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VoLUME $9 25 JULY 1977 NVMSER4

Cosmological Lower Bound on Heavy-Neutrino Masses

Benjamin W. Lee&'~
Eenni National Accelemtox Labo~ato~, +~ Batavia, Illinois 60510
Steven Weinberg '~
Stanford University, Physics Department, Stanford, California 94305
(Received 13 May 1977)

The present cosmic mass density of possible stable neutral heavy leptons is calculated
in a standard cosmological model. In order for this density not to exceed the upper lim-
it of 2x 10 2~ g/cm, the lepton mass would have to be greater than a lower bound of the
order of 2 GeV.

There is a mell-known cosmological argument' neutrinos are known to be lighter than 1 MeV.
against the existence of neutrino masses greater However, heavier stable neutral leptons could
than about 40 eV. In the "standard" big-bang easily have escaped detection, and are even re-
cosmology, ' the present number density of each quired in some gauge models. ' In this Letter, we
kind of neutrino is expected' to be ~» the number suppose that there exists a neutral lepton L' (the
density of photons in the 3'K black-body ba, ck- "heavy neutrino") with mass well above 1 MeV,
ground radiation, or about 300 cm '; hence if the and we assume that J0 carries some additive or

density would be greater than 2 &&10 "

neutrino mass were above 40 eV, their mass
multiplicative quantum number which keeps it
absolutely stable. We will present arguments
which is roughly the upper limit allowed by pres- based on the standard big-bang cosmology to show
ent estimates4 of the Hubble constant and the de- that the mass of such a particle must be above a
celeration parameter. lower bound of order 2 GeV.
However, this argument would not apply if the At first glance, it might be thought that the
neutrino mass were much larger than 1 MeV. present number density of heavy neutrinos would
Neutrinos are generally expected' to go out of simply be less than the above estimate of 300
thermal equilibrium when the temperature drops cm ' by the value exp[-m~/(1 MeV)] of the
to about 10' 'K, the temperature at which neu- Boltzmann factor at the time the heavy neutrinos
trano coll~sion rates become comparable to the go out of thermal equilibrium. If this were the
expansion rate of the universe. If neutrinos were case, then an upper limit of 2X10 "g/cm ' on
much heavier than 1 MeV, then they would al- the present cosmic mass density would require
ready be much rarer than photons at the time that m~ exp[-m~/(1 MeV) ] should be less than 40
when they go out of thermal equilibrium, and eV, and hence that m~ should either be less than
hence their number density would now be much 40 eV or greater than 13 MeV,
less than 300 cm '. However, the true lower bound on the heavy-
Of course, the familiar electronic and muonic neutrino mass is considerably more stringent.

VOLUME )9, NUMBER 4 P H Y 5 I C A L R E V I E %' I. E T T E R 8 25 JUx, v 1977

The heavy neutrinos are assumed to carry a con- current ideas about the strong interactions are
served quantum number, so their number density correct, then N~ rises steeply at a temperature
can relax to its equilibrium value n0 only by an- equilibrium because, as we have seen, the upper
nihilation of a heavy neutrino with a heavy anti- limit on the present cosmic mass density requires
neutrino, in processes such as the Boltzmann factor exp(-mz, /k T&) to be very
small. For nonrelativistic velocities, the cross-
L0L0-vP, e e+, p p, ', & &+, etc. section v(v) for the exothermic processes (1) be-
haves like 1/v, so we can take (ov) as a tem-
But although the energy distribution of the heavy
perature-independent constant. If there were on-
neutrinos is kept thermalized by collisions with
ly a single annihilation channel open (say L'L'
v, e, etc. , down to a temperature of 10'0'K, Bt - vv) and if the annihilation process were due to
that temperature they are so rare that their an-
an ordinary "V-minus-A" charged-current Fermi
nihilation rate is already much less than the cos-
mic expansion rate. Thus the heavy neutrinos go interaction, then (ov) would be just GF'mz, '/2&,
where GF is the Fermi coupling constant 1.15
out of chemical equilibrium (in the sense that
&10 ' GeV '. To take account of more general
their number density begins to exceed its equil-
ibrium value) at a "freezing" temperature Tz possibilities, we shall write
which is much higher than 1 MeV. The condition (cv) = G, 'm, 'N„/2~, (6)
on m~ is then that m~ exp( m~/k-T&) should be
where N„ is a dimensionless fudge factor which
less than 40 eV, and the resulting lower bound on
depends both on the number of annihilation chan-
m~ must therefore be greater than 13 MeV.
nels open and on the details of the weak L'L' an-
To make this quantitative, we use the rate
nihilation interaction. (In general, the annihila-
tion proceeds both through exchange of charged
dn 3A and of neutral intermediate vector bosons. )
dt 8 n-(m—)n'+ (ov)n 0 (2)
Where a numerical value is needed, we will take
Here n is the actual number density of heavy neu-
N„=14. [This corresponds to the annihilation
channels L'L'- v, ~„ ~„v„, &, &„e e', p. p, ', uu,
trinos at time t; R is the cosmic scale factor;
dZ, ss, with all fermions (antifermions) of helic-
(vv) is the average value of the L'L~ annihilation ' (+-,'), and three colors for each of the
cross section times the relative velocity; and n0 ity ——,
quarks u, d, and s. ] New channels open for m1
is the number density of heavy neutrinos in ther-
above about 5 GeV, leading to a moderate rise in
mal (and chemical) equilibrium':
2 2)1/2 1
2 ~ + Equations (3)-(6) allow us to rewrite the rate
(nT) =
), 4&p'dp exp yl
kT equation (2) in the convenient form
df/dx=~V'(f'-f ') (7)
(We use units with 5 = c = 1 throughout. ) where
At, the temperatures we are considering here,
the energy density and the entropy are dominated
x =kT/m~, p'=mz, 'N„/vNF, f(x; p) =n/T',
by highly relativistic particles, including y, v„ f,(x) = n, /T'
v&, and e. It follows that 8,
T, and t are related
by =m 2k2f duu'[exp(x '+u')'~'+1]
It/It = -T/T = (e~pG/3)'~2 (4)
where p is the energy density
p =N~T~ =N~w2(k T)~/15, (5)
with N~ an effective number of degrees of free-
cm K
dom, counting ~ and ~I6, respectively, for each
boson or fermion species and spin state. For
temperatures in the range of 10-100 Me& (which Equation (7) is to be solved subject to the initial
most concern us here) we must include just y, condition that, as x-~, f(x) approaches the equil-
v„~u, vv, e,
and e', soN~=4. 5, a value ibrium value f, (x). For x «I,
f(x) approaches an
we will adopt for most purposes. However, if asymptotic value, which evidently depends only on

M& 39 &UMg~R g PHYSICAL R EVIEW LETTERS 25 Jvi, v 1977

the sin g 1e unknown parameter p' 0 must be subject t o th e lower bound

lim f (x; p) = P p). (10) m~(N„/WN )

'" 2 5. 2 GeV 4 (14)

i z ion of electr on-positron

The subs equent annihilat'
For N„= 14 and
Allo fo
¹~ = 4. 5, this ives
fac t or-of-4 unce
pairs increases RV'b y a factor
~ ~

i i a ion rate, the low ower bound on rn I

d /T'b y a factor 4 so
11 would lie in th e range 1-4 GeV.
o cavy neutrinos (and antineutrin-
It is enlightening to see ow these
ee how th results can
os) will be given by
be obtained b y an analytic a pproximation to the
= 2(~i)m~T
L y
'P p) ( 1 1) asymptoti ic va lue of n/T'. We ex ect t
with T =O'K ia con temperature.
K the present radiati
i mi at e 1y equal to p x until the tem-
perature drop ops t o a freezin va
(For freezining teemperature abovee 100 MeV, the
factor 11 must bee d ecreased to takee account of the
subsequent heatia zng of photons by annih'1 t'
i iaionof P7

pp, wm', etc)

df, /dx=Cp. 'fo', at x=x~=kT
f f /m » (15)
omputer solutions of Eq . (7
special cases in Fixg.. 1.. We find that
over the range
ge oof parameters con ' d re ere
and that thereafter f obe a
o eyss approximately the
~~sp. ) of Eq. (10) ca y
d /dx = C p'f ', (16)
E(p,) =1.20 x10 ' (cm
cm 'K)
K ''[ GeV)] '~'. (12) with the initial condition f(xz ) = f, (xf).
x Since kT f
nt mass density of heav
The present
n approximate ,
iin Eq. ( )bythe
ti t'o
i th en given by Eq. (11) as
p ~ = (4. 2 x 10
" g/cm') fp(x)np/Ts —2k3(2vx) (17)
and take only
onl the exponential intoo

x[m, (Gev)] "'(N /WiV p ~

'" o
obtained from
e freezing tern perature
e is then

If we require4 that pz, &2x10 ~

g/ccm, th
then xq
'" exp(1/x~)
g yn L

= Ck32(2m) 3~2p~

n{ T ) {cmi'
=1.35x10'~ ~ -»2"[m~(Ge V)]'.
10 N„N~

7) and (

f(x, ) =f, (x,) =(Cu'x f') ' ~

Equation 16 can now be solved:
IO f(x) = [f.(;) '+CAx, —x)] ' (20)

so that, with xf ' -—20
0.5GeV 4.5.
(NF =

GeV(NF=4. 5, NA= l4)

NA= l4)
E= (0) = (Cp'xq') '(1+ x
IO 2GeV(NF=4. 5, NA=I4)
=1.5x10 ' [p (GeV)] '(cm 'K) ' (21)
5GeV(NF=4. 5, NA= 17)
10 in reasonable
ble agreement with the
lOGeV(NF =30, NA= l7)
is analysis shows that
-lO ' t heavy- g
e y to be about — „he
l4 l2


neutrino masss, or 0OMeVform =2 GeV.
Of course if a st s able
bl hea ne
FIG. 1. n/T'v
g/T vs Z' ie y oof special cases of
for a variet ere with a masss oof order 1-15 GeV,
mL, N~, 311d N~. iona fie
the gravitational ield of these heavy t '
vy neutrinos


would provide a plausible mechanism for closing of photons by electron-positron annihilation, and be-
the universe. cause we do not assume that the muon and electron-
One of us (S.W. ) would like to thank Robert type neutrinos have equal mass. )
To take account of the uncertainty in galactic evolu-
Wagoner for helpful conversations, and the other tion, we assume that qo& 2. A value Ilo =50.3+ 4.3 km/
(B.W. L.) wishes to thank Robert Pearson for his sec/Mpc is given by A. Sandage and G. A. Tammann,
assistance in computer calculations. Astrophys J.. 210, 7 (1976). The desntiy 2x 10 2~ g/cm3
corresponds (for zero cosmological constant) to q0=2
and Ho =50 km/sec/Mpc. [These quantities are defined
in terms of the cosmic scale factor 1t (t) as (d11/dt)0
~~~ Deceased. —
= ROHD and (d'R/dt')0=—-Ropo qo, a subscript 0 denoting
&&Operated by Universities Research Association Inc. the present instant. ]
under contract with the U. S. Energy Research and De- See, e.g. , B. W. Lee and S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev.
velopment Administration. Lett. 38, 1237 (1977). It is possible that the heavy neu-
")On leave 1976-1977 from Harvard University. tral leptons in this model actually have lifetimes which
'See e.g. , G. Marx and A. S. Szalay, in Proceedings are shorter than the age of the universe, in which case
of the Neutrino 1972 Conf-erence, edited by A. Frankel the lower bound on ~~ derived here need not be satis-
and G. Marx (OMDK-TECHNIOFORM, Budapest, 1972), fied. tFor calculations of neutral-lepton decay rates,
Vol. I, p. 191; R. Cowsik and J. McClelland, Phys. see J. N. Bahcall, ¹
Cabibbo, and A. Yahil, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 29, 669 (1972), and also Astrophys. J. 180, Rev. Lett. 28, 318 (1972); W. J. Marciano and A. I.
7 (1973). Sanda, Phys. Lett. 67B, 303 (1977); T. Goldman and
~For a review with references to the original litera- G. J. Stephenson, Jr. , Los Alamos Laboratory Report-
ture, see S. Weinberg, i"ragitation and Cosmology: No. LA-UR-77-941 (to be published); and H. Fritsch
Principles and Applications of the General Theory of and P. Minkowski, Phys. Lett. 62B, 72 (1976).]
Relativity (Wiley, New York, 1972), Chap. 15. 6We suppose here that the chemical potentials associ-
This includes a factor zs for the effects of Fermi ated with any conserved quantum numbers carried by
statistics; a factor ~«because electron-positron annihi- are vanishingly small. If there were any apprecia-
lation has increased the photon temperature by an ex- ble degeneracy, the mass density of the heavy neutri-
tra factor of (~4) '/; and a factor of 2 because both neu- nos would greatly exceed reasonable cosmological lim-
trinos and antineutrinos are included. The massive neu- its.
trinos are, like the photons, supposed to exist in two This includes contributions of y, v„v, , v„, v„, e, e,
helicity states. (The 40-eV upper limit given here dif- p, p+; plus three color triplets g, d, s, of quarks and
fers from the 8-eV bound given by Cowsik and McClel- the correspondirg antiquarks; plus eight massless spin-
land in Ref. 1, because we take account of the heating one gluons.

Cosmological Upper Bound on Heavy-Neutrino Lifetimes

Duane A. Dicus~ ) and Edward %. Kolb '

Center for Particle Theory, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712


Vigdor L. Teplitz'")
Department of Physics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blachsburg, Virginia 24061
(Received 31 May 1977)

An upper bound on the lifetime of a massive, neutral, weakly interacting lepton, v~,
is derived from standard big-bang cosmology. Saturation of the bound and reasonable
assumptions about the weak interaction of the v„ then yield a prediction of approximately
10 MeV for its mass.

Recently Lee and Weinberg' have pointed out This density is an order of magnitude greater
that stable neutrinos with masses in the GeV than proven mass reserves such as galaxies and
range are capable of "hiding" a cosmological en- the cosmic microwave background but is suggest-
ergy density on the order of ed by current best values for the Hubble constant
and deceleration parameter. '
It has been shown
p =p, =10 MeV/cm'. by Cowsik and McClelland' that stable neutrinos


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