Causative Verb

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Aletheian Yosua Utama

Causative Verb
 In English grammar, a causative verb is a verb used to indicate that some person or
thing makes—or helps to make—something happen. Examples of causative
verbs include (make, cause, allow, help, have, enable, keep, hold, let, force, and
require), which can also be referred to as causal verbs or simply causatives.
 Causative verb adalah verb yang digunakan saat kita tidak melakukan sesuatu itu
sendiri,melainkan kita meminta orang lain yang melakukannya.
Example : 1. My mom lets me borrow her car
2. I had my hair done
 Causative Active
Structure : S+Causative Verb+agent+verb+O
Example : I will have my sister buy me a food
Note : you can use any tense and the causative verb will take the tense.
Verbs in active causative :
1. Have
Use if you have someone to do something
Ex : I had the barber cut my hair
2. Make
Use if you want to a little bit forcing someone to do something
Ex : The police will make the violators ticketed
3. Get
Use if you want to persuade someone to do something for you
Ex : I will get my brother to do my homework
4. Let
Use if you want to give permission to someone
Ex : He will let you borrow his car
 Causative Passive
Structure : S+Causative Verb+O+Verb(past participle)
Example : I had my haircut
Note : The agent is optional
Verbs in passive causative is same with the active one,but there is only 2 common
verbs we will use
1. Have
Ex : I had my work done
2. Get
Ex : I got my order delivered
1. What kind of causative verb you will use if you want to a little bit forcing someone to do
a. Have c. Make e. Let
b. Will d. Get
2. What kind of causative verb you will use if you have someone to do something for you?
a. Have c. Make e. Let
b. Will d. Get
3. What kind of causative verb you will use if you want to persuade someone to do
something for you?
a. Have c. Make e. Let
b. Will d. Get
4. What kind of causative verb you will use if you want to give permission to someone
a. Have c. Make e. Let
b. Will d. Get
5. Jane ... her boyfriend buy her a new bag
a. Made c. Got e. Won’t
b. Have d. Let
6. I made someone clean my house. The causative verb is..
a. made c. Clean e. I
b. someone d. House
7. I made my little brother do my homework. The causative verb is..
a. Made c. My little brother e. I
b. Homework d. Do
8. My friends ... me take the test,although i won’t take it
a. Make c. Will e. Got
b. Have d. Let
9. I ... you borrow my book because i trust you
a. Let c. Got e. Have
b. Give d. Will
10. The operators have been asked to speed up production. The subject is..
a. The operators c. Production e. I dont know
b. Speed d. Speed up
11. I had my hair ..
a. Cut c. Cat e. Done
b. Cutten d. Do
12. We had our car ... last week
a. Fixed c. to fix e. fixing
b. Fix d. fixs

13. I ... (get) my hair cut

a. Got c. Gotten e. Gots
b. Get d. Gets
14. Where did you get your car...?
a. Fixed c. fixs e. fixing
b. Fix d. To fix
15. As education,culture and the level of income .... better, need also expand and reach new
a. Got c. Getting e. To get
b. Get d. Gets
16. When he heard the accusations against him, the man ... that he himself was the actual
victim of the crime
a. Was alleged c. Has alleged e. Will be alleged
b. Alleged d. Have alleged
17. As i have put on weight recently, i have to get the tailor ... my suit before my graduation
a. Fix c. Fixed e. fixing
b. To fix d. To fixing
18. The best thing that you can do to extend the life of your phone is to have you phone ... on
a routine basis.
a. To service c. To be serviced e. services
b. Serviced d. Service
19. Million tons of coal ... every day to produce energy
a. Are burning c. Burnt e. Will burn
b. Are burnt d. Burn
20. According to studies, single woman often lack satisfactory life insurance coverage and 64
percent of American women ... life insurance at all
a. Aren’t carried c. Carry e. Weren’t carry
b. Don’t carry d. Wasn’t carry
21. Camera footage shows that illegal goods ... into the warehouse last day
a. Are being smuggles c. Smuggled e. smuggling
b. Were smuggled d. Are smuggled
22. The board ... to consider a range of options by many, including Microsoft raising its offer
in an attempt to break the stalemate between the companies.
a. Expected c. Is expecting e. Has expected
b. Was expected d. Will expect
23. Many teachers agree that one’s language skills ... by listening to others.
a. Could have improved c. Can improving e. Can improve
b. Can be improved d. Used to improved
24. The taste of the matcha ... by how and where the matcha is produced
a. Should have affected c. Has to be affected e. affected
b. Can be affected d. Could affect
25. The BMKG team today ... an updated forecast that predicts bad weather
a. Released c. May be released e. Had released
b. Has released d. Is released
26. New methods of dating ancient footprints show that the first American ... there at least
25,000 years earlier than thought
a. Must be settled c. Should be settled e. settled
b. May have settled d. Can settle
27. There are many factors behing the sharp increase in the oil price, which ... most of the
a. Had been overlooked c. Overlook e. overlooking
b. Have been overlooked d. Overloked
28. The hundreds of millions of people who live on the border of poverty .. with the threat of
starvation now
a. Had faced c. faced e. Had been faced
b. Are faced d. Facing
29. When she ... him two years ago, he told me that he had returned from USA
a. Have met c. Will be met e. May be met
b. Met d. Meet
30. I ... (have) my leg broken
a. Have c. Having e. had
b. Has d. Have been

Isian singkat
1. With this comprehensive international repost, the country’s positon is the regional and global
arena will be identified with measurable criteria.
2. The critics say that the review can be published as a book in English and in many other
3. New legislation was introduced in congress but it wasn’t accepted by many.
4. Most of the patient visits have been made to physician assistants in the recent years all
around the world
5. These differences between two photographs could have been removed with the help of
6. No clinical studies have been completed in this coronavirus disease research so far
7. If you would like to know what has been completed in the project so far, you can find the
full report at our website.
8. The prime minister confirms that the tasks have been maintained with great success.
9. I got my hair cut (get)
10. I had the grass cut (have)
11. These clothes are designed for daily use so you can wear them wherever you want.
12. I had my laptop broken (have)
13. I got the fotocopy machine fixed (get)
14. I had the task done (have)
15. I got the shoes made (get)
16. I got my dog’s teeth checked (got)
17. Can you help me to paint my bedroom next month?
18. My boss allowed me to take time off when my wife was in the police station
19. I think you should have your doctor look at your leg
20. The company has just hired someone to fix their computer
21. We need to have our computer checked out of viruses
22. I had to have my bicycle fixed
23. Just wait. He have someone bring your car here
24. I got lost and some stranger helped me to find my way home
25. Horror movies always make me scary
26. We can very confidently predict that if more of the forests are cut, there will be erosion
27. The poor bird had been captured and all its efforts to escape from the trap were in vain.
28. Epilepsy was belived to be caused by poor air, which was thought to be carried by the
veins to the brain.
29. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl is an international bestseller that has been
translated into more than 50 languages.
30.A Malawi woman who was faced with HIV five years ago is expecting a baby now

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