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Yoga Teacher Training Level 1

Workshop To Do: Reading list


7th Mar - Module 1 – Yama/Niyama Meditation & Mantras Swami Vishnu Devananda
- Assignment 1 (Disciple of Swami Sivananda, our school’s lineage)
- Collect Money for next Payment. ①②③④
21st Mar - Module 2 -Metaphysics Bhagavad Gita Eknath Easwaran
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4th Apr - Module 3 – Meditation Light on Yoga BKS Iyengar

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25th Apr - Module 4 – Nutrition / Ayurveda You Can Heal Your Life Louise L. Hay
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23rd May - Module 5 – Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy of Hatha Yoga H. David Coulter
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20th Jun - Module 6 – Pranayama Science of Pranayama Swami Sivananda

- Collect Money for next Payment The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle
11th July - Module 7 – Anatomy and Common Yoga: The Spirit & Practice of Moving Into Stillness Erich
Injuries Schiffman
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8 Aug - Module 8 – Alignment and Being Peace Thich Nat Hahn
Adjustment ①②③④
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22nd Aug - Module 9 – Kids, Pregnancy, elderly A Return to Love Marianne Williamson
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12th Sep - Module 10 - Meridians The 4 Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz

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26th Sep - Module 11 – Consciousness and The Art of Happiness The Dalai Lama
Chakras ①②③④
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10th October - Module 12 – Power Vinyasa Yoga Sutras Find a good translation
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24th October - Module 13 – Money for retreat Power vs. Force David R. Hawkins

7th - Module 14 – Universal Laws and Yoga Anatomy of the Spirit Carolyn M. Myss
November Sutras ①②③④
- Sign off for work on 27th
RETREAT: - Collect Stuff for retreat. The Alchemist Paulo Coelho

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