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Proceedings of2013IEEE

International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation

August 4 - 7, Takamatsu, Japan

A Review of Robotics In Onshore Oil-Gas Industry

Amit Shukla and Hamad Karki
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE
{ashukla, hkarki}

Abstract- With shrinking resources and increasing demand for as lower recovery rate, exploration of unconventional reserves
petroleum products, oil and gas industries are forced to rethink and operation in extreme environmental conditions, has put
over their present pace for automatization of industry. New oil
need for raising the level of automation high on the agenda
fields, mostly located in extreme conditions, are posing serious
[7]. There are several critical parameters for operation of oil
challenges to both human and environment in terms of safety.
Tasks which are repeated, dirty, and dangerous and require high and gas industries such as safety of human lives, environmental
degree of accuracy are already automatized in manufacturing concern, cost efficiency, optimization of profitability of busi­
industry. This success has inspired oil and gas industry to lend ness model and increased production. Strategies for successful
some of its highly dangerous and repetitive tasks for automation.
handling of above mentioned challenges, call for new radical
Most of the processes are remotely operated, and require highly
innovations such as intelligent drilling rigs, smart inspection
skilled operator. Such processes benefits not only in terms of
overall health and safety, by removing humans from hazardous and manipulation, and automated operations for production.
environment, but also by reduction of number staff members For example a Norwegian company named Robotic Drilling
required for continuous inspection and manipulation of plant Systems, has signed a joint research program with NASA
facilities. Considering the sensitivity of inflammable products
to develop technology for intelligent drilling [3]. ABB has
involved in this industry usage of completely autonomous robots
also developed a robotics-based remote automation system
is still a far fetch choice. Therefore, semi-autonomous robots
are excellent choice for this industry at-least as near future prototype, capable of performing inspection and maintenance
solution. In oil and gas industry, robots are used both in of an oil and gas process module [7]. Though most of the
upstream and downstream process such as pipe handling in robotic technology in oil and gas industry is still used in a
drilling operations, pipe inspection , tank inspection, and remote
manner of operation assistant in the process of inspection,
controlled underwater vehicles (ROVs). This paper presents the
manipulation and rescue missions.
state of art technology particularly related to application of
robotic solutions to in-pipe inspection robots (lPIRs) and tank
inspection robots (TIRs) at onshore oil and gas facilities.
Oil and gas industry has extensive usage of all kinds of
pipes and storage tanks during different stages of business
Global demand for oil and gas, is increasing with increasing starting from exploration, extraction, transportation, processing
industrial growth and will remain high in foreseeable future. and distribution. P ipes and storage tanks need regular inspec­
With ever increasing consumption, at present it is 142 Mboe/d tion and maintenance especially those continuously used for
(million barrels of oil equivalent per day), easy resources of long distance transportation and long term storage. Humanly
petroleum products are shrinking very fast, and remaining inspecting these components are expensive and hazardous, so
oil and gas fields are characterized by such adjectives as automated inspection and manipulation for these components
arctic, deep-water, cold, heavy, high in water content, high are very much desired. Most of the robotic research, for oil
sulfur content, to name but a few [1]. Increased production and gas industry, has been dedicated to developing in-pipe
demand and difficult oil fields have not only increased the inspection robots (IPIRs) and tanks inspection robots (TIRs).
cost of production, but also compounded the risks related
to human security and environmental safety. Recent tragic
A. Pipe inspection
events such as the Deep Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of At onshore petroleum plants, pipes are used as a tool for
Mexico [2] has caught attention of not only governments transportation of oil, gas and other fluids, from production sites
and environmentalists but also of all the major players from to distribution sites. These pipes are mostly laid down under
the petroleum industry for necessity of safer exploration of water or underground environment. In such environments pipes
oil and gas [3]. The process of protecting the environment are subjected to extreme weather conditions such as hot, cold,
from oil spill, by running damage control and cleanup oper­ humidity and dust. These unfavorable conditions lead to many
ations and setting up the funds for compensating victims of troubles in pipes such as corrosion, erosion, deposition, cracks,
tragedy, has costed almost US$20 billion to BP [4]. In the thermal cycling, pitting, shock loading and joint-failure etc.
wake of several terrible oil spill crisis, European Commission [8]. Any kind of leakage of petroleum products from pipes not
has funded several research projects with main objective of only causes loss of revenue but also invites ecological disaster.
developing innovative intelligent robot technologies for oil spill Therefore, regular inspection and maintenance of transporta­
management [5], [6]. Growing challenges within industry, such tion pipes are strongly demanded for safe operation. Traditional

978-1-4673-5560-5/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 1153

way of digging and manually detecting the temporal position problem of control.
of these flaws for underground pipes are not only inconvenient 3) Propelling mechanism: Every IPIR must have some
but also expensive. IPIRs equipped with nondestructive testing propelling mechanism to navigate inside the pipe apart from
(NDT) of these flaws holds the key for future development in steering mechanism. There are many different kinds of navi­
this field [9]. These IPIRs are inserted in the pipe from a inlet gation technologies used by in-pipe robots depending on the
point and travel inside the pipe under external supervision. requirements of the operations such as P ig type [38], [39],
There are various causes and kinds of flaws, and for them
Wheel type [11], [14], [21], [24], [28], [29], [31], [33], [40]­
there are appropriate inspection techniques, such as visual [48], Snake type [49]-[52], Legged mobile type or Walking
inspection (HD pan-tilt-zoom cameras), X-ray, eddy currents, type [53]-[56], Caterpillar type [8], [19], [57], Wall-press type
acoustics and ultrasonics. Most of the IPIRs are teleoperated [28], [43], [57], Inch-worm type [12], [13], [15], [16], [30],
and connected by tethered cable to the operator [10], [11]. [58]-[68], and Screw type [12], [63], [64], [69], [70] etc. Most
There are five essential parameters to categorize IP IR: of the published research works about IPIRs are concerned
1) Shape and size of robots: There are pipes of various with in-pipe navigation of robots because with increasing
shapes (straight line, elbow-shape and T-shape etc.) and sizes complexity of the pipes, navigation becomes challenging task.
(different radii) involved in the oil and gas industries according The pig type robot is collection of capsule type metallic
to usage and flow conditions. Therefore, shape and size of body, rubber disk for support from pipe walls, ultra-sonic
pipes are one of the major parameter to affect the design transducers for detection, and odometer for distance calcu­
of IPIR for example micro-robots [12]-[18] are required for lations. Rubber disk not only get support from the wall but
smaller size pipes. There are mainly two type of mechanism also blocks the in-pipe fluid to get passively driven by it [38].
for adaptation of varying radii of the pipes namely active Drawback of this mechanism is that, robot keep on rotating
linkage type and passive linkage type [19]. In active linkage around its central axis. P assively driven in-pipe robots perform
type, separate actuators are installed to apply normal force to poor on various occasions such as when fluid pressure inside
generate required traction power [20]. Therefore, this mecha­ pipes are low and transportation pipes have complex shapes
nism requires more space and expensive from manufacturing (Branched and vertical). Wheel type IPIRs are proposed to
point of view. Whereas, passive linkage mechanism is designed overcome these shortcomings [21]. Wheel based robots have
merely with elastic components such as spring. This arrange­ many advantages such as easy speed, direction control and
ment leads to simplicity of control mechanism and inexpensive higher energy efficiency but suffer from complex steering
manufacturing of robot. Inspection robots described in [21]­ mechanism and instability during navigation. To overcome this
[24] have used simple spring on the main axis of robot. instability, springs are used to press the in-pipe walls against
2) Steering mechanism: Most of the robots are designed wheels of the robot [43]. This pressing of walls gives extra
to pass through horizontal pipe structures but urban gas pipe friction force for better slip-less operation and adaptability of
lines have complicated structures due to complex distribution robot to different sizes of transportation pipes. [28] describes a
networks. Therefore, successful navigation through these trans­ mechanism in which legs of the robot, which contain wheels,
portation pipes requires in-pipe robots to steer through com­ are stretched and contracted radially to generate wall pressure.
plex shapes such as vertical, elbow and branched. There are This pressure gives all the above mentioned benefits and
mainly two categories of steering mechanism firstly articulated saves body of robot from distortion forces when it crosses
type and secondly differential type. Articulated steering is a over obstacles such as steps, reducers, protrusions inside the
mechanism which allows a robot to take turn in restricted pipes. It can be observed that most of these wheel based
space around a pivot located on the robot body by splitting inspection robots generate traction power by pressing the pipe
the total body of the robot in front half and back half. This wall passively or actively. These wheel based robots get stuck
kind of steering mechanism is directly inspired by movement inside the pipe when there are sharp comers, steps, sudden big
of the snake and the annelid animal in nature. There are change in pipe cross-section and variable surface roughness.
several kinds of articulated steering mechanisms depending As a alternative to wheel based locomotion, legged type robots
on how steering is activated around the pivot point such as have been proposed in [53]. The higher flexibility of legs,
steering joint [25]-[27], double active universal joint [28], improves the performance of robot crossing the obstacles and
[29], and rubber gas actuated joint [30]. There are several turning around joints and comers [56].
successful IPIRs based on the differential steering mechanism Design of IPIRs for the inspection of pipes of small diam­
as well [31]-[37]. Differential drive is a mechanism which eters by using wheel based locomotion mechanism is really a
allows turning of the vehicle by modulating the speeds of the challenge. Wheel based robots require heavy motors and gear
wheels depending on the desired direction for turning [31], systems, and usage of other kind of actuators such as piezoac­
[33]. Since, inside the pipe traction surface is 3-D curved tuators suffer from lower traction forces [69]. Therefore, two
rather than planer, hence it requires sophisticated speed control locomotion mechanisms free from electrical machines are
mechanism to avoid slippings of wheels inside the pipe [24]. proposed firstly inch-worm type robots and secondly screw
These requirements for knowledge of the pipe geometry and type robots, for inspection of small diameter pipes. Earth worm
locus of contact points makes this mechanism complicated is a creature which moves forward by swelling its bodily

rings and then propagating it in forward direction [12]. This industry is corrosion due to unwanted electro-chemical reac­
locomotion mechanism has inspired researchers to design inch­ tions. Role of NDT becomes critical to detect early stages
worm robots, which do not require bulky and costly electrical of corrosion so that corrective measures can be taken before
motors and wheels. Apart from being cheaper and lighter in severe damage takes place. Early stages of corrosion are not
weight absence of electrical machines makes inch-worm robots directly visible or detectable by ordinary surface measurement
safer and suitable for working in explosion risk areas [66]. techniques. However, early detection of corrosion is possible
These robots have flexible structure which is divided mainly by estimation of shirking pipe wall thickness and structural
in three parts backward clamp, middle part and forward clamp. discontinuities. At present there are serval advance techniques
First backward part expand radially to generate support from available for corrosion detection such as X-Ray, ultrasonic
the wall, while middle part get elongated longitudinally to [38], [44], [72]-[78], Eddy current [58], [60], [63], [65], [79]­
move forward and then backward clamp get contracted and [81],and magnetic flux leakage (MFL) [72], [82]-[87]. X-ray
forward clamp get expanded radially to generate support [15], based detection techniques enjoy edge over other NDT of its
[68]. However, many of these inch-worm robots, such as [30], being capable of pictorial representation. There are many other
[66], were not effective because of their low speed and poor advantages of X-ray NDT such as ability to identify material,
reliability. Screw-type robots can freely move backward and estimating material density, and capable of inspecting almost
forward, inside the pipe of smaller diameter, based on the all kinds of materials, but suffers from requirement of skilled
principle of screw. [69] has proposed a robot which has two analyzer, expensive, inability to detect closed cracks and above
units, separated by a micro electromagnetic motor, and one of all safety concerns related to its operation [88].
unit is fixed to rotating shaft and another to casing. This
When magnetic field is applied to the internal wall of the
arrangement forces shaft and casing to rotate in opposite
pipe uneven surface of corrosion affected wall distorts the
direction so that robot moves forward. This kind of robot
resulting magnetic field. These distortions in magnetic field are
is mainly used for precise motion inside smaller diameter
measured by magnetic sensors but overall measurement result
pipes with very low payload and unsuitable for complex pipe
is only qualitative in nature. This magnetic flux leakage (MFL)
structures. Flexibility of the robot body is a key factor for
technique is only suitable for small pipes, and sometimes when
its ability to pass through complex shapes of pipes. Many
pipe materials have impurities results of MFL are spurious in
robots using flexibility of snake kind body has been proposed
nature [78]. There are two kinds of MLF techniques firstly
in literature [49], [50]. The snake type robots are designed
circumferential and secondly axial. Circumferential MLF is
by serial interconnection of many identical modules on both
more popular and effective than axial one [85]. MLF technique
sides with rotational joints. Robot can move horizontally much
is sensitive to pipe material under inspection whereas ultra­
like normal wheel based motion. Whereas, vertical motion is
sonic is free from this flaw and more accurate in predictions
achieved by using flexibility of pushing interconnected joints
[84]. In ultrasonic detection method, high frequency acoustic
against the two opposing side of the pipe at the same time,
waves are transmitted from transducers, which are reflected
while moving upward by forward motion of wheels [50]. Since,
by internal and external surfaces of the pipe. Calculations
snake-like robots use a number of active joints or modules;
over reflected and refracted-reflected waves allows estimation
thus, their development cost is expensive and they need more
of external and internal corrosion [38]. Ultrasonic detection
energy for operation [19].
technique has many advantages such as high penetration depth,
4) Detection technology: These in-pipe robots are equipped high accuracy, high sensitivity, rapid testing, portable, safe and
with various sensory devices each related to specific kind of finally it can test all kinds of materials and their properties, but
job. Visual cameras such as CCD [9], [16], [21], [24], [28], suffer from expensive training for expert operator, necessity of
[29], [31], [41], [43], [45]-[47], [63], [65], [67], micro CCD contact of transducer with surface of material and inability to
[14], [65], CMOS [48] and micro CMOS [71] cameras are detect crack along the line of wave travel [88].
used for the purpose of navigation and inspection. CMOS Quantitative variation of impendence probe of coil due to
cameras require lesser components than CCD, which makes eddy current on pipe surface leads to detection of crack in
them comparatively more energy efficient and cheaper than the pipe [89]. Remote field eddy current (RFEC) based NDT
CCD. Since, CCD cameras generally tend to have higher is another variation of above mentioned conventional eddy
resolution than CMOS, therefore choice of camera requires current testing (ECT) technique [9], [90], [91]. Most of the
trade-off between cost and clarity of image. Most of the corrosion detection techniques fails at very high temperature,
commercially available CCD cameras are very big and cannot such as 175°C inside deeper core of the earth, So [92] has
be directly installed on the micro-robots. Therefore, [14], [65] proposed a new DC electromagnetic induction using ECT
have developed their own specific micro CCD cameras suitable method. ECT techniques are sensitive to large number of
for inspection of small diameter pipes. Micro CCD camera parameters related to magnetic conductivity, permeability, and
developed in [14] carries 41K color pixels and with this geometry. It has many other advantages such as wider tem­
resolution it can locate micro cracks of 25/1 in the internal perature range for operation, smaller sizes for probes to be
surface of the pipe. utilized for smaller diameter pipes, light weight and portable
One of the major problems for the pipes in oil and gas to be installed on micro robots, and relatively lower in cost,

but suffer from liftoff effect and its inability to be used for and usage of heavy inspection devices such as camera [99]
non-metal pipes [88]. Ultrasonic NDT is more sensitive and and thick hard wire will further limit its mobility inside the
has better spatial resolution than ECT, whereas later is more pipe [12], [16]. Therefore, [63], [65], [99] have proposed micro
suitable for inspection of multilayered structures [93], [94]. robots with compact and wireless energy supply, communi­
Apart from defect inspection, IPIRs are equipped with many cation, and navigation mechanism. The biggest drawback of
other kind of sensors for different purposes, such as gravita­ wireless technology comes from their inability to penetrate
tional sensor [29], temperature sensor, humidity sensors and metallic pipes due to high electrical conductivity of materials
tactile sensors [42], [53], [95] to successfully navigate through such as steel [103]. To make wireless technology even to work
geometries like elbow and branch. Tactile sensors detect these for metallic pipelines, problem of electromagnetic shielding
geometries of the pipes by the virtue of estimating the forces has to be solved first. And for this purpose [36] has proposed
upon contact with the hard surfaces [42]. Researchers in [96] an emitter with extremely low frequency of Electromagnetic
have used laser projection technique to identify the special wave, which can pass through metallic wall as well.
geometries of the pipe which helps them in localization of the Overall control architecture of the inspection robots highly
autonomous robot and in [97] laser sensors are utilized for the depends on their degrees of autonomy and it can be of three
pose estimation of robot inside the pipe.
kinds such as manually operated, semi-autonomous and fully­
5) Control mechanism: Most of the IPIRs are controlled autonomous [104], [105]. Visual feedback from the remote
and powered by tethered cable or umbilical cord connected location to the operator and in return command signal from the
between operator system and in-pipe robots [11]. Tethered operator to the machine completes the loop in manual remote
cables are composed of power cable and optical fiber wires control process [106]. Sensors and manipulators installed on
for the purpose of video communication and data transmission remote device (or site) works as eyes, ears and hands of
[28]. These tethered cables serve many purposes such as [8]: operator at operation site. This kind of automation requires
• Supplying power to the various devices installed on the well trained person, who has to manually operate every single
robot such as locomotive motors, video cameras, lighting, step of the process such as safe navigation of the remote
defect detection and other kinds of sensors, in the form device, switch-on and off of the inspection sensors, and manip­
of ACIDC, pneumatic or hydraulic power. ulation operation etc. [106], [107]. Mostly all the commercially
• Control signals to navigation (wheels and legs), manip­ available inspection robots belong to this category [100]. In
ulation (manipulators installed on robots for the purpose semi-autonomous robots, in principal operator has to define
of welding, cutting and drilling) and inspection mecha­ only initial and final conditions of the operations. Sensory
nisms (defect detection sensors and pan, tilt and zoom of data received by robot is interpreted either locally by processor
camera) of the robot. installed on the robot or by computer at operator side [100].
• Used as a safety rope to pull out the robot from pipe Overall in this process, role of the operator is greatly reduced
or inspection site in situation of accidental power loss or by inclusion of intelligent navigation and collision avoidance
completion of inspection task [98]. techniques [98]. In fully automated operations, robotic devices

The biggest drawback of using tethered cable with IPIR lies can be preprogrammed for complete operation and there is
no need of human interventions at all especially during the
in continuously increasing friction force with increasingly
traveled distance by robot inside the pipe [44], [46], [98]. In operation [101], [106]. Given, the sensitive nature of products
and environments in oil and gas industry, it requires continuous
such situations slip-less travel of IPIRs require more and more
human supervision, therefore it still prefers semi-autonomous
traction force [11], [46] with higher and higher demand of ki­
netic energy. All round 360 degree inspection in circular pipes human controlled robots such as [108]-[111].

lead to twisting of tether cable which may at the end damage There are some fully autonomous IPIRs from other indus­
the cable itself [99]. Along with all these limitations, total tries to inspire oil and gas industry. Such as KANTARO [112]
distance travelled by in-pipe robots are physically restricted and MAKRO [101] are two fully-autonomous, module based,
with the usage of tether cable [44], [59], [98]. un-tethered and self-steering IPIRs designed for inspection of
Freedom from inconvenient tether cable is the biggest sewer pipes. But these IPIR are only suitable for navigation
impetus for using wireless technology for inspection robots. in straight pipelines or at-max in curved pipe. These IPIRs
There have been various un-tethered and wireless inspection suffer from wheel slip error and are unable to climb in vertical
robots proposed in literature to overcome problems related to sections of pipelines. [57] has presented fully autonomous
conventionally tether cable controlled inspection robots [10], IPIR, named FAMP ER, with excellent mobility, by which it
[12], [16], [27], [36], [37], [44], [63], [65], [100]-[102]. Tether can navigate through any spatial conditions of the pipeline
less robots can be picked up from their exit point itself in (horizontal and vertical both) having complex geometries (T­
the pipe rather than coming back to the base point for their branches, Y-branches, and L-joints) using its caterpillars and
collection. All the wireless inspection robots carry, pack of extendable link system. The biggest push for development
rechargeable batteries for on-board power supply and commu­ of completely independent IPIR stems from the fact that
nication system with higher bandwidth for data transmission general wireless communication is not possible for most of the
[98]. For micro robots, where space is already a constraint metallic pipes and wired communication is severely limiting

the mobility and navigation of robot inside the pipe. With these [81], [117]-[126], vacuum suction [127]-[129], specific attach­
reasons in mind [96] has proposed autonomous navigation ment devices such as rails [130] or pegs and grippers/clamps
inside pipelines with the help of laser based landmark detection [131]. The locomotion category can be further divided in four
technique. For autonomous inspection robots, all the inspection sub-groups [123], such as wheels [9], [81], [117]-[120], tracks
data has to be stored locally which can be analyzed later [128], legs [121], [132] and actuator [123] based devices.
on after exit of robot from the pipeline. Apart from local There are some outstanding tank inspection robots such as
data storage, autonomous robots must possess some local Neptune, Maverick and Scavenger. Neptune is a mobile robot
intelligence as well for the purpose of navigation [33] and designed by Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
defect detection [103]. For example, [44] contains crawler unit, [133]. This robot aims for remote inspection of above-ground
drive unit, controller unit, battery unit and ultrasonic inspect tanks, while they are filled with petroleum products. Neptune
unit, all installed locally on the robot itself. In this IPIR, is equipped with vehicle crawler to move up and inside the
drive control system receives motion command from central tank, ultrasonic sensors for detecting leakage, HD cameras for
controller via CAN bus, with no need of human operator. visual feedback and acoustic sensors for position locationing
Navigation control, specifically steering through elbow and inside the tank etc. Neptune provides the visual records of
branches, is one of the most important control aspect of all the each welded joint and thickness-contour maps for the floor
IPIR described in literature. For example [24] has proposed of the tank using ultrasonic thickness measurement sensors
a sophisticated control algorithm for steering of IPIR from [133]. Since, most of the TIRs carry almost similar kinds of
various complex geometries of pipe based on modulation of equipment for the purpose of inspection as IPIRs but their main
wheel speeds. In [52], researchers have developed a kinematic differences come from climbing technologies. Therefore, in
motion control strategy for passive-joint active-wheel snake broader sense discussions related to detection technologies and
robot, to coordinate between different modules for higher mo­ control mechanisms described in Sections II-A.4 and II-A.5 are
bility and lower demand of traction force. In [113], researchers very well applicable to the robots of TIR categories as well.
have proposed a new IPIR, called National Taiwan University There are also some novel control mechanisms proposed for
(NTU) Navigator, which have a stable and smooth fuzzy TIRs as in [134], [135] and [136]. [134] has presented a fuzzy
steering controller for operating inside the pipes of varying CMAC algorithm along with neural networks to establish the
diameters. Most of the IPIR research focuses on the drive tracking control system for improving the performance of the
control mechanism but ignore global planning for automatic robot navigation. In [135] a novel client/server architecture
yet comprehensive inspection of complex pipelines. Therefore, has been proposed for autonomous operation of the inspection
[106] has presented an efficient 3-D guarding algorithm that robot. Here client program is run on the inspection root locally
can cover a given complicated environment using as few as which is related to safe climbing and navigation of robot,
possible points. whereas server program is run on operator side at control
room. At server side, programs are concerned with capturing
B. Tank inspection
the visual data, detection of leakage and some manipulation
Huge metallic tanks are used for storing the petro-chemical work. Fuel tanks installed on the ship have thin metallic walls
products both at offshore and onshore production plants. so normally used heavy climbing robot cannot be used due to
Continuous storage of crude petroleum products inside the tendency of deformation of surface. A novel architecture called
metallic tanks generates many corrosive by-products such as mother/child has been proposed in [137], to deal with such
iron sulfide and hydrogen sulphide. These tanks have many a situation. Where mother robot is normal a heavy climbing
welded joints and these are prone to leakage due to corrosion robot with high mobility used for climbing through strong track
and wear. Bubbling H2S does more damage to the roof than available on the tank. And child robot, which is very light in
the bottom of the tank. Bottom of the tank is mainly damaged weight, carries only required detectors for inspection. Most of
by collection of large quantities of sludge material containing these robots are at max semi-autonomous in nature but [136]
heterotrophic microorganisms. Although bottom also contains presents fully autonomous TIR with wireless control.
many corrosion pits created due to internal reactions of petro­
products [114]. Since, humanly inspection of these tanks, is III. C ONCLUSION

dangerous due to presence of H2S and such other gases, This paper summarizes the state of art robotic solutions
requires completely emptying the tank and stopping all the available for in-pipe inspection and tank inspection robots at
production for few weeks [115], hence, this process is lengthy, onshore facilities of oil and gas industry. This paper has also
expensive and hazardous from safety point of view. Automated summarized various steering mechanisms, propulsion tech­
inspection, while tanks are full, with continued operation of the nologies, defect-detection techniques and control mechanisms
plant is the motivation for research for TIRs. for these inspection robots. Most of the commercially available
Main criteria of categorizing the TIR, is based on the robots, used for pipe inspection and tank inspection, are re­
principle of climbing the tank under inspection [116]. There are motely operated machines with very little autonomy. But trends
two broad categories of climbing techniques, firstly based on of successful implementation of reliable semi-autonomous
adhesion mechanism and secondly on the locomotion principle. and teleoperated robots are excellent choices as near future
The most common adhesion mechanisms are magnetism [9], solutions. Development of few completely autonomous robots,

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