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College friends

Do this psychological quiz to find out

who your ideal college friend is.
1. It is your first day at a totally new college. You don’t know anybody. What do you do?
a) Try to speak to everybody in class.
b) Sit in the front row so that I can hear teacher talking.
c) Nothing. I expect people to come and talk to me.

2. In your college it is not allowed to eat in class. However, one of the students is eating
a) I say: “I’ll watch for teacher. If I see her coming, I’ll warn you.”
b) I say: “You’d better stop eating if you don’t want the teacher to punish you.
c) I think: “If I tell the teacher, she’ll punish her/catch her red handed. Ha ha ha.

3. You are supposed to do homework tonight but there’s a cool movie on TV tonight.
What do you do?
a) I think ‘’Well, I’m too tired to watch it anyway.’’
b) I think: ‘’If I finish it on time, I’ll be able to watch half of it.’’
c) I phone my friend and ask her to do my homework for me.

4. You are supposed to go shopping tomorrow with your college friend. However, she
can’t make it that day. What do you do?
a) I ask: ‘’Will you be able to go shopping next week?
b) I stay at home and do my homework.
c) I go shopping with another friend. I don’t care about that stupid friend.

5. Your friend is absent from college today. What do you do?

a) I photocopy handouts for her. She might not be well enough to copy them.
b) I give her my handouts when she returns to college.
c) I think: ‘’If I am ill, she won’t help me.’’
Mostly a: You are very friendly and popular: Ideally, you will have lots of friends. Your friends will be
sociable, confident and enthusiastic people who like having a good time.

Mostly b: You are quite serious and you work hard. You will have one or two good friends at college,
who get on well with. You will help each other with your work and tell each other everything.

Mostly c: Do you have any friends? We can’t believe that you are really so selfish. If you continue like
this, you soon won’t have any fiends left.

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