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HSBM MATHEMATICS T/ P2  2014 Prepared by: Mr Lim Chai Huat

2 Checked by : Mdm Normah Bt Ismail
Verified by : Mr Dzolkapli B Hj Haron

Section A [ 45 marks ]
Answer all questions in this section

(a) If y = ln(ln x4 ) and x > 0 , find [3 marks]

(b) By using a suitable substitution, evaluate   , answer in surd form. [5 marks]

2 Evaluate the following limits

(a) lim (b) lim

 [5 marks]

3 The diagram below shows the graph of the function f, where


(a, 6/5)
O x

a). The graph of f has local extremums at (a, 6/5) and (b, 2). Obtain the values of a and b. [3 marks]
b). State the behavior of y where y = f(x) when : (i) x → + ∞ (ii) x → - ∞ [1 mark ]
c). The line x = c will never cut the graph y
i) Write down an equation which c must satisfy
(ii) Use the Newton-Raphson
Raphson method , with xo = - 0.2 , to find an approximation to the
value of c correct to four decimal places. [5 marks]
Use the trapezium rule , with 5 ordinates to estimate the value of  √1 "   to three
decimal places. Hence and applying integration by parts, find the approximate value of [4 marks]
 √ dx to three decimal places. [4 marks]

954/2 LCH/HSBM/APRIL 2014

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5 The curve shown has parametric equations x = t2 , y = t3 , where t ≥ o is a parameter. Also

shown is part of the normal to the curve at the point where t = 1. y
a). Find the equation of this normal.
[4 marks]

O x

b). The finite region R is bounded by the curve, the x-axis and this normal. This region R
is then rotated through 2π radians about the x-axis. Find the volume of the solid so
formed, giving your answer in terms of π. [5 marks]

6 Water is poured into a right inverted cone with a semi-vertical angle of 600 at a rate of
16π cm3 / min. Find the rate at which the depth h of the water is rising after 4 minutes [6 marks]

Section B [15 marks ]

Answer any one questions in this section

7 The function f is defined by    ( ) * 1 " + 

where a and b are positive constants and |+| - 1

(a) Obtain an expression of f(x) by using Maclaurin’s theorem , in ascending powers of x
up to the term in x3 . Hence , find in terms of a and b , the coefficients of x , x2 and x3 [7 marks]
(b). Given that the coefficient of x is zero and that the coefficient of x2 is
Find the values of a and b and the coefficient of x3 . 2
Obtain the Maclaurin series for 2 sin2 x up to the term in x4 .

Hence , evaluate ( ) * 1 " +
lim [8 marks]
  2 sin 

8 (a) At time t, the total number of crows in Prai region is denoted by P. The rate of
increase of P due to birth is 0.080P and the rate of decrease because of deaths is kP
where k is a constant.
Write a differential equation that relates P with time t ( in years ). [1 mark]
Find the value of k (to three decimal places) so that the proportion of the numbers
of crows left in the Prai region will be a quarter in 25 years time. [7 marks]

(b) Solve the given differential equation satisfying the condition y =√2 when, x  tan
where 0 < x < .

" 0 cot   cos  .Give your answer in the form y = f(sinx).
 [7 marks]

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954/2 LCH/HSBM/APRIL 2014
*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CONFIDENTIAL*

954/2 LCH/HSBM/APRIL 2014

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CONFIDENTIAL*

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