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Sample preparation


1. Cleaned, peeled, sliced thinly

2. Dried
3. Ground into powder
Ginger powder

Ginger oil isolation

10 grams ginger powder

Put in filter paper

Put in soxhlet extraction tools
Put 150 ml n- hexane into the extractor flask and 1 boiling stone
Extracted until the colorless extraction result obtained
Extraction result (yellow)
Wait until cold
Evaporated with an evaporator

Yellow extract Filtrate (solvent)

Added 0,5 gram Na2SO4

Separated by filter

Filtrate Residue

Weighed its mass Tested the refractive index

Refractive index
Determined the water content

Sliced thinly
Weighed 1 gram
Initial weight recorded
Heated in the oven at 1100 C (15 minutes)
Weighed and recorded the weight
Sample weight

6. Reheat in the oven again at 1100 C (15 minutes) until

the weight of the ginger is constant
7. The water content is calculated
Moisture content of the

Question and Answer

1. Briefly explain the working principle of soxhlet extraction

used in this experiment!
The working principle of soxhlet extraction is:
Repeated filtering so that the results obtained are perfect
and the solvents used are relatively few. When this filtering
has been completed, the solvent is evaporated again and
the remainder is the contaminated substance. The method
of soxletation uses a volatile solvent with the principle of
the difference between the boiling point of the solvent and
the solute, the solvent must have a boiling point below the
solute. In addition, the solvent used is a solvent that can
dissolve organic compounds contained in the material, but
does not dissolve unwanted solids.
2. When separating the solvent using an evaporator? Give a
 There is a very large boiling point difference between
the solvent and its solute, because the working principle
of the evaporator is to evaporate the solvent.
 The level of substance in the solution is low (low
viscosity), because if the viscosity of the solution is high,
the local solid content at a point in the evaporator can
be too high so that it can cause damage to the solid (if
the solid is sensitive to heat), or local compaction
3. Based on the yield of the essential oil you get, does the
drying and refining of the ginger powder affect the results?
Yes, the drying and smoothing of ginger powder
greatly influences the yield of essential oils:
 Drying: if dried at very high temperatures the
content or compounds in the ginger powder will be
 Refining: if the resulting ginger powder is smooth
(has a large surface area of the touch area) will make
the solvent will be faster to dissolve the components
of ginger oil.
4. What is the function of Na2SO4 in this experiment?
The function of Na2SO4 anhydrous as a drying agent
that will be used to absorb water molecules that may be
left behind and still mixed in ginger oil, because Na2SO4 is
binding water in ginger oil
5. Mention a minimum of five compounds found in ginger
essential oil and write the structural formula!

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