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Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory

Marina von Steinkirch,

State University of New York at Stony Brook
November 12, 2010

Contents Gauge Invariance and Equation of Motions

1 Maxwell Gauge Theory 1 The Maxwell lagrangian is invariant under gauge

2 Chern-Simons Theory 1
Aµ → Aµ + ∂µ f,
3 Topologically Massive Gauge Theory 2
and the derived equations of motion
4 Mass Spectrum (Excitations) 2
∂µ F µν = J ν ,

Introduction are gauge invariants. With source free, it has plane-

wave solutions.
Chern-Simons theory is a (2+1)-dimensional gauge
theory differently of the (2+1)-Maxwell theory. To- In (2+1) Dimensions
gether they can be represented by the action
In (2+1) dimensions the magnetic field is a pseudo-
~ =
Z h 1 i
scalar B = ij ∂i Aj rather than a pseudovector B
SM CS = d3 x − 2 Fµν F νµ + κµνρ Aµ ∂ν Aρ . (1)
4e ~ ×A
∇ ~ in (3+1) dimensions. The electric field E
~ =
~ ~
−∇A0 − A is a two dimensional vector.
In this paper I discuss basic aspects of the Maxwell-
Chern-Simons theory and then find the equations
of motion and the spectrum of excitations from the
analogy to the Landau levels.
2 Chern-Simons Theory
The Chern-Simons lagrangian is
1 Maxwell Gauge Theory LCS =
κ µνρ
e Aµ ∂ ν Aρ − Aµ J µ . (3)
The Maxwell gauge theory is defined in terms of the
~ and its la- Gauge Invariance and Equations of Motion
fundamental gauge field Aµ = (A0 , A),
grangian is
Let us vary the equation (3) by a space-time deriva-
1 µν µ tive
LM = − Fµν F − Aµ J , (2)
4 δLCM ∼ ∂µ (eµνρ ∂ν Aρ ),
where the field strength tensor is Fµν = ∂µ Aν −∂ν Aµ , clearly if we do not consider boundary terms, the
and the matter current J µ is conserved (∂µ J µ ). action will be gauge invariant. Straightforward from

the Euler-Lagrange equation, we find the equations Equations of Motion
of motion, also gauge invariant,
Calculating the Euler-Lagrange equation of motion
κ µνρ
 Fνρ = J µ . (4) gives
The source free solution reduces to Fµν = 0, flat κe2 νβα
connections. We can show explicitly the current con- ∂µ F µν +  Fβα = 0. (6)
κ Massive Gauge Theory
∂µ ( µνρ Fνρ ) = ∂µ J µ .
µνρ ∂µ Fνρ = 0. From dimensional analysis we see that [e2 ] = [m]
and [κ] = [m0 ] in (2+1) dimensions. Therefore these
Chern-Simons + Matter = Anyons equations will describing the propagation of a degree
of freedom with mass m = κe2 . We see the origin of
The matter current in equation (4) can be seen better this mass explicitly rewriting equation (6) in terms
~ in terms of components, reveling of a dual gauge invariant field F̃ µ = 1 µνρ Fνρ , and
writing J µ = (ρ, J) 2
a tying of flux to charge and the nature of anyons. them rewriting the equations of motion
ρ = κB Charge density is locally
∂ ν ∂ν + (κe2 )2 F̃ µ = 0.
proportional to Mag. Field.
Magnetic flux is proportional
to electric charge. 4 Mass Spectrum (Excita-
J i = κij Ej Charge-Flux relation is tions)
preserved under time evolution.
Proof: We shall use the analogy to the classic Landau prob-
lem of charge moving in the plane in the presence of
ρ̇ = κḂ = κij ∂i Ȧj ~ perpendicular to the plan to
an external uniform B
∂µ J µ → J i
find the spectrum of our theory. The quantization of
= −κ Ȧj + ij χ = κij Ej
the Landau problem is well understood, consists of
equally spaced energy levels (Landau levels) by ~ωc ,
where ωc = m is the cyclotron frequency. Each Lan-
dau level is infinitely degenerated in the open plane,
3 Topologically Massive Gauge but for a finite area A the degeneracy is related to
the net magnetic flux, φ = BA 2π .
Topological electrodynamics (Chern-Simons charged Canonical Chern-Simon
particle system) is a theory describing an interaction
Let us quantize the lagrangian. We rewrite equation
of a U(1) gauge field A(x, t), a vector-valued function
(5) in a canonical structure
on the three-dimensional space, with a charged mat-
ter field, characterized by a current J(x, t). When 1 2 1 κ
we put together the two theories we get a surprising LM CS = 2
Ei − 2 B 2 + ij Ȧi Aj + κA0 B. (7)
2e 2e 2
new form of gauge field mass generation, different of
the Higgs mechanism. The Maxwell-Chern-Simons In the A0 = 0 gauge, Ai are the ’coordinates’ and
lagrangian is we have the momentum fields
1 κ ∂LCSM 1 κ
LM CS = − 2 F µν Fµν + µνρ Aµ ∂ν Aρ . (5) Πi = = 2 Ȧi + ij Aj .
4e 2 ∂ Ȧi e 2

The hamiltonian is Explicitly, a planar quantum mechanical harmonic
system with a hamiltonian of the kind H = 2m (pi +
HM CS = Πi Ȧi − L b ij j 2 1 2 2
2  x ) + 2 mω ~ c can be separated into two distinct
e 2
κ  2 1   harmonic oscillators of frequency, let us say for our
HM CS = Πi − ij Aj + 2 B 2 +A0 ∂i Πi +κB problem,
2 2 2e
Then Ai (~x, t), Π (~x, t) satisfy the canonical equal- s
ωc  4ω 2 
time Poisson brackets, which becomes the equal-time ω± = 1+ 2 ±1 ,
canonical commutation, 2 ωc

[Ai (~x), Πj (~y )] = iδ ij δ(~x − ~y ).

(8) where ω is the harmonic well√frequency.
Taking ωc = κe2 and ω = 2ev, the characteristic
Analogy to the Landau Problem frequencies are exactly mass poles m± . In the limit
which the cyclotron frequency dominates,
We consider the long wavelength limit of 7, in which
we drop all spatial derivatives, ω2 2v 2
ω− → = = m−
ωc κ
1 2 κ ij
L = 2 Ȧi +  Ȧi Aj .
2e 2 and
Now, thinking about the non-relativistic charged ω+ → ∞.
particle moving in the plane, we have Therefore, we have the analogy for our the (2+1)
1 B dimensions Maxwell-Chern-Simons, where the gauge
L= mẋ2i + ij ẋi xj . field has two massive modes.
2 2
∂L B ij
The momenta is pi = ∂ ẋi = mẋi + 2  xj and the
hamiltonian is References
1 B m [1] Tsvelik, Quantum Field Theory in Condensed
H = pi ẋi − L = (pi − ij xj )2 = vi2 .
2m 2 2 Matter.
In the quantum level, [xi , pj ] = iδij implies that [2] Nakahara, Geometry, Topology and Physics.
the velocities do not commute [vi , vj ] = −i mB2 ij . We
now can compare both equations/problems, [3] Zee, Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell.

Maxwell-Chern-Simons Landau
e2 m
κ B
mM CS = κe2 ωc = m

Physical masses of the theory appear as physical

frequencies of the corresponding quantum mechanic
system. The inclusion of the Chern-Simons term in a
gauge theory lagrangian is analogous to the inclusion
of a Lorentz force in a mechanical system. The Lan-
dau system shows how to obtain characteristic fre-
quency without introducing a harmonic binding term
(such as in the Higgs mechanics).

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