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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
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NAME_________________________________ DATE: _______

SCORE: /100



Test I. Multiple choice

Directions: Read and analyze the sentence carefully and encircle the letter of the best answer.
Two or more circle will invalidate your answer.

1. What do you call an immediate and temporary care given to a person who suddenly gets
ill or injured?
a. Medicine Kit c. Prevention
b. First Aid d. Cure
2. What is the proper way to check for the consciousness of a victim?
a. Ask the victim: “Hey, hey are you okay?” while harshly shaking the victims head.
b. Ask the victim: “Hey, hey are you okay?” while carefully shaking the victim’s
c. When there is no response, not even mumbles or groans the victim is conscious and
do not need an immediate medical help.
d. When there is response and mumbles or groans the victim is conscious and do not
need an immediate medical help at all.
3. What do you call a piece of sterile cloth that covers a wound to prevent infection/or to
stop bleeding?
a. Cold Compress c. Dressing
b. Hot Compress d. Adhesive Tape
4. When can you say that a wound is a puncture?
a. When the wound is caused by any sharp object
b. When a wound is caused by mishandling tools
c. When a wound is caused by nails
d. When a wound is caused by a broken glass
5. Which of the following is caused by laceration?
a. Pointed objects
b. Sharp objects
c. Tearing of soft tissue resulting to mishandling tools
d. Scrapping the skin against rough surface
6. Which of the following is the first step in managing hematoma?
a. Ice Application c. Resting the injured part
b. Compression d. Elevation
7. What kind of compress can be used to reduce swelling and relieve pain, especially used
for sprains and strains?
a. Hot Compress c. Warm Compress
b. Cold Compress d. Both Hot and Cold Compress
8. What do call a partial or complete displacement of the bones?
a. Fracture c. Sprain
b. Dislocation d. Heat exhaustion
9. Which of the following is caused by consuming food or drink that is contaminated with
bacteria or viruses?
a. Choking c. Food poisoning
b. Drowning d. Chemical burns
10. If sprain is an injury to the ligaments of a bone due to accidental tearing, how about an
injury to the muscles which result of improper use of the muscle?
a. Strain c. Stroke
b. Burns d. Fracture
11. What do you call an injury which is not expected?
a. Intentional Injury c. Intended Injury
b. Unintentional Injury d. Planned Injury
12. What do you call an act of investigating or examining something?
a. Research c. Experiment
b. Survey d. Discover
13. A medical doctor is also called________.
a. Teacher c. Engineer
b. Physician d. Veterinarian
14. What do you call a person giving first aid?
a. First Aide c. Laboratory Aide
b. First Aider d. Medical Aide
15. Below are the roles of first aid Except
a. It is the bridge that fills the Gap between the victims and physician
b. It is not intended to compete with or to take the place of the service of the physician.
c. It ends when the service of physician begins.
d. It continues even with the presence of physician.
16. Below are the objectives of First Aid except___
a. To save lives c. To prevent further injury
b. To alleviate suffering d. To further increase the suffering
17. A broken bone is called?
a. Strain c. Stroke
b. Fracture d. Burns
18. The end of the bone is displaced.
a. Fracture c. dislocation
b. Strain d. hematoma
19. Muscles are over stretched.
a. spasm c. strain
b. sprain d. drain
20. Below are the characteristics of first aider EXCEPT___
a. Do nothing at all to the victim
b. Do reassure and comfort the victim
c. Do check for medical bracelet indicating a condition, such as epilepsy or diabetes.
d. Do loosen any tight clothing.

Test II. Modified True or False

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it’s FALSE, underline the word or
phrase that makes statement false and write the correct word in the space provided to make the
whole statement true. 2pts each item.

21-22________ Avulsion is a forcible tearing or partil tearing of tissue.

23-24________ Abrasion is caused by rubbing or scraping the skin against a rough surface
25-26________ Incision is a cut caused by a knife broken glass or any sharp object.
27-28________ Laceration is a piercing wounds caused by nails, needles, and other pointed
29-30________ Puncture is a blunt breaking or tearing of tissue usually resulting from
mishandling tools and other accidents.

Test III. Matching type

Directions: Match column A with the correct answer in column B. Write only the letter of
answer provided in the blank at the left side of test paper.

Part I.
Column A. Column B.
31. ___ Bleeding
32. ___ Swelling a. Signs
33. ___ Deformities b. Symptoms
34. ___ Nausea
35. ___ Vomiting
36. ___ Heat
37. ___ Impaired sensation
38. ___ Chills
39. ___ Sore throat
40. ___ Nasal obstruction
41. ___ sneezing
42. ___ Watery eyes
43. ___Head ache
44. ___ Cough
45. ___ Runny nose

Part II.
Column A. Column B.
46. ___ Comforts and re-assure the victim
47. ___ Does not cause pain and panic
48. ___ Notices and all signs
49. ___ Makes the best use of things at hand
50. ___ Does not frighten the victim
51. ___ A physical examination used when the victim is a. Vital signs
conscious or has revived. b. Cravat phase
52. ___ A Physical examination used when a victim is bandaging
unconscious c. Secondary
53. ___ Measure of various physiological statistics taken in order survey
to assess the most basic body function. d. Gentle
54. ___ A type of bandaging is used for wounds on top and back e. Resourceful
of the head, chest, back, hand, and foot, and as arm sling. f. Sympathetic
55. ___ A type of bandaging used for wounds that needs extra g. Tactful
support like wound on the eye, forehead, ear, check, jaw, h. Bandage
shoulder, hip, arm, leg, elbow, knee, and palm and for a i. Hematoma
sprained ankle. j. Observant
56. ___ An ancient and simple binding knot used to secure a k. Open phase
rope or line around an object. bandaging
57. ___ Defined as a collection of blood outside of blood vessels. l. Square knot
58. ___ A piece of material used either to support a medical
device such as a dressing or splint, or on its own to provide
support to or to restrict the movement of a part of the body.
Test III. Completion test
A. Enumeration
Direction: Arrange the proper procedure on how to assess emergency situation by ranking it to

59. ___ Look for signs of circulation

60. ___ Open the airway
61. ___ Is anyone in danger?
62. ___ Move to the quietest victim
63. ___ Check for breathing

B. Enumeration
Directions: Arrange the proper procedure of applying dressing by ranking it to 1-7

64. ___ Use a dressing that is large enough to extend at least one 1 inch beyond the edges of
the wound.
65. ___ Skin is not sterile. If the dressing slips over the victim’s skin while you are trying to
66. ___ Place the dressing over the wound.
67. ___ Unwrap the dressing as close to the wound as possible. Be sure not to touch the
wound. discard it, and use a fresh one.
68. ___ Then secure the dressing with a bondage or adhesive tape.
69. ___ Wash hand and wear gloves
70. ___ If body tissue or organs are exposed, cover the wound with a dressing that will stick.

C. Enumeration
Direction: Arrange the proper first aid procedure for open wounds with severe bleeding by
ranking it to 1-6

71. ___ Control bleeding by applying direct pressure.

72. ___ Elevate the injured part above the heart except for eye injury and wounds with
embedded object.
73. ear gloves and remove or cut clothing as necessary to expose wounds.
74. ___ Care for shock
75. ___ Cover wound with sterile dressing and bandage.
76. ___ Consult a physician immediately.

Test IV. Essay

Directions: Write an essay summarizing and evaluating the key points. Write your own words as
far as possible, and include your own ideas in your answer.

77. Describe the purpose of dressing and bandaging. 25pts.

Good luck!
Prepared by:


Student teacher

Reviewed by:

College lecturer

Approved by:


Principal, Junior High School

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