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495 CC: May arrest for

ARREST & DETENTION: s. 553, hybrid or summary
offences only if RB arrest

Identifying Section 9 Violations only way to ID person,

secure evidence, prevent
crime/ensure appearance
© Asad Kiyani 2016-2017

S. 495 CC: Peace

Officers Only May arrest
if find has or will commit
(1) an indictable offence;
or, (2) criminal offence; or
(3) is subject of warrant S. 494 CC: All Persons
Arrest if (1) find
committing an indictable
offence; or,
Legality of Arrest? (2) Reasonably believes
is escaping from
someone with lawful
authority after committing
an offence

What remedy (if any)

NO. Therefore
should follow under s.
a breach of s. 9
24 of the Charter?

Was there an Investigative Was Section 10 or Section

Detention? 8 (or both) Violated?

Was there a (Psychological)

Detention? “Would the reasonable Did Grounds for Detention
person in the individual’s Exist?: Was detention reasonably Was There a Proper Personal or Motivated by Personal Enmity?
Was there an Exploratory circumstances conclude that he or necessary in light of the ‘totality of Legislative Rationale?
Investigation instead? she had been deprived by the the circumstances’? (R v Clayton)
state of the liberty of choice” to Legislation confers unfettered
stay or leave? (R v Grant) discretion (R v Hufsky)
R v Suberu: Non-coercive,
exploratory questioning?
Bias? Racism? See e.g. R v Rational standards for mandatory
Factors to be Considered - (R v Grant) Brown: (1) Do circumstances detention/arrest? Discretion to not
resemble phenomenon of racial detain? (R v Swain; Lyons)
Reasonably necessary in light of Reasonable suspicion that profiling? (2) Is there basis to
Circumstances leading to stop the ‘totality of the circumstances’? detainee implicated in criminal believe officer is lying about
by police: Was individual singled (R v Clayton) activity? (R v Mann) reasons for detention?
out? How? General inquiries?
Questioning of witnesses? Crowd
control? etc

Nature of Police Conduct:

Language, physical contact, Factors to be Considered -
location, directions, presence of Factors to be Considered -
(R v Clayton) (R v Mann)
others, etc

Relevant Circumstances of Nature of Situation (incl. Clear Nexus to ongoing/recent

Individual: Minority status, age, seriousness of alleged offence) criminal offence
“level of sophistication”? etc
Info Known About Suspect/Crime Particular Reasons for suspecting
Identity, description, behaviour, etc specific individual (not just geo.)

If Detention Properly Tailored: No

more restrictive than reasonably
necessary in light of risk (incl. geo &
temporal limits)

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