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Digital Logic and Design Project

Password Controlled LED Cube

Group Members:
Kuldeep Lohana kl04008
Arsalan Ahmed aa03980

To design the circuit and implement the logic/truth table of a digital lock which will be used as an on and off system for a LED
cube built using digital ICs.

Proposed Solution:
We are aiming to build an electronic lock which allows the user to secure any device such as doors, money vaults, connected as
an output to this lock’s circuit. This circuit will be a cheap substitute to the other locking systems as this device will only use
small electronic items like ICs, transistors etc. and will also be a lot simpler as we will use simple combinational and sequential
logic to build this circuit. The other part of our project will be a 3D LED cube (connected as an output to our lock) with the
possibility of changing color patterns. This device will also be more economical and inexpensive than others for the same
reasons as mentioned for the electronic lock. This LED cube can be used for decoration at homes and also for entertainment

Resources required:
We will mostly make use of the electronic components that will be covered throughout our DLD course.
● Different Integrated Circuits (ICs) like 7432(OR Gates), 7486(XOR Gates), 7404(NOT Gate), 7447(Display Driver),
74147(BCD encoder), 74175(D-Flip Flop), 7476(JK-Flip Flop), 555(timer), 4020(14-bit binary counter), 4017(Decade
Counter) etc ● Different colored LEDS ● Diodes ● Transistors ● Capacitors ● Relay

● Switches or push buttons ● Resistors ● 7-Segment Displays ● Power Supply

● Connecting wires and jumper wires ● Breadboards or Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)
Note: We may add, reduce or replace some of the above listed components if we find it more suitable or we learn something in
our DLD course which will be more helpful for our circuit.

Digital Lock:
 The first step will be to make the input system which will convert the Decimal input to BCD. We may use the BCD
encoder IC (74147) for this or design our own converting circuit using other ICs with basic gates (OR, NOT). The BCD
converted decimal input will then be fed into a 7-Segment display to display the entered digits to the user.
 The next step will be to introduce some memory or storage elements in our circuit in order to remember and forget
the passwords/keywords according to the user’s need. This part will make use of memory elements like D-Flip Flops
and JK-Flip Flops.
 We will also need to design a circuit for a comparator which will compare the input to the assigned password. This
circuit will make use of the XOR gate IC (7486) because XOR gate is often used to make comparators.
 Finally, the whole circuit will be assembled together and an output will be obtained in the form of flow of current
(which will be used in any device connected to the output) if the entered password matches the stored password.
LED Cube:
 Once the user will enter the correct password the output device will get the current and voltage required to run it.
Our lock will be connected to 3D LED Cube which will glow in gradual transition from one set of LEDs to another giving
us a colorful pattern.
 This circuit is relatively easier and simpler than the circuit of the lock. We will make use of 3 things here to make the
circuit. The output of the lock will go into the 555 timer IC which will be used to produce high and low clock pulses of
required interval. Output pulse from the IC will be fed to the counter ICs so as to give the clock signals simultaneously
because it takes clock signal from the clock input and turns on the outputs in sequence, each time when it receives
clock input pulses. The outputs of this IC will be connected to different set of LEDs of the cube and will turn those sets
on and off according to the signals giving us the pattern.
 We may also design the circuit so that LED cube will give two different patterns on two different passwords.
Block Diagrams:
Digital Lock:


LED Cube:
This cube will be connected to the output of the lock.

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