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Rocks Matter: Ground Truth in Geomechanics

Stress and pressure act upon every reservoir, wellbore and completion. Drilling,
production and injection processes modify these stresses and pressures, sometimes
to the operator’s detriment. Through advances in geomechanical measurements,
modeling and monitoring, E&P companies are now able to predict and mitigate the
effects of stress and pressure as they change throughout the life of their fields—
from appraisal to abandonment.

John Cook Change the stress on a rock and it deforms, depletion. But declining resource volumes and
Cambridge, England altering its volume and geometry, as well as the favorable oil prices are prompting operators to
paths of fluid flow within. The stress regime of a drill deeper, more intricate well trajectories, at
René A. Frederiksen formation can be impacted by multiple factors, the same time that new technologies are
Klaus Hasbo including rock type, depositional settings, regional extending the lives of mature fields. Operators
Hess Denmark ApS
tectonics, episodes of erosion or uplift, local therefore are becoming more mindful of
Copenhagen, Denmark
seismic disturbances and even tidal variations. geomechanics as they assess drilling and
Sidney Green The influence of such stressors is further production difficulties—especially those who
Arnis Judzis complicated by differences in rock fabric. endeavor to protect their investments in
J. Wesley Martin The manner in which formations react to expensive completions installed in high-
Roberto Suarez-Rivera changing stress is becoming a focus of increasing pressure, high-temperature, tectonically active
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA interest to E&P companies. In-situ reservoir or ultradeepwater prospects.
stresses, having reached equilibrium over Failure to appreciate the importance of geo-
Jorg Herwanger geologic time, are altered by the process of mechanics may have severe consequences.
Patrick Hooyman drilling, production and injection. If drilling- or Excessive mud loss, wellbore instability, casing
Don Lee production-induced changes in stress are not compression or shearing, reservoir compaction,
Sheila Noeth
anticipated, the challenges and costs of managing surface subsidence, sand production, fault
Colin Sayers
a prospect can far exceed an operator’s initial reactivation and loss of reservoir seal may all
Houston, Texas, USA
expectations. To characterize stress, strain and be manifestations of stress changes within
Nick Koutsabeloulis deformation in their reservoirs, E&P companies a formation.
Robert Marsden employ the discipline of geomechanics. This Some operators are forced to react to changes
Bracknell, England wide-ranging field applies solid and fluid in stress or rock fabric as they drill and produce
mechanics, engineering, geology and physics to their wells. Others are more proactive. Through
Morten G. Stage determine how rocks and the fluids they contain core testing and geomechanical modeling of rock
DONG Energy respond to force or to changes in stress, pressure strength, deformation and stress behavior, they
Hørsholm, Denmark and temperature caused by drilling, completion are engineering better wells and fields. These
and production. efforts have recently been aided by newly
Chee Phuat Tan
In the past, most drilling and production established centers of excellence for
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
departments were not particularly attuned to geomechanics in Bracknell, England, and in
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Ben Elbel, formation stresses and geomechanics; many Houston and Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Dallas; Ian Walton, Rosharon, Texas; and Smaine Zeroug, reservoirs were deemed technically straight- This article describes advances in geo-
Clamart, France. Thanks also to Hess Denmark ApS, DONG
Exploration and Production A/S, Noreco ASA, and Danoil for forward and had undergone only limited mechanics laboratory testing techniques,
contributing their North Sea case study. stress-dependent reservoir simulations and
ECLIPSE, Petrel, TerraTek, UBI (Ultrasonic Borehole Imager)
and VISAGE are marks of Schlumberger.

36 Oilfield Review
stress σ1

Uniaxial compressive strength

Tensile strength Minor effective stress σ3

monitoring. Field studies performed at the Stress in the Subsurface logy, pore pressure and temperature influence
Schlumberger Geomechanics Laboratory Center The stresses acting on a formation can vary in stress magnitude and orientation as well as the
of Excellence and the Schlumberger Reservoir origin, magnitude and direction. Natural, in-situ degree to which rock responds to stress.
Geomechanics Center of Excellence show how vertical stresses stem primarily from the weight Stress, a measure of force acting on a given
this science is helping E&P companies optimize of overburden. Horizontal stresses also have a area, is made up of normal and shear
drilling and production in increasingly gravitational component that may be enhanced components. Normal stress (σ) is that which is
challenging reservoirs. by tectonics, thermal effects and geological applied perpendicular to a plane or rock surface.
structure. However, other factors such as litho- Shear stress (τ) is applied along the face of the

Autumn 2007 37
σV plane. Mathematically, there is one orientation of
orthogonal axes defining the stress directions for
which the shear stresses are zero. That
orientation defines the principal axes of stress,
wherein applied stresses are strictly normal.
In situ, these orthogonal principal axes are
often assumed to be oriented vertically and
horizontally (left); however, this condition is
often not the case. The magnitude and
orientation of stresses in the earth change with
the structural dip of the formation, which can
rotate the orientation of principal stresses from
σH σH the vertical and horizontal orientations, as can
the presence of faults, salt diapirs, mountains or
other complex structures.1
In the earth, where deformation is restricted,
the three stress components are linked, and any
σh change of stress in one direction is accompanied
by changes in stress along the orthogonal axes.
For example, when continued deposition brings
about greater burial depths, the resulting
increase in overburden vertical stress can
generate changes in horizontal stress, depending
on the degree to which the formations are able to

σV spread out laterally. This response is generally

constrained by the presence of adjacent
> In-situ stresses and principal stresses. Stresses on a cube of material formations that confine the rock deformation.
buried in the earth are given the designation σV, σH and σh, where V indicates Differences in formation properties also impose
vertical, H indicates the direction of the larger horizontal stress, and h that of contrasts in stresses between adjacent litho-
the smaller horizontal stress. For simplicity, it is often assumed that these are logies. Furthermore, formation anisotropy can
the principal stress directions, but the principal directions of stress can be
rotated significantly from these three axes. The principal stresses are result in greater lateral stress in one direction
generally indicated as σ1, σ2 and σ3, in decreasing order of magnitude. When than in another.
the principal stress directions do not coincide with the vertical and horizontal A body of rock responds to applied stress
directions, there will also be shear stresses on the cube faces in the through various modes of strain, or deformation,
orientation shown.
causing changes in volume and shape, often
accompanied by changes in rock properties
(left). The spectrum of deformation ranges from
Fracture point reversible, or elastic deformation, to permanent,
or plastic deformation, before eventually ending
Elastic field
in failure of the rock. Deformation caused by
compression, tension or shear can result in
Yield point compaction, extension, translation or rotation,
Ductile field

eventually ending in failure by shearing,

fracturing or faulting. In addition to the
magnitude of stress applied, a rock’s response to
stress depends largely on rock type, cementation,
porosity and burial depth. In sandstones, the
size, shape and area of contact points between
Strain individual rock grains influence deformation. In
> Stress-strain diagram. Rocks that undergo elastic deformation store strain limestones, the shape and strength of the
energy as their volume changes. When the applied boundary stresses are skeletal rock framework influence deformation.2
removed, the rock returns to its original state of deformation while the strain Small increases in stress generally cause a
energy returns to its original value. With application of greater stress, rocks
undergo inelastic deformation as nonrecoverable, internal structural changes small strain from which the rock may recover.
occur (starting at the yield point), such as tensile microcracking, grain crushing
or slippage at grain boundaries. These changes result in permanent volumetric
deformation, often referred to as plastic deformation. Higher stresses
eventually cause the rock to fail (fracture point), as exemplified by crushing or
fracturing of constituent grains and cement or by mineral dissolution.

38 Oilfield Review
Beyond a certain point, it will deform plastically
or fail. The mode of deformation and failure is
dictated by the relationship between changes in

Shear stress (Q): σ1 – σ3

maximum and minimum stresses (right). This states
relationship is called a stress path.3 In petroleum
geomechanics, the stress path (K) is
conventionally the ratio of change in effective e
re surfac Comp
minimum horizontal stress to the change in failu Duc ctio
ear tile sur
effective vertical, or overburden, stress from Sh e fai fac
lin lu re e
Dilation te s
initial reservoir conditions during fluid ta



iti Compaction

failure sile
pressure drawdown, more simply expressed as Cr

Near-elastic region

K = Δσ3/Δσ1. This can also be expressed in terms
of changes of shear stress (Q) and changes in
mean stress (P' ), as shown on the P'- Q diagram.4 Mean effective stress (P'): (σ1 + σ2 + σ3) / 3

A sufficiently low stress-path value implies > Distortion and failure. Distinct modes of distortion and failure can be plotted
that the rock will fail in shear, generating a shear as a function of shear stress (Q) and mean effective stress (P' ). At relatively
plane. Shear strength increases as lateral low P' and high Q, rock failure typically occurs as localized shear along a
plane oriented at an angle to the principal stress axes. At relatively high P'
confining stress on the rock increases. Where and low Q, rocks may undergo compaction or pore collapse. (Adapted from
larger stress-path values are seen, the rock Scott, reference 3.)
undergoes compaction or reduction in porosity.
This is most common in soft, high-porosity rocks
such as chalk, porous sands and diatomite.5
When subjected to differential stresses, other
rocks, such as salts, will tend to flow over time to pressure is an important component of the net stress. A reduction in effective mud support is
reduce shear stresses and move towards stress applied to a body of rock. often associated with an increase in pore
hydrostatic stress states. Temperature is yet another contributor to the pressure. This reduction, together with the
To manage reservoirs, oil and gas companies overall stress regime. Temperature differences thermal matrix expansion, will lead to a less
must contend with a variety of downhole between drilling fluids and downhole formations stable wellbore condition. Conversely, cooling
stressors—not all of which are caused by over- will result in heat transfer between the two the formation may result in a more stable
burden or tectonics. Pore pressure, temperature media. Given the low thermal conductivity of condition because of decreased pore pressure
differences and chemical interactions can also most rocks, these temperature variations and tangential stress. The reduction of tangen-
affect localized perturbations in stress orienta- generate large strain gradients that may cause tial stress may also lead to a lower hydraulic
tion and magnitude. severe fracturing and stress realignments. Since fracture gradient, and, in extreme cases, the
Stress and pore pressure are intrinsically thermal expansion of water in the pore space is tangential stress will become negative and
linked.6 In formation pore spaces, stress is much higher than that in the rock matrix, the initiate hydraulic fracture.
transmitted to liquids or gases in the form of heat transferred into a formation by drilling Stress and pore pressure can also be affected
pressure. The magnitude of pressure applied in fluid will generate a larger volume expansion of by interactions between rock and drilling fluid.
any one direction is the same for all directions. If the pore fluid and a corresponding increase in Shales, which account for the majority of drilled
a fluid is compressed, it reacts by exerting an pore pressure.7 sections in most wells, are particularly sensitive
equal and opposite pressure outwards. Under Thermal expansion of the rock matrix under to drilling fluids. Somewhat porous and usually
pressure, pore fluids often take up some of the constrained conditions will generate further saturated with formation water, these rocks may
stress imposed on a formation. Thus pore be susceptible to chemical reactions with certain

1. Addis MA: “The Stress-Depletion Response of Scott TE: “The Effects of Stress Paths on Acoustic 5. Doornhof D, Kristiansen TG, Nagel NB, Pattillo PD and
Reservoirs,” paper SPE 38720, presented at the SPE Velocities and 4D Seismic Imaging,” The Leading Edge 26, Sayers C: “Compaction and Subsidence,” Oilfield
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San no. 5 (May 2007): 602–608. Review 18, no. 3 (Autumn 2006): 50–68.
Antonio, Texas, October 5–8, 1997. Teufel LW, Rhett DW and Farrell HE: “Effect of Reservoir 6. Addis, reference 1.
2. Geertsma J: “Land Subsidence Above Compacting Oil Depletion and Pore Pressure Drawdown on In-Situ 7. Choi SK and Tan CP: “Modeling of Effects of Drilling Fluid
and Gas Reservoirs,” paper SPE 3730, presented at Stress and Deformation in the Ekofisk Field, North Sea,” Temperature on Wellbore Stability,” Proceedings,
SPE-AIME European Spring Meeting, Amsterdam, Proceedings of the 32nd US Rock Mechanics SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering
May 16–18, 1972. Symposium. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: A.A. Balkema Symposium, Trondheim, Norway (July 8–10, 1998):
3. For more on stress paths: Crawford BR and Yale DP: (1991): 63–72. 471–477.
“Constitutive Modeling of Deformation and Permeability: 4. A relationship exists between the stress path, shear Li X, Cui L and Roegiers J: “Thermoporoelastic Analysis
Relationships between Critical State and stress and mean stress. While the stress path (K) can for Inclined Borehole Stability,” Proceedings, SPE/ISRM
Micromechanics,” paper SPE/ISRM 78189, presented at be expressed as K = Δσ3/Δσ1, shear stress (Q) is Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering Symposium,
the SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics Conference, Irving, expressed as (Q = σ1-σ3), and effective mean stress (P' ) Trondheim, Norway (July 8–10, 1998): 443–452.
Texas, October 20–23, 2002. is [P' = (σ1+σ2+σ3)/3]. In laboratory uniaxial stress tests,
Rhett DW and Teufel LW: “Effect of Reservoir Stress in which the minimum and intermediate principal stresses
Path on Compressibility and Permeability of are considered equal (σ2 = σ3), the slope η in the P'-Q
Sandstones,” paper SPE 24756, presented at the SPE plane corresponding to the stress path K is given by this
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, equation, following Crawford and Yale (reference 3):
Washington, DC, October 4–7, 1992.

Autumn 2007 39
σh = 2,000 psi
borehole radius and azimuth.9 Furthermore, it
can far exceed σH (left).
In most conventional drilling operations,
drillers use hydraulic pressure from drilling fluid
as a substitute for the mechanical support that is
lost through the cylindrical volume of rock
excavated while drilling a wellbore. They essen-
σH = 3,000 psi σH = 3,000 psi tially replace a cylinder of rock with a cylinder of
Wellbore drilling fluid. However, mud pressure is uniform
in all directions, and cannot balance against
oriented shear stresses in a formation. As stress
is redistributed around the wall of the wellbore,
shear stresses can exceed rock strength. When this
happens, the wellbore will deform or fail entirely.
Typical examples of geomechanics-related
drilling problems include wellbore instability and
fracturing of the formation. Ramifications include
σh = 2,000 psi financial loss resulting from lost circulation,
Hoop stress, psi kicks, stuck pipe, additional casing strings,
sidetracks and even abandonment. To sustain
2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 wellbore stability, operators must develop drilling
> Plan view of hoop stresses surrounding a vertical wellbore. In this model, and well construction plans that consider stress
pore pressure and wellbore pressure are equal, while maximum and minimum magnitude and direction, mud weight, trajectory
effective stresses within the formation equal 2,000 psi and 3,000 psi [13.8 and and pore pressure before, during and after a well
20.7 MPa], respectively. However, hoop stress, which varies as a function of
radius and azimuth, is strongly compressive along the azimuth aligned with is drilled.
minimum horizontal stress (σh) (red shading above and below the wellbore), Drillers manage pressures imposed by mud
where it reaches almost 7,000 psi [48.3 MPa]. Wellbore failure will be more weight to avoid wellbore stability problems.
likely to occur along this axis. (Adapted from Sayers et al, reference 9.) Their control of wellbore hydraulics reflects
a petroleum engineering approach to a
drilling fluids. When a formation is drilled with Changes in Stress geomechanical problem. During drilling, well-
an incompatible fluid, the invading filtrate may Drilling and production activities affect local bores can be compromised through a variety of
cause the shale to swell, which can lead to stress regimes. Problems encountered during mud-induced modes of failure:10
weakening of the rock and wellbore instability. drilling may portend difficulties encountered • Tensile failure occurs by increasing mud pres-
Shales may also be susceptible to time- subsequently during the production phase. sure until it causes the wellbore wall to go into
dependent changes in effective mud support Changes in stress may result in rock failure that tension and eventually to exceed the rock’s
caused by differences between the mud pressure causes wellbore instability during drilling. These tensile strength. This fractures the rock along
and pore-fluid pressure, or between drilling fluid changes may later lead to sand production once a plane perpendicular to the direction of mini-
salinity and formation salinity.8 Furthermore, the well has been completed. Other activities mum stress, often resulting in lost circulation.
volume changes in shales arising from inter- during the life of a field can cause pore pressure • Compressive failure may be caused by mud
actions between shale and drilling fluid can and temperature changes, which can modify weight that is too low or too high. In either
locally disturb the stress orientation and stresses acting farther from the wellbore. Stress case, the formation caves in or spalls off, pro-
magnitude in a borehole. changes affect not only the reservoir but also ducing borehole damage and breakouts (next
Thus, while local and regional tectonic adjacent formations. page, top). Unless the wellbore is properly
stresses play a major role in rock deformation, Drilling activity perturbs the initial equilib- cleaned out, the accumulation of breakout
other downhole factors, such as pore pressure, rium of stresses in the near-wellbore region. As debris can lead to stuck pipe as the borehole
mud weight and downhole pressure fluctuations, a cylindrical volume of rock is excavated packs off or collapses.
temperature and chemistry must also be through drilling, the stresses formerly exerted • Shear displacement takes place when the mud
considered for their distinctive contributions to on that volume must instead be transferred to pressure is high enough to reopen existing
the local stress-deformation continuum. Their the surrounding formation. This process creates fractures that the wellbore has intersected. As
effects may also be tempered by textural proper- tangential, or hoop stresses, which must be a fracture is opened, stresses along the open-
ties unique to the local lithology, such as the size borne by the rock surrounding the borehole. ing are temporarily relieved, allowing opposing
and distribution of framework grains and pores, These wellbore stresses are a function of mud faces of the fracture to shear, creating a small
mineralogy and the composition of diagenetic weight, wellbore inclination, formation dip but potentially dangerous dislocation along
cements. Given the variety of reactions to stress, angle and azimuth, and the magnitude and the wellbore.
it is crucial for an operator to know as much as orientation of far-field stresses (σV, σH and σh). Wellbore stability is further affected by
possible about the rock surrounding a wellbore Hoop stress varies strongly as a function of structural factors, such as the interplay between
and the conditions to which it will be subjected. wellbore inclination, formation dip and

40 Oilfield Review
directional variations in strength between and
along formation bedding planes (below right). It
is not unusual for some degree of wellbore failure
to occur in vertical wells that encounter steeply
dipping shales, or inclined wells that intersect
shale bedding planes at low angles. Such failures
are initiated by low shear and tensile strength
along planes of weakness in shales.11
The issue of strength, or a rock’s capacity to
withstand stress, points to an important under-
lying influence on deformation and failure: that
of rock fabric.12 Rock fabric can dictate whether
a given amount of stress will cause a rock to
deform or to completely fail, and can influence
the extent and orientation of fractures or 5,322

Depth, ft
breakouts in a wellbore. Thus, although borehole
breakout is typically assumed to be oriented
along the axis of least stress, the bedding, 5,323
cementation, mineralogy and grain size of a rock
may actually redirect the course of a breakout
along the rock’s weakest points. 5,324
For help in anticipating and circumventing
problems such as those described above, some

8. Gazaniol D, Forsans T, Boisson MJF and Piau JM: 5,325 0

“Wellbore Failure Mechanisms in Shales: Prediction
and Prevention,” paper SPE 28851, presented at the –5
SPE European Petroleum Conference, London, 0 –5
October 25–27, 1994. 5
Mody FK and Hale AH: “A Borehole Stability Model to Radius, in.
Couple the Mechanics and Chemistry of Drilling Fluid
Interaction,” in Proceedings, SPE/IADC Drilling
Conference, Amsterdam (February 22–25, 1993): 473–490.
Tan CP, Rahman SS, Richards BG and Mody FK: > Borehole breakout. Results from a UBI Ultrasonic Borehole Imager logging
“Integrated Approach to Drilling Fluid Optimization for
Efficient Shale Instability Management,” paper SPE tool show the extent of stress-related damage in a wellbore. In isotropic or
48875, presented at the SPE International Oil and Gas transversely isotropic rock, where rock properties do not change along the
Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, November 2–6, 1998. plane of the wellbore, such damage is generally aligned along a plane of
van Oort E, Hale AH and Mody FK: “Manipulation of least horizontal stress.
Coupled Osmotic Flows for Stabilization of Shales
Exposed to Water-Based Drilling Fluids,” paper SPE
30499, presented at the SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, October 22–25, 1995.
9. Sayers CM, Kisra S, Tagbor K, Dahi Taleghani A and
Adachi J: “Calibrating the Mechanical Properties and
In-Situ Stresses Using Acoustic Radial Profiles,” paper
SPE 110089-PP, presented at the SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, California, USA,
November 11–14, 2007.
10. For more on wellbore stability problems: Addis T, Last N,
Boulter D, Roca-Ramisa L and Plumb D: “The Quest for
Borehole Stability in the Cusiana Field, Colombia,”
Oilfield Review 5, no. 2 & 3 (April/July 1993): 33–43.
11. Aoki T, Tan CP and Bamford WE: “Stability Analysis of
Inclined Wellbores in Saturated Anisotropic Shales,”
in Siriwardane HJ and Zaman MM (eds): Computer
Methods and Advances in Geomechanics: Proceedings
of the Eighth International Conference on Computer
Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Morgantown,
West Virginia, USA, May 22–28, 1994. Rotterdam, The
Netherlands: A.A. Balkema (1994): 2025–2030.
Yamamoto K, Shioya Y, Matsunaga TY, Kikuchi S and
Tantawi I: “A Mechanical Model of Shale Instability
Problems Offshore Abu Dhabi,” paper SPE 78494,
presented at the 10th Abu Dhabi International
Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi,
UAE, October 13–16, 2002. > Formation effects on wellbore stability. Structural and stratigraphic factors
12. Rock fabric is a term that loosely encompasses the can combine to cause well damage. Here, incompetent beds overlie a stronger
mineral content, size, shape, orientation and
cementation of component grains within a rock, formation near the crest of a structure; relative movement results in damaged
including their overall arrangement into microscopic cement and collapsed casing.
laminations or larger beds.

Autumn 2007 41
15,000 with pressure, generally decreasing as the gas is
withdrawn. If induced stresses exceed the elastic
limits of the rock, porosity and permeability may
12,000 be permanently reduced, along with reductions
Well pressure, psi
in overall storage capacity. Furthermore, as the
ion surrounding rock adjusts to the isostatic
9,000 plet
De imbalance caused by pressure cycling and stress
drawdown changes, nearby faults may be reactivated.17
Production-induced changes can also affect
the rock beyond the productive areas of a
reservoir. Even in producing formations, reser-
voir attributes such as porosity and permeability
can vary, giving rise to nonuniform drainage and
depletion. As a reservoir is produced, the rock
0 may eventually compact, leaving surrounding,
0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 undrained areas of the formation to compensate
Reservoir pressure, psi for changes in pressure and displacement of the
> Stress changes induced by production. As a field depletes, the magnitude adjacent rock. Above the productive formation,
of stresses may alter drastically. Under such conditions, a completion or compaction will lead to changes in the over-
perforation originally oriented in the most stable direction at the onset of burden, as described later in this article.
production may subsequently become unstable and fail as production
proceeds. Here, the horizontal perforation will permit the greatest safe Changes in stress imposed on a producing
drawdown (blue curve) and solids-free production. However, as the field horizon can put the rock out of equilibrium with
depletes and stresses change, this previously stable perforation will its surroundings. The result is a corresponding
collapse and the vertical perforation will assume a greater role in
transfer of stress between the depleting
production, though safe drawdown pressure has decreased (red curve).
(Adapted from Marsden, reference 18.) reservoir or injection interval and the rock
immediately surrounding the reservoir. Ensuing
rock deformations may compromise the
operators are turning to geomechanics experts at and rotation, plastic deformation, cement integrity of existing completions within the
the Schlumberger Center of Excellence for Pore breakage at grain contacts, or activation of reservoir and overburden (above left). The
Pressure Prediction and Wellbore Stability existing fractures.14 significance of production-induced stress
Analysis. Located in Houston, the geomechanics On a larger scale, production-induced stress changes and their potential to adversely
experts in this group have a global reach, and changes on the rock framework can lead to pore influence field operations, production and
support operators around the world. This collapse and compaction of the reservoir.15 economics will depend on mechanical
interdisciplinary team is actively involved in (Compaction is not always a problem, however— properties of the rocks, natural fractures and
helping clients mitigate risk in drilling, compaction drive has helped to pressurize oil in faults.18 To understand and anticipate such
completing and producing wells in difficult some reservoirs, thereby increasing production changes in the wellbore and beyond, operators
geomechanical environments, such as deepwater rates and improving ultimate recovery.)16 As a are increasingly turning to advanced geome-
exploration, subsalt drilling, unconventional gas result, operators have had to contend with chanical testing and modeling techniques.
and unconsolidated reservoirs. surface subsidence problems, deformation or
shearing of wellbore tubulars and buckling of 13. Cook J, Fuller J and Marsden JR: “Geomechanics
Challenges in Gas Storage and Production,” presented
Beyond the Wellbore completion components. Other effects range at the United Nations Economic and Social Council:
Geomechanical influences can extend past the from reduction of porosity and permeability to Economic Commission for Europe: Working Party on
Gas: Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Geodynamic
borehole, into the reservoir and beyond—though fault reactivation, formation fracturing, sand and Environmental Safety in the Development,
their extent may not be recognized until a production or loss of reservoir seal. Storage and Transport of Gas, St. Petersburg, Russia,
June 27–29, 2001.
reservoir is produced. The pressure sink created The effects of geomechanics are especially 14. Sayers CM and Schutjens PMTM: “An Introduction to
by a well to induce production will result in lower pronounced in gas storage operations, where the Reservoir Geomechanics,” The Leading Edge 26, no. 5
(May 2007): 597–601.
wellbore pressures than the pore pressure of the cyclic process of injecting and withdrawing gas to
15. Doornhof et al, reference 5.
surrounding formation, and this difference can or from a reservoir provokes changes in fluid Sayers C, den Boer L, Lee D, Hooyman P and
increase the risk of rock failure.13 pressures within reservoir pore spaces. These Lawrence R: “Predicting Reservoir Compaction and
Casing Deformation in Deepwater Turbidites Using a 3D
With the withdrawal of reservoir fluids during pressures cushion the stresses acting on the rock Mechanical Earth Model,” paper SPE 103926, presented
production, the overburden load borne by pore mass, but the pressures increase or decrease at the First International Oil Conference and Exhibition,
Cancun, Mexico, August 31–September 2, 2006.
fluids must be transferred to the rock framework with injection and withdrawal. The loads acting
16. Andersen MA: Petroleum Research in North Sea Chalk,
surrounding the pore space. Resulting changes in on the rock matrix thereby decrease and Joint Chalk Research Monograph, RF-Rogaland
pore pressure will prompt adjustments in total increase in response to these cycles. Although Research, Stavanger, 1995.
17. Cook et al, reference 13.
stress and effective stress. Within the rock, total overburden stress may remain constant
18. Marsden R: “Geomechanics for Reservoir
increased loading will cause varying degrees of throughout these cycles, the total horizontal Management,” in Sonatrach-Schlumberger Well
deformation or failure, evidenced by grain sliding stresses acting throughout the reservoir can vary Evaluation Conference – Algeria 2007. Houston:
Schlumberger (2007): 4.86–4.91.

42 Oilfield Review
Measuring Ground Truth Specialized geomechanics laboratory testing and without a common reference for scale. Until
Despite years of geomechanical analysis, many provides crucial data for wellbore and comple- recently, there has been no framework to make
E&P companies continue to experience drilling- tion design and for reservoir management. This the process consistent for every stage. However,
or production-induced problems. However, the was not always the case. Traditional engineering the development of continuous property profiling
field of geomechanics involves much more than analysis of reservoir potential and productivity and multidimensional cluster analysis of well
analysis of stress. Though changing stress fields tended to overlook the heterogeneity of reservoir logs now provides a uniform scale of reference
can wreak havoc on drilling and production rock. Although heterogeneity may have been for incorporating heterogeneity during all
plans, the orientation or magnitude of stresses captured in mud logs and core photographs, or aspects of reservoir analysis and evaluation.
and strains have little significance without inferred from logs of various petrophysical Continuous Profiling—Scratch testing,
framing such measurements in the context of the properties, these characteristics were not known formally as continuous profiling of
rock itself. And rocks are highly variable. Other reflected in simplified homogeneous systems unconfined compressive strength, provides a
problems are caused, in part, by oversimplified created for reservoir and geomechanical models. quantitative means of evaluating variability in
characterization of rock behavior, and by limited Properties related to reservoir rock strength, texture and composition of core
modeling and analysis capabilities compounded mechanics were often characterized as uniform samples. By association, this variability may be
by a lack of comprehensive rock property data. throughout all locations and for all orientations related to other rock properties. Scratch testing
These issues are being addressed by the within a particular geological unit. This approach has become critical in correctly defining facies
TerraTek Geomechanics Laboratory Center of inevitably led to underestimations of the role of and heterogeneities that would be difficult or
Excellence in Salt Lake City, Utah. TerraTek, Inc. material properties in geomechanics. The impossible to observe by geologic description or
was acquired by Schlumberger in July 2006 (see industry, however, is coming to realize that the log characteristics alone. Digital photographs of
“Geomechanics Laboratory: Testing Under rock matters, and that its varying properties the core, in conjunction with scratch testing,
Extreme Conditions,” page 44). The modern cannot be ignored in geomechanical analysis. allow visualization of textural heterogeneity and
high-pressure testing systems and techniques Further complicating the evaluation process associated strength heterogeneity (below).
developed at the TerraTek facility evolved from is the fact that each stage of reservoir analysis— When continuous-strength profiling is
an effort to characterize and predict ground from predrill geological studies, through combined with cluster analysis of well logs, it
motion and crater development in response to exploration, to reservoir modeling and (continued on page 48)
nuclear tests. Evaluation of these tests could not production—tends to be evaluated in isolation,
be performed without rock property measure-
ments obtained under high pressure. Measuring
50,000 psi
these properties was very difficult, and A'
spawned a number of technical breakthroughs A
by TerraTek.
Highly accurate load-deformation measure-
0 psi
ments were essential, requiring measurements
inside test vessels under extreme pressures. 50,000 psi
TerraTek scientists conducted research to
measure rock properties to pressures of
150,000 psi [1,034 MPa]. The TerraTek high-
pressure rock property data enabled analysis of 0 psi
the magnitude of ground motions caused by a
50,000 psi
nuclear event.
TerraTek researchers carried out tens of
thousands of tests on rocks under high pressure.
Their testing capabilities were subsequently 0 psi
applied to other geomechanics investigations,
including geothermal energy recovery, coal 50,000 psi
mining, deep geologic nuclear waste storage,
B B'
underground energy storage, as well as oil and
gas recovery. Today, the TerraTek Geomechanics
Laboratory Center of Excellence regularly 0 psi
conducts rock tests for deep wells, achieving
0 ft










1.0 ft










2.0 ft

pressures of 30,000 psi [207 MPa], or to higher

pressures of 50,000 to 60,000 psi [345 to 414 MPa] > Overlay of a core photograph and scratch test results. A scratch test uses a sharp point that is pulled
when required for drilling-rock destruction or along the core with a fixed force to press it into the core’s surface. The depth of the scratch, as an
perforation analysis. In addition to high-pressure indicator of rock strength (red curves), can be correlated to mechanical properties of the rock. Cored
geomechanics testing capabilities, the TerraTek intervals exhibiting visually similar properties (same shades of gray, points A and A’) may have different
strengths, while other intervals exhibiting different visual properties (lighter and darker shades of gray,
facility conducts large-scale drilling and points B and B’) have equal strengths. Variability in mechanical strength along the length of the core is
completions performance testing. high, ranging from 8,000 psi to 23,000 psi [55 to 159 MPa] within just 8 contiguous feet [3.6 m] of core.

Autumn 2007 43
Geomechanics Laboratory: Testing Under Extreme Conditions

The TerraTek facility in Salt Lake City, desig-

nated as the Schlumberger Geomechanics
Laboratory Center of Excellence, investigates
the impact of geomechanics on a wide range
of exploration and production applications.
The range of applications also provides insight
into the kinds of problems that operators
must try to circumvent:
• Well construction and completion: evaluate
wellbore stability and the potential for sand
production and perforation collapse; analyze
multilateral junctions and evaluate stability
of conventional and expandable liners.
• Completion and stimulation design: deter-
mine optimal completion alternatives based
on rock mechanical and physical properties;
investigate options for delayed gravel pack-
ing and oriented perforating; optimize
stimulation treatment design.
• Long-term production behavior: investigate
stress regimes contributing to reservoir
compaction during production; predict
surface subsidence and subsequent loss of
reservoir permeability; analyze fines gener-
ated during the compaction process, along
with associated skin damage; evaluate
potential for casing collapse.
• Overburden rocks: test for compatibility
between drilling fluids and shales; optimize
> Large-block polyaxial stress frame for simulating downhole conditions.
selection of drilling fluids; evaluate poten-
Here, a worker lowers a steel platen while preparing to seal the test chamber.
tial for delayed shale failure caused by
mud-shale interactions; analyze thermal
effects that cause delayed shale failure.
• Exploration and frontier drilling operations: In this setting, researchers can measure defor- internal chamber that can accommodate
develop field and laboratory correlations for mation parameters while simultaneously blocks of rock measuring up to 30 x 30 x 36 in.
predicting mechanical properties and in-situ measuring dynamic responses of rock samples [76 x 76 x 91 cm]. The chamber is sealed with
stress prior to and concurrent with to different load rates and magnitudes. The steel platens that are bolted over 12 large tie
exploratory drilling activity. large-block stress frame can be configured to rods (above).
Testing is conducted in different specialized simulate a variety of downhole pressures and Pairs of bladder-like devices, called flatjacks,
laboratories, depending on available test mate- conditions. Large-block testing applications are placed on opposite sides of the sample to
rial, client specifications and research efforts. range from wellbore stability analysis to evalu- apply independent triaxial loading in each of
Many large-scale tests are carried out in the ating sanding potential, liner and screen the three principal stress directions. The three
completions laboratory. One of the more loading, perforating effectiveness and hydraulic pairs of flatjacks are internally pressurized,
prominent features of this facility is its large- fracturing simulations. with one surface of the flatjack reacting against
block polyaxial stress frame. The stress frame Located inside a pit, the exterior of the the face of the rock, and the other surface
provides a controlled environment for monitor- stress frame is formed by a series of steel reacting against the wall of the internal cham-
ing rock responses during pseudostatic testing. rings. These rings are stacked to encase an ber of the stress frame, or its platen.

44 Oilfield Review
> Polyaxial stress frame. This device can > Instrumented sample for triaxial testing. This test-frame assembly is used to measure radial
accommodate rock samples measuring up to and axial strains, along with compressional and shear wave velocities. In this configuration, both
12 x 12 x 16 in. [30 x 30 x 41 cm]. pseudostatic and dynamic elastic properties are determined concurrently under simulated in-situ
stress conditions. Here, a core consisting of alternating light and dark layers of siltstone and
mudstone is subjected to ultrasonic pulses to test seismic responses in the rock. The sample is
sealed with a clear polyurethane jacket that prevents fluid communication between the confining
A maximum stress of 8,000 psi [55 MPa] can be fluid pressure and the pore pressure. These test frames can also perform uniaxial strain
applied in all three directions, with a maximum compaction testing, thick-walled cylinder testing and other specialized stress paths up to
difference of 2,000 psi [13.8 MPa] between the temperatures of 200°C [392°F]. Axial force up to 1.5 x 106 lbf [6.7 MN] can be applied to samples
up to 6 in. [15 cm] in diameter. Confining pressure and pore pressure are monitored with
two horizontal stresses. Each stress can be con- conventional pressure transducers with pressure limits of 30,000 psi [207 MPa]. Another system
trolled independently. in this laboratory can attain 60,000 psi [414 MPa].
The stress frame also has the capability to
control pore pressure within a sample. In such
tests, the rock sample is encased in a thin tests, a servo-controlled injector is used to eters ranging from 0.5 inches [12.7 mm] to
steel canister. Thick rubber sheets are placed supply the fluid at either a constant rate or a 6 inches [152.4 mm]. Testing on a smaller
at the top and bottom surfaces of the rock to constant pressure. The injected fluids can scale can also provide valuable insights into
act as pore-pressure fluid seals. A porous range from brine to drilling mud to various rock characteristics.1 A special triaxial test
proppant pack placed around the block estab- completion fluids. The injection can simulate frame has been designed to measure rock
lishes a constant pressure boundary a scaled or actual-sized wellbore. strain as well as its effects on seismic veloci-
condition. Custom software controls each of For smaller samples, a medium-sized ties (above right). Ultrasonic velocities,
the three principal stresses, along with pore polyaxial stress frame is used (above left).
1. Laboratory capabilities include an extensive variety
pressure and wellbore pressure. The software This device is often used for studying acid of tests—unconfined compression, uniaxial-strain
can be programmed to keep a constant effec- fracturing and other stimulation techniques, compression, triaxial compression, multistage triaxial
compression, controlled constant stress path, thick-
tive stress on the sample block at all times. providing a wide range of testing capabilities. walled cylinder (with and without radial fluid flow and
Some experiments require a simulated Another unique testing facility is the rock measurements of produced sand), and tensile strength
tests, as well as testing with concurrent ultrasonic
permeable zone bounded above and below by mechanics laboratory, where 14 stress frames velocity and acoustic emissions measurements—
impermeable formations. In these kinds of are used to test cylindrical samples with diam- along with many customized test programs and
research efforts.

Autumn 2007 45
obtained in combination with deformation during each test. Depending on testing objec-
measurements of axial and radial strain, pro- tives, these tests may be performed with pore
vide information on static and dynamic fluids drained to atmospheric pressure, or
mechanical properties that can be correlated with pore fluids undrained. Temperatures can
to well-log data. also be increased to better approximate
The triaxial test frame holds a core sample actual in-situ conditions.
between polished, hardened-steel end-caps. The triaxial test frame permits measure-
The sample, measuring 1 in. [2.5 cm] in diame- ments to be taken at different orientations
ter by 2 in. [5 cm] in length, is jacketed by an with respect to bedding planes. Using these
impermeable membrane. Axial and radial can- measurements, the failure envelope of the
tilever-beam sets are mounted to the sample to rock sample can be defined as a function of
measure displacements when the sample is stress orientation to bedding; in addition,
subjected to stress and pressure. The axial anisotropic properties of the rock can be
strain cantilever set is attached to the upper defined. This information is essential for pre-
end-cap and measures axial displacement dicting wellbore stability, evaluating in-situ
through deflection on the base cone attached stress and designing hydraulic fracture pro-
to the bottom end-cap. The radial-strain can- grams for strongly anisotropic formations
tilever set consists of a ring with four such as those found in unconventional tight
strain-gauge arms, which measure radial dis- gas shales.
placement at four points, forming two Ultrasonic velocities, obtained in combina-
perpendicular directions at the midpoint of the tion with deformation measurements of axial
sample. The bottom end-cap rests on an inter- and radial strain, provide information on
nal load cell, and the axial stress is calculated static and dynamic mechanical properties
from measurements of force on the internal that can be correlated to well-log data. Ultra-
load cell. During testing, data are corrected for sonic wave velocities in sandstones, particu-
elastic distortion of the end-caps and for larly those that are poorly consolidated, are
strains associated with the jacketing material. strongly dependent on stress; thus, stress > TerraTek wellbore simulator. The full-scale
drilling rig and wellbore simulator can be
The end-caps also contain ultrasonic trans- changes can be calibrated to seismic velocity
configured to test the performance, wear,
ducers. Ultrasonic velocity measurements are measurements. Other, more consolidated deviation and dynamics of full-size drill bits in
performed with piezoelectric transducers that rocks, such as tight sands and tight shales, overbalanced or underbalanced conditions
transform electrical pulses into mechanical exhibit an entirely different behavior. Wave and at simulated depths. A triplex mud pump,
equipped with a special high-pressure fluid
pulses and vice-versa. Compressional and velocities in these rocks are virtually inde- manifold, can produce wellbore pressures up
shear pulses are generated by a pulse genera- pendent of stress, so changes in measured to 11,000 psi [75.8 MPa] to simulate high-
tor that applies a high-voltage, short-duration seismic velocities can be attributed to other pressure drilling conditions. Effects of various
electrical pulse at an ultrasonic frequency to phenomena such as anisotropy. fluids on drilling performance, bit balling,
formation damage, coring and core invasion
one of the piezoelectric transducers. This Early knowledge of rock behavior was based are also investigated here.
pulse is transmitted through the rock sample on testing of homogeneous and isotropic
in the form of an elastic wave. The receiving materials; early models reflected this simplic-
transducer at the opposite end of the rock ity. New opportunities, such as unconventional
sample transforms this elastic wave into an hydrocarbon plays, are emerging, and call properties or fluid properties at extreme tem-
electric signal, which is captured on a digital attention to the true nature of the rocks in peratures and pressures, determining the
oscilloscope. The P-wave and S-wave velocities which they are based. Platforms such as the manner in which complex rock cutting and
are calculated on the basis of the time required triaxial test frame provide data that are fun- breakage mechanisms interact in the presence
for the compressional or shear pulses to travel damental for developing new models to honor of drilling fluids at great depth is much more
through the specimen. the heterogeneous, anisotropic nature of com- difficult. To accommodate large-scale geome-
The instrumented test sample is next plex formations. chanics testing, the drilling laboratory is
placed inside a pressure vessel. The pressure The TerraTek facility is also called upon to equipped with a wellbore simulator capable of
vessel is then filled with either mineral spir- test new drilling, completion and stimulation reproducing pressure conditions at reservoir
its or oil to apply confining pressure. Axial technologies, including evaluation of drilling depth while also accommodating the flow rates
stress, axial strain, radial strain and confining fluids and bits at high pressures. Although typically required to drill in extreme environ-
pressure are all measured and controlled capabilities exist for measuring individual rock ments (above).

46 Oilfield Review
The TerraTek wellbore simulator was cen-
tral to a recent high-pressure drilling study
sponsored by the US Department of Energy
(DOE) joint industry program, called Deep
Trek. The facility was contracted to provide
full-scale laboratory tests of drill bits and pro-
totype drilling fluids at 10,000-psi [68.9-MPa]
borehole pressure—substantially higher pres-
sures than any previously studied. Results
from these tests may influence the economics
of deep drilling.
The study demonstrated that drilling rates
of penetration (ROPs) can be increased in
deep-well applications using advanced bit and
drilling fluid designs. Although previous stud-
ies have shown that ROP usually falls with
> Breakout simulation. With no drilling mud used to drill this increasing borehole pressure, these earlier
sandstone subjected to increasing confining pressure, this studies did not account for certain mecha-
simulated wellbore progressively broke down, producing a classic nisms that affect ROP at great depth, such as
borehole breakout pattern.
type of drilling fluid, weighting material and
spurt loss.2
Another common wellbore stability problem
involves borehole breakouts. Although break-
outs often occur during drilling, they can also
affect the completion process. In one break-
out investigation, TerraTek engineers drilled
an 81⁄2-inch [21.6-cm] borehole in a large
sandstone core. The core was subjected to
increasing rates of confining pressure in the
laboratory. The resulting borehole breakout
was similar to that produced in actual well-
bores when drilling fluid weights are too low
(above left).
The sample was subsequently used for an
expandable sand screen (ESS) mechanical
integrity test. The screen and basepipe assem-
bly was compliantly expanded to the borehole
wall and partially into the breakout zone.
Results from this test showed how far the
screen could be expanded into the borehole
> Bottomhole drillbit patterns. Bottomhole impressions track
performance of a bit as it drills a borehole through high-strength
breakout, in addition to determining the col-
sandstone. In this case, a polycrystalline diamond compact bit was lapse load resistance of the ESS product.
drilling with a 16-lbm/gal (ppg) [1.9-g/cm3] oil-base mud at 10,000-psi Other problems that adversely impact
[68.9-MPa] wellbore pressure. The patterns on the bottom were drilling performance, such as vibration or
subsequently studied to determine how various drilling conditions
affected drilling performance. As depth of the rings decreases, so borehole spiraling, are identified through
does the cutting efficiency of the bit, and hence the ROP examination of drilling patterns (left).
decreases. With different drilling fluids, the patterns sometimes Through the aid of the borehole simulator,
disappear altogether. researchers have an opportunity to closely
2. Spurt loss is an instantaneous loss of a volume of “Optimization of Deep Drilling Performance; study bottomhole patterns that would other-
the liquid component of drilling fluid as it passes Benchmark Testing Drives ROP Improvements for wise not be accessible.
through the borehole wall prior to deposition of Bits and Drilling Fluids,” paper SPE/IADC 105885,
competent filtercake. presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference,
For more on ROP testing: Judzis A, Bland R, Curry D, Amsterdam, February 20–22, 2007.
Black A, Robertson H, Meiners M and Grant T:

Autumn 2007 47
PE Well 1 Well 2 Error
1 barn/e- 6
Depth, ft Depth, ft Depth, ft
Gamma Ray Bulk Density
X,500 X,500 X,500
0 gAPI 150 2 g/cm3 3
Caliper Resistivity Neutron Porosity
Cluster Tag
5 in. 15 0 ohm.m 1,000 0.45 vol/vol –0.15 X,600 X,600 X,600

X,700 X,700 X,700

X,800 X,800 X,800

X,900 X,900 X,900

Y,000 Y,000 Y,000

Y,100 Y,100 Y,100

Y,200 Y,200 Y,200

Y,300 Y,300 Y,300

Y,400 Y,400 Y,400

Y,500 Y,500 Y,500

0 50 100

> Cluster tagging between two wells. Color-coding of log responses from each well, combined with
analysis of compliance in the Error track, is useful in identifying changes in thickness and location of
previously defined cluster units between wells. Here, the red-blue-yellow sequences are significantly
higher and thicker in Well 1 than in Well 2. Three excursions above 40% error (red line) indicate
candidate zones for further sampling to better describe the range of facies encountered.

effect on all measurements, it is able to in the reference well, the technique assigns
> Cluster analysis of well logs. A multidimensional recognize small but consistent variations in clusters to logs from the noncored well and then
statistical algorithm is applied to the well-log combined log responses. As applied to heteroge- outputs an error curve to help evaluate
measurements to identify similar and dissimilar neous distributions of material properties, compliance between two correlative zones.
combined log responses, enabling users to cluster analysis also provides a relevant scale for Clusters showing poor compliance, where error
identify rock units with similar and dissimilar
material properties. The output is displayed as a
manipulating property variability in subsequent exceeds 40%, indicate a log response that is not
color-coded representation of clusters for visual evaluation steps throughout a project. represented in the defined clusters, and thus a
interpretation of rock units with distinct properties Cluster Tagging—The application of cluster new facies. These clusters are candidates for
along the interval of interest (Track 4). analysis can be extended to multiple wells, detailed core sampling to provide new cluster
providing comparisons between the cored, or definitions and further characterize the range of
reference, well and other wells in a field. Details facies in a prospect (above right).
provides fundamental relationships for upscaling obtained through cluster analysis of one well can Cluster analysis is also used for optimal
or downscaling, and so is a powerful tool for core- be used to recognize similar traits in adjacent selection of core samples. In reservoir studies,
log integration. wells through a process known as cluster tagging. both the strongest and weakest core samples
Cluster Analysis—Cluster analysis defines Cluster tagging begins with log-response measured by continuous profiling must be tested
log-scale heterogeneity, based on multidimen- clusters defined over discrete cored intervals in a in proportion to their relative abundance in a
sional analysis of log responses (above left). This reference well, then compares these clusters reservoir. Improper sampling in heterogeneous
technique uses detailed algorithms to distinguish with log responses from a noncored well. Using or thinly interbedded formation cores can result
similar and dissimilar patterns of log responses. definitions established from core-log responses in biased representation of the formation.
Because this technique interprets the combined Cluster analysis can help operators tie log

48 Oilfield Review
properties to core properties throughout the analysis identifies units by their material Cluster tag analysis was instrumental in
reservoir, and thereby recognize which parts of a properties and maps their distribution along the generating a regional study for a client who was
core merit additional plug-sample analysis length of a well. By relating laboratory measure- pursuing an unconventional gas play. The goal
(below). With cluster-analysis measurements of ments of these units to their combined log was to model the vertical and lateral discon-
log-scale heterogeneity and core-scale hetero- responses, core-log relationships are developed tinuity of principal reservoir units in a tight
geneity measurements obtained through scratch for each cluster. Since the method is unaffected gas-shale reservoir. These reservoirs are highly
testing, the operator can determine the location by variability in thickness or stacking arrange- heterogeneous both vertically and laterally, with
and number of samples required to adequately ments of the various cluster units, it allows localized diagenetic alterations that create great
characterize the core. prediction of properties along the length of the variability in material properties. As a result,
Cluster-Level Property Predictions—Since logged section in a well. reservoir and mechanical properties change
models are traditionally built around the Multiwell Analysis—For basin-wide analysis, significantly from location to location between
structure and stratigraphic layout of a basin, the cluster tags of multiple wells are tied to a single wells, and production performance often varies,
discontinuous and heterogeneous distribution of reference model containing definitions of even between wells drilled in close proximity to
reservoir and nonreservoir lithological units material properties across the basin. The results each other.
within a single stratigraphic section is often can be used for 3D visualization of lateral The client ordered a study to understand the
poorly represented across the basin. Cluster variability in reservoir and nonreservoir units. variability in permeability, gas-filled porosity and

Log-Scale Core-Scale Heterogeneity Sample-Scale

Heterogeneity Heterogeneity
10 k

50 k

10 k

50 k
1 0 ft 2 0 ft

1 1 ft 1 ft

2 ft 2 ft

2 in.
10 k

50 k

10 k

50 k

3 0 ft 4 0 ft


1 ft 1 ft

2 ft 2 ft
10 k 40 k

> Using rock heterogeneity to select laboratory samples. Log-scale heterogeneity, indicated by cluster colors (left), is compared against core-scale
heterogeneity data obtained through scratch testing (red curves) superimposed onto core photographs (middle). In the log-scale heterogeneity plot, color is
used to differentiate between zones of similar or dissimilar material properties as a function of unconfined compressive strength measurements. Here the
yellow clusters are the weakest units and brown clusters are strongest. Progressing from region 1 (yellow cluster), region 2 (yellow cluster transitioning to
dark blue), region 3 (dark blue transitioning to brown), and region 4 (brown cluster), the rock strength varies by more than 400%. Core photographs (middle)
show a corresponding transition in unconfined compressive strength from 10,000 psi [68.9 MPa] in the argillaceous mudstone (core section 1) to 40,000 psi
[275.8 MPa] in the basal carbonate (core section 4) within this 40-ft [12-m] interval. Sample plugs (right) are taken from the whole core for detailed analysis
and testing. This methodology helps operators ensure that their 2-in. sample plugs account for the variability present in the whole core.

Autumn 2007 49

Geologic Data
• Regional tectonic framework
• Structure depth maps
• Lithostratigraphic column
• Regional compaction trends
• Basin analysis
• Earthquake fault-plane solutions
• Tiltmeter surveys
• Core tests and descriptions

– Rock composition and texture

– Core-log integration
– Heterogeneity and anisotropy
– Petrophysical and mechanical
Seismic Data
• 3D seismic cube
• 2D seismic profiles
• Tomographic velocity
• Vertical seismic profiles and checkshot data
Cluster tag
• P-wave velocity profiles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Formation Evaluation Data
• Wireline and LWD logs
– Gamma ray, resistivity, density, sonic, caliper
> Basin-wide multiwell cluster analysis. This presentation uses Petrel seismic-to-simulation software – Acoustic scanning tool
to help operators visualize the cluster-analysis results and track reservoir quality throughout the field. – Borehole imaging
Different cluster units are associated with distinct reservoir qualities. They are also associated with • Well test and production pressure measurements
different values of fracture containment potential. Once the reservoir quality and fracture containment – Formation tests and drillstem tests
potential are identified in detail by laboratory testing, they can be tracked laterally across the basin.
Surfaces identifying the intervals of best reservoir quality have been delineated. Cluster analysis in Drilling Data
this case identifies the heterogeneity inherent in any of these units that otherwise might be • Daily drilling reports
considered homogeneous. • End of well reports
• Mud weight profile
• Leakoff tests, extended leakoff tests, formation

total organic content as they relate to reservoir Once these parameters were defined, the integrity tests, minifrac tests
• Directional surveys
quality. It was also important to understand the client could select the best geometry of • Mud logs
variability in the conditions of hydraulic fracture horizontal wells and the best locations for
Calibration Data
containment along the various wells containing perforating. Understanding the properties of
units with best reservoir quality. For optimal well cluster units immediately above and below the • Laboratory measurements on cores
• In-situ stress measurements from hydro-
productivity, reservoir quality must be coupled best reservoir-quality units also helped identify
fracturing tests
with completion quality. In this field, reservoir mechanical properties and conditions for • Observed breakouts and stress-induced features

quality alone, without successful fracturing and hydraulic fracture containment. • Field and production observations

fracture-height containment, would result in

> Array of input parameters for a mechanical
poor well productivity. By mapping locations Modeling Geomechanical Properties
earth model.
throughout the field where both conditions of The interaction between geology, wellbore
reservoir quality and completion quality exist orientation and stress changes caused by drilling
simultaneously, the client could identify sweet or production is a complex 3D process. This
spots in the reservoir (above left). The results of interaction continually changes over time, The movement to understand such changes
this field study would also help improve adding yet another dimension of complexity. was spurred in part by recognition that
visualization of production distribution across Over the life of any productive field, innumerable subsidence in certain fields was directly related
the basin. events take place that alter the geomechanical to production. Basic mathematical models were
TerraTek geoscientists used cluster analysis framework between the reservoir and the developed by the early 1950s to understand and
and cluster tagging to evaluate the field. surface. Exploration wells are drilled and tested; predict subsidence in Wilmington field,
Understanding the vertical stacking patterns of additional wells are drilled and produced; some California.19 Later, subsidence of the North Sea
cluster units on a well helped the client define may be turned into injectors, some are worked Ekofisk field, discovered in the early 1980s,
the location and thickness of clusters with the over, while others are plugged and abandoned. prompted development of more comprehensive
best reservoir-quality properties. Each activity causes changes in stress—some computer models, based on finite-element
ephemeral, others more enduring. And these analysis. These models linked hydrocarbon
19. McCann GD and Wilts CH: “A Mathematical Analysis of changes can be costly, with potential to affect production to changes in reservoir properties and
the Subsidence in the Long Beach-San Pedro Area,”
technical report, California Institute of Technology, formation integrity, porosity and permeability; deformation and, in turn, to seabed movement
Pasadena (November 1951), in Geertsma, reference 2. reservoir compaction and subsidence; and well and faulting in the overburden.
20. Ali AHA, Brown T, Delgado R, Lee D, Plumb D,
Smirnov N, Marsden R, Prado-Velarde E, Ramsey L, and completion integrity. E&P companies became interested in
Spooner D, Stone T and Stouffer T: “Watching Rocks learning how stress evolves as reservoirs become
Change—Mechanical Earth Modeling,” Oilfield
Review 15, no. 2 (Summer 2003): 22–39.

50 Oilfield Review
Importing from ECLIPSE Importing fault surfaces Embedding in overburden,
or Petrel software, or both underburden and sideburden

Δp, ΔT

Data and results utilized

in engineering designs simulation simulation
and planning

Δkij, ΔVpore

Initialization and coupled Population with properties and

simulation (parallelization) assign behavioral models

> Workflow for 4D coupled reservoir geomechanics modeling. Formation and structural data form the framework for the initial reservoir model, then
characteristics from surrounding rock bodies are added. Stress and strain are modeled throughout the reservoir and adjacent rock to understand changes
over time.

depleted. If stress changes could be modeled Finite-element modeling is widely used for regard to cores. Basic models of the past enabled
over the life of a field, operators could predict stress analysis in both conventional engineering the industry to opt for simplified assumptions,
problems during the life of a well or anticipate and geomechanics. Finite-difference modeling is using homogeneous formation properties
the need for infill drilling. With a steady growth used to analyze fluid flow. The advantage of the throughout their models. Today’s sophisticated
of computational capacity, geomechanics VISAGE simulator is its capability to describe numerical simulators inevitably dictate a wider
programs acquired increasingly sophisticated and simulate the coupled nature of geomechanical array of data. The MEM is built to honor this wide
modeling capabilities. Rock mechanical models stresses and fluid flow as they change over time array of data (previous page, top right).
developed to analyze stress changes in reservoirs by linking these two analyses. This capability is A geomechanical simulation might begin with
included the VISAGE stress analysis simulator. key to development of 3D and time-sequenced 4D construction of a 3D structural model. Next, the
This advanced geomechanics modeling system mechanical earth models. model is populated with mechanical properties
emerged from waterflood directionality studies Unlike reservoir production models, of each formation and fault. The properties are
in the North Sea and elsewhere. mechanical earth models (MEMs) must take into derived from seismic data, logs, cores, geostatis-
Developed in 1993 by V.I.P.S. (Vector account not only the reservoir, but also the tical projections and inversion of breakout and
International Processing Systems) of Bracknell, overburden, seabed, the underburden, or rock drilling data for individual wells. Boundary
England, VISAGE geomechanics software solves beneath the reservoir, and sideburden, or conditions, simulating the expected stress
equations that relate rock stress and pore adjacent rock, which often provides stress profiles at the sides of the model, are then added.
pressure to deformation and reservoir properties. boundary conditions.20 The MEMs are usually This populated model is imported into the
By integrating geomechanics and rock mechanics much larger than ordinary reservoir models. As VISAGE system to calculate the evolution of
with reservoir engineering, V.I.P.S. developed the such, they have substantial data requirements stresses throughout the model (above).
world’s first coupled geomechanics stress- that may be difficult to satisfy. The driving mechanism of the modeling is
dependent reservoir simulator. With acquisition Complex rock behavior, varying rock mainly pressure changes induced by fluid
of V.I.P.S. by Schlumberger in April 2007, the properties and large-scale simulations require extraction from the reservoir, or by injection into
Bracknell facility was designated as the Reservoir better software and better data, especially with
Geomechanics Center of Excellence.

Autumn 2007 51
The goal of the first phase was to enhance an
existing reservoir model by adding more rock
layers and structural detail. First, the reservoir
model was extended up to the seafloor, adding 20
new layers and eight horizons for optimal
description of the overburden sequence. Ten
layers were added below the reservoir layer to
serve as underburden, and eight cells were added
on each of the four vertical boundaries to serve
as sideburden. Next, 45 faults and two different
fracture sets were incorporated into the
embedded model. The mechanical properties
were determined based on laboratory tests, core
calibration and literature reviews. A 1D stress
calibration was determined from density log
Stress integration, leakoff tests and pore-pressure
modeling based on wireline log data.
0 Maximum
The second phase sought to characterize the
> Three-dimensional view of a reservoir. The uppermost horizon of an anticlinal stress state prior to production operations. An
reservoir is intersected by numerous faults (inclined planes of semitransparent initial effective stress state was computed, based
purple, red, green and blue). The axis of the anticline is aligned with the long
axis of this figure. Colors on the reservoir surface represent the computed state on properties determined in the first phase. The
of initial maximum principal stress acting on this horizon. In regions remote from stress-state computations accounted for contrasts
and unaffected by the presence of faults, the maximum principal stresses in deformation and strength properties between
(green) correspond closely to the magnitude of the vertical or overburden stress, different rock layers, and also considered
meaning that the principal stresses are near-horizontal and near-vertical. The
regions of reduced stress (blue) are the result of stress-arching in areas where discontinuity within the rock layers themselves
the structural geometry and the stiffness of overburden layers create an (left). The computed initial stress state was
incomplete transmission of overburden weight onto the underlying reservoir. The checked to verify agreement with field data and
high maximum stress concentrations (yellows and reds) near the faults coincide
geological features relating to stress orientations,
with inclined principal stresses, causing the magnitudes of the maximum
principal stresses to exceed lithostatic or overburden stresses generated by stress magnitudes and fault orientation.
gravity and the weight of the overlying rock mass. The black box in the upper The goal of the third phase was to determine
quadrant represents the area of study shown in the following figure (next page). the state of present-day stresses. The approach
called for both flow and stress modeling, starting
with the change in pressure predicted by the
ECLIPSE reservoir simulator. The changes in
stress and strain induced by production and
injection operations were then assessed using
the VISAGE geomechanical simulator. The
the reservoir. Fluid flow is modeled using a • well integrity—well design to accommodate computed compaction at the top of the reservoir
reservoir simulator, such as the ECLIPSE compac tion and subsidence as the well was in good agreement with the estimated value
reservoir simulation package. By accounting for is produced. from 3D seismic inversion.
these pressure changes in the stress calculations This coupled approach was recently used in a It was also important to assess the risk of well
using VISAGE software, it is possible to accurately North Sea field study. The South Arne field, failure. The coupled simulations demonstrated
predict subsurface deformations and stress located in the Danish sector of the North Sea, that pore collapse within the reservoir layers
changes, and evaluate their influence on material produces from the Maastrichtian Tor and Danian would cause compaction and subsidence, and that
properties such as permeability and porosity. Ekofisk chalk formations. Oil production from differential pore collapse could result in localized
The resulting model can be used as a source the low-permeability chalk is driven both by well failure (next page).
of stress data for several key stages: water injection and by compaction of the chalk. In the last phase, fluid-flow and stress
• well planning—wellbore stability and optimum In 2006, a field study of the South Arne field simulation was performed in which permeability
drilling azimuth was conducted to quantify the effects of changed in accord with stress and strain
• well completions—sand management production from 1999 to 2005, and to assess changes. After history-matching of production
• formation stimulation—hydraulic fracture outcomes of a proposed development plan. The and injection data, the geomechanical model
orientation field study was carried out using a history- agreed with production history.
• field management—pressure maintenance matched ECLIPSE model and the VISAGE
and injection geomechanical simulator. The geomechanical
study comprised four phases.

52 Oilfield Review

0 Maximum
> Production-induced compaction. These figures correspond to the boxed area shown in the previous figure (page 52 ). Production-induced time shifts seen
from the 4D seismic response (left) closely match the pattern of computed plastic strains obtained through coupled numerical simulation (right). Maximum
compaction (red) follows the NW trend of horizontal wellbores (dark blue lines) in the upper part of this figure. As expected, the area of greatest compaction
corresponds to that part of the reservoir experiencing the greatest production and consequently the greatest depletion. The computed maximum compaction
of 1.45 m [4.76 ft] at the top of the reservoir was in good agreement with the estimated value of 1.4 m [4.59 ft] from 3D seismic inversion. The absence of 4D
seismic data (white zone) is caused by a gas cloud. Close agreement between the 4D seismic data and the numerical model reinforces confidence in model
results over the area where seismic data were not available.

Monitoring: Geomechanics and Both seismic compressional and shear waves Among the differences between baseline and
4D Seismic Data are influenced by production-induced stress monitor surveys, geophysicists sometimes
Once a field model is developed, it should be changes inside and around a reservoir. Time- observed shifts in seismic traveltimes to a
periodically updated with data obtained through lapse seismic surveys, which predominantly use specific horizon. Initially, these discrepancies
monitoring. A variety of techniques have been compressional waves, have long been used to were attributed to logistical problems associated
devised for monitoring field-scale geomechanical monitor reservoir changes caused by production. with repeating surveys over a reservoir: namely,
effects. For example, global positioning systems, Repeatedly surveying a reservoir over time the difficulty in placing seismic sources and
bathymetry and borehole tiltmeter surveys have enables geophysicists to compare differences in receivers in exactly the same position for every
been used to measure surface subsidence. seismic attributes, such as reflection amplitudes survey. The slightest mispositioning of sources or
Reservoir compaction can be detected by moni- and traveltimes, between the initial baseline receivers could lead to modified raypaths that
toring casing collar movement, although this survey and subsequent monitor surveys. These traveled through slightly different parts of the
method is not precise. Microseismic techniques differences are particularly useful in detecting subsurface, generating perturbations in observed
have been used to detect regions of movement movements of gas/liquid contacts that occur as traveltimes. In the past, discrepancies in seismic
and rock failure during depletion, and are reservoirs are produced. In recent years, 4D
particularly useful for identifying fault seismic techniques have also been used to 21. For more on microseismic applications: Bennett L,
Le Calvez J, Sarver DR, Tanner K, Birk WS, Waters G,
movements and monitoring fracture creation monitor production-induced changes in reservoir Drew J, Michaud G, Primiero P, Eisner L, Jones R,
during injection and thermal recovery processes.21 geomechanical properties. Leslie D, Williams MJ, Govenlock J, Klem RC and
Tezuko K: “The Source for Hydraulic Fracture
Time-lapse, or 4D, seismic surveys are also being Characterization,” Oilfield Review 17, no. 4 (Winter
used for geomechanical monitoring.22 2005/2006): 42–57.
22. Doornhof et al, reference 5.

Autumn 2007 53
Vertical displacement, Δz
Δz, m

1,500 0.25

Depth, m

2,500 0.10
Time-lapse time shift for vertical P-waves, Δt
0.05 Δt, ms
0.00 1,500

Decrease in TWT Increase in TWT

3,500 –0.05
–4,000 –3,000 –2,000 –1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 2,000
Distance, m

Depth, m
Change in vertical P-velocity, ΔVp
ΔVp, m/s
1,500 8

6 3,500
2,000 –4,000 –3,000 –2,000 –1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000
Distance, m
Depth, m


–4,000 –3,000 –2,000 –1,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000
Distance, m
> Changing seismic characteristics. Both change in geometry (top left) and change in seismic velocity (bottom left) influence seismic reflection traveltimes.
The seismic two-way traveltime (TWT) (right) gradually increases toward the top of the reservoir due to overburden stretching and associated velocity
decrease. The largest time shifts are observed around the producing wells. Inside the reservoir, the seismic velocity increases because of increased stress,
so the time shifts become smaller.

traveltimes were frequently attributed to with high accuracy, allowing reliable measures of growing number of fields. In the North Sea’s
differences in acquisition geometry or to traveltime changes as small as 1 millisecond. Ekofisk and Valhall fields, combined observations
processing artifacts. With this level of accuracy, geophysicists are able by reservoir engineers, geophysicists and geome-
However, seismic acquisition and processing to use time-lapse seismic techniques for observ- chanics specialists have led them to conclude
technology has steadily improved, so that sources ing depletion-induced traveltime changes for a that the soft chalk of the reservoir rock was
and receivers can now be repeatedly positioned undergoing substantial reservoir compaction,

23. Barkved O, Heavey P, Kleppan T and Kristiansen TG: Geomechanics,” Expanded Abstracts, 73rd SEG Annual Herwanger JV and Horne SA: “Linking Geomechanics
“Valhall Field—Still on Plateau After 20 Years of International Meeting, Dallas (October 26–31, 2003): and Seismics: Stress Effects on Time-Lapse Multi-
Production,” paper SPE 83957, presented at SPE 1330–1333. Component Seismic Data,” presented at the 67th
Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, September 2–5, 2003. Hatchell P and Bourne S: “Rocks Under Strain: Strain- EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Madrid, Spain,
24. Guilbot J and Smith B: “4-D Constrained Depth Induced Time-Lapse Time-Shifts Are Observed for June 13–16, 2005.
Conversion for Reservoir Compaction Estimation: Depleting Reservoirs,” The Leading Edge 24, no. 12 Sayers CM: “Asymmetry in the Time-Lapse Seismic
Application to Ekofisk Field,” The Leading Edge 21, no. 3 (December 2005): 1222–1225. Response to Injection and Depletion,” Geophysical
(March 2002): 302–308. 26. Hatchell et al, reference 25. Prospecting 55 (September 2007): 699–705.
Nickel M, Schlaf J and Sønneland L: “New Tools for 4D Hatchell and Bourne, reference 25. Sayers CM: “Sensitivity of Time-Lapse Seismic to
Seismic Analysis in Compacting Reservoirs,” Petroleum Reservoir Stress Path,” Geophysical Prospecting 54
Herwanger JV, Palmer E and Schiøtt CR: “Field
Geoscience 9, no. 1 (2003): 53–59. (September 2006): 369–380.
Observations and Modeling Production-Induced
Hall SA, MacBeth C, Barkved OI and Wild P: “Time- Time-Shifts in 4D Seismic Data at South Arne, Danish Sayers CM: “Sensitivity of Elastic Wave Velocities to
Lapse Seismic Monitoring of Compaction and North Sea,” presented at the 69th EAGE Conference Reservoir Stress Changes Caused By Production,”
Subsidence at Valhall Through Cross-Matching and and Exhibition, London, June 11–14, 2007. paper ARMA/USRMS 06-1048, presented at the 41st US
Interpreted Warping of 3D Streamer and OBC Data,” Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Golden, Colorado,
27. Herwanger et al, reference 26.
presented at the 72nd SEG International Exposition and June 17–21, 2006.
Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 6–11, 2002. Sayers C: “Monitoring Production Induced Stress-
Sayers CM: “Sensitivity of Elastic-Wave Velocities to
Changes Using Seismic Waves,” presented at the SEG
25. Hatchell PJ, van den Beukel A, Molenaar MM, Stress Changes in Sandstones,” The Leading Edge 24,
International Exposition and 74th Annual Meeting,
Maron KP, Kenter CJ, Stammeijer JGF, van der Velde JJ no. 12 (December 2005): 1262–1267.
Denver, October 10–14, 2004.
and Sayers CM:“Whole Earth 4D: Monitoring

54 Oilfield Review
accompanied by another significant reservoir compartments. However, to understand
phenomenon—that of overburden stretching.23 and predict other geomechanical factors, such as
Resulting traveltime changes are significant and wellbore stability or rock failure, the triaxial
of a magnitude that could not be explained by stress state must be known. Recognizing this
nonrepeatability of survey acquisition geometry.24 need, Schlumberger and WesternGeco scientists
Seismic data confirmed that the reservoir are exploring the use of surface-seismic 4D
rock did not deform uniformly, and deformation measurements to characterize the change in
in the reservoir rock caused the surrounding rock tensor-stress over time.27
to deform. In this case, the differential deforma-
tion associated with reservoir compaction and an Future Developments
arching effect in the overburden resulted in The industry is striving to develop further
compressive stress relaxation and corresponding capabilities for integrating rock fabric into
stretching in the overburden. Similar overburden geomechanics analysis, with the vision of
time shifts were subsequently reported above enabling operators to extrapolate information
high-pressure, high-temperature reservoirs and from rock microstructure observations to the
certain deepwater-turbidite fields.25 core-sample scale, through the well-log scale and
The geomechanical implications of time- eventually up to the seismic scale. This capability
lapse time shifts are evaluated with reservoir will let operators track reservoir characteristics
geomechanical models to characterize along the extent of a play and beyond, to
production-induced subsurface deformation and locations where no well control exists. In doing
to predict associated stress changes. Established so, geomechanics may change not only the way
Top reservoir reflection
shifts toward later arrival workflows allow geophysicists to compare that fields are drilled and produced, but also the
time and brightens observed time-lapse time shifts against time way in which they are explored. To this end,
shifts predicted by the reservoir geomechanical researchers at Schlumberger are actively
models.26 Both subsurface deformation and stress investigating new laboratory measurement
changes influence the seismic traveltime, either techniques, wellbore logging methods, seismic
by changing the length of the path that a seismic measurements and modeling programs. Indeed,
wave must travel or by altering the propagation computational capabilities already exist; it is the
Bottom reservoir reflection velocity of the seismic wave, respectively actual rock, its fabric, and the relation of fabric
shifts toward later arrival
(previous page). The workflows allow predictions to rock behavior that must be further
time and dims
of traveltime changes to any point in a three- characterized. —MV
dimensional subsurface model.
Traveltime changes can also be observed from
4D seismic field experiments (left). The
prediction and observation of 4D traveltime
changes may be used to validate and calibrate
reservoir geomechanical models and thereby
improve their capability to predict stress
changes for a variety of projected production
scenarios. Furthermore, laboratory measure-
ments conducted on rock cores are helping E&P
companies learn more about changes in
ultrasonic velocities under various stress
conditions and saturation states. This allows
Baseline survey operators to better manage reservoir stress and
Monitor survey
optimize the trade-off between compaction drive
> Monitoring compaction over time. A of hydrocarbon production and unwanted
comparison of traces using the same source and compaction problems such as wellbore failure
receiver position between the baseline (green)
and monitor surveys (blue) shows the effect of and reduced permeability.
overburden stretching on the arrival time of the At present, the observation of changes in
seismic signal. Note the consistent shift toward vertical traveltime is a common practice for
later arrival times of the monitor survey
monitoring geomechanical changes such as
compared with the baseline survey.
vertical stress and strain. This technique
provides useful information, and allows geophysi-
cists to identify compacting and noncompacting

Autumn 2007 55

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