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Contributed by : Ms.

Ma Theresa DF Malco

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Review the following materials. The answer keys are indicated in BOLD.

For Numbers 1-4, Choose the correct answer from inside the box.

(A) Socrates (B) Plato (C) Aristotle (D)Betham and Mill

1. Who is known as the Gad-fly of the Marketplace? A

2. Who is known as the Philosopher King? B

3. Who is known for his Nicomachean Ethics? C

4. Who is known for his utilitarianism concept of ethics? D

5. What is NOT a belief system? Belief system is ___________________

A. merely focuse on religion.

B. a powerful force that affect lives of people.
C. shaped and influenced by a number of different factors.
D. formed through experiences, inferences, and accepting what others tell us to be true.

For Numbers 6-9, Choose the correct answer from the box.

(A) Buddism (B) Hinduism

(C) Christianity (D) Islam

6. What kind of belief system that encourages all things in moderation and teaches that the
desire for worldly things leads to evil? A

7. What kind of belief system identifies a central deity, Allah, whose instructions guide
behavior. D

8. What belief system focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. C

9. What belief system believes in the unifying concept of KARMA and worships different
Gods? B

10. What is Fillipino Values System? Filipino value system is/are _______________

A. business ethics in a way that it can make or break business dealings over a period of
B. insignificantly necessary as it can be changed depending on a person’s guiding
principles in life.
C. sets of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipinos have historically held
important in their lives.
D. defined by the way people live their life that does not influence one’s culture unless
they allow it to happen.

For Numbers 11-14, Choose the correct answer from the box.

(A) Ningas Cogon (B) Mana Habit

(C) Crab mentality (D) Grapevine

11. What (Negative) Filipino Value system refers to the behavior of preventing someone from
achieving something due to jealousy or envy? C

12. What (Negative) Filipino Values System refers to an overheard conversation or anonymous
sources of information? D

13. What (Negative) Filipino Values System encourages procastination? B

14. What (Negative) Filipino Values System refers to exert half-hearted effort in undertakings? A

For Numbers 15-18, Choose the correct answer from the box.

(A) Excessive parting (B) Filipino Time

(C) Penchant of Law breaking (D) Bahala Na

15. What (Negative) Filipino Value Sytem refers to the Filipinos’ own version of fatalism, the
belief of leaving everything to the hands of fate? D

16. What (Negative) Filipino Value Sytem refers to “self-righteous disobedience” or blatant
disregard of the rules? C

17. What (Negative) Filipino Value Sytem refers to straining his own finances just to impress his
guests? A

18. What (Negative) Filipino Value Sytem refers to the Filipinos’ own unique brand of time? B

19. Which of the following statement suggest the concept of responsibility? Responsibility is

A. owing explanation to a wrong done.

B. having authority over one’s own action.
C. something that we hold a person to only after a task done or not done.
D. answerability, blameworthiness, liability and expectation of account giving of a group
doing a particular task.

20. What of the following statement connotes the concept of Accountability? Accountability is

A. not shared to anyone.

B. explanation, may or may not be necessary.
C. refer to being in charge, being the owner of a task or event.
D. something that we hold a person to before and or after a task.

For Numbers 21-24, Which of the following pictures corresponds to the statements provided below.

A. B. C.

21. Employees being consistent in doing the right thing in all aspects pertaining to their job. D.
22. Employees completing any tasks that have been designated to them. C.

23. Employees being responsible for the specific duties that go along with their job. B.

24. Employees being present for their entire required shift. A.

25. Which of the following statement employs concept of Corporate Social Responsibility?
CSR is ____________________

A. good stewardship of the environment while doing business.

B. only applicable to BIG companies as MSME can't afford the cost of CSR.
C. the way business projects balance in handling environment concern though Press
D. brand enhancement, market differentiation and employee satisfaction in order employ
good business deals.

26. Which of the following statement is NOT a Trusteeship Stage of CSR? Trusteeship is ______

A. management that became responsible to all contributors of the corporation.

B. management that is most sensitive to the needs of the community will result to have a
better community in which to conduct his business.
C. pluralistic society that reinforced trusteeship concept which defines one that has many
semi-autonomous and autonomous groups through which power is diffused.
D. complex framework of ownership with large constituencies of non-owners and
managers who are not identical with the owners who become trustees for various
contributors such as stockholders, employee, suppliers customers, creditors, etc.

27. Which of the following statement is NOT a Profit Maximization Stage of CSR? Profit
Maximation Stage Is ________________

A. the stage of prolific commercialism.

B. an era of cutthroat competition and unethical business practices.
C. a business manager whose outlook and skills are primarily economic lacks the
understanding and skills to assume social responsibility.
D. proliferation of nefarious practices such as child labor, starvation wages, intolerable
working conditions, unsafe products, and misleading advertising.

28. Which of the following statement is NOT a Quality of Life Stage of CSR? Quality of Life
Stage is ____________

A. when managers became really aware of social responsibility and started responding
with positive action.
B. in accord with the Doctrine of Enlightened Self-Interest which holds that by helping
society, an organization is helping itself.
C. social consensus demands that managers assume responsibilities beyond the profit
realm or merely balancing of the competing claims of the contributors and power blocs.
D. The degree to which a manager foster progress toward the satisfaction of society’s
needs in an economic sense but satisfying it in less tangible terms such as clean
environment and respect for human dignity.

29. Which of the following statements suggest concepts of Environmental Management?

Environmental Management is ____________

A. empowers employees to leverage the corporate resources at their disposal to do good.

B. a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the
economy and the ecosystems.
C. a systematic approach to finding practical ways for saving water, energy, and
materails, and reducing negative environmetal impacts.
D. An ethical framework and suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has
an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large.

30. Which of the following statements indicate ideas of environmental Management System?
EMS is _________________
A. Identifying new technology for sustainable development.
B. materails reclamation facility that recieves, separate and prepares recyclable materails.
C. systems and database which integrates procedures and processess of specialized
environmental performance information.
D. a tool to ensure that undueor reseasonably avoidable adverse impacts of corruption in
the environment.

31. Which of the following statements is TRUE to good governance? Good Governance is
good management thus it is _______________

A. exercising prudence in dealing with other people.

B. providing incentives and promotions to worthy people in the organization.
C. emploring comprehensive income statement and ensuring the liquidity of the company.
D. Setting the direction and control of the organization through principles, strategy, policy,
norms, accountability, and transparency.

32. Which of the following is NOT a good practice of Corporate Social Responsibility? CSR is

A. Purchasing no frost refrigerator.

B. Hold an annual tree-planting event.
C. Set-up recycling bins througout a companies facilities.
D. Switch from incandescent light bulbs to energy-saving LED bulbs.

33. Which of the following statements connotes employee-employer relationship? Employer-

employee relationship is a relationship that _______________

A. makes employee happy.

B. grows overtime with mutual respect.
C. goes beyond hirign an employee for the company.
D. Promotes high morale and above level productivity.

34. Which of the following statements suggest Economic Responsibility? Economic

Responsibility ________________

A. focuses on practices that facilitate the long-term growth of the business.

B. provides livelihood such as jobs and careers for people as it is the most important
purpose of being in business.
C. ensures that the businesses are instrument for economic stablity of the country such as
for infrastructure, real estate, medical facilities etc.
D. promotes economic freedom for people in the long run and at the sam time being
instrument to economic development of the country through paid taxes.

35. Which of the following statements suggest Philantrophic CSR? Philantrophic CSR is a

A. silent activity to help those who are in need the best way we can.
B. charitable act carried out for the good of society by either individual or companies.
C. company with organized foundation intended to help its stakeholders and the
D. simple practice of goodwill of companies for its stakeholders and the community where
the business conducts its business.

36. Which of the following statements suggest Environmental Sustainability? Environmental

Sustainability is a/an __________________

A. projects for environmental concerns that needs immediate action by organization.

B. programs for environmental concerns that needs immediate action by organization.
C. initiatives actvities of concerned companies to take care of the environment in the
conduct of doing business.
D. initiatives actvities of concerned companies to promote projects and programs to
resolve environmental issues.
For Numbers 37 – 45, Apply concepts learn. Identify the following kinds of CSR. Write “A” if it is
Philantrophic, “B” if Environmental Sustainability Initiatives, “C” if Ethical Business practice, “D” if
Economic responsibility.

37. Ms. Kristine Gonzale’s donation every year of 20 black shoes to graduating students - A
38. Construction of Material Recovery Facility in ANHS - B
39. Waste Management effort of ACSHS through SSG program - B
40. Observance of protocol and proper decorum in ACSHS - C
41. Transparency Boards in ACSHS - C
42. Successful business that earn profit for economic development such as SMB, JB, SM Call
Centers,etc. - D
43. School Canteen that supports school’s operating expenses - D
44. Pangtawid Kabuhayan of the Guidance of Office - A
45. Dugong Alay, Dugtong Buhay bloodletting initiatives - A

For Numbers 46 -54, Modified true or false. Peruse each statement and answer appropriately. Write
“A” if the statement is TRUE and “B” if it is false, then write the word or words beside your answer that
will make the sentence true.

46. The Plato method is a way of thinking that allows individual to define their own purpose of
learning and explored its purpose through open-minded questioning of what they hold to
be true. F - SOCRATIC

47. Nicomachean Ethics, concludes that the role of the leader is to create the environment in
which all members of an organization have the opportunity to realize their own potential. T

48. Hinduism, Christianity, Taoism and Buddahism are the major belief systems that affects
business settings. F - ISLAM

49. Belief system is more than just about religion. It is anything that a person believed to true
whether verifiable or not. T

50. Filipino Value System affects business ethics in a way that it can make or break business
dealings over a period of time. T

51. Belief System is defined by the way of people live their life that influence of one’s culture
unless they allow it to happen. F - Filipino Value

52. CSR is only applicable to BIG companies as MSME can't afford the cost of CSR. F - all

53. CSR is good stewardship of the environment while doing business. T

54. Accountability refers to being in charge, being the owner of a task or event. F -

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