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Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
What Is Six Sigma?
By iSixSigma-Editorial
Six Sigma � what does it mean?

�Six Sigma is a quality program that, when all is said and done, improves your
customer�s experience, lowers your costs, and builds better leaders. � Jack Welch

Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a measure of quality that strives for
near perfection. It can be called �Six Sigma,� or it may have a generic or
customized name for the organization like �Operational Excellence,� �Zero Defects,�
or �Customer Perfection.�

Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating

defects (driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest
specification limit) in any process � from manufacturing to transactional and from
product to service.


Watch the full �What is Lean Six Sigma� Video

The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process
is performing. To achieve Six Sigma � statistically � a process must not produce
more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. A Six Sigma defect is defined as
anything outside of customer specifications. A Six Sigma opportunity is then the
total quantity of chances for a defect. Process sigma can easily be calculated
using a Six Sigma calculator.

The fundamental objective of the Six Sigma methodology is the implementation of a

measurement-based strategy that focuses on process improvement and variation
reduction through the application of Six Sigma improvement projects. This is
accomplished through the use of two Six Sigma sub-methodologies: DMAIC and DMADV.

The Six Sigma DMAIC process (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) is an
improvement system for existing processes falling below specification and looking
for incremental improvement.

Handpicked Content: Using the Five W's and One H Approach to Six Sigma
The Six Sigma DMADV process (define, measure, analyze, design, verify) is an
improvement system used to develop new processes or products at Six Sigma quality
levels. It can also be employed if a current process requires more than just
incremental improvement.

Both Six Sigma processes are executed by Six Sigma Green Belts and Six Sigma Black
Belts, and are overseen by Six Sigma Master Black Belts.

According to the Six Sigma Academy, Black Belts save companies approximately
$230,000 per project and can complete four to six projects per year. (Given that
the average Black Belt salary is $80,000 in the United States, that is a fantastic
return on investment.)

General Electric, one of the most successful companies implementing Six Sigma, has
estimated benefits on the order of $10 billion during the first five years of
implementation. GE first began Six Sigma in 1995 after Motorola and Allied Signal
blazed the Six Sigma trail. Since then, thousands of companies around the world
have discovered the far reaching benefits of Six Sigma.

Many frameworks exist for implementing the Six Sigma methodology. Six Sigma
Consultants all over the world have developed proprietary methodologies for
implementing Six Sigma quality, based on the similar change management philosophies
and applications of tools.

Are You New to Lean Six Sigma? Read More �

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What Is DMAIC?
DMAIC refers to a data-driven quality strategy for improving processes, and is an
integral part of the company�s Six Sigma Quality Initiative. DMAIC is an acronym
for five interconnected phases: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.


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must make special efforts to ensure their deployment ends up a success.

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Comments 131

Good introduction into the basics of Six Sigma.

Definately worth a read.

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it is very useful article because six sigma become the way which all the combany
take this way to make money
thank you for your effort
best regards

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Thank you for giving me the meaning of this word �SIX SIGMA� cuz i hv faced so many
problems for this. Thanks once again

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It was great to known about six sigma defination from your link..

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Six Sigma is very good concept and this knowledge can help company to reduce the
tedious task while implementing any project.

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I feel every should know about Six Sigma is very important and this link explains
in simply words

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In the US it�s call �Six Sigma� in Japan it�s called Kaizen or 5 S. I have worked
with kaizen and the 5 S since 1993 and with all due repect, I will use these over
Six Sigma. (maybe that�s why I keep getting told I�m over qualified) Look at the
last sentence. This isn�t process is not taught/instilled with Six Sigma.

5S is the name of a workplace organization methodology that uses a list of five

Japanese words which are seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke.
Transliterated or translated into English, they all start with the letter �S�. The
list describes how items are stored and how the new order is maintained. The
decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue about standardization which
builds a clear understanding among employees of how work should be done. It also
instills ownership of the process in each employee.

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David Mundy
I worked under 6-sigma at AT&T. I found it to be an in-humane system that
SCRUTINIZES employees way more than what is reasonable. This system treats humans
like MACHINES. It puts a computer in command of the person as judge over every move
you make. This is like being MICROSCOPED from 50 different parameters� then the
boss starts hammering everyone for better efficiency, or accuracy or percent this
percent-that. In a highly technical job it is IMPOSSIBLE to attain all the
unreasonable goals they push for. It is a RECIPE for someone to go postal� was my
experience. I finally had to quit the $32.00 dollar/hr job and go somewhere else
that treats me like a human being� for $10.00 per hour! My family is really
suffering now. I lost my retirement plans and I am 55 years old! Computers should
not be judges of human productivity. Maybe AT&T implemented it wrong or something�
I just cant believe all the people commenting on this page sounding like six-sigma
is some kind of wonderful thing!!! what is wrong with you people?

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Troy Cole
The standard practice of turning numbers of efficiencies with the way the human
brain thinks is all in retraining our thought process and our view of what can be
humanly achievable, it can be shown to employees on a chalk board daily and that
process alone will increase productivity along with ownership from employees.

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David Mundy�s response (08 February 2011 02:50) stemming from his plight is
understandable and possibly something that all �scientific� management exponents
must take into account when using these techniques.

These tools should not become the means for removing people from the job but used
to see how human-machine-process interactions can be smoothened to achieve
objectives. Unfortunately it is not just the consultants but even short-sighted
managements, who are responsible for this mess.

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Jim Baker
I am a general proponent of efficiency in manufacturing cycles and the use of six
sigma techniques. However, in many industries I say a push for the use of six sigma
when the number of products produced is one or two. What on earth is the six sigma
on a sample of one? Using techniques to improve the production of an item is the
normal work of engineers of all disciplines. I would prefer that we all work
towards that goal without increasing compartmentalization of the work.

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Very nicely explained Six Sigma.

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I am a general proponent of efficiency in manufacturing cycles and the use of six
sigma techniques. However, in many industries I say a push for the use of six sigma
when the number of products produced is one or two.

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Andy Mottershead
Just started to Study Six Sigma for my MBA, thanks for all the tips and info on
this site�..

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Kevin Clay
Very well written and concise article. I especially like the paragraph about return
on investment from a black belt. I am going to point my Belt students towards this
page as a quick reference to the definition of Six Sigma. I look forward to reading
more articles.

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Hi all,

Six sigma is good to adopt in a manufacturing company only when each and every body
understands the concept including the higher management staffs. Must be willing to
collaborate and work as a team towards it.

Definitely there are benefits in doing it.

But must not replace people because of that.


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Joji Tom Mundakel

The article sounds good. The six sigma is to industry what probably OODA(Observe
Orient Decide Act) loop is to the military. The basic principles remain the same
most of the time. Its just the jargon that changes. People nowadays like to be
esoteric and throw high sounding jargon. I think the best thing is the KISS
principle(another jargon) Keep It Simple and Stupid. We somehow seem to be in a
continuous process of making life more complicated for ourselves.
The six sigma can generate more money for the company . But does that serve any
purpose to people in the company. And at what cost?

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Santhosh Kumar S
Helpful for a beginner as well as a veteran.

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Ben Ace
An Excellente point to improve production and focus on Management Operation based
on the objectives and goals for any company apply it?s rule and it company purpose:
the Six Sigma (define, measure, analyze, improve, control). Mr.Ben Ace-MBA. San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
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Dave on a Rave
Six Sigma is just a tool to be used to help a company produce higher quality
products or services at lower costs in order to be competitive. Like any tool, if
it is used without regard to the human aspects of the workplace, it can have an
overall detremental effect and will not likely be sustainable. I�ve seen it
executed well and also poorly. In regards to Mr. Munday�s post above, I would argue
that it was not Six Sigma nor was it �computers� that caused the problem, but
management that executed a program without fully understanding how to do so while
maintaining employee dignity, value and trust. That is indeed unfortunate for all

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Glenn Paul Limaco

this is what i needed to learn� i have been reading a lot about this and its a
field that is very much interesting that can make your brain think endless

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�So my mom can understand it� :-) I love it. Oh, and you delivered too. Excellent
and concise description of Lean Six Sigma.

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Feroz Inamdar
Good introduction into the basics of Six Sigma

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Dave McFarland
probably need a little QC on the Cyger Murrow interview � someone needs to check
Rick Murrow�s comments: near the 42 second mark: he says to make the customers more
competitive, it is to make the businesses more competitive.

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It seems some people really like sigmasix. But reading the negative comments on
this made me cringe. In the stone age I worked in aerospace info tech. Upon
occasion I worked on a quality improvements program. I have never heard of
sixsigma. But I know that people are not machines. The description calls it a
measure of quality that strives for near perfection.

My first thought was, �Humans cannot achieve near perfection easily. That sounds
stressful.� Then I wondered, �near perfection at what? Who is tasked with this near
perfecting? Who is measuring and ensuring things are nearly perfect?� Perfection is
an interesting concept. Is this perfection on a micro level? Or are there sweeping
standards of perfection for all?

Someone was talking about how hard it is to work in Info Tech under this system. I
believe it. The workflow in certain types of information technology may not be a
constant. Your role may be to produce like mad for a while, then hand off your
product to another group. Then you are stuck waiting for some other group to finish
their part before you get the project back in your lap again. In other words. It�s
not that you work every minute. It�s that you are a specialist who does quality
work when it is needed. And sometimes you try to look busy while waiting.

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Frazer Rendell
A good insight. It seems like this will be perfect in a manufacturing environment
where everything is controllable, such as make a bottle of coke. In a service
environment which is full of human interaction it might need something else which
encourages positive energy from the individual to achieve the best results.

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Theresa M. Mostasisa
This was helpful.

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This why companies in the west and East are doing great while Kenyan companies
still lag behind under traditional management processes.I tried to introduce 6
sigma somewhere but unfortunately my boss was semi illiterate and frustrated this
great idea from great minds.6 sigma is the way to go

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It replaces intelligence and decision making with mindless calculation.
Great if you have lots of lowly paid, not so bright people involved.
If you are struggling with overheads though, it requires you to do way more work
than you would with a well thought out targeted approach.

No-one would be doing it if the large USA customers weren�t forcing people into it.
They like it for use in developing companies where labour overheads are cheap, and
they don�t care if they put manufacturers out of business in other parts of the

I�m not saying don�t utilise mistake proof methods, but when its overdone like the
car companies want it gets crazy.
ie a dob of grease for lubrication.
Car company will want to apply a tolerance , so it becomes 5 grams �2. Then the
system capability has to be evaluated. Then the measurement system needs to be

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Very good article. We have got lot of inputs from this article. We are also
planning to do such methodologies in avoiding cost,defects and mistakes for our
company products. Well, this was a nice part in doing so..

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Vinod Bhardwaj
After you have exhausted with the improvements done using seven basic tools and
have a good maturity of control charts, you should go for six sigma approach. Over
80 percentage of problems can be solved by basic seven tools using PDCA approach.

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six sigma has flaws. No environmental or safety aspects are involved. It may provde
verification but it forgets to Validate after verfiication is complete. There are
many flaws and just another system someone decided to name six sigma and make huge
bucks. Business like steelmaking always provided a quality product years ago before
six sigma even presented itself. Everyone is looking for a buzz word process
instead of good old hard work determination and documentaeion within each process.
Where is the safety work process, the environmental process> all important in the
manufacturing process. What else bothers me is the term manufacturing. So does
assembly consider itself a manufacturing process or manufactruing facility? The
facility assembles it doesnt manufacture. its part of the process. Always bothered
me when companies think they are manufacturing when in fact they are
vent for the day.

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I don�t understand the reasoning behind so many comments that support this Six
Sigma.. It has an attractive name � and that�s all about it.. As many pointed out,
it is meaningless� Just a label for everything that is common sense.. Use your
brain guys. I believe common sense and right brains can replace such inhuman good
for nothing concepts like six sigma.. Enough is enough burning time and money for
practically no gain.. Get back to real work and throw all these junk out of the

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@Vinod Bhardwaj

Wrong. those tools cannot solve the problem� 80% ? please stop this 80-20 useless
philosophies� Probably you are working as a consultant or a so called �quality�
manager. Are you not guilty of wasting the company�s time and money in pushing your
useless propaganda ?

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gokul jeughale

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Kimmy Burgess
An extremely sensible, to the point explanation of the concept of Six Sigma to a
layman. This helps to introduce and explain the concept to him and lets him
understand what he can expect from Six Sigma. It would help a great deal if these
articles could be industry specific other than for manufacturing companies. The
common mis conception is that six sigma is applicable only to manufacturing

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Kimmy Burgess
It would help a great deal if these articles could be industry specific other than
for manufacturing companies. The common mis conception is that six sigma is
applicable only to manufacturing companies.

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Deepak Panda
The term ?Six Sigma? refers to the capability of processes to produce output within
specifications with high degree of precision. In particular, processes that operate
with six sigma quality produce at defect levels below 3.4 defects per million
opportunities (DPMO). Six Sigma ? inherent goal is to improve all processes to that
level of quality or better.

Six Sigma is a set of tools used for making business decisions originally developed
by Motorola to systematically improve processes by eliminating defects. A defect is
defined as nonconformity of a product or service to its specifications. While the
particulars of the methodology were originally formulated by Bill Smith at Motorola
in 1986, Six Sigma is heavily inspired by six preceding decades of quality
improvement methodologies such as quality control, TQM, and Zero Defects.

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Sigma King
really good stuff, I never knew six sigma was so important

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Thank you for giving me the meaning of this word ?SIX SIGMA? I have faced so many
problems for this. Thanks once again I am in a process to explane the use of SIX
SIGMA to my coleegs.

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Hillary Kivadze
I use six sigma as atool to plan,organize,monitor and implement my projects which
are so successful. So 6-sigma is aperfect tool in managerial field.

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Frank Leach
Having companies strive for perfection could be the death kneel for new technology
innovations brought to the forefront by independent inventors. Working from the
premise that inventions from independent inventors fail 99% of the time, then you
would advise large companies to bar any new idea suggestions from all independent
inventors. Who knows, the next break through technology could from that very

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Lean is a great way to reduce costs and lead times. We introduced lean recently on
one product. We started with 368 steps from start to finsih with a total product
travel distance of 1.3 miles within the factory. We just completed our future state
map and cut our steps down to 133 with a travel distance of 300 feet within the
factory. So yeah Lean works and works good. Good luck on your project.

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Six Sigma is absolutely theoritical� Organizations can very well do without it� It
is a myth that it increased productivity � it does nothing that can materially
increase productivity� Check where the
author debunks this myth entirely�
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really good stuff, I never knew six sigma was so important and how soon we can

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Dasha Davidovich
As an Electronic engineer and greenbelt, I find the math tools useful and
attractive. However, the statement �the avererage salary for a Black Belt is
$80,000 in the U.S.� instantly stomped out my enthusiasm for that goal; better
spend my time improving EE skills!

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Thanks for sharing. It is very brief yet concise article regarding six sigma. I
have only known this methodology through a client (a former engineer in GE). Six
Sigma should be implemented if you want to grow big time.

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Article is a simplified definition of six sigma. Per the six sigma way, it states
data to demonstrate results.
I like the way the article outlines value$ to the individual green belt by mention
of average salary in addition to bottom line savings to companies, specifically GE.
When you become part of six sigma implementation you gain value. You facilitate the
elimination of waste, standardize processes, realize how important is is to utilize
untapped talent (rather than lose to another employer), and inspire the paradigm
change required to affect the bottom line.
Lean six sigma is a theology for business. People first need faith that it works.
Once they�re convinced, they need repeat infusions and activities to sustain the
belief that it is worth it. It is no simple and easy program to follow. It is an
all in enthusiasm and commitment to engage top to bottom, peer to peer, mentor to
mentored. I hear over and that sustain is the most difficult stage. If the
foundation and process aren�t respected and followed from the start, that will
undoubtedly plague the organization.
I whole hearted.y believe in lean six sigma. I also know I need to use all the
talents I have stashed away to infect my organization quickly and completely with
six sigma.
I would go on longer, but I am actually at a pit stop here looking for an
assignment for a course. I wish I had the correct tools to simply complete my
training efficiently. Frustrating. I won�t forget these feelings when it�s time to
help operators learn and apply lean six sigma practice to their areas.
Off I go to try and use incomplete accesses, poorly designed online classes and
slow connections to learn and succeed in certification.


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Mitchell L Gold
Is Lean Six Sigma considered leading edge these days? I am investigating one of the
adherents to this progam and frankly it is a very dated concept in business
evolution � IMHO
I was knocked dumb by your fisherman story adaptation. certainly we have gone
beyond that. and if you have not, maybe there is a reason.

is your program intended to be an improvement on De Bono�s Six Hats Theory � or a

new concept on its own.

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Tracee wilson
Great information!!!

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James Grainger
This is a very informative article. I have recently been struggling to figure out
what Six Sigma is but this has helped me a lot!

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i worked with GE MONEY under this six sigma, unfortunately not many of the managers
knew about it in detail, they reduced the tool to only productivity. my thoughts
are six sigma is not about just lower cost and higher productivity of either
services or goods, it�s about their quality ,and if implemented , a company should
adopt it across the board , in employee performance and HR issues.This would ensure
no nepotism or crap takes place , at the end of the day, six sigma can�t replace
the human touch to a situation or the saying � people work for people� guess that
philosphy should be better than six sigma

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Javier Garcon
So far all the companies you have mentioned are down in stocks right now, meaning
whatever six sigma did in the past is suffering. Just like the next President of
the United States will inherit the last Presidents Legacy pretending it is his own
and that he made it happen. It takes 4 to 10 years for whatever a person�s
leadership creates to come to reality, that is after they have left the company or
government. I do not believe six sigma works at all and all it does is put a band-
aid on a very long problem. Becoming a computer machine is not an improvement.

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Good introduction thanks for that.

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Ephraim Makwatse
Six Sigma emphasizes simple and yet reliable process/variation and
products/services. Simplification of processes and variation makes life easier for
business and its support agents while reliability of products and services is core
to customer experience and satisfaction. Toyota has made it through application and
practice of these programs.

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Very Informative!
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Manjunath Ramaswamy
Very useful information I got to know something new, and learnt what is the meaning
of six sigma.
manjunath ramaswamy

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Muhammad Soban Badar

I think its a good info at least who are opposing this six sigma knowledge they
must understand that some thing is better than nothing.

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Rafael Sbeghen Senise

Six Sigma is a set of practices originally developed by Motorola to systematically
improve processes by eliminating defects. A defect is defined as nonconformity of a
product or service to your specifications. Six Sigma is also defined as a
management strategy to promote change in organizations, causing it to reach
improvements in processes, products and services to customer satisfaction. Unlike
other forms of management of productive or administrative processes Six Sigma�s
priority is to obtain results in a planned and clear as much quality as mainly

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very useful article

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Good introduction into the basics of Six Sigma.

Definitely worth a read for beginners.

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Ebinu Denis
Very brief to the point and very useful information especially to a person new to
Six Sigma like me.

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Krishna Saurabh
Thanks for briefing about the concept. However the six sigma being an ocean this
article summaries about the whole topic.

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Great Blog, Good explanation of six sigma.

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Sometimes this six sigma business is not applicable if the person doing is not very
very familiar with the product . All the person with this 6 sigma business got a
theory and rushing to implement it in work force that caused a mayhem.

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Dr. N.R.U.K.Kartha
Went through the audio of six sigma. Excellent presentation in very simple
language, easily understood by beginners too.

all the best

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Rohit Kumar
Good information about six sigma.

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Help full.

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Regragui Maroua

If I had to define Six sigma, I would say a tool instead of a methodology. I

believe that Lean is more of a methodology. this is because while Lean is ongoing,
I feel like Six sigma is a tool that does not have to be ongoing. What do you

thank you in advance for your input.

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Kumar Gaurav
Nice one ?

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BMGI India
Six Sigma is an improvement methodology process outputs of identifying and removing
the causes of defects. It is developed by Motorola and later popularized by GE aims
at minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. Using the set of
quality management methods It focuses on reducing process variation by using PDCA
based approach DMAIC. It includes reduce pollution, reduces costs, increases
customer satisfaction, and increase profits

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I wish i have all the knowldge of the six sigma so that I can correct of all
defects of the world.

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Mike Slater
GE HAS always been a proponent of the Six Sigma. I wonder why GE stock has done so
poorly in relation to the rest of the market and peers?

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Once upon a time there were efficiency experts that did exactly the same thing and
caused the same problems with employee�s. Now through the miracle of jargon we have
Six Sigma. �A rose by any other name��. If a decent project manager had been hired
in the first place you wouldn�t need this specialist. BTW I can�t spell but I can
use spell check with out �Six Sigma� training.

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6 sigma rocks!
6 Sigma is a tool. If not used correctly, it is as useful as tits on a boar. Would
you use a adjustable wrench to hammer a nail? A hammer to tighten a bolt?

Anyone that states that 6 Sigma is waste don�t understand how to use it properly.

In manufacturing today, it�s all about time & money. To eliminate waste is the
game. Continuous improvement�what�s wrong with that?

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Nick Johnson
Great and informative article. Actually, I have read different things about Six
Sigma but those are difficult to understand but this article is easy to understand.

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Very useful article of six sigma

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This organization is a joke. I overheard someone using the �5 whys�. He ended up
sounding like a condescending overbearing helicopter parent before he got the third
one out. Six Sigma is snake oil. This is your true 50k ft level explanation.

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Six sigma is just one of the tools of lean management.

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The six sigma approach is one of the best approaches that helps in elimintaing
unnecessary expenses and streamlining operataions in a firm. it is the best tool
that can be relied upon in promoting good customer relations since it is customer

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Ron Davis
Corporate nonsense and goobledygook! Companies use it to brow-beat and alienate
their workforce. Used by people who have no leadership skills to demand excellence
from coworkers and subordinates. Waste of time and money to organizations rather
than empowering people to innovate and truly solve problems.

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Jacob Myth
Thank you for this informative post

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�driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest
specification limit� is what is written, but isn�t it 3 standard deviations between
mean and limit? Or maybe 6 standard deviations between the upper and lower limits?
Cause that is how it is written on the normal distribution map.

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Thanks for shedding some light on this and making it clear that Six sigma basically
refers to the strategies implemented with the aim of improving output quality. This
is achieved by identifying sources of defects and minimizing variability in a
business or manufacturing process.
With such basics it shouldn�t be hard to dig deeper into the science behind the
whole issue. Thanks.

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Kathy Castle
Thank you for this useful post. Six Sigma DMAIC and DMADV concepts are very
important concepts in quality management.

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