#RNchat - Transcript December 15 2010

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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Wed Dec 15 18:00:00 PST 2010

To: Wed Dec 15 19:15:00 PST 2010
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Learn more about #RNchat at The Healthcare Hashtag Project


NurseCircle For all our facebook nurses on twitter, please join us for the one hour #RNchat starting right
now! http://fb.me/GaTbq1en
Wed Dec 15 18:00:48 PST 2010

RNchat Please, if you are joining in, say hello & introduce yourself in 140 characters :) #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:02:40 PST 2010

RNchat Having some scattered technical difficulties on Twitter tonight! LOL please bare with me!
Wed Dec 15 18:03:57 PST 2010

nursingpins Hi Ellen and all - Vernon in New Orleans. Critical care, nursing history and nurse advocate.
Wed Dec 15 18:04:37 PST 2010

JoshGriffin Thanks all for the congrats #RNChat #hpm

Wed Dec 15 18:04:43 PST 2010

RNchat @NurseCircle Glad to have you all!! #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:05:15 PST 2010

RNchat @nursingpins Hi there Vernon! Thanks for the serenade earlier! :) #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:05:31 PST 2010

nursingpins @rnchat yw #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:06:05 PST 2010

RNchat #RNchat is a way for nurses (& all others in health care!) to meet, tweet & share feelings,
thoughts, ideas~ We welcome silent lurkers!
Wed Dec 15 18:06:25 PST 2010
NursePru Hi all. Amanda, Med/Surg RN and BSN student. #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:06:30 PST 2010

RNchat You can join our chat by signing into websites like tweetchat or tweetgrid or use twitter search
page. Use hashtag #RNchat & follow along!
Wed Dec 15 18:07:07 PST 2010

RNchat @NursePru Hi Amanda & welcome! #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:07:50 PST 2010

RNchat The topics will be labeled T1, T2 etc. Please remember to add topic label & hashtag #RNchat to
ea tweet so we can track your responses!
Wed Dec 15 18:08:31 PST 2010

RNchat @PracticalWisdom Welcome! :) #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:09:08 PST 2010

jennparsonage Hi Everyone! Jenna, brand new Graduate Nurse. #RNchat #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:09:17 PST 2010

RNchat T1 Nursing care plans. Students write them. RN managers enforce their use. How vital are
nursing care plans to your daily practice? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:09:43 PST 2010

PracticalWisdom Thanks Phil #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:09:59 PST 2010

RNchat @jennparsonage Welcome Jenna! #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:10:25 PST 2010

RNchat @PracticalWisdom (oops, its Ellen tonite, not Phil) :( #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:10:47 PST 2010

NursesNightOut @RNchat Because that one time a couple months ago, we got everyone talking about what
drinks they were drinking during #RNchat #distracting
Wed Dec 15 18:11:12 PST 2010

PracticalWisdom Ellen sorry #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:11:12 PST 2010

NursePru T1 I have to be honest here. Care plans are just another piece of paper we fill out with a new
admission. Required, but not utilized #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:11:12 PST 2010

RNchat Can one or 2 of you RT topic 1? Send it around? :) #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:11:17 PST 2010

RNchat @NursePru T1 Do you wish your facility utilized the care plan better? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:12:17 PST 2010
RNchat @InfusionNurse Howdy! Welcome, Cora! :) #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:12:47 PST 2010

NursesNightOut T1 Care plans are just one more thing to do just to get paid. They only work if everyone
follows them #fewdo #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:13:11 PST 2010

FreshRN T1 Nursing care plans. Students write them. RN managers enforce their use. How vital are
nursing care plans to your daily practice? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:13:25 PST 2010

InfusionNurse @rnchat Hi Ellen, thanks! #Rnchat

Wed Dec 15 18:13:33 PST 2010

nursingpins T1 Plan of care is most imp. But "care plans" are rarely used - Instead nurses use enhanced
report sheets w comp data printouts. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:13:38 PST 2010

CyFanRN #RNchat T1 Nursing care plans, IMO, are just one more paperwork hoop to jump thru when
we could be caring for our pts.
Wed Dec 15 18:13:42 PST 2010

HealthIsSocial T1 Nursing care plans. Students write them. RN managers enforce their use. How vital are
nursing care plans to your daily practice? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:15:00 PST 2010

MD_chat T1 Nursing care plans. Students write them. RN managers enforce their use. How vital are
nursing care plans to your daily practice? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:15:01 PST 2010

PhilBaumann T1 Nursing care plans. Students write them. RN managers enforce their use. How vital are
nursing care plans to your daily practice? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:15:01 PST 2010

NurseCircle Great discussion right now on #RNChat --> T1 How vital are nursing care plans to your daily
practice? @EllenRichter is doing a great job!
Wed Dec 15 18:15:51 PST 2010

nursingpins T1 Care plans are still MOST important tool - EMR programs will have CP printouts - but
need an up to date plan of care for ea pt. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:15:54 PST 2010

RNchat T1 Are current nursing diagnoses considered reasonable in current practice? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:16:27 PST 2010

RNTerriACH #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:16:42 PST 2010

NursePru T1 I wish we had time to utilize the care plan. @nursingpins is right. All about report sheets
and tasks and checking them off. #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:17:10 PST 2010
PhilBaumann @rnchat It was too long for a regular RT, so I just tweeted the living s*** out of it on 3
different accounts ;) #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:17:12 PST 2010

nursingpins T1 Care Plans are still one of the MOST important teaching tools - as much as students hate
doing them. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:17:29 PST 2010

RNchat @nursingpins Yes, Vernon, most EMR programs incorporate nursing diagnosis into each
nursing assessment #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:17:56 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife @FreshRN Most CPs are computerized, printed out, and never individualized. That = waste of
time. (more) #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:18:19 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife @FreshRN Most times, we know what the problems are and we know what tasks/care we
need to do 4 our 12 hrs. CPs have become obsolete #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:19:01 PST 2010

NursePru T1 I think care plans are still important, but unfortunately use of them has diminished. There is
truly no time to keep up w them. #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:19:37 PST 2010

RNchat T1 Its important to know that in nursing litigation, lawyers ask for the nursing care plans as
one of the first documents to review #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:20:15 PST 2010

nursingpins T1 Most comp cp printouts are informative but as a specific plan of care - almost useless.
Wed Dec 15 18:20:55 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife @FreshRN Agreed. But esp. in the ICU, problems shift so frequently that most times, the CP
is obsolete 3 hours into shift. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:22:11 PST 2010

nursingpins @proudmedicswife I agree - but that will not happen - updates. No time for such a lux.
Wed Dec 15 18:22:30 PST 2010

NursePru T1 We do fill them out & file them for each patient, but updates after that occur in MedConnect,
on report sheets and prog. notes #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:22:46 PST 2010

RNchat @proudmedicswife @nursingpins Yes in ICU the issues change so fast that paper care plans
are not equipped for so many revisions! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:23:36 PST 2010

CyFanRN #rnchat T1 So in a litigation sit. how many times are the NCPs really fully completed?
Wed Dec 15 18:23:38 PST 2010

nursingpins T1 Care plans are a must and ARE used and kept current in the critical setting - otherwise
useless. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:23:47 PST 2010
NursePru T1 They would be so much easier to keep up with if they were integrated in the software we
already use on the floor. #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:25:22 PST 2010

nursingpins T1 Again - so many PT nurses - and staffing - most nurses do not know what is going on with
the patients - here and gone. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:26:13 PST 2010

RNchat A few more minutes & on to topic 2! Great responses to the care plan discussion! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:26:13 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife our CareConnect EMR made us update q 12 hrs. "Updates" were usually "reviewed & agree"
even 1 wk after pt. extubated. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:26:49 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife @nursingpins But, as an agency RN, I can get report & know plan of care without paper. Not
hard 2 figure out unless long-term pt. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:27:37 PST 2010

RNchat @nursingpins T1 But do those part time & per diem nurses find out the nursing plan of care by
reading care plans? Or by other means? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:27:51 PST 2010

nursingpins @proudmedicswife you are right - in critical units MANY issues resolved before they hit the
CP #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:28:05 PST 2010

RNchat @proudmedicswife T1 LOL yes, those mundane "review & agree" check boxes can be so silly.
Yet mandatory. But why? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:28:40 PST 2010

RNchat @RNTerriACH Hi there! Welcome~ :) #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:29:00 PST 2010

nursingpins @proudmedicswife complex med probs takes quiet a while to get a handle on - mult that x 5 or
6-many nur quit trying to fig them out #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:30:46 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife @RNchat Why? Those boxes are there to show the lawyers (& mgmt) that we review our CPs
every shift & make changes. /sarc off #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:30:58 PST 2010

RNchat @chemosabe Welcome! You are in time for T2! :) #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:32:12 PST 2010

cyclingwidow T1 It is poss. w/ some EMR doc. modules to have Care Plans/Paths that R opened first &
addressing CP items takes you to the charting #RNChat
Wed Dec 15 18:32:45 PST 2010

nursingpins T1 For most nurses - the plan of care is what they get in report - then hit the floor running.
Wed Dec 15 18:33:05 PST 2010

RNchat T1 I think the hope is that the nursing care plan is where we go to define our care.
Unfortunately its still not perfected #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:33:12 PST 2010

RNchat @nursingpins T1 Thats a good visual...."hit the floor running...." #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:34:05 PST 2010

cyclingwidow BTW, Kim. RN working in IT. Cleaning up kitchen while trying to follow. :). #RNChat
Wed Dec 15 18:34:23 PST 2010

RNchat OK--- topic 2! #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:34:49 PST 2010

RNchat T2 How vital is it for nurses to carry personal electronic devices during pt care to access
medical & nursing web apps/references? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:35:37 PST 2010

RNchat Again, can 1 or 2 of you RT the topic 2 to send it around? :) Thanks~ #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:36:24 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife @RNchat If PCs are at bedside for charting, not at all important. Used MedRX system for
dispensing meds - hated it. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:36:54 PST 2010

NursePru T2 I started out using a palm pilot, but we now have our computers on wheels with internet
access. No longer need PDAs IMO #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:37:11 PST 2010

nursingpins @proudmedicswife right-next 24hrs-more spec the nx 12 hrs - that is what nurses focus on -
many do not know the plan of care / time. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:37:13 PST 2010

chemosabe T2 I only just got my personal iphone. Use medcalc app freq, particularly for some of the
complex equations. #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:37:15 PST 2010

PracticalWisdom Do most Assisted Living centers have wifi for nurses to use? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:37:51 PST 2010

chemosabe T2 otherwise, desktop PC is never more than 5 metres away for MIMs and other ref apps.
Wed Dec 15 18:37:55 PST 2010

NursePru T2 BUT every nurse should have easy access to some sort of reference for meds, diagnostics
and labs, illnesses etc. #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:38:09 PST 2010

NurseCircle In a perfect world it would be nice if we could all spend time writing, reviewing, and
discussing our care plans. #RNchat #notreallife
Wed Dec 15 18:38:13 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife I like having specific apps on my iPhone for my own use - less books to carry in my bag.
MedCalcs RULES! Fast Facts 4 CC, too #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:38:48 PST 2010

InfusionNurse Shld b more rewardingRT @rnchat: @NursePru T1 I think every bedside nurse leaves work
feeling like theyve been run over by a truck. #Rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:38:50 PST 2010

chemosabe @rnchat @NursePru stat downunda in the early 90s was that the ave ward nurse covered 9
kms per day = 14.4 miles 4 u imperials #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:39:18 PST 2010

InfusionNurse Same here, use desktop..RT @chemosabe: T2 otherwise, desktop PC is never more than 5
metres away for MIMs and other ref apps. #Rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:40:01 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife I have to run, folks. Starbucks is closing. *LOL* Enjoyed it! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:40:29 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife Fast Facts for Critical Care by Kathy White - EXCELLENT reference! on my iPhone always,
along w/others. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:41:12 PST 2010

swan5675 Am I right folks? #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:41:14 PST 2010

ProudMedicsWife See ya! #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:41:25 PST 2010

RNchat T2 I dont know how I would infuse multiple drips & antibiotics without using an app to see
whats compatible with what! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:41:27 PST 2010

chemosabe T2 any poms on here, believe they have some interesting tech things goin on #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:41:45 PST 2010

RNchat @proudmedicswife Glad you came!! Pleasure was ours!! :) #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:41:49 PST 2010

nursingpins T2 There is so much potential uses of personal devices - will replace the way we do things
today - information wise. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:42:17 PST 2010

chemosabe T2 iphone keyboard and pred text still to clumsy to do things quick... would rather pick up the
phone #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:43:25 PST 2010

NursePru T2 I use Nursing Central on my phone, but I can also login from a computer and reference info
there. #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:44:00 PST 2010

swan5675 Sorry so late......... #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:44:03 PST 2010
RNchat @chemosabe T2 Who do you call? #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:44:05 PST 2010

PracticalWisdom Night All~ thanks for the chat/opportunity to learn. I hope all your hard work is appreciated!
Wed Dec 15 18:44:07 PST 2010

nursingpins @rnchat I saw that - ipads #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:44:17 PST 2010

RNchat @swan5675 To the corner for you! LOL , hey better late than never! Welcome! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:44:39 PST 2010

FreshRN @rnchat That...is awesome #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:44:59 PST 2010

swan5675 Thanks... was studying for ACLS and lost track of time #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:45:19 PST 2010

RNchat T2 I think the availability of nursing and medical apps is just wonderful...and other web
programs to enhance SAFE nursing care #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:45:36 PST 2010

InfusionNurse @swan5675 ..hi Amy! #Rnchat

Wed Dec 15 18:45:40 PST 2010

chemosabe @rnchat @chemosabe was thinkin of Healtexectv article i watched where they were using hh
tech 2 call 4 porters 2 transfer pts... #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:45:49 PST 2010

chemosabe ... and thought it would just be quicker like here to call them, dial 4 numbers, tell em the need,
wait 4 show, all done! #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:46:37 PST 2010

RNchat @NursePru T2 Yes, you said it. We havent even scratched the surface of electronic health care
aids. It will only get better. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:47:03 PST 2010

InfusionNurse iPod touch..RT @nursingpins: @rnchat I saw that - ipads #Rnchat

Wed Dec 15 18:47:34 PST 2010

RNchat @PracticalWisdom Wow, thanks! :) #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:47:35 PST 2010

jennparsonage T2 @RNChat I agree, the apps are very useful. It would be nice if they were universally
available for all nurses #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:47:46 PST 2010
nursingpins T2 @rnchat I have already seen apps improve safety - mostly meds - but only scratched the
surface. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:47:46 PST 2010

RNchat @MeredithGould Aww I saw that we invaded #hpm chat time! I felt so bad starting our chat!
Wed Dec 15 18:48:20 PST 2010

cyclingwidow T2 we try to keep reference sites unblocked for staff use. #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:48:20 PST 2010

nursingpins T2 -have seen many nurses look things up on the run with iphones too. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:49:07 PST 2010

RNchat @jennparsonage T2 Yes you make a great point! We need uniformity in app distribution so all
nurses can use them! Would be great! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:49:07 PST 2010

rebeccacaroe @RNchat maybe we can split the half hour between us? #hpm #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:49:13 PST 2010

CyFanRN @rnchat T2 Wish my school would give me an ipad for my last semester of my rn-bsn prog! :)
#rnchat #wishfulthinking
Wed Dec 15 18:49:20 PST 2010

chemosabe T2 I would have wifi issues personally...had quote earlier in the year for my hosp to set up
trans and rec @ Au$11000...lmao no bull #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:49:28 PST 2010

renee_berry maybe we should do a joint one some time RT @rnchat @MeredithGould Aww I saw that we
invaded #hpm chat time! #RNchat #hpm
Wed Dec 15 18:49:36 PST 2010

rebeccacaroe @MeredithGould brilliant idea joint chat and possibly #healthjustice chat folk too who i met
yesterday for the first time #hpm #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:50:03 PST 2010

cyclingwidow T2 be mindful when/where u are using handheld devices. Patients may think you are ignoring
them (yes, have heard that complaint) #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:50:14 PST 2010

RNchat @cyclingwidow T2 Great point too! I have even been told by a manager to put my cellphone
away in a patient room when I was on an app #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:51:08 PST 2010

RNchat @joshgriffin LOL!!! #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:51:22 PST 2010

nursingpins T2 most hospitals have wifi - all will soon. #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:51:28 PST 2010
jennparsonage T2 There has been mixed reception to personal devices in nursing school. Some see value,
others will not allow their use #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:51:37 PST 2010

InfusionNurse True RT @cyclingwidow: T2 be mindful when/where handheld devices. Pt. may think you are
ignoring them (yes,have heard complaint) #Rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:51:55 PST 2010

RNchat @ the #hpm folks that would be a wonderful idea to combine chats at times! We would love
that! :) #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:52:01 PST 2010

chemosabe @nursingpins in the states maybe!!! #rnchat

Wed Dec 15 18:52:04 PST 2010

InfusionNurse Forbstaffbuse during work..RT @nursingpins: T2 most hospitals have wifi - all will soon.
Wed Dec 15 18:52:25 PST 2010

RNchat @chemosabe Thats gotta be frustrating. #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:53:00 PST 2010

cyclingwidow @jennparsonage There is a lack of understanding of how useful the tool can be. Many think
they will instead be used for "fun" #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:53:12 PST 2010

swan5675 T I think apps would be of huge benefit with ACLS algorhythms! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:53:25 PST 2010

nursingpins T2 I saw the demo - pts can even be shown CT reslts on the ipad - bright future #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:53:37 PST 2010

renee_berry T3--> #awesome RT @rnchat: @ the #hpm folks that would be a wonderful idea to combine
chats at times! We would love that! :) #RNchat #hpm
Wed Dec 15 18:53:51 PST 2010

chemosabe @rnchat @chemosabe Maybe Oprah can hook us up wifi instead of giving away diamonds
and pearls downunda!!! #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:54:18 PST 2010

cyclingwidow T2 How do we get others to recognize the value and trust that they will be use "appropriately"?
Wed Dec 15 18:54:30 PST 2010

RNchat @renee_berry @ctsinclair We will have to put our heads together with @philbaumann too.
This chat is his baby! :) #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:55:09 PST 2010

renee_berry (sorry) that went right along w/our T3 about ideas for the next year didnt mean to confuse as a
T3 for this group :) #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:55:19 PST 2010

NursePru T2 http://www.thehealthcareblog.com/the_health_care_blog/2010/04/ipad-in-healthcare-a-
game-changer.html #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:55:39 PST 2010

cyclingwidow @nursingpins T2 waveforms (fetal monitor ones anyway) look awesome on an iPad #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:55:40 PST 2010

renee_berry absolutely RT @rnchat @renee_berry @ctsinclair We will have to put our heads together w/
@philbaumann too This chat is his baby! :) #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:56:18 PST 2010

nursingpins @chemosabe even here in the banana republic of New Orleans nearly all hosps have wifi - you
will get it too. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:56:22 PST 2010

CyFanRN Absolutely! And sooo much more!! RT @swan5675: T2 I think apps would be of huge benefit
with ACLS algorhythms! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:56:29 PST 2010

RNchat @NursePru Oh thats a good link too! I was thinking of a video link that shows how the apps
are used. :) #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:57:24 PST 2010

nursingpins @cyclingwidow I saw EKG trac. on ipad - was better than hp monitors #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:57:28 PST 2010

chemosabe @nursingpins @chemosabe I was wondering which state was the equiv of australia, was
thinkin more midwest, but La wil do...lol... #rnchat
Wed Dec 15 18:57:37 PST 2010

NursePru T2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K8FKVSVmgQ #rnchat

Wed Dec 15 18:57:55 PST 2010

nursingpins @rnchat - looking #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 18:59:06 PST 2010

RNchat Well, #nurses & other friends, I am so happy you all joined in tonite. Was a wonderful hour of
sharing thoughts, ideas & feelings! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:59:47 PST 2010

CyFanRN Tech saavy pts would think its cool too!! RT @nursingpins: @cyclingwidow I saw EKG trac.
on ipad - was better than hp monitors #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 18:59:50 PST 2010

NursePru T2 This one might be better: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9FBgMBbSMw #rnchat

Wed Dec 15 19:00:20 PST 2010

InfusionNurse Thanks Ellen..great chat as always..good night to all...bye! #Rnchat

Wed Dec 15 19:01:05 PST 2010

swan5675 @InfusionNurse bye....nice to see you again! #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 19:02:22 PST 2010
RNchat @NursePru Both those videos are great! Thanks! I really look forward to using such
electronics to enhance nursing care. Excited! #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 19:02:52 PST 2010

chemosabe went fast thanks always informative #rnchat

Wed Dec 15 19:03:15 PST 2010

swan5675 REALLY went fast for me... hehehe #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 19:04:06 PST 2010

RNchat @cyclingwidow Nice to "see" you!! #RNchat

Wed Dec 15 19:04:14 PST 2010

chemosabe chat, not me...lol #rnchat

Wed Dec 15 19:04:28 PST 2010

PhilBaumann Thank you @EllenRichter for a great #RNchat!

Wed Dec 15 19:04:37 PST 2010

nursingpins Thanks Ellen & RN chat - another great job - time flew. #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 19:04:48 PST 2010

RNchat @philbaumann Thanks for letting me "fill in"!! Its always fun! :) #RNchat
Wed Dec 15 19:05:17 PST 2010

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