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Muscle has following properties

 Excitation
 Conduction
 Contraction
 Refractory period
 All or none law
 Length of force of contraction


Muscle get stimulated

Change in permeability of membrane

More permeable to Na+

Influx of sodium from outside to inside of membrane

Inside of membrane become more positive for a fraction of time

Loss of polarity-depolarization

Again reestablishment of polarity



Generated action potential

Propagated along the length of membrane

Transmission of action potential


The gap between ‘Z’ line decreases

Shortening of muscle fibres

Contraction and movement of the body


The law says that the strength by which the nerve or muscle fibres responds to a stimulus is
independent of the strength of stimulus. If the stimulus exceeds the threshold potential the
muscle or nerve fibre give a complete response otherwise there is no response.

All skeletal muscle have a resting length. When our muscles are stretched to the ideal length, it
can maximize muscular contraction.


MUSCLE MASS- it is made up of muscle fibres, is a sum of myofibrils ie cylindrical

SARCOLEMMA-cell membrane enclosing myofibrils

ACTIN FILAMENT-extend from either side of ‘Z’ line run across I band and enter in to A band

MYOCIN FILAMENT- thick filament in A band

‘ T’ tubule-narrow tubule from one side of muscle fibre to other and open to the exterior , so ECF
run through it.

‘L’ tubule-it forms sarcoplasmic reticulum, a closed tubular system high in Ca+

Troponin – it is essential for muscle contraction and is seen in muscle.

Tropomyocin –that inhibit contraction by blocking the interaction between actin and myocin
except when influenced by troponin.
Stimulation of motor neuron with a thresh hold energy to create an action potential

Voltage gated channels open and Ca+ enter in to the presynaptic neuron

Neurotransmitter vehicles fuse with presynaptic membrane and it rupture in the presence of Ca+
and release acetycholine to synaptic cleft

Ach bind to post synaptic membrane(sarcolemma)

Ion channels opens in the post synaptic membrane and Na+ influx in to the muscle cell

Generation of new action potential along the ‘T’ system

Spread of depolarization in to terminal cisternae with release of Ca+

Increased calcium concentration in ICF

Ca + bind to troponin to a saturation point

Movement of tropomyocin laterally

Exposure of binding sites for myocin heads on actin

Breakdown of ATP to produce energy for

Contraction of actinomycin complex activation of sliding filament system

Muscle contraction

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