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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Laguna
Nagcarlan District


NAME: _______________________________________ LRN: _____________________

GRADE & SECTION: _____________________________ TEACHER: _________________

DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer among the choices given and shade the number
of the correct answer.
1. Compared with a hard boil egg, the egg shell represents the ______ layer of the earth?
①Crust ②core
③Mantle ④none of the above
2. What is the mantle made of?
①Hot molten rocks ②Molten nickel ③Molten sand ④Molten iron
3. The outermost layer of the earth where man live and where we plant trees and vegetables.
①core ②Moho ③mantle ④crust
4. What is the air part of the earth?
①crust ②moho ③atmosphere ④hydrosphere
5. It is part of the earth which includes all water forms like oceans, rivers and seas.
①crust ②lithosphere ③atmosphere ④hydrosphere
6.At what plate do you think Is the Philippines situated?
①Eurasian Plate ②Indian-Australian Plate ③African Plate ④ Pacific Plate
7. The Plate Tectonics Theory States that:
①Crustal plates are in constant drifting movement.
②The continents are forming into one large land mass.
③Earthquakes cause the movement of crustal plates.
④Bodies of water are slowly disappearing
8. Rocky plates which form the base of visible land masses are:
①oceanic crust ② continental crust ③magma ④
9. The collision of plates pushed from opposite directions causes the plates to move over and under each
other. What do you think is the process called?
①crusting ② earthquake ③folding ④ faulting
10. Where do you think the pacific Plate is moving toward? In the ______
①The North American and South American Plate ②The Eurasian and Indian-Australian Plate
③The Antarctic Plate ④The African and Eurasian Plate
11. Which word describes an earthquake?
① Bumping ② rising ③ sliding ④ trembling
12. Which type of earthquake is usually experienced in the Philippines?
① Tectonic ② both tectonic and volcanic ③ Volcanic ④ none of the above
13. Which feature is not related to an earthquake?
① Fault ② mountain ③ trench ④ valleys
14. Which is the most dangerous earthquake?
① Tectonic ② volcanic ③ both ④none of these
15. How does an earthquake begin?
① It begins in a part of the fault ② It begins when the earth’s crust crack and split.
③ It begins when the cracks move up or down or sideways. ④ All of the above.
16.Violent earthquakes strike Baguio. Which of the following is the possible effect?
① The sea is safe for the fishermen to go fishing. ② Landslides covers highways along mountain ranges.
③ Shopping center and city streets are busy. ④ Production is increase.
17. What would be the effect of earthquake at sea?
① Occurrence of giant waves or tsunamis. ② Unpolluted sea water
③ Aquatic plants and animals become abundant ④ Strong seawall
18.Which of the following describes the land after an earthquake?
① The land is under water. ② There are mounds on highways.
③There cracks on the ground. ④ Trees and other plants grow abundantly.
19. After an earthquake, it took quite a long time for the people in Baguio to come to Manila due to the
absence of transportation. Why??
① The earthquake destroyed the big buildings.
②The people are afraid to go to Manila due to earthquake.
③ The earthquake destroyed the roads and bridges.
④ The people are afraid of the landslide.
20. After a strong shock by an earthquake, the following destructions can be observed except one:
① landslides ③ cracks on road surface
② Collapse buildings ④ calm and silent sea waves
21. Which of the following forms a part of a volcano?
①Cone ② plate ③ vent ④ both a and b
22. Which of the following statements is true about volcanoes?
①Volcanoes are mountains or hills
②Volcanoes are also found under the sea
③Volcanoes have vents from which smoke and magma comes out
④All of the above
23 -24. What two factors contribute to the magma’s constant activity and turbulence?
①Extremely high temperature of the earth’s interior and pressure exerted by the plates.
②Extremely high pressure exerted by the plates and tremendous amount of magma.
③Continuous shaking of the earth’s mantle, crustal plates and temperature of the magma
④Tremendous amount of molten rocks in the earth’s mantle and its high temperature
25. Which drawing below show a volcano?
① ③

② ④

26. What is magma?

①Molten rock ②Solid rock
③ Both A & B ④none of them
27. Where does the magma come out?
① Crack ② fold ③ both A and B ④none of them
28. A volcano that is “dead” and never erupting again is called _________.
①Active ② dormant ③ extinct ④ quiet
29. How do active volcanoes differ from inactive volcanoes?
①Active volcanoes are those that are alive occasionally spewing lava, ash and fumes while inactive are those
that are “asleep” and “dead”
②Active volcanoes are those that don’t give off lava and molten rocks when erupting while inactive are those
that give off lava and molten rocks
③Both a and b ④None of the above
30. Mount Pinatubo, Mt. Kanlaon and Mayon Volcano are active volcanoes while Mt. Makiling, Mt. Apo and
Mt. Arayat are inactive volcanoes.
①True ② False ③ Maybe ④
31. If the earth were not rotating on its axis, how would the wind from the poles blows?
① ② ③ ④

32.What is the significance of the Coriolis effects?

① The winds would blow toward the poles.
②The trade winds must together in the inter-tropical convergence zone.
③ The winds move from the poles toward the equator to blowing sideward (right side).
④ Both B and C.
33. Which of the following causes the winds to blow sideward?
① The different bodies of water
② The earth’s rotation on its axis
③ Unequal heating of land and water
④ Both A and B.
34. What effect does the earth’s rotation have on winds?
① It intensifies the monsoons.
② It deflects the wind to the west.
③ It turns the wind a clockwise direction.
④ It causes an abnormal movement or turbulence of the global winds.
35. How does the earth’s rotation affects the wind system?
① Causes the wind to blow sideward.
② Diverts the cold air direction and turns to the right towards the Philippines from the northeast Monsoon.
③ None of A and B. ④ Both A and B.
36. What causes the seasons in the Philippines?
① Earth’s rotation ② Earth’s revolution
③ Earth’s tilting on its axis ④ All of the above
37. How many seasons do we have in the Philippines?
① Only one ② Three ③ Two ④ Four
38. Some factors influence our country’s season. These factors are _________.
① latitude ② bodies of water ③ wind System and amount of rainfall. ④ all of the above
39. Why do countries near the equator experience warm climate?
① Because the sun’s gravitational pull is strong
② Because the equator is pointed towards the sun
③ Because the wind in the equator is called doldrums
④ Because of the direct heat from the sun throughout the year
40. Why are months of June to November are wet seasons? Because of the________.
① Doldrums ②Ocean currents ③ Northwest monsoon ④ Soutwest Monsoon
41. The very first scientist to use the telescope to observe the stars and the moon is ______?
①Galileo Galilee ②Jhun and Janice of Winter Sonata ③Leonardo Da Vinci ④Sir Isaac newton
42. He improved the design of telescope with the use of reflections.
①Galileo Galilee ② Sir Isaac newton ③Neil Armstrong ④ Yuri Gagarin
43. A facility with dome-rotating roof used by the scientist.
①Observatories ②Satellite ③Space Jam ④ Space Rocket
44. A special telescope that can see images of objects with the aides of radiation.
①Hubble Space Telescope ②Optical telescope ③Radio telescope ④Spectroscope
45. It makes use of mirrors and lenses. They need light coming from the stars so they can be used at night
when stars are visible..
①Hubble Space Telescope ②Spectroscope ③Ketch Telescope ④ Optical Telescope
46.They are group of stars that forms pattern in the sky.
①Constellation ② galaxy ③ stars ④nebula
47. There are how many known constellation:
①50 ②60 ③88 ④ 100
48. A constellation in the Northern sky which includes the star Polaris.
① Little Dipper ②Big dipper ③ Cassiopeia ④ Orion
49. Rigel is in the constellation of ________.
①Centaurus ②Milky way ③Orion ④Pegasus
50. Which is not a zodiac constellation?
①Libra ②Phoenix ③Sagittarius ④ Cassiopeia

Subject Matter ( Skills ) Number of Days Number of Items PERCENT
1. Layers of the Earth 5 5 10 % 1-5
2. Earth’s Outer Layer 5 5 10 % 6-10
3. Occurrence of 5 5 10 % 11-15
4. Effects of earthquakes in 5 5 10 % 16-20
the environment
5. Volcano 5 5 10% 21-25
6. Describing How Volcanic 5 5 10% 26-30
Eruptions Occur
7. The Earth’s Wind system 5 5 10% 31-35
8. Seasons in the Philippines 5 5 10% 36-40
9. Instruments and 5 5 10% 41-45
Procedure for observing
10. Constellations 5 5 10% 46-50
TOTAL 50 50 100 %

Answer key:
1. 1
2. 1
3. 4
4. 3
5. 4
6. 1
7. 3
8. 2
9. 1
23-24. 1 and 2
25. 2
26. 1
27. 3
28. 3
29. 3
30. 1
31. 1
32. 4
33. 2
34. 3
35. 4
36. 3
39. 4
41. 1
42. 2
43. 1
44. 3
45. 4
46. 1
47. 3
48. 1
49. 3

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