oil at the well in October, Shares closed 1.3 per cent lower at
closed 11.4 per cent down at 226.85p. 1,301p.


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CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 News 15

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Juliet Samuel in association with

Lobley moves over from an investment new partners, Jacqueline Evans and Lee tunities strategy, building on her 15
Threadneedle firm in Abu Dhabi, having spent 10 Cullinane, who bring over 40 years’ years’ business experience in manage-
Asset manager Threadneedle has hired years consulting after his career as a experience in bank finance and acquisi- ment consulting, investment banking
Michael Langlois (pictured) as its head of Royal Navy nuclear submarine engineer. tion law between them. They both join and venture capital. She has also
wholesale distribution, Asia. He will begin He will now be based in London. the company from Mayer Brown. worked for the government of Georgia
work in January and will be working closely Rebecca Holyhead is also joining the Previously, Evans was a partner for a for five years, including a stint as a min-
with Raymundo Yu. Langlois will be in charge firm, building on her 10 years’ experi- decade at Allen & Overy in its leveraged ister, during which time she led major
of relationships with Asian financial institu- ence in the UK nuclear industry. She finance practice, while Lee has been a economic reforms.
tions and also of dealings with global private moves to PwC’s London office from the partner for 15 years at Clifford Chance.
banks. He joins the firm from Permal Group World Nuclear Association. Matt Burley Asia Property Fund
and has also worked previously at Merill has also been hired and will be based in Samena Capital The APF has added Erle Spratt as a
Lynch. Bristol. Ekaterina Sharashidze has joined fund manager and Yung Ho as an invest-
Samena Capital as an executive director ment manager. Spratt joins the firm
PricewaterhouseCoopers practice with three appointments, all of White & Case of strategy and business development. from Lend Lease Management in
PwC has added to its nuclear energy whom will start immediately. Richard The global law firm has appointed two She will lead the firm’s business oppor- Singapore, while Ho joins from LaSalle.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career +44 (0)20 7557 7245

Former UBS
banker in US
tax fraud case
ance before a judge on Tuesday. Lawyers

BY HARRY BANKS for Gadola were not immediately avail-
able for comment.
FEDERAL prosecutors have charged a The unnamed ex-UBS banker was
former UBS banker with encouraging described by prosecutors as a former
his wealthy American clients not to dis- executive director for UBS’s North
close to US tax authorities they had America International business, who
money in offshore accounts. left the bank seven years ago, taking
Renzo Gadola, an investment adviser 150 clients with him to set up an inde-
based in Switzerland, faces charges of pendent investment group in
conspiracy to defraud the United States, Switzerland.
the US attorney’s office in Miami said The case comes after US authorities
in a statement yesterday. recently ended a probe into UBS, which
Gadola, a Swiss citizen who worked was charged by federal prosecutors
at UBS from 1995 to 2008, was arrested with helping roughly 17,000 clients
on 8 November, two days after meeting with $20bn of assets hide their
a client at a Miami hotel and allegedly accounts from the Internal Revenue
attempting to persuade the person Service. As part of a settlement, Zurich-
from disclosing offshore account infor- based UBS paid $780m and handed
mation to US officials. over the names of more than 250 client
In filed court documents, US officials accounts and ended its US cross-border
charged Gadola worked with another banking business.
unidentified former UBS banker to In the Gadola case, prosecutors said
hide clients’ money from US tax scruti- the unidentified Swiss banker received
ny by shifting undeclared funds from some $445,000 from a Mississippi client
UBS accounts to Switzerland-based before transferring it first to UBS and
Basler Kantonalbank. then to a Basler Kantonalbank account.
Gadola told authorities there must The client later said he wanted to
have been a case of mistaken identity declare the money under a voluntary
that led to his arrest, according to court disclosure programme, but was advised
papers. against it because his account was too
He pleaded not guilty in an appear- small.

French Radio London gets

funds from a City investor
and will take a position on the firm’s

board immediately.
FRENCH Radio London, a new web- Baudon said he was “delighted” to
based French-language station, has support the station. “It fills an obvi-
attracted City investment from ous gap in the market,” he said.
Thierry Baudon, a founding partner Before founding Mid Europa in
of private equity firm Mid Europa 1999, Baudon headed the internation-
Partners. al finance division of the Suez Group
The station, which has been broad- and worked for the EBRD and World
casting for just four weeks, is Bank Group. Mid Europa invests in
designed to capture London’s 400,000 central and eastern Europe with
native French speakers as well as €3.2bn (£2.7bn) under managment.
other Francophile listeners. FRL’s commercial partners include
Baudon will be a “substantial accountant Mazars, Cityjet airline,
investor” in the station, FRL’s finan- luxury hotel firm Relais & Châteaux
cial director Thierry de Panafieu said, and travel operator Club Med.
16 Consumer News CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

Conran narrows its losses
Luxury designer and restaurant firm
Terence Conran is facing better fortunes,
despite reporting losses this year. The
firm reduced losses to £806,000, far
lower than the £8m reported in 2009.
Conran Holding’s fortunes were revived
after it launched a value range in its
London shops. Chief executive Roger
Mavity said that the new line attracts
younger consumers to the stores. “So for
example you can get very nice dining
chairs for £80 or light fittings for £30,”
Mavity said. The firm also expanded its
London presence with a store on
Marylebone High Street. Its flagship
London store and restaurant are in
Chelsea, and it has other stores in New
York, Paris and Dublin.

Portmeirion in royal boost

Shares in Portmeirion hit a 13-year high
yesterday as the pottery manufacturer
said it would smash profit forecasts for
this year and expected to launch 250
Tesco, led by chief new products in 2011, including a range
executive Sir Terry of Royal Wedding items. Chairman Dick
Leahy, is up against Steele said export sales to the US,
Carrefour in the Korea, Canada and Italy had been
race to buy the strong. Portmeirion bought Spode and
Zabka retail chain. Royal Worcester from their administra-
tors for £3.2m just under two years ago
Picture: GETTY and has performed well in the US.

Tesco faces a battle

for Czech shop chain

Investments which owns Zabka, be considered at the beginning of

BY JOHN DUNNE declined to comment but con- 2011.”
firmed the final decision on the sale French company Carrefour is a
TESCO is lining up against Europe’s would be made in January. hypermarket chain which mainly
largest retailer Carrefour in the race Tesco already has a strong pres- operates in Europe but also has
to buy the Zabka retail chain. ence in Poland and the Czech interests in South America.
The pair are among four bidders Republic. Poland is already its sec-
pursing Zabka, which has 2,300 ond largest European market in ANALYSIS l Tesco
stores in the Czech Republic and terms of sales and profits, and in 445 p
Poland. the Czech Republic’s capital Prague
“There are four bidders left, two Tesco opened its first standalone 426.90
435 15 Dec
strategic (investors) and two finan- F&F clothing store this year.
cial (investors),” a source close to the Offers of around €300m (£256m)
transaction said. are expected to be made for the
“The two strategic investors are business.
Tesco and Carrefour,” a market Janov said last month: “The deci- 415
source added. sion on the initial public offering
Josef Janov, managing partner for (IPO) of Zabka or another form of 405
Poland at Czech-based Penta our exit from the investment might 20 Sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17 Nov 7 Dec
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 Consumer News 17


Inditex sees profit soar as
emerging markets prosper
September, said sales grew 14 per 45 per cent since the beginning of the

BY HARRY BANKS cent during the period. year, thanks to strong sales and
Net profit for the nine-month peri- healthy margins, while Spain’s blue-
THE world’s biggest clothing retailer od was €1.18bn (£1bn). chip index has dropped about 15 per
Inditex announced a 42 per cent rise Europe’s retailers are seeing a tick- cent. Inditex has reduced exposure to
in nine-month net profit yesterday, up in business, especially in emerg- the sluggish economy of home base
buoyed by developing market growth ing economies. Inditex, which Spain, which accounted for 28 per
and new store openings. operates nearly 5,000 stores in 77 cent of sales in the first half, down
Cash-rich Inditex, which launched countries, said sales in local curren- from 32 per cent in the first half of
online sales of items such as black net cies grew ten per cent from 1 August 2009.
skirted cocktail dresses for around to 12 December. The company was founded by
£40 for its flagship brand Zara in Shares in Inditex have risen around Spain’s richest man Amancio Ortega.

SWEDISH fashion giant Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) said yesterday that sales at its estab-
lished stores rose eight per cent in November from a year earlier. The retailer said total
sales, which include newly opened stores, were up 17 per cent in the month. November is
the final month of the company’s financial year and it said full-year total sales were up
15 per cent with like-for-like sales up five per cent. Picture: Micha Theiner/ CITY A.M.

hit by costs
per cent yesterday, eventually closing

10.9 per cent lower at 1.450p.
BY JOHN DUNNE The lack of an interim dividend was
SUPERGROUP shares dived yesterday also seen by some as a disappointment.
as a warning over the rising costs of The retailer has opened four new shops
materials spooked investors despite a and 13 concessions in the first half.
healthy profit update. Keith Bowman of Hargreaves
The company – which owns the Lansdown said: “Pre-tax profits appear
popular Superdry brand – has seen its to be at the high end of analyst expecta-
shares soar since they were floated at tions. Nonetheless, accounting issues
500p in March – raising £395m to and concerns over rising input costs –
bankroll its expansion. cotton prices in particular – appear to
It made an underlying pre-tax prof- have taken the shine off the shares.”
it of £13.5m in the six months to 31
October. That compares with analysts’ ANALYSIS l Supergroup
consensus forecast of £13.2m. 1,700 p 1,450.00
SuperGroup said: “The 15 Dec
autumn/winter collection has been
well received by our customers in the
UK and overseas, and our owned and
franchised retail expansion is pro- 1,300
gressing as planned.”
But some analysts went cold on the
company after it warned that the cost
of raw materials was putting it under
20 Sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17 Nov 7 Dec
pressure. Its shares dropped up to 17


THE IPO FIRM’S SUCCESS STORY Interviews by John Dunne

Given the premium rating and no upgrades, coupled

with the gross margin comment, the shares may
struggle to make progress.


The statement reads very well, with Christmas

going well. SuperGroup looks to be ahead of expec-
tations in sales for womenswear for 2011 to 2012.


If the business were trading on a low multiple raw

material rises etc would not matter. But it’s not, and
has had unimpeded progress.

City chairman says the politics of

envy is causing an exodus of talent
The UK faces an epic “Why would
struggle to keep its you stay, if
best bankers. Stuart you could
Fraser is leading the earn at least
charge for the City. the same
amount of

TUART Fraser’s office at the City of
London Corporation features an money for a
interesting contrast. Along one wall
is a series of large photographic lot less tax?
prints of the London skyline, including a
shot of the stunning white Guildhall Yard, These are
next to which we are sitting. The opposite
wall contains a small shrine to Asia: a scale young men,
model of a Chinese bell, a temple carved
out of wood and a scroll painted with often with
Chinese characters.
The division is telling; the power-struggle short careers.”
between Asia and the West is a recurring
theme for the City of London Corporation
policy chairman, with new EU legislation
on bankers’ bonuses threatening to acceler-
ate an exodus of talent he says has been qui-
etly underway for years.
The Committee of European Banking
Supervisors (CEBS) announced its
labyrinthine new rules earlier this week,
which, after cutting away the yards of red
tape, will boil down to bankers receiving a
fraction of their bonuses up front (around a
tenth for those earning upwards of £1m).
Add to this the spectre of a unilateral tax
on bonuses being thrust onto the agenda
by business secretary Vince Cable, and
things start to look very uncomfortable
indeed for City workers.
“What worries me,” says Fraser, “Is that
the rest of the world isn’t doing it. We live
in a global age with global opportunities
and Asia is very keen to take business off us.
This is Europe not taking into account the
rest of the world and it will drive away tal-
ent. It is a very serious concern.
More financial services will go to Asia
regardless, but if we want to accelerate the research commissioned by his department Stuart Fraser says the least the same amount of money for a lot directive, which he says was initially
trend by driving business away, this is how shows, contributes more to the Treasury EU needs to wake up less tax? These are young men, and a lot of “awful” but, after a great deal of tweaking,
to do it.” coffers than any other industry – a stagger- to the migration of them, particularly traders, have very short is no longer such a drain on the industry.
Fraser, 64, is a City stalwart, taking his ing £53.4bn. talent to Asia careers. They burn out after about 15 years, Part of the problem with the regulation,
first stockbroking job in 1963 and working Given its vastly disproportionate contri- much like footballers, so they want to go he says, is the sheer speed at which the
across fields including forex, equities and bution to the public purse, Fraser is angry Picture: and earn some money.” finance industry has changed in the wake
fund management. He was elected to his that the financial services sector is still Micha Theiner Ironically, the biggest loser will be the of the financial crisis.
current role in 2008 but maintains an inter- being demonised by populist politicians /City A.M. British taxpayer. The new research shows “It’s like technology – when the change
est in the private sector as director of who want to win over disenfranchised vot- the average tax paid by financial services is slow you can keep up. But nowadays I’m
Brewin Dolphin. He is also an adviser to the ers. workers is £40,000. Even a relatively small struggling with my BlackBerry Torch.
Shanghai government, presumably in the “We are not talking about systemic risk migration would cause overall tax receipts That’s not age – it’s the fast pace of change.
spirit of knowing your enemy, helping it to anymore,” he says. “We are not talking to plummet. Regulators are struggling. You need some-
develop as a global finance centre. But his about another financial crisis. We are being Fraser is cautious not to heap the blame one who can keep up.
loyalty lies with the City, which, as new anti-highly paid people in the financial entirely at the door of politicians (“not only “The problem is, if you are a bright
services industry. It’s as simple as that. do we have the comprehensive spending young man and someone is offering you
“I would call this targeting of the bonus review coming in, we have bonus season half the money to become a regulator, why
CV | STUART FRASER structure the ‘politics of envy’. No govern- around the corner too. People are very would you take it? What the regulators
ment outside of Europe is telling employers angry. No wonder politicians are keeping a need to do is pay more for talent. We need
what they can pay their employees. low profile...”). However, Cable’s antipathy the poachers to become the gamekeepers
1963: Entered the City as a trainee stock- “We’re in danger of castigating a whole towards the banking sector – and his for a while.”
broker before moving through a number of industry because of the inappropriate predilection for a unilateral bonus levy – He says the pace of change underway is
investment related disciplines, including actions of a few. Some of this legislation has would be “disastrous”. akin to the Big Bang in 1986, when
foreign exchange, money broking, interna- a vindictive nature and it will drive away “I have known Vince for a long time and Thatcher, almost literally overnight, dereg-
tional equities, investment research and the talent.” “I would call obviously he has very strong convictions on ulated the banking industry. Wall Street
fund management. And Fraser is in no doubt where the tal- this, but clearly I have to disagree with banks clamoured to expand their UK oper-
ent will go – Asia. His links to the east give this targeting him – it would be a big mistake.” ations and London regained its spot as the
1980: Became a member of the London him a better idea than most of the threat it But with chancellor George Osborne world’s foremost financial hub.
Stock Exchange. can pose to UK financial services. of the bonus loathe to resurrect Alistair Darling’s bonus Now Fraser says the movement is
But bears have been predicting migra- levy, Fraser is more concerned about the towards Asia: “When you think of the sheer
1993: Became a common councilman of tion of talent to new financial hubs like structure the often-pernicious grip over the City wielded size of the Asian economies – China and
Hong Kong and Shanghai for years – when by Brussels, which he says dominates UK India in particular – you have billions of
the City of London. will it happen? politics of financial policy. people at the early stages of finance. When
“It’s already here,” he says. “The danger is “That is why we have to be very active in they get to our standard they will be the
2008: Took up current role as policy
chairman of the Corporation of London.
that you don’t see it. It’s not a mass exodus envy. We are Europe, to make sure new rules do not leaders. It is inevitable, although I think it’s
of 100,000 people. It’s the rainmakers – the destroy London’s place as a global financial several decades away.
Personal life: He has been married to his
most talented fund managers and traders. being anti- centre. It would be a disaster for the UK if “What we have to make sure is that
In terms of numbers, you’re not going to we became just another European city.” when they grow, some of that comes back
wife Laura for 41 years They live in
Blackheath. In his spare time he enjoys
notice less people on the trains. But over highly paid He hopes that continued lobbying can to London. That’s the key.”
time they will bring other businesses over bring the European rules from their cur- Unless the importance of the City is
travel, walking, golf and the theatre. to service them. people.” rent state into something “workable-with”. recognised by politicians – at home and in
“Why would you stay, if you could earn at He points to the alternative investment Europe – this seems far from guaranteed.
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 News 19

Hochtief pursues 60
Australia sells power assets

Spanish target ACS 34.00 Deutsche Bank rates the retailer “hold” Hong Kong’s CLP Holdings and Origin
15 Dec with a target price of 45p. The broker has Energy agreed to buy energy businesses
50 cut its profit forecast by 20 per cent after for $5.3bn (£3.4bn) from Australia's
New South Wales state, which raised
a gloomy set of results last week, and sees less money than expected in a long-
an eight per cent drop in like-for-like sales

with sweeter offer

40 awaited sale. The win catapults Origin
in the second half of the year. It has con- Energy to the number one position
30 cerns about the focus on DVD and music. among Australia’s energy retailers, over-
20 sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17 Nov 7 Dec taking AGL Energy, a surprise loser in
the bid.
ANALYSIS l Valiant Petroleum VALIANT PETROLEUM Deutsche Tel pays Vivendi £1bn
800 p RBS has downgraded the oil explorer to
CONSTRUCTION ed to let its initial offer run its course. Deutsche Telekom is to pay Vivendi

And in another sign that ACS wants 505.00 “hold” from “buy” with a target price of €1.25bn (£1.07bn) to settle an 11-year
to wrap up the takeover quickly, 700 565p, down from 900p. The broker dispute over ownership of Polish mobile
SPAIN’S ACS turned up the heat on bid sources said that the chief executive of believes the firm’s profit potential will not phone operator PTC, in a boost to the
target Hochtief yesterday by sweetening Qatar Holding, the Qatari investment German company's expansion plans in
an all-share offer to value its German vehicle which last week snapped up a
600 surface until the end of 2011 when drilling Eastern Europe. For Vivendi, the deal
construction rival at around €4.9bn 9.1 per cent stake in Hochtief, would activity increases, and that the firm’s provides a welcome cash infusion that
(£4.18bn). meet ACS. 500 upstream portfolio will grow less quickly. could be used for acquisitions, such as
20 sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17 Nov 7 Dec
The Spanish group, which has been If ACS can get its holding above 30 buying out minority shareholders in its
stalking Hochtief since September, per cent it can then gain control of French mobile operator, SFR.
said it had improved its bid to nine Hochtief by taking its stake up to 50 ANALYSIS l Carpetright CARPETRIGHT
ACS shares for every five Hochtief per cent, without having to buy out all p
HSBC rates the retailer “underweight” with Otsuka gains 2pc following IPO
shares from its previous eight-for-five the German group’s shareholders. 780 785.00 Shares of drugmaker Otsuka Holdings
15 Dec a target price of 600p. The broker notes
offer, adding it was confident the high- Analysts said the move showed ACS eked out a modest two per cent gain in
er bid would succeed. was serious about the offer and would 740 that the firm’s recent results were at the their debut yesterday after the drug-
ACS’s amended offer was unexpect- probably not raise its bid again, lower end of expectations, and has cut its maker priced its record-setting $2.4bn
ed. It values Hochtief at €63.8 per although one of Hochtief’s top 12 700 2012 and 2013 pre-tax profit estimates by (£1.5bn) IPO conservatively, underscor-
share, a two per cent discount to the investors dismissed the new bid as too ing the sluggish market for new listings
market price as Hochtief shares rose low.
10 per cent. It adds that uncertainty over in Japan. The lacklustre first-day was
1.2 per cent €65.13. “The current offer price is at a dis- 660
20 sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17 Nov 7 Dec
the UK housing market continues to be a widely expected due to investor worries
ACS shares closed 1.1 per cent down count to the market price of Hochtief,” risk for the company. over Otsuka’s heavy reliance on Abilify, a
at €35.4 as its shareholders digested said Kathleen Dewandeleer, a fund schizophrenia drug due to lose patent
the move. ACS had been widely expect- manager at Scottish Widows.
To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to protection in 2015.

Novartis pays £8bn
for rest of US’ Alcon
PHARMACEUTICALS share met stiff resistance from April 2008, to minimise dilution to

BY HARRY BANKS Alcon’s directors, who repeatedly Novartis shareholders.

NOVARTIS has wrapped up its long-

dismissed it as “grossly inade-
Novartis’ decision to restart its
share buyback is part of a growing I’m dreaming of
awaited buyout of the remainder Novartis’ move completes the trend among European drug firms
of US-listed Alcon for $12.9bn final stage of a lengthy process to to return cash to investors. a light Christmas
(£8.25bn), after sweetening its orig- get full control of the eyecare
inal offer with cash. group, known for its contact lens ANALYSIS l Novartis ©
The Swiss drugmaker is hoping solutions, and the dominant player 60 $
the deal with its rival, worth some in the multibillion-dollar market
$52bn in total, will help it diversify
and protect it against patent loss
of intraocular lenses, small lenses
implanted in the eye to correct 58
on big selling medicines such as problems focusing.
blood pressure drug Diovan. Alcon is also number one in Add a little festive sparkle to your neighbourhood this Christmas and be
Novartis has been trying to cataracts – an area that is set to in with a chance of winning Panasonic digital camera* in the Electrical
clinch 100 per cent ownership in benefit from ageing populations. Safety Council’s Christmas lights competition. To enter, just send a photo
Alcon since the start of the year, Novartis also said it was restart- 54
but its original all-paper offer of 2.8 ing a SwFr10bn (£6.59bn) share
of your outdoor Christmas lights display to
20 Sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17 Nov 7 Dec
Novartis shares for each Alcon buyback programme, suspended in
Every year in the UK 1.2 million people suffer injuries and about 70
CITY VIEWS: DOES THE GOVERNMENT APPRECIATE THE CONTRIBUTION die from electrical accidents at home, so make sure you consider
your family’s safety this Christmas. One of the simplest ways to
THE CITY MAKES TO THE ECONOMY? Interviews by Thomas Hamed protect yourself and your family is by making sure you have RCD
(residual current device) protection and by following the Electrical
Safety Council’s top tips for putting up outdoor lights.
1. Make sure you have RCD protection - ensure all outdoor lights
are connected via a 30mA RCD protected socket. An RCD will pro-
“I think the government doesn’t “It may do because taxes in the “It depends on the government’s vide additional protection against electric shock
appreciate the City, really, and highest brackets have gone up. mood. When everything is good, 2. Ensure that outdoor Christmas lights are plugged-in
neither do most of the voting UK The resentment across the UK the government leaves the City indoors - even if the lighting is suitable for outdoor use
3. Switch Christmas lights off before you go to bed or
public. I just don’t may have something alone. When every- go out - even Christmas lights need a break!
think the public to do with the gov- thing is bad, it goes 4. Check before use that your Christmas lights are not
realises how ernment’s response after the City. The damaged or broken before use and look out for loose wires.
ates, or how much unpopular it is er it can. The
of the pub- outside of City is an TERMS & CONDITIONS: The prize a Panasonic DMC-FS9EB-K12MP Digital Camera. The promoter is ESC and the promoter reserves the right to
lic those London.” easy tar- change the prize to one of equivalent or greater value without notice. Entry in to the promotion is free and no purchase is necessary, entrants must
be aged 18 and over.. The closing date is 19th December 2010 at 11:59pm. The winner will be drawn at random from all the correct entries and will
revenues get.” be notified on 22nd November 2010. By entering the promotion you agree to receive further information and similar promotions from City A.M. and
ESC. If you wish not to receive any further information please add ‘No’ after your answer. The winners, by accepting the prize, agree to publicity if
help.” required. The Editor’s decision is final and one entry per reader.
20 Markets & Investment CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

The outlook
for private
equity in 2011
We will get a recovery but don’t expect
another boom frenzy, says Jessica Mead

HE private equity industry has some distribution activity, which is
not experienced the bounce what LPs have been waiting for,” says
back this year that many had Gregory Getschow, managing director
been either expecting or hoping and co-portfolio manager of JP
for after a very difficult 2009. Morgan Private Equity Limited.
Yet despite a patchy and volatile Larger deals are happening but
2010, there is a glimmer of hope that many managers report that it is still
the recovery in portfolio values and difficult to obtain leverage.
confidence should become more According to the Centre for
entrenched in 2011, as bank financing Management Buyout Research, equity
slowly returns. contributions exceeded 60 per cent in Buyout firms are
Buyout firms are still sitting on the third quarter of 2010, compared to still sitting on a
almost half a trillion of uncommitted around 20 per cent for the large buy- lot of unused cash
capital that they raised prior to the outs from 2005-2008.
financial crisis but which needs to be Compared to those golden years, Picture: GETTY
put to work before it has to be distrib- there are still far fewer deals taking
uted back to investors. place, which is having a knock-on
Private equity managers are effect. “At the larger end of the mar-
nonetheless being extremely choosy ket, there are some very substantial investments and as a result the larger Katharina Lichtner, head of research a good time to be investing, particu-
about which assets they snap up and firms with substantial outstanding funds are are now focusing on smaller at Capital Dynamics, an asset manage- larly in development capital opportu-
at what price. commitments and capital available to than usual transactions in the £50m- ment firm focusing on private assets. nities. “The lack of cash from the
“We are beginning to see an invest but only a relatively small num- £750m range, making that area very “We expect those managers that banks and the new issue market
increase in M&A activity as many pri- ber of deals to chase and real difficul- competitive, explains Sallitt. have experience with buy-and-build mean we are able to invest in situa-
vate equity sponsors still have fresh ties around securing the right debt Low investment activity and higher strategies and strong abilities to oper- tions with strong downside protec-
powder to buy assets. What this packages,” says Henry Sallitt, co-head prices combined with a tight leverage ationally integrate companies will be tion and equity upside. These
means is that existing LPs [limited and director of Fleming Family & market leaves fewer options of gener- well positioned to generate attractive circumstances don’t exist very often.
partners] should expect to see an Partners, the multi-family office. ating value in a company. But there is returns,” she adds. If you are able to put debt-risk money
increase in capital calls in 2011. In The small number of deals has potential to create value from consoli- Henry Sallitt says that at the small- into equity instruments then that is
addition, investors should begin to see made it more expensive to make new dating weaker competitors, says er end of the market he believes it’s good business,” he says.

Weak banks drag on FTSE Wall Street drops

as Moody's warns on Spain three days in a row
dropped 10.6p to 661.1p, part-nation- speculation of corporate action kept 500 Index shed 6.36 points, or 0.51 per
alised Royal Bank of Scotland lost the stock higher, up 0.7 per cent. cent, to 1,235.23. The Nasdaq
0.6p to 40.8p and Lloyds Banking After vague talk of a possible bid from Composite Index dropped 10.50

REPORT Group declined 0.8p to 68.5p.

Moody’s put Spain's Aa1 rating
under review, citing concerns about
Royal Dutch Shell on Tuesday, traders
noted rumours BP was seeking to
raise capital from investors in the
REPORT points, or 0.40 per cent, to close at
Industrial production rose in
its mounting debt and 2011 funding Middle East to help fend off any November at its fastest pace in four

RITAIN’S leading share index needs, though it said it did not expect takeover. S stocks suffered a third months, implying that a self-sustain-
slipped back yesterday, snap- Madrid to need an EU bailout. Capital Shopping Centres was the straight late-day sell-off yester- ing recovery is now entrenched
ping a four-session winning A cautious statement from the US top FTSE 100 riser, up 4.9 per cent as day suggesting it may be diffi- Sentiment on the volatile day start-
streak, with banks the worst Federal Reserve on the economic out- Simon Property made a 425p per cult to chalk further gains as ed lower after Moody's warned Spain
performers as investors' risk appetite look Tuesday night also knocked share indicative offer valuing the the year comes to a close. its debt rating could be downgraded,
waned on fresh eurozone debt con- investor sentiment. British mall owner at about £3bn. After hitting two-year highs this bringing concerns about the euro-
cerns. US blue chips, however, were up 0.3 Rexam gained 3.8 per cent, taking week, a sustained rise in Treasury zone debt crisis back to the forefront
The FTSE 100 ended down 9.03 per cent by London's close, helped by its advance for the week up to nearly yields has sparked worry that rising and lifting the dollar, which has had
points, or 0.2 per cent at 5,882.18, hav- in-line US inflation data and a 5 per cent, as traders cited hopes for a borrowing costs could stifle the recov- a strong inverse relationship with
ing finished at its highest close for 30 stronger than expected manufactur- disposal of the consumer packaging ery. Banks, heavily dependent on loan equities of late.
months on Tuesday after putting on ing report from the New York Fed, firm's Closures unit. demand, faded and ended lower for a Honeywell International fell 1.9 per
1.7 per cent since 9 December. although the broader S&P 500 index Scottish and Southern Energy was third straight day. The sense among cent to $51.54 after it gave a 2011 prof-
“It looks like it wants to go higher was lower. also up on rumoured interest from investors is that the market, after ris- it growth outlook that analysts
into the year-end ... but it’s tricky with On the domestic data front, the Cheung Kong Infrastructure, possibly ing almost 11 per cent so far in 2010, described as conservative. Caterpillar
the big fourth-quarter futures and number of Britons out of work rose in tandem with EDF. Its shares have has run its course for the year. rose 1.1 per cent to $93.08 after RBC
options expiries happening tomor- for the first time in six months in the added 11p to £11.47. Major averages and stocks that have raised its price target to $108 from $98.
row,” said David Morrison, market three months to October. led the rally have exhibited a familiar A deal that President Barack
strategist at GFT Global. Among commodity plays, silver ANALYSIS l FTSE 5882.18 pattern in recent days, spiking early Obama struck with Republicans to
“There is also some fairly signifi- miner Fresnillo fell 2.5 per cent, while 5,900 15 Dec and succumbing to selling late as extend the Bush-era tax rates sailed
cant resistance on the FTSE coming gold miner Randgold Resources lost 2 investors see stocks hitting resistance. through the US Senate yesterday and
up around 5,930 and that might pro- per cent as the prices of precious met- 5,800 Apple ended the day flat at will soon head to the House of
vide a bit of a barrier, so we just need als retreated under pressure from a $320.36, up just 0.02 per cent after ris- Representatives, where it could face
to be a bit wary around that level.” firmer dollar. 5,700 ing as high as $323 earlier in the day. steeper opposition, though it is still
Banks were the main drag on blue Integrated oils were weak as a sec- Netflix closed nearly flat, up just 0.03 expected to pass.
chips, with Barclays the top FTSE 100 tor, although the crude price man- 5,600 per cent at $178.50 - off its high of About 7.82bn shares traded on the
faller, down 3.7 per cent as worries aged a slight rally with BG Group, $181.42. New York Stock Exchange, the
resurfaced over Eurozone debt wor- down 1.3 per cent, and Royal Dutch 5,500 The Dow Jones industrial average American Stock Exchange and the
ries. Shell off 0.4 per cent. slipped 19.07 points, or 0.17 per cent, Nasdaq, well below the year’s daily
20 Sep 8 Oct 28 Oct 17Nov 7 Dec
Other banks also suffered as HSBC BP, however, bucked the trend, as to 11,457.47. The Standard & Poor's average of 8.62bn.
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 Markets & Investment 21


Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk high 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk high 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk high 52wk low Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk high 52wk low
(p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p)Company (p) (p) (p) (p)
3i Group 318.5 -2.75 326 250 Colt Telecom 130 -0.25 142.5 109 John Wood Group 539 1.5 539 288 RSA Insurance Grp 126 -1.5 136.5 114.75
3i Infrastructure 120.5 -0.25 121.5 97 Compass Group 576.5 7 588.5 425 Johnson Matthey 1992 28 1992 1446 SABMiller 2204 9 2204 1650
A.B. Foods 1125 17 1136 804.5 Cookson Group 639 -1 640 367.5 JPM Flem.Emerg Mkt. 616 1 621 450.5 Sage Group 279 -4.25 289 220
Aberdeen Asset.Man. 203.5 -1.25 205 112.75 Croda International 1548 33 1610 751 Jupiter Fund Man 303 -1 310 180.25 Sainsbury (J) 376.25 -1 395 313
Admiral Group 1551 16 1693 1113 Daily Mail & Gen 551 6.5 567.5 404 Kazakhmys 1577 -4 1630 965 Schroders 1782 -6 1791 1116
Aegis Group 138.5 -2.5 145.5 103.5 Davis Service 417 -1 435 360.25 Kesa Electricals 166 -2.75 174 99.25 Schroders NV 1410 -4 1418 929.5
Afren 140 -3.25 143.25 79 De La Rue 847 -6.5 1005 549.5 Kingfisher 253 -0.5 259 198.5 Scot.& Sth. Energy 1166 16 1198 1010
African Barrick Gold 601.5 -6 670 503 Debenhams 71.75 0 84 53 Ladbrokes 126.75 0 162.75 123.5 Scottish Mortgage 703.5 -1.5 705 475
Aggreko 1500 -15 1685 834.5 Derwent London 1543 -7 1605 1208 Lancashire 552.5 1.5 647 422.25 SEGRO 296.5 1 352 250.25
Alliance Trust 371.25 -2 373.25 293.5 Dexion Abs 139.25 0 148 131.25 Land Securities 665 -2.5 696.5 545 Serco Group 573.5 -4 651 494.25
Amec 1136 -5 1155 733.5 Diageo 1170 0 1193 1000 Legal & General 99.25 -0.5 106.25 69.75 Severn Trent 1430 -1 1468 1062
Amlin 400.5 -3.75 433 357.25 Dixons Retail 25.5 -0.5 38 23.75 Lloyds Banking Grp 68.5 -0.75 77.5 46.5 Shaftesbury 458.5 3.25 460 349.25
Anglo American 3109.5 29.5 3109.5 2254 Domino’s Pizza 544 4.5 552.5 287.5 Logica 125 0.5 148 101.75 Shire 1513 25 1567 1174
Antofagasta 1560 7 1560 761 Drax Group 377 -2 444 326.25 London Stock Ex. 806.5 -0.5 812.5 544 SIG 121 -1 137.75 90.75
Aquarius Platinum 347.25 -5.5 458 227 DS Smith 202 -5.5 210 104 Lonmin 1874 10 2157 1355 Smith & Nephew 654.5 3.5 696.5 537.5
ARM Holdings 390.5 -5 414.5 170.25 Dunelm 550 11 550 325.25 Man Group 292.25 4.75 327.5 202
Smiths Group 1242 -14 1285 954
Ashmore Group 351.75 -5.25 383.75 218 easyJet 429 -0.5 496.5 341.5 Marks & Spencer 375.25 -1 427.5 323.5
Ashtead Group 157.25 -0.75 160 71.75 Edin.Inv.Tst. 447.5 -2 464.25 351.5 Meggitt 366.75 1 367.5 245 Soco International 362.25 -7.5 484.25 292
AstraZeneca 3149 42 3385 2732 Electrocomponents 266.25 1 279.5 161.75 Melrose 297.5 5.5 304.25 162 Spectris 1278 -17 1295 691.5
Atkins (WS) 720.5 6 792.5 556.5 Enquest 137.75 1 146.5 89.25 Mercantile Inv Tst 1065 -8 1073 822.5 Spirax-Sarco 1950 24 1950 1109
Autonomy 1475 68 1975 1271 Essar Energy 586 9 586 383 Michael Page 535.5 35.5 535.5 346.5 Spirent 151.5 -2.75 160.25 96.5
Aveva Group 1591 4 1591 980.5 Eurasian Nat Res 997.5 9.5 1266 818 Micro Focus 412.5 9.25 546.5 276 Sports Direct 146 0.5 152.75 92.25
Aviva 389.5 -4.75 423.5 294.25 Euromoney Inst. 694.5 -10 727 424 Millennium & Cop. 547.5 1 570 358.75 St James’s Place 276 -2.75 292 204.25
Babcock International 541.5 -13.5 635 492.75 Experian Group 812.5 21 812.5 572 Misys 312 13.5 312 201.5 Stagecoach Group 207.75 1.5 224 160.75
BAE Systems 333.5 -4 388.75 294.75 Ferrexpo 385 13 396 184 Mitchells & Butlers 355 -5 360 247.5 Standard Chartered 1742.5 -8 1950 1351.75
Balfour Beatty 312 0 312.25 229.75 FirstGroup 386 -0.5 426 336 Mitie Group 227.75 -2.25 241 188.75 Standard Life 209.75 -2.75 236 173
Barclays 262 -10 383.25 255.25 For.&Col.Inv.Tst 305 0 305 251.5 Mondi 494.75 -2.75 557.5 323.75 Supergroup 1450 -178 1638 535
Barratt Development 84.5 -2.75 142 70 Fresnillo 1555 -40 1605 669.5 Monks Inv.tst. 362 -1 363 265.5 TalkTalk 165.5 0.5 167 108.5
BBA Aviation 215.5 -0.5 217.25 155.75 G4S 253.25 2.75 283.5 237.75 Morrison (Wm) 267 -3 306.25 257.5 Talvivaara Mining 554 6 581 342.5
Bellway 625.5 -15.5 826 511 Genesis E.m.f. 540.5 0.5 542.5 399 Murray Int.Tst 931 -2 937 720 Tate & Lyle 544 -0.5 544.5 388.75
Berkeley Grp Hldgs 892.5 -2.5 932.5 742 GKN 207.5 0 210.5 102 National Express 227.5 0.5 259.5 185 Taylor Wimpey 27.25 -1.25 44 22.25
BG Group 1301 -17 1333.5 984 GlaxoSmithKline 1269 11.5 1339.5 1095 National Grid 556 2 613.25 484.25 Telecity Group 495 -12.5 532.5 360
BHP Billiton 2524.5 4.5 2524.5 1684.5 Great Portland Est. 355.5 -3.5 364 274.25 Next 2007 -10 2344 1817 Templeton Emrg. 654 -2 685 471.5
BlackRock Mining 791 -8 799 492 Greene King 488.75 6.25 488.75 376.25 Northumbrian Water 327.5 -3.75 361.5 252.75 Tesco 427 -2.5 454.5 377.5
BlueBay 484 0 489.25 258 Halfords Group 447.25 -0.25 550 372.75 Ocado Group 156 -4 170 123.5 Thomas Cook Group 181 -2.25 272 171.75
BlueCrest AllBlue 173 0 174.5 152 Halma 366 -0.5 366.5 223 Old Mutual 120 -0.25 145.25 97.25 Travis Perkins 996 -1.5 997.5 664.5
Booker Group 59.5 -0.25 60.25 38.75 Hammerson 419.75 5.25 434.5 336.25 PartyGaming 231 2 334.5 206 TUI Travel 233.5 -3 308.5 190
BP 476.5 3.5 655.5 303 Hargreaves Lansdown 553 0.5 553 276.5 Pearson 1005 7 1051 855 Tullett Prebon 373.5 -0.5 417.25 262
Brit Insurance 1036 -1 1045 728 Hays 126 2.5 126 88.5 Pennon Group 634 0 639 483 Tullow Oil 1215 -21 1369 991.5
British Airways 272.5 -5.5 286 184.25 Henderson Group 132.75 -0.5 151.75 112.75 Persimmon 411.5 -15.75 507.5 336.5 UK Commercial Prop 81.25 1 85 72.75
British Amer.Tob 2407.5 0.5 2464.5 1926 Heritage Oil 423 -0.25 581 296.75 Petrofac 1479 2 1540 876.5 Ultra Electronics 1674 -5 1895 1265
British Empire Tst 492.5 -4 498.5 394 Hikma 811.5 -2 813.5 509 Petropavlovsk 1137 -14 1365 852 Unilever 1954 11 2015 1688
British Land 509.5 -2 520 418.25 Hiscox 371 -2.25 373.5 304.25 Phoenix Group Hldgs 640 -3 758 557.5 United Utilities 590 -8 628.5 488.25
Britvic 474 -6.25 518 381.25 Hochschild Mining 630 3.5 658 234 Premier Farnell 280 1 304.5 171.5 Utd Business Media 671.5 2 682.5 409.75
Brown (N.) Group 300.5 2.5 301.75 206.5 Home Retail Group 197.5 -5 296 197.5 Premier Oil 1935 -19 1954 1017 Vedanta 2388 25 2934 1839
BSkyB 732.5 0.5 736 524.5 Homeserve 449.75 -8 487.5 322.75 Provident Financial 842 -8 974 728.5 Victrex 1486 41 1486 788
BT Group 181.75 0 183.5 110 HSBC Holdings 661 -10.5 740.5 596.25 Prudential 664 3.5 664 487.5 Vodafone Group 169 -0.5 175 129.5
Bunzl 712.5 1 777 616.5 Hunting 720 -4 724 439.5 PZ Cussons 394 -0.5 409 234.75
Burberry Group 1125 -1 1156 566.5 ICAP 538 6 538 294 QinetiQ Group 134.25 1.5 167 96.75 Weir Group 1801 37 1861 689
C&W Comms 51.25 -0.25 63.75 44.25 IG Group 497.75 -11.25 553 362.5 Randgold Res 5655 -115 6655 4209 Wellstream Holdings 789 3.5 790 436
C&W Worlwide 69.25 -0.75 100 60.5 Imagination Tech 380 0 441.75 215 RDS ‘A’ 2082 -7.5 2100.5 1624 WH Smith 516.5 -6.5 529.5 398.25
Cairn Energy 410.25 -4.25 493.25 303.5 IMI 915 1 948 504.5 RDS ‘B’ 2072 -9.5 2081.5 1554 Whitbread 1774 34 1812 1266
Caledonia Inv. 1875 -25 1902 1511 Imperial Tobacco 1905 -8 2154 1753 Reckitt Benckiser 3608 9 3655 3037 William Hill 164.25 -1 216.5 155.5
Capita Group 677.5 -2.5 826 635.5 Inchcape 341.25 -4 368 237 Reed Elsevier 531 1.5 563 460.5 Witan Inv Trust 508.5 1 508.5 410
Capital & Counties 148.5 -0.25 157 100 Informa 400 -4.25 448 301 Regus 80.25 0.5 120 66 WOLSELEY 1915 10 1915 1166
Capital Shop Centre 415.5 19.25 415.5 301 Inmarsat 673.5 -3 821 606.5 Renishaw 1275 19 1275 534 WPP Group 772 5.5 776.5 572.5
Carillion 368.75 -0.25 370.75 273 InterContinental Htl 1226 -10 1236 867 Rentokil Initial 97 -1 138.5 87.75 Xstrata 1441 -7.5 1461.5 845.75
Carnival 2738 14 2920 2037 Intermediate Cap.Grp 329 7 351 240.5 Resolution 233.5 -1.5 349 211.25
Catlin Group 365.75 0.75 393 320 International Pers Fin 362.75 14.25 362.75 183.25 Rexam 322.5 11.75 346.75 272.5
Centamin Egypt 163.25 -2.5 197 106.75 International Power 423.5 -0.75 436.75 284.5 Rightmove 743 -27 810 477.5 LONDON TOP 250 BY MARKET CAPITALISATION
Centrica 330.25 1.5 346 264 Intertek Group 1884 0 2000 1150 Rio Tinto 4430 -10 4505 2812 POWERED BY
Charter 776 -5 848.5 567 Invensys 343.75 5.25 349 230.25 RIT Capital Partners 1193 -3 1210 969
Chemring Group 2927 -92 3663 2598 Investec 501 -1 562 417.75 Rolls-Royce Group 626.5 -2 654.5 473.5
Close Brothers 854.5 -5.5 861.5 664 ITV 71.5 -1.25 74.25 48.25 Rotork 1773 -7 1895 1145
Cobham 206 0 276 192.25 Jardine Lloyd 606.5 2.5 609.5 459 Royal Bank of Scot 40.75 -0.5 58 28.5
22 Investment | Listed Products CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

Look closer to
home to play
the emerging
markets’ story
Fears of asset bubbles mean investors should
think about reconsidering their allocation to
the developing world, writes Jessica Mead

MERGING markets have been one of Capital suggest that investors ought to
the most popular trades of 2010. If it “pare back exposure to the developing
wasn’t concerns about the outlook world in favour of developed world compa-
for developed markets and the nies with significant exposure to emerging
desire for higher returns further afield, it economies” at least for the first half of
was Fed-fuelled liquidity that was driving 2011. This is especially because of the “con-
flows towards the developing economies. siderable capital flows into illiquid mar-
The case for investing in equities rather kets in the second half of 2010 and
than bonds is becoming stronger by the expected increases in volatility,” they say.
day. Indeed, strategists reckon that we are Investors using exchange-traded funds Google is one US firm healthcare because of the combination of prospects based on underrated EM expo-
in a sweet spot for equities because of (ETF) as the building block of their portfo- with emerging market high dividend yield, reinvigorated man- sure and demographics. Lyxor offers
improving growth, near-zero interest lios should take note and perhaps look to growth prospects agement and favorable long-term global sector ETFs with a total expense
rates, high profit margins, strong corpo- cut back their emerging market ETF posi-
rate balance sheets, historically high equi- tions. It is difficult to select developed Picture: REX ANALYSIS l The performance of emerging markets relative to developed markets
ty risk premiums, and a new flood of world firms with exposure to the emerg- 0.5
central bank liquidity. ing markets via ETFs. But there are certain
Yet the case for investing in emerging sectors that will benefit from internation-
market equities has become less clear-cut. al growth, says Michael Hartnett, chief 0.4
Investors and policymakers are becoming global equity strategist at Bank of
more worried about the emergence of America-Merrill Lynch. Technology, ener-
asset bubbles fuelled by cheap liquidity. gy, industrials and materials are four glob-
To counter this and the looming spectre al cyclical sectors that he suggests being
of inflation, authorities are looking to overweight: “The global cyclical sectors
tighten monetary policy. While there is benefit the most from EM-led global
the potential for some offset to this risk to growth, rising infrastructure spending 0.2
come in the form of emerging market cur- and recovering business spending.”
rency appreciation, this process is not In Europe, the preferred sectors are Source: Bank of America Merrill Lynch
expected to be smooth. basic resources and energy while Bank of 0.1
‘00 ‘02 ‘04 ‘06 ‘08 ‘10
Consequently, strategists at Barclays America-Merrill Lynch is overweight

Investments to fit your social views

Ethical ETFs help The first, the db x-tracker Global Fund
support ETF, is linked to the recently
Pro Bono – raising
money to combat
your money do good, launched Dow Jones Global Fund 50
index. That index tracks the share prices

writes Daniel Knowles of the top 50 companies that support the

Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis
Picture: REUTERS

and Malaria – an international project

supported by Bill Gates, Kofi Annan and

HE idea that you can change the Bono, among others.
world through what you buy has And rather like Bono’s RED branded
been around for a while now. In consumer products, the Global Fund ETF
1977, the Swiss food producer raises money for the project by donating
Nestle endured a boycott over claims its any surplus fees after management costs
baby-milk products were killing children to the fund. Dow Jones are also donating
in third world countries. More recently, the index licensing fees to the fund.
the “fair trade” movement has explicitly According to Manooj Mistry, the head of
charged consumers a premium so as to db x-trackers in the UK, “the product is tar- ANALYSIS l The KLD social index has outperformed the S&P 500
pay higher than market prices to produc- geted at investors who want global equity
ers in poor countries. exposure – it is highly correlated to other
While ethical consumption has taken global benchmarks – but this way, you’re 600%
off, however, the idea of ethical invest- helping raise money too”.
ment has been limited mostly to left wing Though the companies in the Global
students protesting about their universi- Fund index all support the charity,
ties investments in arms dealers or banks. investors may also want to be sure they meet “predetermined tolerance levels for
But that may now be changing. This are investing in companies they consider certain areas of activity, such as for exam- 200%
week, db x-trackers announced the launch ethical, however. ple pornography, strategic and non-strate- S&P 500
of two new exchange-traded funds (ETF) For Christians, db x-tracker’s new gic weapons, birth control and gambling.”
designed for the conscientious investor – Christian ETF is linked to an index based If Christian investments don’t appeal, 0% KLD400
one to raise funding to fight disease in the on companies selected for their compli- iShares also offers an ETF linked to the Source: Factset research systems
third world and one designed to appeal to ance with Christian social doctrines. The MSCI KLD Social Index. The index picks Apr 91 Apr 93 Apr 95 Apr 97 Apr 99 Apr 01 Apr 03 Apr 05 Apr 07 Apr 09
Christian investors. index excludes companies which do not companies based on several criteria,
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 Investment | Listed Products 23

Chinese inflation will

give the mining sector
a boost
Picture: REUTERS



OW that the Chinese inflation fig-
ures are out and the People’s Bank
of China has once again refused to
raise rates, fears that European
commodity stocks might suffer on the back
of slower Chinese growth have subsided
slightly. This might offer an opportunity for
the likes of gold miner Randgold Resources
to bounce off the lower end of its upward
trading range. WorldSpreads offers a
Inflation Multiplier Bond 5,680p–5,695p spread on Randgold.
Another miner, silver producer
Fresnillo, has been trending upwards all
Obtain enhanced returns year and has nearly doubled in price since
January, no doubt helped on by silver
if inflation rises prices. With record output for silver and
gold in the third quarter, and prices below
their one month high, further strength can
be expected. Capital Spreads quotes
Barclays has fallen some 5.8 per cent in
a week to 262p and continues to grind
lower in a very well established down-
trend channel. At 262p it is sitting more
or less right in the middle of the current
trading range so investors are advised to
hold until 250p before buying or 276p
before selling for a higher probability of a
ratio of 0.45 per cent while BlackRock’s return. Spread Co offers a spread on
iShares provides both US and Stoxx Barclays of 262.05p–262.50p.
Europe sector ETFs. With Eurozone tensions still ongoing,
Hartnett would nonetheless recom- it's not just Spanish government bonds
mend staying long of emerging market that are suffering from threatened debt
equities but advises choosing large caps downgrades by the ratings agencies. Local
rather than small caps. For ETF holders, stocks are also coming under significant
this should not be too difficult as the pressure. The Spanish Ibex index has fall-
majority of emerging market bench- en below the 10,000 level as a result,
marks consist mostly of liquid large cap although we remain some way above the
names. “We would need to see signifi- lows for the year that were seen back in
cant downgrades to Chinese growth for June. Thinner volumes towards the year
emerging market equities to fall in end could well serve to exaggerate any
absolute terms in 2011,” he concludes. volatility, so watch out. IG Index is cur-
With emerging equities’ potential rently pricing the Ibex at 9,958-9,963.
capped by fears about asset bubbles, at Gold has dipped back below the $1,400
least in the early part of 2011, it may be level which in the past has provided a buy-
cheaper for ETF investors to select devel- ing opportunity. With all eyes on tomor-
oped market sectors exposed to the row’s meeting of EU leaders, the focus will
emerging market growth story. Don’t let tough conditions stop your be on currency markets which will have a
portfolio growing, find out more knock on effect for gold. If investors are
at or happy with the resolution proposed then
including governance, employee safety we could see a rise in the euro and at the
and labour relations, environmentalism call 0800 121 6286 same time strength in the price of gold.
and human rights. Capital Spreads quotes $1,391.0-$1,391.5
The list of “socially responsible” com- for gold.
panies might surprise some left wing It was a case of mission accomplished
anti-corporate investors, however. The with our crude oil tip on Tuesday. US
index is made up of 90 per cent large Crude had dropped to our target of
cap companies, including Microsoft, $87.30 by yesterday morning. The dip
IBM and Pepsico. The index has also out- though was followed by a rapid surge
performed the S&P 500 over recent back up to the top of its downtrend chan-
years too, proving that (at least a little) nel at around $88.70 following better
goodness is profitable. than expected industrial production num-
Which is more than can be said for This document is an adver tisement and is not a prospectus for
o the pur poses of EU Directive 2003/71/EU (the “Directive”) and/or Par t VI of the Financial Ser vices and Markets Act 2000. A prospectus bers and a drop in crude inventories. This
evil. An American ETF called the has been prepared and made available to the public in accordance with the Directive. Investors should not subscribe for the securities refer red to in this document except on the basis of the
or mation contained in the prospectus. Investors may obtain copies of the prospectus from the offices of the issuer or paying agent. © The Royal Bank of Scotland plc (“RBS”). This adver tisement
gives us another opportunity to short it,
“SINdex”, which invested exclusively in contains numerous trade marks belonging to The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc and other companies in the RBS Group. These trade marks include, but are not limited to, Daisy device, The Royal
Bank of Scotland and RBS. If you are in doubt as to whether an item is a trade mark of The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc or a member of the RBS Group, please contact us for clarification at
with the target now lowered to $86.80.
liquor, gambling and tobacco stocks, our registered office address. The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, registered in Scotland No 90312. Registered Office: 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB. RBS is authorised and regulated in Spread Co offers a spread on January US
the UK by the Financial Ser vices Authority. RBS is an authorised agent of The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V V. in cer tain jurisdictions.
closed down in 2008. Evil minded crude of $88.59-$88.63.
investors now might have to just buy Daniel Knowles
individual stocks.


Credit Suisse announced yesterday that its Pimco, a global investment manager, has Demand for exposure to emerging markets
exchange-traded funds (ETF) business has entered into an agreement with Source to was the driving investment trend of 2010,
increased its assets under management by provide fixed income ETFs to the European according to iShares, the world’s largest ETF
45 per cent since the beginning of 2010, to a market. Pimco and Source plan to offer provider. The company announced this week
total of approximately $14.5bn. The global UCITS-structured “smarter” ETFs targeted at that its JPMorgan emerging market bond
ETF industry currently manages approxi- investors wanting to use both short maturity fund has surpassed $1bn in assets thanks to
mately $1.2 trillion in assets, but according to strategies and more long term strategies. over $700m in inflows in the year to date.
Dan Draper, global head of ETFs at Credit According to Source’s CEO Ted Hood: “Pimco, The fund tracks a diverse range of US dollar
Suisse, “the ETF industry remains in an early as one of the world’s leading fixed income denominated emerging market debt, giving
growth phase”. Credit Suisse is expecting fur- managers, is well positioned to provide an exposure to over 30 countries. The iShares
ther growth in Europe and also in Asia, enhanced approach to both active and passive MSCI emerging markets fund has also raised
where it plans to expand its ETF platform exposure.” Investors can expect the first $1.7bn in the year to date, the most new net
Torrents of money are pouring into ETFs Picture: GETTY next year. products to be launched in early 2011. assets of any iShares product.
City Focus
24 CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

| Careers

How to make better use of your time

Some simple office techniques can help you
get more done faster, says Jeremy Hazlehurst

NE of the curses of the modern ae, then you have to prioritise. There are
workplace is having too much to do two classic ways to do this. Either divide
in the time available for the work, things into three categories: “must do”,
and so time-management is one of “should do” and “nice to do”; or into two
the most important of skills. Contrary to groups: “discretionary” and “non-discre-
much supposed wisdom, says Roger Trapp tionary” tasks. “These are more sophisti-
in his new book What You Need to Know cated versions of simple to-do lists, which
About Business, the key is not to learn even on their own can concentrate the
how to multitask. Doing two things at mind on the tasks in hand – as well as pro-
once doesn’t work – eating your lunch at viding a psychological boost when items
your desk “might shave a few minutes off are ticked off,” writes Trapp.
the day,” writes Trapp “but it can actually

make life more stressed.” Here are five tips
for managing your time better.
. Make use of the Pareto Principle. This

is named after the Italian economist who
came up with the famous 80/20 rule. He

. Make sure you have objectives. noticed that 20 per cent of the Italian pop- Don’t let time pres- Rather than the traditional principle of
Remember to make them SMART – ulation had 80 per cent of the wealth. sures overwhelm you never putting off until tomorrow what
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant Many businesses find that 80 per cent of can be done today, this states that nothing . Remember Parkinson’s Principle,
and Time-Bound. This is especially good if income comes from 20 per cent of cus- Picture: GETTY is so urgent that it can’t be put off until that work expands to fill the time
you are, for example, “starting a new job tomers. Identify the 20 per cent of your tomorrow. available to it. Deal with email and
or project and want to set goals so that work that brings you 80 per cent of the “This is a deliberate technique for avoid- phone calls in one batch, and set aside a
you can demonstrate progress.” Proving benefit, and concentrate on it. For exam- ing becoming distracted by or bogged certain time to do so. Only touch emails
that you are getting things done is as ple, chase the 20 per cent of biggest bills down in all the little things that happen once – and either do, delegate, delay
important as getting them done. first – losing out on the interest of the in the course of a business day,” says or dump.
smaller ones is less bad. Trapp. Bundle together all the tasks that Meetings are horribly time-wasting, so

arise during the day to be actioned the if possible delegate attendance, and

next day, rather than trying to do them all always have another commitment after-
. If you are struggling to get things straight away. Then you can organise wards, to encourage you to be efficient
done and getting bogged down in minuti- . Adopt the “manana principle”. everything in the most efficient way. and get out as soon as possible.

Don’t plan on making any Negotiating your way to

knee-jerk moves in January
RECENT survey by Morgan McKinley
the bonus you deserve
A found that the number of City job
vacancies was up year-on-year for the
12th consecutive month, 9 per cent
in November. Traditionally, the first quar-
ter sees a flurry of hiring, following the
in the past but couldn’t deliver because of
the recession? Now is the time to ask for a
limited bonus to make up for it.
Six, fix their worries. You can trade a
clear-outs that accompany the bonus sea- bonus for things they want from you in
son. So will we see this in 2011? the future; the need for work at certain
With all the kerfuffle about bonuses times or tasks; contacts; information; a
speculation is rife that many disgruntled cost reduction project from vendors.
City folk will jump ship when they receive Seven, make small talk. After you have
low bonuses – or the dreaded donut, as a done all the research above, your boss still
zero bonus is known. Some recruiters say STUART DIAMOND has to be comfortable giving you more
that if you suspect that you are heading for money. So, before you start talking about a
a disappointing bonus then you should go raise, ask how his/her day was. Talk about

now rather than wait until the start of VEN when times are bad, you can still the weather, sports or events of the day.
February, when others will do the same. persuade your boss to give you a good People give you more when you connect
“As we go into the Christmas period peo- bonus if you go about it in the right with them.
ple are thinking about their bonuses and way. Here are 10 tips. Eight, hear their perceptions. Especially
they might decide to vote with their feet, A donut is not always a reason to move. First, make it a one-time deal. Note that if they are negative, hear them out. Ask
which will increase liquidity in the mar- a bonus doesn’t increase overhead fixed them to tell you more; you’ll get more
ket,” says Neil Owen of City recruiter a similar upward trend at most City insti- costs since it’s just for performance during information on how they think. What do
Robert Half. And that liquidity, of course, tutions.” Also, he says, there were low lev- the period, the month, quarter or year. and don’t they value? It will help you per-
can snowball as positions open up. els in the fourth quarter of 2010 and a Second, make sure that the bonus you suade them, now or later. The negotiation
But, he adds, this is not likely to be a quieter quarter tends to be followed by are asking for is very specific. Tie it to a is over when you say it is.
large trend. People will look not just at more activity in the following one. So the piece of work you did that added value to Nine, find intangibles. Even if they can’t
money, but the whole package, and first quarter of 2011 should be good. the company. Calculate the value of that give you a monetary bonus, a fallback posi-
work/life balance and stability also have to Some areas have remained strong in work if possible. tion is what they might give you that’s
be taken into account. A bad bonus is not 2010 and will continue to be so, he says, Third, find their criteria. What are the intangible: more vacation, a high-profile
always a reason to leave. After all, if you such as change management – things like company’s standards for giving bonuses? project to advance your career, a promo-
work in the City you have to take the lean improving efficiency and offshoring – con- Meet them. Ask if anyone else has had a tion now and the bonus later, a better
years with the fat ones, and although tinue to be options for skilled and experi- bonus and what they did to get it. What is office, something to show their gratitude
money is an important part of the pack- enced people. Compliance is still a big deal the typical size of a bonus based on value for the extra work you put in.
age, it is not the be-all and end-all for most for banks, which is a question of managing given, what percentage, for example? Ten, don’t be greedy. Let them suggest
people; it’s important to enjoy your work relationships between institutions and the Fourth, come up with a good reason. something first; you can counter with your
too. So, bad bonuses do not necessarily FSA to monitor and manage compliance. Even if it’s not a specific business purpose, calculations if needed. It’s okay to be incre-
mean a flurry of moving. Risk-management is also still a growing if you have a good reason (medical bills, mental; some bonus now, some later. Don’t
Andrew Evans, MD of Morgan McKinley area at financial institutions. Sales roles, education, home office, something for the threaten to leave unless you have another
UK, says that predicting the market is too, will also arise. spouse or kids), it will increase persuasive- offer in hand and would take it. You will
harder now than it was in 2005-2007. Donut dissatisfaction is real, but it prob- ness. Defraying the cost of rising prices create bad blood otherwise and even if you
“Anecdotally, though, the feeling is that ably won’t lead to a recruitment frenzy. might be a reason. stay, the relationship will suffer.
2011 will be similar to 2010, and if that is For now at least, it’s still better the devil Fifth, link it to other deals. Did they Stuart Diamond is the author of Getting More,
true, then the first quarter of 2011 will see you know. promise you a raise, bonus or promotion
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Lifestyle | Books
26 CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

Show your love with a good book

A well-chosen tome displays thought and
passion. Here are 2010’s best, by Zoe Strimpel

K, Christmas is closing in. Chances are you’ve done the bulk of your shopping, or
at least you know what you’re getting for your friends and family. But there may
still be some holes to be filled, and if there are, there’s no better way to fill them
than with a well-chosen book.
Books as gifts often get a bad name, often prompting a secret eye-roll. But they’re also
a great chance to show how well you know someone and to bring a very real source of
pleasure to them. Here we’ve chosen the best books of 2010 for the people you need to
show your love (or admiration) to most.

MUM: If she has a soft spot for historical DAD: Well-clothed fathers will love this
fiction, Philippa Gregory’s The Red beautiful tome about London’s tailoring
Queen should delight. The second book heart: Bespoke: The Men’s Style of Savile
in Gregory’s eminently enjoyable trilogy, Row by James Sherwood. Decision Points
The Cousins War, it brings to life the story by George W. Bush is the non-fiction alter-
of Margaret Beaufort, the child-bride of native to a Tom Clancy or John Grisham
Edmund Tudor. India Knight’s Comfort that explains the moves of the ex
and Joy is a guaranteed laugh and touch- President – love him or hate him. And has
ing too: a family tragicomedy about he read Freedom by Jonathan Franzen?
Christmas written in the columnist’s The Corrections author’s latest is an epic
trademark witty style. concerned with family turmoil.

HER: You can’t go wrong with a book that HIM: Stick to sport and you’re bound to
explains the male brain: single (and cou- please. Our pick of the top three sport
pled) friends will lap up yours truly’s own books this year are Ryder Cup superstar
What the Hell Is He Thinking? All The Sam Torrance’s An Enduring Passion
Questions You Ever Asked About Men which captures the experience of the
Answered. Another inspiring book for iconic contest, Brian Moore’s Beware of
women is Nomad, the outspoken Ayaan the Dog, a searingly honest autobiogra-
Hirsi Ali’s new one. Then there’s the phy about the former English rugby
year’s ultimate un-put-downable novel: hooker and Open by Andre Agassi, in
The Help by Kathryn Stockett, about which the flamboyant tennis star reveals
maids in the Deep South. his battle with crystal meth.


HER: If she hasn’t read Ian McEwan’s HIM: Let’s face it: men have finally stolen Make your loved ones HIM: The world’s most respected thriller- MacGregor’s History of the World in 100
scathing Solar, she’s in for a treat, while the cooking and food baton from women. happy with a well- writer John Le Carre’s latest, Our Kind of Objects is told through the things that
Jodi Picoult’s House Rules displays the Any metropolitan man worth his salt will chosen book. Traitor, is sure to please. If he doesn’t have humans have made – either carefully
best of taste: the best-selling queen of the be thrilled to receive either (or both) of Picture: GETTY The Big Short by Liar’s Poker author designed and preseved, or broken and
heavy-hitting social drama has struck gold the two big foodie coffee table books of Michael Lewis already, this is a must: the thrown away. Lovely. If you want peace and
with this story of a boy with Asperger’s the year: Feran Adria’s biography, The definitive insiders’ tale about the sub- quiet, Lee Child’s latest Jack Reacher book,
and a obsession with forensics. Well-writ- Inside Story of El Bulli and the Man Who prime crisis. British Museum director Neil Worth Dying For should do the trick.
ten, serious but eminently readable. Peter Reinvented Food by Colman Andrews and
Carey’s Parrot and Olivier in America is a Noma: Time and Place in Nordic Cuisine
picaresque tale of two unlikely fellow trav- by Noma chef René Redzepi. Phillip KIDS
ellers. Popular and literary. Bam. Roth’s latest, Nemesis, should work too.
DAUGHTER: Ideal for the Potter obsessive is SON: If he’s not up to Swift yet, the book
The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook: of the new Gulliver’s Travels film starring
PARTNER From Cauldron Cakes to Knickerbocker Jack Black – about the adventures of a
Glory--More Than 150 Magical Recipes for New York Tribune mail room employee
HER: Give her something she can lose her- first novel in six years, The Long Song, set Muggles and Wizards (think of the fun!). Lemuel Gullver who winds up in far-
self in: David Mitchell’s The Thousand in Jamaica during the last years of slavery. Barack Obama’s lyrical introduction to flung trouble in Bermuda – is a fun alter-
Autums of Jacob de Zoet is a vividly imag- Winner of the women’s-only Orange Prize great Americans: Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to native. Surprisingly talented children’s
ined historical masterpiece from the was Barbara Kingsolver’s The Lacuna and My Daughters, is educational and beauti- book author David Walliams’ The Boy in
author of Cloud Atlas. Another good it’s a terrific yarn about corruption in fully presented. (You’ll have to get it on the Dress ventures into new territory by
choice is Booker shortlisted Andrea Levy’s Mexico and The US in the 40s and 50s. Amazon, though, as it’s not out here yet). exploring life outside of gender roles.

In a terrific season for family You can map out the career of a great American painter Norman Rockwell was
shows, Katie Mitchell’s Beauty and the actor as they run through the major best known for his depictions of everyday
Beast, in the National’s cosy Cottesloe Shakespearian roles, with Lear the late- life which appeared on the covers of the
Theatre, is one of the standouts. Shadow career crowning glory. Derek Jacobi, Saturday Evening Post. He may be dis-
puppets, eerie costumes, mysterious sound arguably our leading living interpreter of missed by many as a mawkish, sentimen-
effects and Lucy Kirkwood’s lyrical writing the Bard, has finally made his way to the tal illustrator rather than a serious artist,
create a magical world of faries and won- blasted heath at the Donmar Theatre, but there’s no doubting Rockwell’s
der – and look out for a a bizarre under Michael Grandage’s direction, extraordinary facility with paint, and the
“brain-milking” machine. Mark Arends and in a performance some critics are Dulwich Picture Gallery’s retrospective is
Sian Clifford are the titular lovers. Until 5 describing as the finest Lear in a genera- a rare and intriguing look at a career
Jan. Tickets from £10 from Derek Jacobi as Lear tion. Until 5 Feb. Tickets from £15 from stretching from 1916 to 1963. Until 27 Mar,
Beauty and the Beast
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 Lifestyle | Food & Drink 27


I love blended whisky, and Compass Box is an
innovative West London company that’s been

at the forefront of blending for 10 years. This
release marries Old Clynelish, Caolila and
Ledaigh whiskies, and it’s beautifully peaty, but
subtle too. £72,


Considering the amount of time this has
been in the cask, this is amazing value.
Glenfarclas is synonymous with rich, bold
cherry notes, chocolatey flavours and
winter spices – a great winter warmer
that needs to be sipped and savoured
and allowed to tell its considerable tale.

Timothy Barber raises his glass to the best

Scottish whisky vintages to buy this year

FINE bottle of Scotch whisky makes a terrific Christmas present for anyone
who appreciates a dram of the good stuff. But finding the best bottlings
isn’t easy, and there are thousands to choose from. So we asked Neil Ridley,
whiskey expert and the brains behind the blog, to select


the whiskies that he’d like to find under the tree on Christmas morning.
Neil says: Japanese whisky takes some of the best characteristics of Scotch FO
whisky and does them in HD – it’s big, bold, but beautifully made. The 1984
Yamazaki has huge, resonant fruit notes and lots of oak, TH U R S DAY 10TH F E B RUA RY 2011
vanilla and spice. £469,
The splendour of Guildhall, an introduction to the
HIGHLAND PARK 1970 evening by Mayor of London Boris Johnson and
ORCADIAN VINTAGE a line up of internationally acclaimed chefs, each
The third bottling from the dis- personally presenting a gourmet course on the night.
tillery’s prestigious Orcadian All the ingredients for the year’s not-to-be-missed
Vintage series, this almost defies culinary experience.
logic in its excellence. You get lots of
very subtle peat notes and incredible AUS E
complexity, with no over-woodiness TH E C
which you can get with older releases. Raising funds to build and run Personnel Recovery
£2,250, Centres, for wounded troops in need of support on
their return from active duty.


The Brora distillery closed in 1983, and its whiskies are very collecta-
ble since stocks are now very low. Released this year, the spicey, woody
30 year old is a really luxurious whisky that’s worth sticking away for a
few years. £277.95,
V E NT Wo r k i ng to g e t h e r w i t h

Have a swinging New Year

THE RECE EPTION – Attended by Mayor of London, Boris Johnson
Served by Martyn Nail, Claridges and Simon Young, Jumeirah Carlton Tower
THE BANQUET – Hosted ted byy Brian Turner OBE
TARTER Albert Roux OBE & Glen Watson
tury Paris. Can-can dancers, Burlesque per- FIRST COURSE Mark Flanagan, The Royal Chef, The Royal Household
formers and songstresses will perform on & Christian Garcia, Chef to HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco
the spectacular courtyard stage, while the FISH COURSE Philip Corrick, Royal Automobile Club
restaurant offers six courses and the chic & Matthew Marshall, Chamberlain’s
Long Bar serves cocktails and champagne. MEAT COURSE John Williams MBE, The Ritz & Jason Atherton
£90 for access or £240 for dinner. D ESSERT Benoit Blin MCA, Le Manoir Aux Quat Saisons
TIM The Roof Gardens: The unique gardens
Tables of 10 people are priced
at £ 3 , 5 0 0 plus VAT PETIT
P ETIT FOURS William Curley, Best British Chocolatier 2007-2009
BADHAM offer the perfect way to welcome in 2011
with fireworks a plenty. £125 gets you entry Each course served with carefully selected wines.
GOING OUT and a champagne, cocktails and canapés ERS Military pageantry will feature throughout the evening.
reception, with live music in the Marquee, SUP PORT
top DJs and breakfast nibbles. OR S
AND S S po n so r s &

EW Year’s Eve can often be a disap- Baglioni Hotel: Celebrate in five-star supporters
s u p p o r te rs
pointment if you don’t get it right. Italian style at the hotel’s “Casino de E ve n t
Here is a list of the hottest parties in Baglioni” party which will have you seeing in organiser
o rg a n is e r
London, so you have no excuse. the sunrise with its all-night schedule from & ssponsor
po n so r
Sanctum Hotel: This rock’n’roll boutique 10pm-6am. Tickets £45 if you book now.
hotel is throwing the ultimate house party. Boujis: It’s hard to beat this South Ken
Kick the evening off with a four-course din- classic for a hedonistic club night and they
ner before taking to the roof Terrace (with are offering a remarkably reasonable all
Jacuzzi) for drinks and dancing. The private inclusive ticket at £125 for entertainment
cinema will include Wii games and guitar and complimentary bar all night... till very T
E VENT contact
contact AAlessio
hero. £80 for dinner or £40 for entry. late. Score a table ticket for £180 and you onn 0
o 020
20 77648
648 8
694, eemail
mail &--#)ž"',&#(-)Ő)()(|)'
&--#)ž"',&#(-)Ő)()(|)' oorr visit
The Sanderson: NYE takes on a classic get complimentary bottle service all night.
French cabaret twist at “Le Chat Noir”, an For full details on any of these NYE events 1 1 1|"',&#(-)Ő)()(|)'
evening of live entertainment à la 19th cen- contact
28 Lifestyle | TV& Games CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010


6pm BBC News 6pm Celebrity Eggheads: 6pm London Tonight 6pm The Simpsons: 6pm Home and Away:
6.30pm BBC London News 6.30pm Strictly Come Dancing 6.30pm ITV News 6.30pm Hollyoaks: 6.25pm Live from Studio Five:
7pm The One Show: – It Takes Two: 7pm Emmerdale: 7pm Channel 4 News 7pm Five News at 7
7.30pm EastEnders: BBC News 7pm Best of the Culture Show 7.30pm Christmas or Bust?: 7.55pm 7.30pm Highland Emergency:
8pm The Royal Variety 2010: Tonight: 8pm The Million Pound Drop Five News Update
Performance 2010: 8pm Nigella Kitchen: 8pm Emmerdale: Live: 8pm Demolition: The Super
10pm BBC News 8.30pm Rick Stein’s Christmas 8.30pm Coronation Street: The 9pm CHOICE The House That Stadium: Five News at 9
10.25pm Regional News Odyssey: first of the funerals takes place. Made Me: 9pm NCIS: A petty officer is
10.35pm The Apprentice – 9pm At Home with the 9pm CHOICE Celebrity 10pm Jamie’s Christmas Lock- killed.
Why I Fired Them: Georgians: Grimefighters: In: 10pm Law & Order: Criminal
11.35pm This Week: Skiing 10pm Never Mind the 10pm ITV News at Ten 11.05pm Alan Carr: Chatty Intent: BEST OF THE CULTURE SHOW 2010
Weatherview Buzzcocks: 10.30pm London News Man: 10.55pm Law & Order: BBC2, 11.20PM
12.30am Sign Zone: Baby P: In 10.30pm Newsnight: Weather 10.35pm FILM 2 Fast 2 12.10am Reaper: 11.55pm Cops in Crisis: Andrew Graham-Dixon presents yearly
His Mother’s Words – 11.20pm CHOICE Best of the Furious: Thriller sequel, starring 1.00am Slow Joe 12.15am SuperCasino highlights, including artist Chris Ofili
Panorama Culture Show 2010: Paul Walker. 2003. 1.10am Our Drugs War 2.05am 4.05am Divine Designs 4.30am discussing his career and Mark Kermode
1am Sign Zone: Countryfile 1.55am 12.20am The Apprentice: 12.30am The Zone Unreported World 2.35am FILM Rough Guide to Bang for Your Buck interviewing film director Tom Ford.
Sign Zone: Antiques Roadshow You’re Fired! 2.35am Surface 3.20am The Antwone Fisher: 2002. 4.30am- 4.45am House Doctor 5.10am
2.55am Sign Zone: The Young Ones 1.05am BBC News 3.55am-6am Jeremy Kyle Show 4.10am-5.30am 5.55am FILM The Spy in Black: Michaela’s Wild Challenge 5.35am-
3.55am-6am BBC News Close ITV Nightscreen Drama, starring Conrad Veidt. 1939. 6am Michaela’s Wild Challenge

SKY SPORTS 1 10.15pm Biathlon 11.15pm 4.40am Boston Legal 5.30am- 2.05am This Is England ‘86 DISCOVERY HOME &

Boxing 12.15am-12.30am 6am Home Shopping 3am What About Brian

7pm Live Darts: Day one of the
Eurogoals: One to One 3.45am Reno 911! 4.05am HEALTH
2011 PDC World
Championship. 12am Ringside
BBC THREE Being Erica 4.50am-6am 7pm A Baby Story 8pm 10
2am Premier League World
ESPN 7pm Top Gear 8pm Young Switched Years Younger 9pm I Didn’t
6pm Live UEFA Europa League Fishmonger of the Year 9pm Know I Was Pregnant 10pm
2.30am-6am Live Test Cricket
Football: Coverage of a Jeff Brazier: Me and My HISTORY Real Life Thumbelina – Four CELEBRITY GRIMEFIGHTERS
SKY SPORTS 2 matchday six fixture. 8pm Live Brother: The TV presenter tries 7pm The Universe 8pm Ice Years On 11pm Hospital ITV1 9PM
7pm Test Cricket 10pm Time UEFA Europa League Football: to change his sibling’s life. Road Truckers 10pm IRT Sydney 12am I Didn’t Know I Neil Morrissey, Tamara Beckwith, Gino
of Our Lives 11pm Test Cricket Coverage of a matchday six 10pm EastEnders 10.30pm Deadliest Roads 11pm Ice Road Was Pregnant 1am Real Life D’Acampo, Andrew Castle and Liz
12am The Rugby Club 1am- fixture. 10pm Goal! 10.30pm Russell Howard Live: Truckers 1am IRT Deadliest Thumbelina – Four Years On Brewer join specialist teams fighting
4.30am Live NFL: San Diego MMA Live 11.15pm ESPN Dingledodies 11.30pm Family Roads 2am Extreme Trains 2am Hospital Sydney 3am 10 the daily war on the nation’s grime.
Chargers v San Francisco Kicks Extra 11.30pm UEFA Guy 12.15am Jeff Brazier: Me 3am-5am Decoding the Past Years Younger 4am Baby Tales
49ers (Kick-off 1.20am). Europa League Highlights and My Brother 1.15am Russell 5am-6am A Baby Story
1.30am Live NHL Ice Hockey: Howard Live: Dingledodies DISCOVERY
SKY SPORTS 3 Dallas Stars v San Jose Sharks 2.10am My Boyfriend the War 8pm How Do They Do It?: How SKY1
7pm Race World 8pm The (Face-off 1.30am). 4am Press Hero 3.10am Love Me, Love money is minted. 8.30pm How 8pm Modern Family 8.30pm
Rugby Club 9pm Ringside Pass 2010 4.30am-5.15am My Face 4.10am-5.10am It’s Made 9pm Wheeler The Simpsons 9pm An Idiot
11pm Race World 12am Test MMA Live Young Fishmonger of the Year Dealers 10pm Swamp Loggers Abroad: Karl Pilkington visits
Cricket 2am Time of Our Lives 11pm Death Machines 12am Egypt. 10pm Raising Hope
3am-4am Race World LIVING E4 Bear Grylls: Born Survivor 1am 10.30pm A League of Their
7pm CSI: Miami 8pm Teens 7pm Hollyoaks: The Costellos Deadliest Catch 2am Chris Own 11pm NCIS: Los Angeles
BRITISH EUROSPORT That Tie the Knot 9pm Nikita: discover Jasmine’s secret. Barrie’s Massive Engines 3am 12am Road Wars 1.50am THE HOUSE THAT MADE ME
5.45pm Bobsleigh 7.45pm Drama, starring Maggie Q. 7.30pm Friends 9pm The Big The First World War 3.50am Shadow of the Shark 2.40am CHANNEL4, 9PM
Eurogoals Flash 7.55pm 10pm Chuck 11pm Criminal Bang Theory 9.30pm Meet the Nasa’s Greatest Missions Oops TV 3.30am The Dresden Michael Barrymore returns for the first
Equestrian 9pm Live Minds 1am CSI: Miami Parents 10pm Misfits 11.05pm 4.40am Days That Shook the Files 4.20am Sell Me the time in 35 years to the council estate
Equestrian: The Olympia 2am CSI: Crime Scene This Is England ‘86 12.10am World 5.30am-6am How Does Answer 5.10am-6am Are You where he grew up in Bermondsey,
International Horse Show. Investigation 3am Charmed Scrubs 1.10am Misfits That Work? Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? south London.

Copyright Puzzle Press Ltd,


17 23 17 16 20 30 11 
19 18
28 12
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 36  
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 16 30
7 27
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 4 4 13
above or to the left of it. 12 25
You can only use the digits 1-9 39     
   and you must not use the
5 38 6
same digit twice in a block.
   The same digit may occur 22 
20 10 29
   more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a
16 16
11 10

15 6
     separate block.
3 11 
22 26

21 14

3 Say out loud for the 1 Beetle considered
purpose of recording (7)
6 Dance performed by a group
of people in single file (5)
divine by ancient
Egyptians (6)
2 Cancels (6)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have
   ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
E R 7 Region of northern 3 Valleys (5)
Europe (7)
4 Endowed
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters E 8 Divert in a specified
direction (5)
with natural

LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
D A 10 Diminish (6)
abilities (8)
5 Court game (6)
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
S N 12 Lowest adult male
singing voice (4)
9 Person who
makes a will (8)
QUICK CROSSWORD 6 7 9 5 8 7 9 8 14 Fling (4)
11 Total (3)
6 6 & $ 9 ( 1 * ( 5
1 3 6 2 4 2 6 1 SUDOKU          17 Intrude in other people’s
13 Appalled (6)
2 7 1 1 3 8 4          affairs or business (6)
$ ( 6 ; ,
) 5 ( 7 6 $ & 5 ( 6 3 1 3 4 2 1
         19 Britain’s only native 15 Difficult
( 3 $ / / / 8 9 6 8 9 8 1 2 experience (6)
         venomous snake (5)
7 $ 6 7 < 7 $ 6 ( 5 7 4 9 2 6 3 1 5 8
         16 Refuse to work,
/ ( $ ' 6
7 $
7 (
8 5
1 8
6 7 8
4 8
20 Plans for attaining a
particular goal (7) as a protest (6)
, 6 ( 0 8 ' 1         
1 $ 7 $ / 3 5 , ( ' 5 9 8 3 7 1 2 The nine-letter words were 21 Show appreciation (5) 18 Artificial gems (5)
1 2 4 7 9 3 6 8         
( + ( 2 (
DENOUNCER and RENOUNCED          22 Aseptic (7)
0 $ 5 ' , * 5 $ 6 5 2 8 7 1 5 2 4 3

Henson could face England

sion’s Strictly Come Dancing. few weeks ago, when he was still on

RUGBY UNION But Henson is set to make his Strictly Come Dancing, it wouldn’t
BY FRANK DALLERES Saracens debut this month, having surprise me if Gavin makes his come-
signed a short-term deal with the back for Wales against England,” said
WALES and Saracens centre Gavin Hertfordshire-based outfit, and has Bennett.
Henson is being tipped to make a sen- made no secret of his ambition to win “And they all laughed at me! But
sational return to the Test arena in back his Wales place. stranger things have happened and
the Six Nations opener against And Welsh great Phil Bennett let’s keep on with this story. I don’t
England. believes an injury to first-choice fly- know, he could be playing No10 for
The talented back has not played a half Stephen Jones could pave the Wales against England.”
competitive match since March, hav- way for the former Ospreys man to be Jones faces four weeks on the side-
ing taken time away from the game handed a first international start lines after damaging knee ligaments
and then enjoyed a stint on televi- since the 2009 Six Nations. “I said a playing for Scarlets last weekend.

Montgomerie left Casey (inset) out of his Ryder Cup side Picture: ACTION IMAGES

Monty: Casey
still snubs me

GOLF career. And the eight-time European

BY FRANK DALLERES Order of Merit winner is dreaming of
qualifying for the 2014 Ryder Cup,
RYDER CUP captain Colin which is to be held on his home soil
Montgomerie admits he has hit a at Gleneagles.
brick wall with his efforts to speak to “I would love to do that in 2012
Paul Casey, 10 weeks after leaving and, more especially, to play in 2014,”
him out of his team at Celtic Manor. he added. “I would be 51, but in golf-
Montgomerie overlooked Casey for ing terms, I suppose, still quite
one of two wildcard picks to face the sprightly. I’ve got to get myself back in
United States in October, after the the world top 50. Every competitor in
Englishman failed to qualify auto- the Ryder Cup, all 24 of them, were in
matically. the top 50 this particular time and I
And the Scot, whose side prevailed have got to get myself back in.”
in a thrilling contest, revealed he Having won the cup as player and
appears to have been snubbed in his captain, Montgomerie is also aiming
efforts to make contact with Casey to revamp the competition, and has
ever since. proposed a change in format that
“I have still to speak to Paul,” he would mean every member of each
said. “I have been trying hard but I’m team playing on all three days.
not getting very far. Email, text and “You start off with 12 and you’ve
voicemail is about my limit and I got to rest four immediately,” he said.
can’t do any more than that. But I’ve “They are not tired so I’d like to see
tried and we’ll leave it like that.” them all playing in every series. I
Montgomerie, 47, revelled in the don’t know if you can squeeze that
captaincy but has now turned his into three days but I would prefer
thoughts to resuming his playing everybody to play.”

Hopley backs selection process Kean will have input in transfers
RUGBY UNION: The boss of the Rugby FOOTBALL: Blackburn caretaker manag-
Players Association has given a cautious er Steve Kean will have the final say on
endorsement of England’s plans not to any signings during the January transfer
select overseas-based players after next window, according to the club’s owners.
year’s World Cup in New Zealand. Chief Venky’s group chairwoman Anuradha
executive Damian Hopley said the pro- Desai denied that Rovers’ transfer policy
posals are “heavy-handed” but admitted: is being set by an external agency and
“If this is what it takes to get the best confirmed Kean will oversee any deci-
results from England at the 2015 World sions. She said: “He [Kean] knows the
Cup, then that’s the price players will players best and he’ll have the final deci-
have to pay.” sion on who we bring in.”
30 Sport CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010

England’s Aussie Anderson was
the subject of
some harsh criti-
cism from Langer

mentality makes
:clY9il^^\%%%%%%%%%%%(  ( M`ccXii\Xc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )  ) (inset) prior to
Bfl\dX_X)/ Ifjj`*'#*+g\e the Ashes series
 8kk1(0#''' last summer
;`eXdfQX^i\Y%%%%%'  ' G8FBJXcfe`bX%%%%%%%%%%'  (
8kk1*+#''' JXcg`e^`[`j,0
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Picture: ACTION

them dangerous
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G8FBJXcfe`bX%%%%%%%%%%%%%- * ) ( , * ) ((
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;peXdfB`\m%%%%%%%%%'  ' =:J_\i`]]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  '

  G N ; C = 8 >; Gkj
8kk1(.#''' Justin Langer eats his words and accepts
;peXdfB`\m%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- * ) ( (' - + ((
98K<%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- * ( ) (( (( ' ('
8Q%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ) ( * / (' $) .
Andrew Strauss’s side are no pushovers
=:J_\i`]]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ( ) * , . $) ,
CXljXee\Jgfikj%%'  ' GXc\idf%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ( team I’ve seen for some time,” said

8kk1-#''' Dlefq/, the former Somerset captain.
JgXikXGiX^l\%%%%%%%(  ( :JB8DfjZfn%%%%%%%%%%%(  ( BY JAMES GOLDMAN “Not necessarily the individuals
BX[c\Z++ ;qX^f\m(,28kk1()#.'' WEAK, lacking the stomach for a but the way they fight as a team. Back
  G N ; C = 8 >; Gkj
:JB8DfjZfn%%%%%%%%%%%%%- , ( ' (/ * (, (- fight and content simply to lose with in Brisbane I would suggest in the
JgXikXGiX^l\%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ) * ( () () ' 0 a smile on their faces – all insults past they wouldn’t have batted the
GXc\idf%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ) ( * . (( $+ . directed at England’s cricketers way they did on days four and five.
CXljXee\J%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ' ( , , (- $(( ( before the last Ashes series. “England teams of the past
>IFLGB But the man who ripped into would’ve rolled over. Even the way
C`m\igffc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ' =:Lki\Z_k%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ' James Anderson’s personality ahead they declared at the end of that Test
EXgfc`%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ( Jk\XlX9lZli\jk`%%%%%%'  ' of the 2009 contest, Justin Langer, to give themselves an outside chance
:XmXe`0' 8kk1+,#''' accepts there has been a sea change was unusual for them. They are play-
  G N ; C = 8 >; Gkj in the way Andrew Strauss’s men go ing good cricket, we are aware of that
C`m\igffc%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ) + ' / * , (' about their business. and we respect it.”
EXgfc`%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ( + ( / 0 $( . Langer, now Australia’s batting While the series has been pretty
J9lZli\jk`%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ( * ) 0 (( $) -
=:Lki\Z_k%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ' , ( , . $) , coach, once claimed “English players much one way traffic thus far,
rarely believe in themselves” and that England skipper Strauss was bracing
BXigXkpCm`m%%%%%%%%%%(  ( GJ>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  ( Anderson’s body language “can be himself for a typically aggressive
=\[\kjb`p+, Clp`e[lcX*028kk1('#''' detrimental to the side” in a docu- Aussie response before the start of the
J\m`ccX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )  ) 9;fikdle[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  ) ment leaked to the press last year. third Test in Perth this morning.
IfdXi`Z*( BX^XnX+ But Langer, one of the men now Strauss said: “I’m always aware if
BXeflk\*, JlYfk`Z+028kk1),#'''
  G N ; C = 8 >; Gkj attempting to mastermind England’s you start relaxing and think things
GJ>%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- * * ' 0 + , () downfall, recognises this crop of play- are going well, this game has a way of
J\m`ccX%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- * ( ) (' . * (' ers will be a tough nut to crack for an coming back to bite you. We must
9;fikdle[%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ) * ( (' . * 0 Australia team displaying some of the remember Brisbane was a tight game.
BXigXkpCm`m%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- ' ( , + (, $(( ( hallmarks he so discourteously attrib- “We’ve got to be just as desperate as
>IFLGC uted to previous English squads. Australia because if we’re not, we’ll
9\j`bkXj%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% )  ) IXg`[M`\eeX%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  '
HlXi\jdX*)#<iejk+, 8kk1(+#'''
“I can understand why all of come unstuck. Australia have got a
=:Gfikf%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(  * :JB8Jf]`X%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'  ( England are excited about winning point to prove and we have to be pre-
FkXd\e[`)) ;\c\m+/ the Ashes. This is the best England pared to counter that.”
IlY\eD`ZX\c,,#If[i`^l\q0' 8kk1))#0*'
  G N ; C = 8 >; Gkj

MCC warned about wisdom of lie detector proposals

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Alm\ekljmDXe:`kp-gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
CRICKET The MCC’s proposal is part of a The MCC said in a statement: “The said even the most reliable lie detec-
JXcqYli^mC\Z_GfqeXe-gd %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BY MARTIN CAPARROTTA range of measures that they hope will committee is concerned at the scale tor tests were only “usually around 80
>iflg918i`jJXcfe`bXmIfj\eYfi^-gd #9Xp\iC\m\iblj\e ensure spot betting scandals, such as of the problem, and the detrimental per cent accurate”. Dr Sharon Leal
m8kc\k`ZfDX[i`[-gd %>iflg:1C\mjb`Jf]`XmJgfik`e^ THEY are more commonly associated the one that dogged Pakistan’s tour effect it has placed on the integrity of added: “They [the MCC] are probably
C`jYfe-gd #C`cc\m>_\ek-gd %>iflg>18<B8k_\ejm with daytime television and US court- of England earlier this year, become a the game. thinking of using them as a deter-
Q\e`kJkG\k\ijYli^/%', #8e[\ic\Z_km?Xa[lbJgc`k/%',% rooms than the genteel world of thing of the past. “We feel more resources – and rent. I’d imagine most players would-
>iflg?1>\kX]\mPfle^9fpj/%', #M]9Jklkk^XikmF[\ej\ cricket. But the game’s lawmakers are However, they have been urged to increased powers – are required to n’t want to take a polygraph test.”
/%', %>iflg@1;\Yi\Z\emJXdg[fi`X/%', #GJM
<`e[_fm\emD\kXc`jkB_Xib`m/%', % giving serious consideration to using exercise caution by experts who point attempt to eradicate this issue from There may be practical drawbacks,
lie detector tests in their latest bid to out the limitations of the technology, the game.” however. She added: “They are quite
wipe out the growing threat of cor- which is not deemed reliable enough But one expert at Portsmouth lengthy – each test takes about three
email ruption in the sport. for British courts. University’s psychology department hours.”
CITYA.M. 16 DECEMBER 2010 Sport 31

Tevez will be told to stay

HIGH 310

Bright sunshine

Roberto Mancini will implore want-
Euro glory
the target
Curator Cameron Sutherland has away striker Carlos Tevez to remain
prepared a grassy one. Perth is tra- at the club when the pair meet for
ditionally a result wicket, but the showdown talks tomorrow.
groundsman appears to have taken Mancini is yet to confront his lead-

for Kuyt
the draw right out of the equation ing goalscorer, but is confident the
with this strip. 26-year-old can be talked out of leav-
ing the club in January.
STATS OF THE DAY City have made it clear they
l Ricky Ponting claims he’s a fan of intend to make sure Tevez honours
batting on Perth’s traditionally the five-year contract he signed 18
bouncy surface. But the numbers months ago and his Italian manager
wouldn’t appear to suggest as will reinforce that stance when the LIVERPOOL forward Dirk Kuyt
much, while his recent shortcom- duo meet face-to-face. believes the Europa League will
ings against the short ball could “I will say that he must stay here.” offer the club a major opportunity
see his mixed record at this venue Mancini said. “I don’t think he is to end their five-year trophy
extended. In 20 Test innings since unhappy, really unhappy. I don’t drought.
making 96 on his debut 15 years think that. Liverpool finished top of Group
ago, he has passed 50 only three “I will tell him that we can change K after two wins and four draws
times. the history of the club and, together, following last night’s goalless
we can do good work this year.” draw against Utrecht at Anfield.
l England’s record at the WACA Though Mancini is adamant his And Kuyt hopes this will be a
doesn’t give much cause for hope. star attraction will stay put, he did season when the Reds can bring
They’ve won once in 11 Tests, and admit he was disappointed with the silverware to Merseyside.
that was back in 1978 against an 26-year-old’s actions, which come at He said: “We have a couple of
Aussie side robbed of their best play- a time when the club are handily Tevez trained with his City teammates yesterday Picture: ACTION IMAGES targets and we like to win tro-
ers by the Kery Packer revolution. placed both in Europe and the phies. I think we have a very good
Premier League. “Our focus must be on this, but Mancini admits that he has yet to chance to win this trophy.”
FIGHTING TALK City are just two points behind before that, I said I want to speak decide on whether Tevez should Meanwhile, owners John W
“Guns 'n' Roses are in the same leaders Manchester United on the with him because I repeat, Carlos has retain the captain’s armband, but Henry and Tom Werner will inter-
hotel as us. We've seen Axl Rose domestic front, and a win in Turin three years on his contract and, yes, I City midfielder Patrick Vieira insists view candidates for the vacant
hanging around and it’s not hard to against Juventus tonight would see want him to stay. that the forward’s demeanour chief executive role on Friday with
spot the other members of the them progress to the next round of “He is our player and it’s my opin- around his teammates has not a view to making an appointment
band. They’re all very heavily tat- the Europa League as Group A win- ion that Carlos will stay with us, but I altered since his transfer request was in the new year.
tooed and there was one chap sat ners. want to speak with him. He can con- made public at the weekend. Former FA chief executive Brian
at the bar with a top hat on. I must He said: “I’m disappointed this has tinue to play for us. “We haven’t talked about it among Barwick has been linked with the
admit, I’ve never cared much for happened because I think that we “I hope he can continue to be the players.” Vieira said. “But in the role, as has former Arsenal man-
their music. Sweet Child 'O Mine are in a good moment and we have a unhappy because he has scored 10 last few days he has been the same aging director Keith Edelman.
was okay, I suppose.” – Sky Sports good position in the table. goals already as an unhappy player!” Carlos that started the season.”
commentator David ‘Bumble’ Lloyd
surprises nobody with his lack of

Cameron refuses to block Spurs Olympic stadium bid

appreciation for America’s crinkly
metal rockers.

“The Hurley bird gets the Warne.” –

Former England international Derek
Pringle is the latest to join in on the
Shane Warne / Liz Hurley pun

FOOTBALL move from their north London true to say that at the Olympic The Premier League, meanwhile,
based Twitter action. BY FRANK DALLERES home to the East End. site has a fantastic stadium.” has advised both clubs they have no
Responding to Lammy’s chal- Tottenham are vying with objections to the move. Tottenham
“In the nets he is the best bowler in TOTTENHAM’S bid to move into the lenge in yesterday’s Prime West Ham to be the preferred are also considering building a new
the world, bar none. He is Olympic Stadium has received a dou- Minister’s Questions, he joked, bidder by the Olympic Park £450m stadium next to White Hart
unplayable. But trying to get that ble boost after Prime Minister David with reference to England’s Legacy Company, Lane, but have been deterred by rising
form and aggression out in the mid- Cameron and the Premier League failed World Cup bid: “I which is set to costs and a lack of public money.
dle was hard.” – Speaking of Warne, refused to stand in the way of the con- think my recent experience make a decision Cameron’s move came as a group
the now very definitely ex-Aussie troversial plan. has taught me to stay out early next year. of athletes, including Dame Kelly
spinner summed up his experience Cameron (right) declined when of international football The deadline Holmes, signed an open letter urging
of playing with former Hampshire asked by David Lammy, the MP for management. I think I’ll for contracts to authorities to ensure the Olympic
teammate Chris Tremlett. Tottenham, to sign a petition let them [Spurs] make be signed is in Stadium’s running track is retained,
demanding Spurs ditch proposals to the decision but it is late March. whoever moves in after the Games.
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