Fritz 1970

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R. J.

FRITZ The Effects of an Annular Fluid on the

Consulting Engineer,
G e n e r a l Electric Company,
Schenectady, N. Y. M e m . ASME Vibrations of a Long Rotorf Part 1—Theory
Analysis and tests were made to investigate the hydrodynamic mass and damping ef-
fects of a liquid in a thin annidus surrounding a vibrating rotor. The analytical re-
sults are described in this report and the test residts in Part 2. The analysis determines
the fluid forces for the general case of a vibrating rotor. Vibrational amplitudes and
the limits of dynamic stability are then determined for a constant-speed rotor excited by
unbalance. Fluid flow was assumed incompressible and tangential and to be in the
Taylor vortex regime or in the turbulent regime. The Taylor vortex con-
sidered a natural convection process residting from centrifugal force gradients, while
the turbulent regime is a forced convection process. As a residt, annular flow around
a rotor is considered cm inherent combination of forced and natural convection. Fluid
damping is estimated for each process separately and for the case where the vortex and
turbulent process are predicted to occur simultaneously.

Introduction frequency of vibration. To the author's knowledge, the hydro-

dynamic mass due to a fluid annul us surrounding a rotating
k COMMON type of rotor vibration is caused by un- cylinder is not known.
balance forces. The resulting vibration is called synchronous From an industrial viewpoint, it is not only of interest to be
whirl since it has t h e same frequency as the rotational speed. able to predict the hydrodynamic mass so as to evaluate critical
Large vibrations normally occur at a critical speed or natural speeds of rotors which must operate in fluids, but it is also valu-
frequency of a rotor, which is determined by the rotor flexibility able to have some estimate of the severity of vibrations at t h e
and mass. I t is known [1, 2 ] 1 that when a cylinder vibrates in critical speed. The vibrational severity depends on the damping
translation in a fluid with small damping, the fluid can cause an of the system.
added or hydrodynamic mass that will tend to lower the natural The basic objective of this investigation was to provide data on
the hydrodynamic mass of a liquid armulus surrounding a rotating
Numbers in brackets denote References at end of paper. cylinder. A secondary objective was to provide data on fluid
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division and presented damping. Test measurements were made of rotor vibrational
at the Fluids Engineering, Heat Transfer, and Lubrication Confer- amplitudes at various rotor speeds from zero speed to a speed in
ence, Detroit, Mich., May 24-27, 1970, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received at ASME Head- excess of the critical speed as the rotor vibrated due to unbalance.
quarters, February 24, 1970. Paper No. 70-FE-30. Axial flow in the fluid annulus surrounding the rotor was re-

a = exponent used in equation coordinates, in line and in Constantinescu [8], N g
(17) quadrature with minimum and P a n [9], and Robert-
C = average annulus thickness, ft film, lb son [5]
ft, Ci = defined following equation FT damping parameter defined h friction factor for laminar
(43) by equations (15) and (16) flow in annulus
e = location of rotor center of for turbulent flow, s e c - 1 Darcy friction factor for tur-
F F fluid forces on rotor in car- bulent pipe flow
mass, measured from rotor
geometric center, ft
tesian coordinates, lb h friction factor for turbulent
Fy damping parameter defined flow in annulus
F = damping parameter taken as friction factor for vortex flow
by equations (9) and (10) fv
Fv or FT, depending on for vortex flow, s e c - 1 in annulus
flow regime, s e c - 1 acceleration due to gravity,
/= friction factor defined by
Fu = centrifugal force acting on equation (3) ft/sec 2
rotor, lb fo, /NP, / B annulus friction factors for local annulus or channel
Fo, FQ = fluid forces on rotor in polar turbulent flow taken from {Continued on next page)

Journal of Basic Engineering DECEMBER 1970 / 923

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stricted by end seals. To design the experiment and correlate which are associated with thin boundary layers. These shear
the results, an anatysis was made of the fluid forces acting on the stresses will be correlated by means of friction factors which are
rotor-neglecting axial flow. Inertial and frictional effects were considered to be characteristic of the surface film or thin bound-
included. The limit of stability for synchronous whirl was pre- ary layer.
dicted. The tests were performed for conditions predicted to give The continuity and conservation of momentum equations may
stable, synchronous vibrations. The fluid flow was considered to then be written
be tangential, incompressible, and either in the vortex or the tur- continuity:
bulent regime. dh 1_ bhu
Part 1 presents the analysis, while the test results are presented 0 (1)
dt R W
in Part 2.
The present investigation is intended to contribute information momentum:
of direct use for some industrial applications using induction 1_ dp Tl du u du \
motor rotors that must operate in a liquid medium. In these ap- + P dt R d^7
plications, the liquid annulus radius-to-clearance ratio may be of
the same order of size as those which were tested. The investi- A diagram of the flow geometry is shown in Fig. 1. The follow-
gation should also be of interest in journal bearing applications ing analysis will (a) relate fluid friction to the frictional shear
for large Taylor numbers (vortex flow) and for large Reynolds stresses Ti, Ti, (b) solve equations (1) and (2) for pressure and inte-
numbers (turbulent flow) which might occur in applications in- grate the pressure to obtain the hydrodynamic force on a vibrat-
volving oil at large linear velocities or in water or liquid metals ing rotor, (c) solve for the vibrational amplitude of a flexibility
lubricants where the viscosity is low. Normally, a practical ap- supported rotor excited by unbalance forces and surrounded by a
plication would allow not only tangential fluid flow but also axial fluid annulus, and (cl) determine the conditions of stable vibra-
flow, which is restricted in this investigation. However, the in- tions.
vestigation of the case with restricted axial flow is considered a
reasonable way to develop basic technical information that is not
complicated by two-dimensional flow effects.
Fluid Friction
At very low rotor speeds, the Reynolds number is low and the
fluid velocity across the thickness of a thin annulus varies nearly
Analysis linearly from the rotor velocity to zero velocity at the outer
The analysis considers a fluid annulus of thickness h and aver- stator surface. This flow is called laminar Couette flow. At
age radius R surrounding a rotating cylinder. The length of the higher speeds, laminar Couette flow becomes unstable due to
annulus L is assumed much larger than R so that the fluid flow body-force gradients arising from centrifugal forces. The result-
is tangential. The annulus is considered to be thin, that is, h « ing flow is called vortex flow and was first predicted by Taylor
R. The fluid velocity is considered to be essentially uniform [61. In vortex flow a component of flow occurs in the form of
across the annulus thickness and to have the average value u, toroidal ring's or vortexes in the fluid annulus. Within the vor-
which is a function of polar angle ^ and time t. The assumption tex the flow may be laminar or vortex-laminar, or may be tur-
of an almost-uniform fluid velocity is commonly made in turbu- bulent or vortex-turbulent. According to Taylor, the criterion
lent fluid flow and has been observed to be reasonable for vortex for vortex flow to occur in a thin annulus is for the Taylor number
and turbulent flow in an annulus surrounding a rotating cylinder ArTa to exceed 41.3. The numerical value of 41.3 agrees with
(Taylor [3], Ustimenko [4], and Robertson [5]). The fluid Taylor's theory for thicker annuli within 5 percent for C/R <
damping is considered to be determined by surface shear stresses 0.16.

thickness, a function of ^ based on yth-power veloc- 0= coefficient of volumetric ex-
and I, ft ity distribution pansion, deg F _ I
K = spring constant for flexible V = hydrodynamic pressure, a y = fluid weight density, lb/ft 3
rotor, lb/ft function of ^ and t, lb/ft 2 8 = eC = deflection of rotor
K\, Ki = defined following equation R = average annulus radius, ft center, ft
(43) r = distance of rotor mass cen- AT = temperature difference, deg
L — annulus length, ft ter from center of station- F
M = rotor mass, lb-sec 2 /ft ary cylinder, ft e= OC^f, t) = angular coordinate
m = defined following equation t = time, sec relative to the minimum
(43) u = average fluid velocity in a film location
n — hydrodynamic mass param- thin channel or annulus, V = kinematic viscosity, ft 2 /sec
eter defined by equation ft/sec p = fluid mass density, lb-sec 2 /ft 4
(28). I t turns out mH is V = velocity component due to Ti, T2 = fluid-wall shear stresses,
equal to the hydrody- rotor eccentricity, ft/sec lb/ft 2
namic mass for translatory
vc = absolute value of the differ- TW = fluid-wall shear stress, lb/ft 2
vibration, lb-sec 2 /ft ence between a wall veloc- 4> = (j>(t) — angular coordinate
A a. = Grashof number ity and the channel center relative to minimum film
Npr = Prandtl number velocity, ft/sec location
A^RO = Rayleigh number x = cartesian coordinate of rotor ¥ = polar angle of annular loca-
Nno = QRC/v = Reynolds number center, ft tion, see Fig. 1
for rotary annular flow
V = cartesian coordinate of rotor Q = angular velocity, s e c - 1
iVTa = NRe\/c/R = Taylor num- center, ft ft„ = undamped critical speed in-
ber a = polar angle of center of mass cluding hydrodynamic
n = ratio of central fluid velochvy minus angle of the mini- mass, s e c - 1
to the half-channel aver- mum film, see Pig. 1 0) = critical angular speed in ab-
age velocity, which is 1.14 0= mH/4:M sence of the fluid, s e c - 1

924 / D E C E M B E R 1970 Transactions of the AS ME

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Even in the absence of centrifugal effects, laminar Couette tion (7) will be used in this analysis for vortex flow. The fact
flow can become unstable with the resulting flow resembling ordi- that Bjorklund and Kays used the inner-annular radius in their
nary pipe turbulence. Turbulence in a channel with Couette correlation is neglected with small error for thin annuli.
flow was observed by Taylor [3], Reichardt [7], Robertson [5], From equations (3) and (7), the wall shear stress is, for the
and others. From Taylor and Reichardt, the criterion for tur- concentric annulus,
bulent flow is for the Reynolds number Nne to exceed approxi-
mately 3000.
The usual way of analyzing fluid friction in bearings in the
T W = 0.76 iVRe- -
0 478
- pVo (8)

vortex-turbulent regime has apparently been to consider turbu-

For small rotor deflections, it is assumed that the Reynolds
lence alone and to relate fluid friction to an effective viscosity or
number in equation (8) is QRh/v. The shear stress difference at
eddy diffusivity, see Constantinescu [8], Ng and P a n [9], and
the two walls, to be used in equation (2), follows from equation
McElrod and Ng [10]. However, in this analysis, fluid friction
(5), (6), and (8)
will be related to a friction factor, a concept which is commonly
used in turbulent pipe flow. A friction factor is defined.

/ =
= FvP
©"" V (9)

where Vc is the fluid velocity difference between a wall and the
channel center. With vortex or turbulent flow and a concentric Fv = 1.52flw\-iV T „- 0 - 4 7 8 (10)
rotor, the velocity in the center of the annular channel is UR/2.
According to Taylor [3] and Ustimenko [4], the velocity is essen- which is intended for Nra > 60.
tially constant over 83-85 percent of the annulus. In a thin The above assumption that in equation (8) the Reynolds num-
layer near the rotor the velocity changes rapidly and becomes ber is QRh/v has not been justified. There appears to be no
equal to the rotor velocity QR at the rotor surface. Similarly at reliable experimental data from which to derive an applicable
the stator surface, the fluid velocity becomes zero. The velocity correlation. The assumption is based on the concept that the
difference between the surfaces and the channel center Vc as well driving force for momentum transfer and shear stress generation
as the average velocity u are both equal to QR/2. is the rotational velocity QR and that the eccentricity velocity
When the rotor is deflected, the continuity of volume flow component V is small compared to QR. (
demands t h a t the velocity distribution must differ from the con-
centric case. For the deflected rotor the average velocity is con-
sidered to be Fluid Friction—Turbulent Flow
u = QR/2 + V (4) A concept due to Prandtl is t h a t when a turbulent stream flows
past a surface or wall, the velocity distribution and the wall shear
where V will be related to deflection. The component V is con- stress are determined by the conditions local to the wall. Schlicht-
sidered to be associated with a velocity distribution across the ing [12] (chapters 20 and 21) shows data indicating that the
annulus thickness that is zero at each surface and essentially shear stress and velocity distribution correlations can be used
uniform near the channel center. The conventional yth-power for a flat plate or for round or flat channels. Schlichting con-
law distribution is assumed to describe this distribution, so that sidered smooth surfaces and used the Blasius shear stress correla-
the center velocity associated with the component V is slightly tion and the yth-power law of velocity distribution. I t is well-
higher than the average value V. The center velocity is assumed known (see references [9] and [10]) that the Prandtl concept
to be nV where n is a constant and is equal to 1.14 for the yth- can also be used for turbulent journal bearing flow.
power velocity distribution. For the deflected rotor, the velocity
The friction factor correlation for this investigation will be
differences which relate to equation (3) are
based on data from Nikuradse (see Schlichting [12], p. 521).
Vci = fifl/2 + nV (5) The Nikuradse data are correlated using a Darcy friction factor
fo, such that (Schlichting [12], p. 503)
Vc2 = QR/2 - nV (6)
where Vci is the difference between the velocity of the channel Tw g/oP« 2 (11)
center and the stator surface, and Vci is the difference between the
velocity of the rotor surface and the channel center. The com- where u is the channel average velocity. In the present case, n is
ponent V is considered positive in the direction of rotation. the ratio of the channel center velocity to the half-channel aver-
age. Equation (11) can therefore be written as

Fluid Friction—Vortex Flow -f» V 2 (12)
8 »2
D a t a on friction factors for vortex flow around concentric
cylinders have been correlated by Bjorklund and K a y s [11]. Comparing equations (3) and (12), and letting / = fT for a
These data extended to NTO. = 8000. D a t a presented in the dis- turbulent condition,
cussion of reference [11] by H. J. Sneck and G. R. Fox extend
the range of applicability to JVT» = 20,000. The resulting corre- (13)
lation for the friction factor (defined by equation (3)) is h= 4n 2
w h e r e / r is the turbulent friction factor to be used in equation (3)

i-m (7)

where fv is the friction factor for vortex flow; the friction factor
and /o is the Darcy friction factor based on turbulent pipe flow.
With n = 1.14 based on the yth-power law, then from equation
for laminar flow fL is equal to 8/iV~Ee. The range of data of the fT = 0.192 /„ (14)
correlation is for 60 < Nic < 20,000; 0.028 < C/R < 0.13. The
data included approximately 150 points. Approximately 99 The pipe friction factor f0 is usually correlated versus a Reyn-
percent of these data points were within ± 2 0 percent of the above olds number based on the average velocity, whereas the N-R0
friction factor correlation. The correlation represented by equa- used in this analysis is based on central velocity. Therefore,

Journal of Basic Engineering DECEMBER 1970 / 925

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Table 1 Comparison of turbulent friction factors fr, equation (14); e « 1. Due to the latter condition, {C/h)a in equation (17) is
fn, fc, fNP from references [5], [8], and [9]
taken as unity. The solution for the pressure distribution is out-
Nile ST /B fa /NP lined below, bh/dt is obtained from equations (18) and (19) and
substituted into (1). The result is integrated to obtain
4000 0.0079 0.0078 0.0079 0.0080
10,000 0.0063 0.0063 0.0056 0.0061
20,000 0.0053 0.0053 0.0043 0.0053 u = — (1 + e cos 8) + Re sin 8 - Re^> cos 8 (20)
80,000 0.0037 0.004 0.0025 0.0038
From equations (6) and (20)
the equivalent pipe-Reynolds number is 0.88 Niu, where l/n =
0.88 = the ratio of average velocity to center velocity, assuming V = — e cos 8 + Re sin 8 - Re<j> cos 8 (21)
the yth-power law.
Table 1 shows a comparison between friction factors obtained In obtaining equation (20) and in the following, equation (19)
from several sources: fT is from equation (14), where fa is from was used to obtain
the Blasius correlation for smooth pipe (see Schlichting [12], p.
503); fn is based on experimental data compiled by Robertson 5^ = i>8 (with dt = 0) (22)
[5]; / c is from Constantinescu [8]; / N P is from Ng and Pan [9].
The value of fT is in essential agreement with the test data of Equations (20), (21), and (22) were substituted into (17) to ob-
Robertson and the results of Ng and Pan. The predictions of tain
Constantinescu appear to be somewhat off at the higher Reynolds
numbers. \ ^ = cos 8 (-QRi + 2Recj) + Re$ - — eF + Re(j>F)
pa dp \ 2 /
The common approaches [8], [9], [10] to turbulent bearing
friction analysis utilize universal correlations which usually apply
+ sin 8 ( - — ecj> - R'i + B e 0 z
to smooth surfaces. However, bearing surfaces may be me-
chanically smooth but hydraulically rough; t h a t is, the correct
value of the friction factor/o to use in equation (14) should reflect fi2 0 . \
the effect of hydraulic roughness, which is most easily available -I Re - - Re<f> - ReF 1 (23)
in friction factor correlations such as by Nikuradse (see Schlicht-
ing [12], p. 521), Moody [13], or Idel'chik [14]. In this investi- The fluid forces whose directions are shown in Fig. 1 are evalu-
gation, the friction factors will be taken from Nikuradse, based on ated from
roughness information given by Idel'chik [14].
The shear stress difference at the two walls to be used in
equation (2) follows from equations (3), (5), (6) w i t h / = fT f
LRp cos 8 dd (24)

© (15)
f LRp sin 8 dd (25)

where From equations (23), (24),Joand (25) the fluid forces are

Fr (16) -Ft, = mHC e - 60 2 + Qe4> - — e + FE (26)
In arriving at equation (16), fT was considered constant and
-F, e$ + 2e4> - fle - - eF + Fe<j> (27)
obtainable from the Darcy friction factor/o as shown by equation
(14). Equation (16) is intended to apply for iYiie > 3000.
irpRsL/C (28)
Analysis of Fluid Forces
Substituting equations (9) and (15) into equation (2) results in

- 'I )'

FV + P + (17)
R b¥ V R M

where a is 1.0 or 1.217, depending on whether F = FT or Fv. F

is considered to be independent of t and S?.
The cylindrical rotor is assumed deflected from its concentric
position as shown in Fig. 1. For small deflections

h = C(l - e cos 8) (18)


V = 8(V, t) + 4>(t) (19)

where the rotor center is deflected a distance 8 = Ce from the

stator center B. The angular location of the minimum film
thickness is <f>, a function of time t. \P' is the angular coordinate
of any annular position and is an independent variable. 8 is
defined by equation (19) and shown in Fig. 1. 8 is the angular
location of position measured from the minimum position and is
Fig. ! Long rotating cylinder surrounded by fluid annulus; B, S = centers
a function of ty and t. of stationary and rotating cylinders, respectively; G = center of mass of
The analysis is based on the assumptions t h a t C/R <K 1 and rotating cylinder; GS = e ; BG = r; BS = 8

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Equations (26) and (27) give the fluid forces F„ in line with the The law of cosines applied to Fig. 1 is
minimum annulus thickness and FQ in quadrature with the mini-
ei — j.s _(_ gi _ 2r5 cos a (35)
mum annulus thickness, as shown in Fig. 1. The deflection of
the rotor center is 8 = eC at an angle cf>- Equations (26) and The value of r cos a from equation (33) is substituted into (35),
(27) give the fluid forces in a polar coordinate system. and (33) and (34) are both squared and added to give a value of
By substituting x = 8 cos (j> and y — 8 sin (j>, the fluid forces r 2 to substitute into (35). Upon simplifying, the result is
can be referred to cartesian coordinates x and y, fixed in the labo-
ratory system. The resulting equations are

F* = -mH
[x + Fx-
fi2 Si \
—x + Qy + F - y \ (29) V°+»(2-)'+(f)'
/ fi2 SI \
Fv cos a = -m„ i y + F y - — y - Six - F - x J (30) K
At this point, it is of interest to use two available checks of this 1+ 0 M

derivation. One check is provided by comparing with Stokes' 4

results [1]. Stokes' conditions were for Motionless flow (F = 0)
Also, dividing equation (34) by (33) provides a relation for the
and translatory motion (SI = 0). Putting these conditions in
angle a (shown in Fig. 1)
equations (28) and (29) results in Fx = —mHx and Fv = — mHy.
These results are in agreement with Stokes since mH given by 2/3F
equation (28) is the value of the hydrodynamic mass found by a = arc tan (38)
The other check is provided by the known fact (see Gross [15],
p. 337) t h a t the hydrodynamic pressure and force will vanish if In the absence of fluid damping (F = 0), the deflection ap-
the rotating cylinder is whirling at one-half the rotational speed proaches infinity if the rotation SI = Si0 where S2a is defined in
and at constant amplitude. Thus, it is assumed that the angular equation (37). Therefore, the speed Slo is the undamped critical
whirl rate is 0 = Sl/2 and i = e = 0. Substitution of these con- speed. In the presence of friction, the amplification at the un-
ditions into equations (26) and (27) shows that FQ = FQ = 0, con- damped critical speed is (from equation (36), with SI — Slo)
sistent with the fact.
Rotational Vibrations of a Long Rotor It is recalled that F = Fv, equation (10), in vortex flow, or F =
Which is Flexibly Supported FT, equation (16), if the flow is turbulent. Since Fv and FT
Having derived the hydrodynamic force equations, the problem depend upon the rotor speed, F is a function of the rotational
is now considered of the steady vibrations of a constant-speed speed SI. The true maximum value of S/e can be obtained by
rotor excited by unbalance forces. The rotor is flexibly supported considering 8/e as a function of SI, given by equation (36), and
and is surrounded by a long (L/R ^> 1), thin (C/R <SC 1) fluid solving for the maximum value of this function. The speed at
annulus. The rotor is shown in Fig. 1. which the maximum value of 8/e occurs may be called the damped
The balance of forces along BS, which is the line of minimum critical speed.
annulus thickness h as shown in Fig. 1, is written The reader may be interested to compare the previous equa-
tions with those of Den Hartog [16], p. 226. The basic difference
FM cos a = K8 - F0 (3D is the inclusion of the fluid forces in the present analysis. In the
absence of the fluid (/3 = 0), equation (36) reduces to the same
The balance of forces at right angles to BS is
expression shown by Den Hartog for the deflection of an unbal-
FM sin a = —FQ (32) anced rotor.

FM = MSl2r = the centrifugal force acting at 0, the center Analysis of Stability
of mass of the rotor, and in the direction BG. Equation (36) is a solution for the deflection of the rotor ex-
K8 — a spring force due to rotor deflection 8 cited by unbalance forces. However, it may not be the only solu-
F0 = ?»HQ2(5/4 = the hydrodynamic force from equation (26) tion. Even with zero unbalance the system could be unstable,
FQ = — mHFSlS/2 = the hydrodynamic force from equation and the above solution may not be a physically realizable case.
(27) The conditions for stability were determined by assuming no
unbalance excitation and mathematically perturbing the system.
The hydrodynamic forces F0 and FQ are based on the conditions
Stable solutions occur if the perturbations die away with time.
for steady (e = e = <p = 0), synchronous (</> = SI) vibrations of
Without unbalance, the dynamic equations for the flexibly
constant amplitude 8 = eC.
suspended rotor are
Substituting the above values into equations (31) and (32) and
dividing by MSP gives Mx + Kx = Fx (40)

My + Ky = Fy (41)
° s a = (Si - p)8 (33)
Substituting the fluid force components Fx and Fy from equa-
2f]F tions (29) and (30) into (40) and (41) results in
r sin a — —— o (34)
mx + dx + Kix + Ciy + K,y = 0 (42)
my + Ciy + Kiy - dx - K2x = 0 (43)
P = mH/4M
co = 'VK/M = the critical speed of the rotor in the absence of
hydrodynamic forces m = M + mH Ci = mHF

Journal of Basic Engineering DECEMBER 1970 / 927

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Ci = m„Q K2 = mHFV./2 With tangential flow in an annulus, there is a component of
pressure gradient across the thickness of the annulus in the
A, = K - m„a74
radial direction due to centrifugal force and given by
The system was perturbed such that x = Xt,ext, y = yi>ext.
Substitution into equations (42) and (43) resulted in 1 dp
WR (50)
2 P dy
(mX + C,X + K^xv + (C2X + K2)y0 = 0 (44)
For the case of a horizontal fluid layer there is a component of
-(C 2 X + if2)x„ + (mX2 + C,X + KOy. = 0 (45)
pressure gradient across the thickness of the layer due to the ef-
Physically, the dynamic system could be given a set of initial fect of temperature on gravity load. This is given by
displacements x„ and j/o. To allow non-zero solutions for Xt>, j/o
the determinant from equations (44) and (45) must be zero, that 1 dp
= PATg (51)
is P <>V
(mX2 + CiX + KiY + (C2X + IUY = 0 (46)
Vortex flow involves a circulating flow in the channel that con-
The system is stable if these perturbed displacements will decay tributes to heat and momentum transport. In order to maintain
with time, that is, for all the roots X of equation (46) to have similarity between the heat and momentum transport processes,
negative real parts. This condition is easily checked using the the usual argument (see reference [20], p. 202-203) leads to a
Routh-Hurwitz criteria (see [17], p. 16-6). Since the application requirement t h a t Ap r = 1. With Arpr = 1 and using equations
of the Routh-Hurwitz criteria turned out to be strictly algebraic (48), (49), (50), and (51) results in
manipulation, the details are not shown here. As a consequence,
several mathematical relations resulted. However, all conditions AT„2 = 1709
were satisfied for stability if the masses M and mH, the damping
factor F, and the spring constant are positive, and if the speed 0 is
less than twice the critical speed in a vacuum, that is Ara = 41.3 (52)

Q< 2\/li/M (47) This is equal to the value of AT,, found by Taylor [3], above
which vortex motion occurs in a fluid annulus surround-
The result is consistent with generally accepted observations.
ing a rotating cylinder. The present author reported in [21]
Newkirk [18] reported that, based on test data, a flexible rotor
that friction factors for vortex flow could be estimated from
became unstable and whirled at its first critical frequency
natural convection heat transfer data for a horizontal layer by
when the shaft speed was greater than twice the critical speed.
replacing the Nusselt number, which is ratio of the nonlaminar
The present analysis is novel in t h a t nonlaminar damping and
heat transfer conductance to the laminar conductance, by fvJfL,
inertial effects are included.
the ratio of the vortex friction factor to the laminar friction factor,
While the mathematical analysis does not indicate the physical and the Rayleigh number is replaced by AVa2. This results in a
nature of the predicted instability, it would be expected from ex- form of Reynolds analogy which appears to work for this case.
perience, such as the tests by Newkirk [18], that the instability Leont'ev [22] also utilizes the concept of replacing thermal con-
would be in the form of large amplitude vibrations at approxi- vective body forces by centrifugal forces to evaluate transport
mately one-half of rotational frequency, or a so-called half- phenomena in an annulus around a rotor.
frequency whirl, occurring at speeds above twice the critical
The main point to be made is that Taylor vortex flow involves
speed, where the critical speed is determined in the absence of
a process that is conceptually similar to the thermal natural
hydrodynamic effects.
convection process. Valuable information on Taylor vortex
flow appears to be available by comparison with thermal convec-
tion. In addition to the similarity that exists with respect to
Discussion of Results predicting the onset of vortex flow in an annulus and the friction
The preceding results considered fluid damping to be described factors in such an annulus, as noted above, a comparison of
by a parameter F, where F = Fv (given by equation (10) for thermal and centrifugal convection should be capable of yielding
vortex flow, NT* > 60) and F = FT (given by equation (16) for data on the lowest Taylor number at which vortex-laminar flow
turbulent flow, A"Re > 3000). There will be cases in practice and changes to vortex-turbulent flow, as noted in [21], In addition,
in the present experimental investigation where both NT* > 60 friction factors for vortex flow in the thrust bearing should also be
and Nxe > 3000. We will now discuss which correlation should retrievable from heat transfer data.
be used in such a case. Whereas vortex flow depends on the convective effects of cen-
In a fluid annulus surrounding a rotating cylinder and with a trifugal forces, turbulent flow can be induced in the absence of
stationary outer boundary, there is a variation of centrifugal rotation [5, 7]. This type of turbulent flow is usually ascribed
body forces across the annulus. It has already been noted that to forced convection. As a result, the annular flow around a
this distribution of centrifugal body forces causes a vortex flow rotating cylinder is an inherent combination of forced and natural
above a critical value of Taylor's number. This phenomenon is convection.
similar to the vortex flow occurring as a consequence of thermal In heat transfer technology, it is a common practice (see [20],
convection in a thin horizontal layer heated from below. This p. 331) to calculate the transport rates for both the natural and
similarity was first noted by G. I. Taylor and A. R. Low (see forced convection phenomena and to use the larger value. T h a t
Jeffreys [19]). The similarity may be seen in the following way. practice will be employed in this investigation. Specifically, if
The thermal convection process can be correlated using the Ray- ATa > 60 and Nn„ > 3000, the values of Fv and FT are both cal-
leigh number. Jeffreys found that the critical value of the culated from equations (10) and (16), respectively. The larger
Rayleigh number for vortex formation is of the two is used.
Since the friction factor correlation used in this paper is con-
iViu = NaNrr = 1709 (48) sistent with the correlation of data by Bjorklund and Kays [11]
where N-R* = Raleigh number, Nar = Grashof number, A pr r for vortex flow and consistent with Robertson's data [5] where
Prandtl number. The Grashof number is centrifugal forces are negligible, then using the largest frictional
effect is automatically reasonable and consistent with experience
C3g(3AT where either effect is dominant. Fig. 2 shows available friction
No: = (49)
factor d a t a for the range of the tests of this investigation. Fric-

928 / DECEMBER 1 970 Transactions of the AS ME

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Fluid friction was correlated by use of a friction factor defined
by equation (3). A friction factor correlation was taken from
Bjorklund and Kays [11] for vortex flow. For turbulent flow,
the friction factor was related to the Darcy friction factor used
in pipe flow, thereby furnishing a measure of friction not only as a
function of Reynolds number b u t also as a function of hydraulic
roughness, using available correlations, such as from Moody [13]
or Nikuradse [14]. Vortex flow was considered to occur as a
result of natural convection due to centrifugal fluid forces.
Turbulent flow was considered a forced convection process due
to the net through-flow in the annular channel. The resulting
annular flow was thus considered to be an inherent combination
of natural and forced convection. For conditions under which
both vortex and turbulent flow are expected to occur, the friction
factor correlation leading to the greater damping is proposed for
In Part 2 a test program will be described. The analytical re-
sults will be compared to these test results.

1 Stokes, G. G., "On Some Cases of Fluid Motion," Proceedings
Ca7nbridge Philosophical Society, Vol. 8, May 1843, pp. 105-137.
2 Fritz, R. J., and Kiss, E., The Vibration Response of a Canti-
levered Cylinder Surrounded by an Annular Fluid, KAPL-M-6539,
Feb. 24, 1966; 27 p.; available from Clearinghouse for Federal
Scientific and Technical Information, U. S. Department of Com-
merce, Springfield, Va.
3 Taylor, G. I., "Fluid Friction Between Rotating Cylinders,"
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A, 157, London, 1936, pp.
4 TJstimenko, B. P., and Zmerkov, V. N., "Hydrodynamics of
Flow in an Annular Channel With an Inner Rotating Cylinder,"
High Temperature, Academy of Sciences USSR, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan.-
Feb. 1964.
5 Robertson, J. M., "On Turbulent Plane-Couette Flow,"
Sixth Midwestern Conference on Fluid Mechanics, 1959.
6 Taylor, G. I., "Stability of a Viscous Liquid Contained Between
Fig. 2 Nonlaminar friction factors f divided by laminar friction factor f t Two Rotating Cylinders," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
as a function of N T A ; test data from Taylor [3] Society, Series A, 223, 1923, pp. 289-343.
7 Reichardt, H., ZAMM 36 Sonderhefi (special issue), 1956, pp.
26-29 (see also Schlichting [6], p. 492).
8 Constantinescu, V., "On Turbulent Lubrication," Proceedings
tion factor normalized to the laminar value is shown as a function Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 173, No. 38, 1959, pp. 881-
of the Taylor number Nia- T h e correlation used in this paper is 896.
also shown. Near the transition between vortex and turbulent 9 Ng, C. W., and Pan, C , "A Linearized Turbulent Lubrication
flow (near the break in the slope of the correlation) the friction
D, Vol. 87, 1965, pp. 675-682.
factors from test appear higher than the correlation. I t is not 10 McElrod, H., Jr., and Ng, C , "A Theory for Turbulent Fluid
unexpected that this should occur. However, this agreement be- Films and Its Application to Bearings," ASME Paper 66-Lub-12.
tween test and correlation is considered very satisfactory. 11 Bjorklund, I. S., and Kays, W. M., "Heat Transfer Between
Concentric Rotating Cylinders" Journal of Heat Transfer, Trans.
ASME, August, 1959, pp. 175-186.
12 Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill,
Conclusions 1960.
13 Moody, L. F., "Friction Factors for Pipe Flow," TRANS.
The forces on a long vibrating rotor due to a thin fluid annul us ASME, Nov. 1944, pp. 671-684.
have been determined for an incompressible fluid. These forces 14 Idel'cmk, I. E., Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance (translated
are given by equations (26) and (27) in polar coordinates and from Russian), AEC-tr-6630, U. S. Department of Commerce.
(29) and (30) for cartesian coordinates. 15 Gross, W. A., Gas Film Lubrication, Wiley, 1962.
16 Den Hartog, J. P., Mechanical Vibrations, 4th ed., McGraw-
These equations were used to investigate the synchronous vi- Hill, 1956.
brations of a flexibly supported constant-speed rotor excited by 17 Korn, G. A., and Korn, T. M., Mathematical Handbook for
unbalance forces. These vibrations are described by equations Scientists and Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 1961.
(36) and (37). The vibrational amplitude given by equation (36) 18 Newkirk, B. L., "Varieties of Shaft Disturbances Due to
Fluid Films in Journal Bearings," TRANS. ASME, July 1956, pp.
was predicted t o apply as long as this system was dynamically 985-988.
stable. T h e condition for dynamic stability was analytically de- 19 Jeffreys, H., "Some Cases of Instability in Fluid Motion,"
termined to be met if the rotor speed is less than twice the critical Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A, Vol. 118, London, April
speed, where this critical speed is determined in the absence of 1928, pp. 195-208.
20 Eckert, E. R. G., and Drake, R. M., Heat and Mass Transfer,
fluid forces. McGraw-Hill, 1959.
Equation (36) predicts that with little clamping, the critical 21 Fritz, R. J., Journal Bearing Analysis for Superlaminar Flow,
speed is lower than t h e critical speed in the absence of fluid KAPL-M-6530, Dec. 1965; availability, see [2].
forces. This result can be attributed t o a rotational hydro- 22 Leont'ev, A. I., and Kirdjashkin, A. G., "The Theory of the
Convective Heat Transfer for the Vortical Flow of Fluid," Proceed-
dynamic mass that is one-quarter of the hydrodynamic mass for ings of the Third International Heat Transfer Conference, August
translation determined by Stokes [1]. 1966, Vol. I ASME/AIChE.

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