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Nose Creek School DATE: TUES MARCH 3

Grade: 7 Subject: FLEX - Literacy

Teacher: Ms. Johnston Time: 12:45-1:20 (35 min)
Lesson: 2
Desired Results (what will students learn?)

Essential Questions Who are my students? How can I shape my lessons to accommodate my students?

Learning Outcomes CBE Results 3 (Citizenship) 4 (Personal Development) and 5 (Character)


Learning Objectives 1. I can write a bit about myself

2. I can draw a picture of myself

Assessment Evidence (how will you determine student learning?)

Formative Assessment Flashcards

Learning Experiences/Opportunities (what will students do to learn it?)

Materials/ Flashcards
Resources PowerPoint slides

Differentiation/ Speak loud and clearly, ensure writing on board is large, clear, and visible for students in the back
Modification/ Circle the room and work with students who require additional help

Time Notes

12:45 PM Introduction/Attention Grabber:

5 minutes  3-2-1 if needed
 Small flashcard activity to get to know students

1:00PM Activity 1:
20 mins Teacher Prompts/Cues/Explanations:
 Explain the flash card activity and write down what students must
answer on the cards
1. Your Name
2. Where were you born?
3. What are your interests/hobbies
4. What is your favourite subject? What is your least favourite
5. Tell me about a time in the past when a teacher made a big
impact on you
6. Is there anything else you want me to know about you?
7. Do you have any questions for me?
8. ON THE BACK draw a picture of yourself
 Select students to help hand out flash cards once instructions are

 Introduce self
Student Actions:
 Students will pursue the activity with minimal chatter
Guiding/Prompting Questions:
 Who are you?
Check for Understanding/Performance Indicators:
 Students will hand in flashcards

1:15 PM Closure
5 mins  Have students hand in flash cards
 Students can continue working on research in Humanities

Lesson This lesson is intended for me to get to know my students a bit better. By having them answer the
Rationale questions, it gives me a better understanding of what my students need to be successful in the classroom
(how can I differentiate, accommodate, or modify my lessons for students?). Further, I hope this can help
me develop stronger relationships with my students. Overall, students are building literacy skills and they
are also developing their sense of identity.

Reflection: Again, in my first lesson, there could have been more clarity in some instructions. Students were
confused about what format they should use to answer the questions (e.g., many were wondering if they had to
write their answers out sentence by sentence, so I told my second class to just write 1, 2, 3, etc.). The second
time around I clarified some of the questions such as number 5. I told students it could be a good or bad
experience, and I let students know if they couldn’t come up with an answer, they did not have to answer a
question. Some students in the first class refused to draw a picture which is fine, but for my second class, I
really encouraged students to try and draw a picture even if they were not good drawers. Overall, I enjoyed
using this as an icebreaker because I got to tell students a bit more about myself as did they. I want to build a
relationship with these students, so I think it’s a good start in understanding them further as people and how
they learn. A student also came out to me in their card which was really awesome!!!

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