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Adventurous-adj. keen to try new or exciting things Example: For more adventurous tourist

there are trips in the mountains. Many teachers would like to be more adventurous and
creative. ‫مغامر‬
Affectionate-adj. showing care and love for sb. Example: He is very affectionate towards his
children. My best friend is thoughtful and affectionate. ‫حنون‬

Artistic-adj. good at drawing and painting ‫فني‬

Assertive-adj. expressing your opinions strongly and confidently so that people take notice.
Example: They get training in how to be assertive rather than aggressive. You need to be more
assertive to succeed in business. ‫جازم‬

Bright –adj. talented Example: She’s one of the brightest student in class. She is bright enough
to know. ‫موهوب‬

Broad minded-adj. willing to listen to other people’s opinions and accept things that are
different from your own. Example: My dad’s pretty broad-minded so he won’t mind if
you drink. ‫واسع االفاق‬
Bubbly-adj. (informal) always cheerful, friendly and enthusiastic. Example: She’s bright,
bubbly personality. ‫مرح‬

Bossy-adj. (disapproving) always telling people what to do. Example: Do you treat all your
guests in this bossy manner? ‫متسلط‬
Carefree-adj. having no worries or responsibilities. Example: He missed those carefree days
when he was a student. ‫براحة البال‬

Confident-adj. self-assured. Example: You won’t be confident if you don’t prepare for the
lesson. ‫واثق‬

Considerate-adj. always thinking of others wishes and feelings. Careful not to hurt others.
Example: It was considerate of him to wait. Synonym: thoughtful. Opposite: inconsiderate.


Courageous-adj. very brave and determined. Example: I hope the people will be
courageous enough to speak out against this injustice. Opposite: cowardly. ‫شجاع‬

Daring-adj. brave, courageous willing to take risks. Example: There are plenty of activities for
the less daring. synonym:courageous ‫جرأة‬

Decent-adj. honest and fair; treating people with respect. Example: Everyone said he was a
decent sort of guy. Synonym:honest ‫الئق‬

Decisive-adj. able to decide something quickly and with confidence. Example: Government
must take decisive action on gun control. ‫حاسم‬

Dedicated-adj. working hard at something because it is very important to you. Example: He

is dedicated to his work. Synonym: devoted ‫مخصصة‬

Diligent-adj. (formal) working hard and carefully. Example: The report recognized that he
was a diligent student. ‫مجتهد‬
Easy-going-adj. relaxed, calm and not getting easily upset/worried about things. Example:
He’s such an easy going and optimistic guy. ‫عيشة رغيدة‬

Even-tempered-adj. not easily made angry or upset. Example: He doesn’t easily lose his
temper. He’s so even-tempered ‫حتى خفف‬

Enigmatic-adj. mysterious and difficult to understand. Example: an enigmatic smile.


Extrovert(ed)-adj. lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people.
Example: He likes meeting people and going to parties. He’s so extroverted. Synonym: out-
going; Opposite: introvert ‫منطلق‬

Fair-adj. treating everyone equally and according to rules. Example: Demands for fairer
distribution of wealth. We have to be fair to both players. ‫معرض‬

Faithful-adj. staying with or supporting a particular person, organization or belief. Example:

I’ve been a faithful reader of your newspaper. ‫مؤمن‬

Flexible-adj. (approving) able to change to suit new conditions and situations. Examples: You
need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach. Flexible working hours. ‫مرن‬

Forceful-adj. expressing opinions firmly and clearly in a way that persuades other people to
believe them. Example: a forceful speaker Synonym: assertive ‫قوي‬

Frank-adj. honest about the situation or your opinions, even if this offends people. Example:

The company has not been absolutely  frank with its workers. He was completely frank about
the problems we face. ‫صادق‬

Fun loving- ‫تحب الم‬

Generous-adj. giving people more of your time or money than is  expected.
Synonym: giving. Opposite: tight-fisted. Example: You’ve bought so many
presents. So generous of you. ‫ سخي‬- ‫كريم‬

Gorgeous-adj. attractive Example: gorgeous girl/man Gorgeous view ‫رائع‬

Genuine-adj. sincere and honest; that can be trusted. Example: He’s genuine and
trustworthy guy. ‫ صميم‬.‫ صادق‬.‫حقيقي‬

Gifted-adj. having a lot of natural ability or intelligence. Synonym: talented,

smart, bright, able ‫موهوب‬

High-flier-adj. determined and ambitious Synonyms: fighter, doer ‫ناجح; طيار عالية‬
Hilarious-adj. extremely funny. Example: Do you Know John. He’s hilarious. Synonyms:
funny, playful ‫مزاح‬

Hopeful-adj. believing that something will happen the way you want it to Examples:

We resumed negotiations but we’re not very hopeful. In spite of our differences, we
are hopeful that a solution can be found. ‫متفائل‬

Humble-adj. not proud and not thinking that you are better than other people.

Examples: He was a genuinely humble man. A humble apology. Synonyms:
humble, modest. ‫متواضع‬
Imaginative-adj. having or showing new exciting ideas. Example: You need to be
more imaginative to hold their attention ‫واسع الخيال‬

Independent-adj.not dependant on anybody. Example: He never asks for help.

He’s so independent. ‫مستقل‬

Industrious-adj. working hard: busy Example: an industrious student Synonym:

hard-working ‫كادح‬

Influential-adj. having a lot of influence on sb. Example: she is one of the most
influential person in local politics. ‫مؤثر‬

Jolly-adj. happy and cheerful. Example: He is in a jolly mood. ‫المرح‬
Just-adj. that most people consider to be morally fair and reasonable Example: I think
it was a just decision ‫مجرد‬

Keen-adj. quick to understand. Example: keen intellect, keen mind. Synonym: sharp;
acute ‫متحمس‬

Kind-hearted/kind-adj. kind and generous ‫طيب القلب‬

Knowledgeable-adj. knowing a lot. Her lawyer seems very knowledgeable and
experienced. ‫المعرفة‬
Laid-back-adj. calm and relaxed; seeming not to worry about anything.
Example:He loved laid-back Carebean lifestyle. He was laid back about it all. Synonym:
easy-going ‫هدوء; استرخاء‬

Loyal-adj. remaining faithful to sb. and supporting them. Example: the staff were
intensely loyal and hard-working. ‫مخلص‬

Lively-adj. full of live and energy; active and enthusiastic. Example: Her lively
personality will be greatly missed. Synonyms: animated; vivacious ‫حي‬

Lucky-adj. having luck. Synonym: fortunate. Example: He’s so lucky. He’s won a
lottery. ‫الحظ‬ ‫سعيد‬

Mature-adj. behaving in a sensible way, like an adult. Example: She tries to look
mature and serious. opposite: immature ‫طالب ناضج‬

Memorable-adj. special, good or unusual, therefore easy to remember. Example:

Her novels are full of memorable characters. Synonym: unforgettable ‫بارز‬

Moderate-adj. staying within limits that are considered reasonable by most people.
Example: He’s a moderate drinker; ‫معتدل‬

Modest-adj. (approving) not talking much about your own abilities or possessions.
Example: She is very modest about her success. Opposite: immodest ‫متواضع‬
Neat-adj. looking tidy or doing things in a tidy way. Example: He had a neat,
methodical mind. ‫أنيق‬

Nimble-adj. able to think and understand quickly; able to move quickly and easily.
Example: You need nimble fingers for that job. He shows promise of a good footballer
because she’s so nimble. ‫رشيق‬

Noble-adj. having fine personal qualities that people admire such as courage,
honesty and care for others. Example: a noble leader ‫النبيل‬

Open-minded-adj. willing to listen to, think about and accept different ideas.
Example: I encourage the children to be open-minded about new ideas and
experiences. Opposite: narrow-minded ‫منفتح‬

Observant-adj. good at noticing things around you. Example: Observant walkers

may see a deer along the road. Synonym: sharp eyed ‫يقظ‬

Outgoing-adj. liking to meet other people, enjoying their company and being
friendly towards them. Example: She’s cheerful and out-going. Synonym: sociable


Original- adj. ‫أصلي‬

Organized- adj. ‫منظم‬
Quick-witted-adj. able to think quickly, intelligent ‫سريعه ; ذكي‬
Quiet-adj. opposite noisy ‫هادئ‬

Patient –adj. able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behavior and difficulties
without getting angry. Example: You’ll have to be patient and wait. She is very patient
with young children. ‫صبور‬
Peaceful-adj.quiet nd calm. Not worried or disturbed in any way. Example: peaceful
atmosphere. ‫امن‬

Persistent –adj. continuing to do something in a determined way. Examples:

Persistent rain; Although she told him she knew nothing, he was very persistent. She
can be very persistent when she wants something. ‫مستمر‬
Plucky –adj. (Informal) Having a lot of courage and determination especially when success
is unlikely. Example: a plucky boy. Synonym: courageous, daring. ‫مقدام‬

Rebellious-unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behavior. Example: He
always protest against the rules, he’s so rebellious. ‫انفصام شخصيه‬

Resourceful-good at finding ways of doing things and solving problems. Example: I’m
sure he’ll find a way out as he’s resourceful. ‫واسع الحيلة‬

Resolute-having or showing great determination. Example: He knows what he wants and

what to do. I’ve hardly ever met such a resolute guy. ‫حازم‬

Reliable-sb who can be trusted. Example: I don’t think that the person you’ve met once
can be reliable. ‫موثوق‬
Sensible-adj. able to make good judgment, practical. Example: She
never wastes money. She’s sensible. ‫معقول‬

Shrewd-adj.showing good judgment and likely to be right. Example:

He’s a shrewd politician. ‫داهية‬

Sympathetic –adj. showing that you understand and care about

other’s problems. Example: She’s such a sympathetic listener. ‫ودي‬

Thoughtful-adj. showing that you think about and care for others syn.
Considerate Example: It was thoughtful of you to call me. ‫وقور‬

Timid-adj. shy and nervous. Not brave. Example: She couldn’t dare ask the
question because of being so timid. ‫خجول‬

Tolerant-adj. able to accept what other people think even if you don’t
agree. Example: Don’t judge people so strictly. You must be more tolerant. ‫متسامح‬
Understanding- adj. able to understand. Example: I appreciate that you’re so
understanding of my problems. ‫فهم‬

Unique-adj. being the only one of its kind . Example: She has a unique sense of humour.


V/W to do many different things. Example:She is good at sport as
well as academic subjects. She’s one of the most versatile person I know. ‫متعدد الجوانب‬
‫واالستعماالت‬ to say or write clever amusing things. Example: The party is

good fun when she’s around because she’s so witty. ‫بارع‬

Willing-adj. ready or pleased to help; doing things in an enthusiastic

way. Example: He’s a willing and enthusiastic student. ‫راغب‬

Workaholic-adj.a person who works very hard and finds it difficult to

stop working and do other things. Example:You must slow down. If you
continue to be so workaholic you’ll burn out. ‫مخلص لعمله‬

Zealous- adj. showing great energy and enthusiasm for something. Especially
because you feel strongly about it. Example: a zealous reformer ‫متحمس‬

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