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A Daily Lesson Log


Grade 11 English
(For Demonstration Teaching)

LESSON: Writing a Concept Paper

 Definition: A Technique in Expanding the Meaning of a Concept

I. Learning Objectives:
A. Determine the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition…(CS_EN11/12A-
1.1 define definition as a way of expanding the meaning of terms/concepts
1.2 identify the different techniques of defining terms/concepts
1.3 give the importance/function of definition in a concept paper

II.Learner’s Materials/Reference Material

 English for Academic and Professional Purposes by Grace M. Saqueton & Marikit Tara
A. Uychoco, pp. 80-83
 Nexus – A Rhetorical Reader for Writers by Kim Flachmann & Michael Flachmann,
pp. 324 – 342
 K-12 CG Grade 11

III. Learning Activities

1. REVIEW: Students share what they have learned about concept paper.
2. QUICK DEFINITION: The class will be grouped into five. Each group will give
a quick definition of the term “PROJECT” and they will write it on the piece
of bondpaper provided to them. A representative in each group will post their
definition on the board. (2 minutes).

1. Students answer the following questions:
a. How did you arrive at your definition?
b. What are the things you considered before you’ve came out of your definition?

2. Finding soulmate: 10 students (5 boys and 5 girls) will be given strips of paper.
The girls will hold the pieces of paper containing the lines/passages and the
boys will hold those strips containing the techniques used in defining
terms/concepts. The boys will move and find the statement that describes the
term they are holding. They will post their paired strips on the board. (3

Definition is the process of explaining a word, an object or an idea . It helps us
understand basic concrete terms, discuss events in our lives, and grasp complex ideas.
Definition maybe formal or extended. Formal definition means defining terms by
giving the class where the term/concept belongs and the characteristics that distinguish
the term from other terms.

Extended definition is used in defining abstract concepts allowing a writer to

broaden the definition. It could be through comparison and contrast, descriptions,
results/effects/uses, etymology, and elimination.

Students will be grouped into four. Each group will be given a certain text. After
they shall have read the text, they will fill in the following table. Presentation of outputs
follows. (10 minutes)


IV. Assessment: (Pen and Paper Test – Individual)

Directions: Read carefully each item and identify what type of definition is used in each
statement. Write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.

Choices:formal comparison elimination

description results/effects/uses etymology
1. Literature is a body of literary productions, either oral, written or visual, containing
imaginative language that realistically portrays thoughts, emotions, and experiences of
the human condition.

2. Literature comes from the Latin word “Litera” which literally means an acquaintance
with letters.

3. The economic system of the Philippines is similar in many ways to the USA’s. Both
have an economic system based on private enterprise and private supplies of capital. An
important form of capital is surplus income available for investment in business
activities. Property in both the USA and the Philippines can be and is owned by
individual citizens who exercise considerable economic freedom of choice. Although, as
in all communities, limits in the forms of laws are imposed upon personal freedom,
Filipinos and Americans can choose what they want to do and how they want to earn
their living. They can use their time, money and energy as they wish. (Fe G. Centenera)

4. Jordan, the heir to a rich historical and religious heritage, is my larger home. It extends
from the temperate heights of the rugged purple-hued mountains of Moab to the gently
rolling hills of Jerusalem; from the deep tropical Jordan Valley, with its luxuriant
vegetation, to the Dead Sea. The lowest spot on earth; and from the spectacular
sandstone cliffs of Wadi Run to the arid desert of the eastern plateau. (What Home
Means to Me – Humati Nurredin, Jordan)

5. The English speaking policy is clearly reflected in the test instrument – the oral
proficiency test form. The set of criteria is that detailed to show that English is taught as
a medium of communication. It also indicates that language is viewed as basically
cognition since the students to be tested have to perform various cognitive procedures
interacting with one another. The policy requires students to learn and use English inside
and outside the classroom.

V. Other Activities/Assignment:
Directions: Consult either a dictionary, encyclopedia, magazine, or other
reference materials and copy how they define the following terms/concepts. Afterwhich,
identify the technique used in the definition. Don’t forget to cite your source. Write your
answer in your notebook.
1. Bullying
2. Gender equality
3. Black sand mining

Prepared by:

Demonstration Teacher
Teacher III, SDO-Cagayan

Checked by:


St. Paul University Philippines

Process Evaluators:


SST-III, SDO-Nueva Viscaya SST-III, SDO-Cagayan


Supervisor, SDO – Tuguegarao City
11 Techniques Of Extended Definition
Techniques of Extended Definition

As our readings indicate, definition can begin with a synonym, a brief phrase, or a formal
sentence that explains the term/field in its most basic form. But this assignment requires you to
write an extended definition using the tactics of definition. The techniques you use will depend
on what is appropriate for audience and subject matter. These techniques are listed below:

1. Etymology – explaining origin of the word itself

2. History – if relevant, discussing the history of the term/its use/controversies associated with it
3. Cause and Effect – discussing how the situation came about and what effects it may have
4. Description – listing and defining the component parts
5. Principles of Operation – discussing how topic in question functions, including any special
materials or conditions required
6. Classification - showing how the topic fits into a larger category
7. Contrast/Negation – showing how the topic differs from others in the same class
8. Comparison – showing how the topic is similar to others in the class
9. Analogy – explaining by comparing two dissimilar topics, where the second is familiar to the
10. Examples
11. Illustrations

For further discussion of these specific techniques, see the presentation linked here (Links to an
external site.).


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concept paper

A ______________ is a document written to convince potential funders to sponsor a product, program

or service.

Concept paper defines an idea or a concept and explains its essence in order to clarify the _________ of
that idea or concept.

persuasive arguments

Concept papers vary in format and specifics depending on the organization, but are generally concise
documents containing information, statistics and ___________________.

to give funders rights to the concept

Each statement below explains the purpose of a concept paper, except:

a. to clarify the meaning of a concept
b. to explain the essence of some idea formulation
c. to give funders rights to the concept
d. to appeal to the funder's generosity

worthy of further consideration

The applicant's purpose in developing a concept paper is to capture the interest of the funding agency
and demonstrate that the idea they are proposing is ______________________


In writing concept papers, this refers to the class (not too general) to which the term or object belongs.

eliminating proposals that are not likely to be funded.

The purpose of a concept paper, from the funding agency's point of view, is to help applicants develop
more competitive proposals and to save time by ______________________________


______________ often ask for a one- or two-page concept paper prior to submission of a full proposal
to save time by eliminating ideas that are not likely to be funded.


This term refers to the particular attributes or characteristics that distinguish the concept or a thing from
the other members of the class


In writing a concept paper, what is the statement describing a broad or abstract intent, state or

In concept papers, what is a statement of measurable outcomes that relate to the goal which also
includes "who, what, and when" information?


Concept paper starts with _______________, either formal or informal of the term or the concept.

information about the funding agency

The Concept Paper's first section (Introduction) should include ____________________

Project Description

What is the part of the concept paper that describes your project, what your agency plans to do, why
this is a unique approach, and who will benefit?


This is the part of the concept paper that says the description of the question, problem, or need that
needs to be addressed.

budgetary information

In concept papers, only include __________________ if it is specifically requested.


The part of the concept paper that states how the project will be carried out and includes any innovative
approaches, techniques, or processes that will be used.

Benefits/Anticipated Outcomes

What is the part of the concept paper that shows the expected benefits of the proposed project?


When the orientation and writing style of a concept paper is light, informal, or familiar, its point of view
is ______________________.


When the orientation and writing style of a concept paper is serious, formal, and literary, its point of
view is ___________________.

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