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Listening is one of the inner activities learning English . Listening is an important material in English
because we have to know what people say to us. To be able to master listening we must really
understand the words we hear. Listening and trying to understand what is heard is something that is
difficult for beginners because in learning listening we are required to understand not listening.Listening
is an activity where we listen to something with carefully, and able to understand or capture important
information from what we listen to. While listening is a process sound reception without paying much
attention to the meaning of what is listened to. The ability to listen to someone is different. This matter
due to someone's openness factor in reaching himself listening and learn to understand what is being
heard. Especially in learning English like listening. For beginners it will be difficult to quickly understand
sound source using a foreign language. In listening learning there are methods that are carried out in the
learning system because the aspects that must be achieved by eveyone.

Ability to listen as one of the early language skills which must be developed, requires receptive and
language skills experience, where beginners as listeners actively process and understand what is heard.
Therefore, aspects need to be considered in listening skills. Aspects that need to be considered in
listening skills, namely:

a. Listener

A good listener is a listener who can carry out activities listening intensively. A good listener is a listener
who ownsthree attitudes, including: being objective with regard to ingredients, behaving cooperative,
and the ingredients must be communicative.

b. Speaker

Speakers are people who convey messages in the form of information what is needed by listeners. The
characteristics of a good speaker include: looking at things from a new perspective, has horizons broad,
shows empathy, has a sense of humor, and has a style of speech own.

c. Simulated material

Simultaneous ingredients are the most important element in oral communication especially in listening.
Simultaneous material is the message delivered speaker to listeners. Simulated materials can be
concepts, ideas or information. If the speaker cannot convey the ingredients with well, the message
cannot be absorbed by the listener who caused it the occurrence of failure in communication. Make
interesting theme material that can attract attention in a language that is easy to understand.

From various studies that have been conducted by language teaching experts seen that learning skills
Listening has its own difficulties when compared to learning other language skills. According to
Underwood (1990: 15) there are several difficulties in skills this in Listening experienced by English
learners, there are :

(1)Listeners cannot control speaking speed of people who convey the message, and they feel the
message delivered is gone before they can understand the message that is. At times they can
understand one message, at that moment the message was others are gone.

(2) Listeners do not have opportunity to ask the speaker to repeat or clarify the message delivered, for
example when listening radio, watching TV, so listenersmust be able to understand it for what it is

(3)Limitations of vocabulary owned by listeners, making listeners unable understand the contents of the
text he hears can even make them be bored and frustrated

(4) listener failure to recognize and understand ‘signs- 'sign sent by the speaker cause the listener wrong
inside understand the contents of the message it receives

(5)Error interpreting messages received, so fill in the message submitted is received or interpreted
differently by listeners

(6) Noable to concentrate because of various things,for example topics that are not interesting,physical
fatigue,noisy environment and etc.

(7) Concern about the different ways and materials taught by the teacher with material that is heard
through audio device or native speaker.

For those of you beginners who rarely speak English, hearing someone who speaks using English
seems quite difficult to understand. This is caused by the vocabulary between the written word and
what is said differently or the clarity of the spoken word.If you want to improve the quality of listening
skills, there are several method that you can use to learn to improve the sharpness of hearing and
greeting in English. All of you can start simple things like listening to music.Here are five learning method
that you can use to improve the quality of your listening skills or skills. All of these methods can be
found easily in daily life. Maybe one of them is a thing that you like so that you can increase the
enthusiasm for listening.

1. Watch a movie

The film that you use as a learning media certainly uses English. Remember, in addition to speaking
English also may not use films that already have the translation text or commonly referred to as
subtitles. Film is one of the visual media that is loved by almost everyone. If you like to see films,
especially western films, there is certainly no reason to be lazy to learn to listen. By using a film that you
like, you can learn to listen pleasantly without feeling bored. It will be even more effective if when you
see the film you write a dialogue fragment spoken by the actor or actress then match it with the original
dialogue transcript. With this method you can find out your mistakes and shortcomings. This self
evaluation will later be able to measure your listening skills.

2. Listen to songs

Today western songs have become a new trend in the world of music. You can take advantage of this
opportunity to improve your listening skills. Songs are the only media that is easily obtained and used as
a learning resource for listening. The many western songs available will make learning more varied.To
maximize listening skills, you can listen to western songs as often as possible by guessing the lyrics that
are in it and then matching the original lyrics. Besides improving listening skills, this method can also
improve your vocabulary skills.

3. Watch videos or Youtube

In addition to using films, improving listening skills can also be done through learning videos. The video
used is a learning video about listening skills, of course, in the form of speeches, conversations,
dialogues and others. Although this method looks a bit formal and not very pleasant compared to music
and film, but the proven method is effective enough to learn to improve listening skills. You can search
for listening learning videos on the internet or on youtube.

4. Watch TV

In the modern era, as now, the reach of television broadcasts has been able to penetrate into the
international world. There are several English language television channels from abroad that we can
witness today. You can use it to learn to improve listening skills. Frequently watch English television
channels to get used to the pronunciation or pronunciation in English by the native speaker. This is the
easiest and most effective method for increasing listing skills.

5. Playing games

Actually the listening learning method using the media is quite difficult because of the limited types
of games for PCs and gadgets that can improve listening skills. Although there are not many media, but
the advantages of this method are very pleasant compared to other media. To learn listening to using
games, it seems you have to be very clever looking for learning media.

The methods above are very easy to find and find in our lives. Everything we can do as long as there is a
strong intention and determination in ourselves.


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