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Theory II

E-Learning Assignment #2 - First Draft of Annotated Score

Due: Class 4, April 9

Annotated score expectations

Present a thorough analysis of the musical dimensions listed bellow, clearly communicated in the score
you hand in. You may (neatly! clearly!) put these all on one score, or you may choose to separately present
different elements on multiple copies of the score. If you are unable to print, you are welcome to either
add these notations digitally (this can be awkward, but not impossible) or write these analyses on a
separate sheet of paper.

In Classes 2 and 3 I will be demoing what doing this might look like.

Find ways to make your analysis as readable and clear as possible – for example, color coding different
kinds of information, consistent labeling, using a ruler for brackets and lines, etc. Both the accuracy of
your analysis and the visual clarity of your annotations will be graded.

Harmony – Identify key areas. Provide lead sheet and Roman numeral analysis of each
chord. Provide interpreted functional bass analysis showing the syntax of each
phrase. Label cadences.

Rhythm – Identify perceptually important rhythmic groupings and any instances of

syncopation and/or hemiola.

Melody – Identify any pairs of parallel themes, recurring melodic themes or motives, and
any disruptions of melodic expectations (e.g. extremes of register, one big leap
amid steps, etc.). Identify melodic non-chord tones if they figure heavily in your

Timbre – Identify extremely significant accents by type, as well as any significant mid-piece
changes in instrumentation, register, dynamics, and/or texture.

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