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Licensed to Ana Lopez of 5906 H Bayshire Road, Springfield, VA - 22152, .

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Understand that there are two basic determining factors in fat-loss improving your body composition. The first is Diet. You
must restrict your caloric intake so that you are expending more energy than you take in. When you reach such a caloric
balance, your body will start using stored calories, or fat, as a fuel source, and you will therefore lose weight. Along with
that challenge, you should be working on eating the right foods and improving the macronutrient profile of your meals for
more efficient body fat reduction.

The second major factor involved in fat-loss is Exercise. Before you begin any intermediate or advanced routine, you
should be sure that you are at least preparing your body with a weight loss focused exercise routine. For adults 18-60
years of age, we recommend a moderate intensity aerobic exercise by maintaining 50-80% of maximum heart rate for
the duration of your aerobic workout. We suggest at least 15 minutes of the aerobic exercise, three days a week for a first
month; 30 minutes of the aerobic exercise, four days a week for a second month; and 45 minutes of the aerobic exercise
for five days a week for a third month.
Challenging YOURSELF
Each day brings a new set of challenges. Ev- to design your life around those points, so you
ery time you wake up, you face a unique set of build success into your life from the beginning.
circumstances that you can either let get in your
way, or use as stepping-stones to make huge For the next thirty days, you are going to make
progress! There are some things, however, that simple changes in your daily routine that will
stay the same. Your morning routine. Your route result in big changes to your body and outlook
to work. Your evening routine. Your habits that on how you spend your time. You can use lit-
you may not even be conscious of. tle things that you do every day as triggers, or
daily reminders to squat! You’re going to end up
At the end of the day, no one can challenge you performing well over 3000 squats over the next
like yourself. You know who you are and what 30 days, and whether you think that is a large or
you want to achieve, so you can set yourself small number, you will become more conscious
up with the right challenges for you. But before of the time you spend physically inactive and
you carry out those tests of strength and dedi- the opportunities you can seize to burn extra
cation to yourself, you need to understand your calories, tone up, and earn a nice set of legs
strengths and weaknesses. Then you can begin and butt!
Home is where the squat is
Typically, we spend our time at home relaxing. It’s our sanctuary from the hectic reality of the world,
but sometimes that comfort can make us lazy. This calendar is the perfect remedy for the habit of
coming home, crashing, and not burning any more calories. Instead, come home and go from sofa
to sexy! This is especially great for long, lazy weekends. Take the challenge and follow the calendar
below to go from sofa to sexy in 30 days.
Fit from home calendar
Perform each day’s workout in a circuit fashion, with little to no rest between each exercise. Perform
1-3 rounds, depending on how you feel. Give yourself 1-2 minutes between each round. Push your-
self to your limits, but if you’re just getting started, you don’t need to overdo it out of the gate.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4
100 10 100 50
Jump Squats Split Squats Box Squats Squat Jumps
to couch
(Keep going, even 30 15
if you need to take Single Leg 50 Goblet Squats
quick breaks to Romanian Floor Bridges
reach target reps) Deadlifts

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
10 10 20 200 15 150 50
Squats Split Squats Squats Jump Squats Split Squats Box Squats Squat Jumps
to couch
10 20 20 (Keep going, even 25 20
Front Squats Donkey Kicks Curtsey Squats if you need to take Single Leg 40 Goblet Squats
quick breaks to Romanian Floor Bridges
reach target reps) Deadlifts

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
15 15 25 300 20 200 50
Squats Split Squats Squats Jump Squats Split Squats Box Squats Squat Jumps
to couch
15 20 25 (Keep going, even 20 30
Front Squats Donkey Kicks Curtsey Squats if you need to take Single Leg 30 Goblet Squats
quick breaks to Romanian Floor Bridges
reach target reps) Deadlifts

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
20 20 30 400 25 250 50
Squats Split Squats Squats Jump Squats Split Squats Box Squats Squat Jumps
to couch
20 30 30 (Keep going, even 15 40
Front Squats Donkey Kicks Curtsey Squats if you need to take Single Leg 20 Goblet Squats
quick breaks to Romanian Floor Bridges
reach target reps) Deadlifts

26 27 28 29 30 31
25 25 35 500 30 Try doing every
Squats Split Squats Squats Jump Squats Split Squats day’s workout from
last week in one
25 40 35 (Keep going, even 10 session! (Use
Front Squats Donkey Kicks Curtsey Squats if you need to take Single Leg lighter weights!)
quick breaks to Romanian
reach target reps) Deadlifts

1. Begin with your feet shoulder width apart,

and optionally have gallon jugs in your hands
resting on the back of your shoulders, with
your shoulders pulled together.
2. With your chest up and knees following your
second toes lower yourself into a squat.
3. Be sure your knees DO NOT go over the line
of your toes. Once you reach just below a
seated position push through your heels and
hips and come to a stand.
Front squats
with two gallons

1. Place a jug in each hand and hold them

against your chest but at shoulder height with
your elbows flared out, keep your elbows up.
2. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and
lower your weight between your legs.
3. Be sure your chest stays upright and your
hips sink straight down.
Split squats

1. Stand with your feet staggered (optionally

have your back foot placed on a platform like
a couch or table) and shoulder width apart.
You have the option of holding a jug at your
sides or one against your chest.
2. Place all of your weight on your front foot and
use the front to only keep balanced.
3. Lower down into a squat and push up with
your front leg.
1. Lower your body into a squat
with feet shoulder width
apart or slightly wider. Go as
low as you can, with your
body weight or optional jugs
in hand as well.
2. Keep your chest up and not
facing the floor but rather the
3. Once you get to the lowest
part of your squat, explode
up into a jump by pushing
through the heels and
thrusting your hips up and

jump squats
Box squats

1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and

lower your body by sitting back. Use your
body weight or optional jugs for weight.
2. Keep your chest up and not facing the floor
but rather the wall, lower yourself until you are
sitting on the chair.
3. Once you get to the chair, explode up by
pushing through the heels and thrusting your
hips up and forward.
Fire Hydrants

1. Begin on the floor, resting on both hands and

both knees.
2. While maintaining your knee and hip at a
ninety-degree angle, lift your leg out to the
side of your body.
3. While lifting your leg to the side of your body,
be sure to keep your hips flat, you do not
want your hips to sink to the opposite side of
the lifted leg. (Although you think this will al-
low you to get it higher, you are just taking
away from the movement and keeping the
angle of the hip the same.)
Single leg
Romanian deadlifts

1. Stand with a single gallon jug in one hand.

The Leg on the side of the jug will be your
planted leg.
2. With the leg opposite the jug, reach it back
while bending your body over at the hips.
Keep your back straight and planted leg
slightly bent (about a ten degree bend).
3. Once the gallon jug has touched the ground,
explode to a stand by thrusting your hips
forward and your leg back down. DO NOT
use your back to reach up.

1. With an optional gallon jug on your hips, lay

on your back with your knees bent and feet
flat on the ground.
2. Lift your hips into the air, keeping your
shoulders on the ground and head relaxed.
3. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the lift and
slowly bring them back to the ground.

1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Step one foot back two foot lengths and
then cross it over behind the leg which has
not moved.
2. The rear leg should be crossed behind you
and on its toe. Squat with the leg that is plant-
ed on the ground, which should bear most of
your weight.
3. Use the crossed leg for stability and once you
are at the bottom of the squat, push through
the heel and come to a stand.

1. Hold a gallon jug against your chest ensure

you keep your elbows in. Or just use your
body weight.
2. Begin to lower all of your weight through your
hips, between your legs. Keep your chest up
and butt straight down to the ground, not out.
3. Once your elbows touch your knees, come
back to a stand by pushing through your

The content provided in this work offers health, fitness and nutritional information that is designed for educational purposes
only. This content is by no way intended for use as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. Nothing stated
in this work is intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine and counseling. No warranty of any
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herein. Seek professional medical advice prior to participating in or practicing any exercise, movement, or nutritional
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