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Shane tagged the suspect for possible drone surveillance. See where he
Ghost Town. goes, who he delivers to. The odds were still with the suspect. Even with
only a small fraction of the population ever on the streets, there were still
Most of the time the only sound was the faint hissing of the air-supply. more people than police drones. And drones could lose people, particularly
Tirelessly the machine pumped ozonated, filtered air into the carrier if an Underground journey was involved.
vehicle. Always at a slightly higher pressure than outside, so air would leak Shane pushed the main screen away from him. It was mounted on a
out, but never in. So accustomed was he to this background sound that jointed arm, the joints fitted with inertial devices. The screen could be
Carter’s voice made him start. moved around with relatively little effort. Violent accelerations and
“What a twatwaffle!” Carter observed. decelerations locked the arm so it would not flail around. This was all
explained in a sticker on the arm. Shane had read that sticker multiple
Shane glanced at the main screen. A man had rounded the corner.
times on long watches. It was more believable than the news-strip feeds.
Shane rewound the feed a couple of seconds. There had been a definite
This particular police-carrier had no windows, hence the screens and
hesitation as he had seen the parked police vehicle. You didn’t often see
numerous camera pickups on the outside. Cutting some real windows in
police on the streets. You didn’t often see anyone on the streets. An IC1
the half-inch armoured sides was scheduled for some unspecified time in
wearing a surgical mask. The latter had provoked Carter’s comment.
the future when there was a budget for it. There were also some periscope
Information that such masks were no defence against infection had been
affairs on the roof that were seldom used. Non-electronic, 1940s-style
around for decades. Still some people insisted on wearing them. Shane’s
own protective mask was a sophisticated filter device, currently hanging
Once, such a vehicle would have carried a dozen men. The idea was
just below his chin.
repulsive, disturbing, even. Carter and Shane were the only occupants, and
Policemen senses focussed on the subject. Possible east European
sat in opposite corners, as one might expect. The driver’s compartment
features. Probably a descendent of the migrant families that had been
had been sealed off. If Shane and Carter had to dismount the driver would
unable to return to their own countries when it had all went down. Most of
remain clean. Today’s driver, like most, was an auxiliary, not a full cop.
those were honest families who had been trying to accrue a nest-egg by a
Shane had not bothered to learn who it was.
few years work in the west. But with them had come some of the most
The diversion passed, both officers settled back. They had long since
ruthless criminals London had seen in a long time. Prostitution and human
exhausted any topics of conversation. The two veterans would continue to
trafficking mainly, but side-lines in drugs and blackmail. Perhaps the man
wait and watch. Ignoring each other was the best way to get through the
had a better reason for wanting his face covered?
ordeal of being in such close proximity.
“Dealer, you think?” asked Carter, obviously noting the same thing. The Shane panned a camera up and down the street. Empty, as expected.
man didn’t look like he was out for some shopping. Most people had their Most of the parked cars had not been driven in years.
stuff delivered. Carter’s hand hovered over the control that would open Shane was a little older than Carter. If he tried, he could just about
the doors. Shane waved him off. It wasn’t worth breaking the seal for. If remember the city as it was before. Once the pavements had been full of
they had to open the doors, the interior and the officers would have to go people. And cars had flowed up and down the streets. So many they
through an elaborate wash-down later. formed a continuous river of vehicles, be it, admittedly, a very slow-
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moving one. So frequent was traffic that few streets got a chance to office environment. It became obvious that some owed their position
become clogged with derelicts and rubbish. And there had been pubs, entirely to manipulation of office politics.
clubs, and cafes where people had crowed together, and that had not Schools and universities had moved further towards on-line learning, a
seemed scary back them. People seemed to have enjoyed it! field in which many were already well-established. A whole generation with
That had changed when Shane had still been young. Everyone had been little experience of personal social interaction outside the family had been
ordered to stay at home. Luckily the country was sufficiently advanced that raised.
it could handle such an extraordinary change. Many people found they More physical jobs such as construction were transformed by
could work from home, and groceries could be ordered by internet and technologies such as telefactoring. Unsurprisingly, Japan pioneered this,
delivered. So they did, and it all went on much longer than anyone had only to lose the market to Korea, and they to Indonesia and India. Of
expected. course, the fall in population had considerably reduced the need for
Pubs, clubs and cafes became a thing of the past. People seldom when housing and road-maintenance.
out, and if they did they avoided crowds, naturally enough. Restaurants London had once had a population that had exceeded that of most
only persisted if they could maintain a sufficient volume of deliveries. countries. Now most of them formed a new layer over Blackheath. Even
Many of the smaller, independent places folded. Government aid money more were at the bottom of the North Sea.
mainly went to big businesses, those which, coincidentally, had the former A headline on the strip-feed caught Shane’s eye: “European population
school-friends of ministers on their boards. still declining. Pope to comment later today.”
Street crime became virtually non-existent. You could steal a car, but no No mystery, your holiness, thought Shane, people are not fucking!
one was buying cars. You could joy-ride on the empty roads, but were There were no pubs and clubs to congregate in, and who would want to be
easily located and caught. Traditional burglary became difficult when most so close to so many people? The idea was suicidal! For most people the
residences were occupied all of the time. On the other hand, there had only contact they had were the immediate family they lived with.
been an unpleasant rise in home invasions. When any movement on the Socializing with others was on-line, and usually remained exclusively so.
streets was conspicuous, there was a certain logic to holing up in a Very rarely did such relationships progress to a physical meeting. There
location. Occupancy was often spent in rape and torture. Torture to were safer and more convenient ways to deal with any physical needs. Sex
discover valuables, or just for amusement. With people confined with toys and specialized computer peripherals were a big industry. Even many
relatives for long periods of time, domestic violence had also risen. couples who lived together dealt with such things independently, and
Britain had already been moving towards a predominance of service Shane could understand why. He was no stranger to viewing vintage and
industries, so working from home was an easy transition for some of the CGI porn, but the idea of doing such things to an actual be so
workforce. In the past millions of workers had crowded together and vulnerable, so close! What the pandemic had started, the solution would
commuted into London every morning, and commuted out again every continue. The Pope might not approve, but the human population would
evening, spending hours of the day in travel. The move towards working continue to fall, and mother nature would breathe a little easier.
from home had notably improved their lives. The change was tougher on A bleep from the motion sensor. Movement on the screen. A brightly
some middle managers, who found they had no real function outside of an painted van was approaching. Both men relaxed as the pizza van rolled
past. The legend on the side included the word “gnotobiotic”. Like
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“organic” it was a scientific term whose meaning had been hijacked and The Books
perverted by big industry. Shane had not noticed if the van had had an on-
board human driver. Most deliverymen were either “posts” who had had the
disease and survived, or certified “immunes”. Both were required to have
papers confirming they were not carriers. Such workers were relatively
rare. When the lockdown had come, workers in “essential services” were
required to work as normal, and many had been in the lowest paid, least
appreciated positions. Many had not survived, creating a society in the
unusual position that it was short of menial helots. If you could pass the
medical tests, deliveryman was a well-paying job now. Shane earned less as
a cop.
An alert appeared on his screen. Rather than read his own, Carter raised
an eyebrow and listened to Shane’s summary:
“Six plus children playing in the street in Walthamstow. No records of a
family that size, they must be a mix. Christ! Will these people never learn?”
He toggled the intercom to the driver and banged on the bulkhead for
good measure.
“East seventeen! You have the details! Let’s roll”.
The engine of the armoured carrier roared into life.

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