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CP Chemistry Specific Heat Worksheet

Show ALL equations (variable form); insert data, and calculate. Account for all units,
significant figures, labels, and work. Use dimensional analysis format whenever possible.

1.  How many calories of heat are required to raise the temperature of 550 g of water from 12.0
C to 18.0 oC?   (remember the specific heat of water is 1.000 cal/g x oC)

2.  How much heat is lost when a 640 g piece of copper cools from 375 oC, to 26 oC?  (The
specific heat of copper is 0.384 5 J/g x oC)

3.  The specific heat of iron is 0.449 4 J/g x oC.   How much heat is transferred when a 24.7 kg
iron ingot is cooled from 880 oC to 13 oC?

4.  How many grams of water would require 2.20 x 104 calories of heat to raise its temperature
from 34.0 oC to 100.0 oC?  (Remember the specific heat of water is 1.000 cal/g x oC)

 5. 8,750 J of heat are applied to a piece of aluminum, causing a 56.00 oC increase in its
temperature.  The specific heat of aluminum is 0.902 5 J/g x oC.  What is the mass of the

 6.  Find the mass of a sample of water if its temperature dropped 24.8 oC when it lost 870.0 J of
heat.  (remember that 4.184 J = 1.000 cal)

7.  How many degrees would the temperature of a 450. g ingot of iron increase if 7,600 J of
energy are applied to it?  (The specific heat of iron is 0.449 4 J/g x oC)

 8.  A 250.00 g sample of water with an initial temperature of 98.8 oC loses 7,500 joules of heat. 
What is the final temperature of the water? 

 9.  Copper has a specific heat of 0.384 5 J/g x oC.   How much change in temperature would the
addition of 35,OŌO Joules of heat have on a 538.0 gram sample of copper?

10.  Determine the specific heat of a certain metal if a 450.0 gram sample of it loses 34,500
Joules of heat as its temperature drops by 97.00 oC.

 11.  4,786 Joules of heat are transferred to a 89.0 gram sample of an unknown material, with an
initial temperature of 23.0 oC.   What is the specific heat of the material if the final temperature is
89.5 oC?

 12.  The temperature of a 55.0 gram sample of a certain metal drops by 113.0 oC as it loses
3,500.0 Joules of heat.  What is the specific heat of the metal?


1)     3,300 cal                           2)    - 86,000 J                          3)    - 9,700,000 J = - 9.7 x 106 J

4)    333 g H2O                         5)   170. g Al                            6)     8.38 g

7)   38 oC                                  8)    91.6  oC                            9)     169.2 oC

10)  0.790 J/g x oC            11)  0.809 J/g x oC                   12)  0.563  J/g x oC
Specific Solutions to Some Problems below
1.  How many calories of heat are required to raise the temperature of 550 g of water from 12.0
C to 18.0 oC?   (remember the specific heat of water is 1.000 cal/g x oC)

Q = m x Cp x ΔT = m x Cp x (Tf - Ti)

= 550 g H2O x 1.000 cal x (18.0 oC - 12.0 oC)

g H2O oC

= 550 g H2O x 1.000 cal x (6.0 oC)

g H2O oC

= 3,300 cal

2.  How much heat is lost when a 640 g piece of copper cools from 375 oC, to 26 oC?  (The
specific heat of copper is 0.384 5 J/g x oC)

Q = m x Cp x ΔT = m x Cp x (Tf - Ti)

= 640 g Cu x 0.384 5 J x (26 oC - 375 oC)

g Cu oC

= 640 g Cu x 0.384 5 J x (-349 oC)

g Cu oC

= - 86,000 J

3.  The specific heat of iron is 0.449 4 J/g x oC.   How much heat is transferred when a 24.7 kg
iron ingot is cooled from 880 oC to 13 oC?

Q = m x Cp x ΔT = m x Cp x (Tf - Ti)

= 24.7 kg Fe x 0.449 4 J x (13 oC - 880 oC)

g Fe oC

= 24.7 kg Fe x 0.449 4 J x (- 870 oC) x 10+3 g Fe

g Fe oC 1 kg Fe

= - 9,700,000 J = - 9.7 x 106 J

4.  How many grams of water would require 2.20 x 104 calories of heat to raise its temperature
from 34.0 oC to 100.0 oC?  (Remember the specific heat of water is 1.000 cal/g x oC)

m = Q = 2.20 x 104 cal =

Cp(l) ΔT 1.000 cal (100.0 oC - 34.0 oC)
g H2O oC
= 2.20 x 104 cal = 2.20 x 104 cal =
1.000 cal (66.0 oC) 66.0 cal
g H2O oC g H2O

= 2.20 x 104 cal x g H2O = 333 g H2O

66.0 cal

 5. 8,750 J of heat are applied to a piece of aluminum, causing a 56.00 oC increase in its
temperature.  The specific heat of aluminum is 0.902 5 J/g x oC.  What is the mass of the

m = Q = 8,570 J =
Cp(l) ΔT 0.902 5 J (56.00 oC)
g Al C

8,570 J = 8,570 J = 8,570 J x g Al__

0.902 5 J (56.00 oC) 50.54 J 50.54 J
g Al oC g Al

= 170. g Al

 6.  Find the mass of a sample of water if its temperature dropped 24.8 oC when it lost 870.0 J of
heat.  (remember that 4.184 J = 1.000 cal)

m = Q = 870.0 J =
Cp(l) ΔT 4.184 J (24.8 oC)
g H2O oC

= 870.0 J = 870.0 J = 870.0 J x g H2O__

4.184 J (24.8 oC) 103.763 2 J 103.763 2 J
g H2O oC g H2O

= 8.38 g H2O

7.  How many degrees would the temperature of a 450. g ingot of iron increase if 7,600 J of
energy are applied to it?  (The specific heat of iron is 0.449 4 J/g x oC)

ΔT = Q = 7,600 J =
m Cp 450. g Fe 0.449 4 J
g Fe oC

= 7,600 J = 7,600 J = 7,600 J x C

= 38 oC
450. g Fe 0.449 4 J 202.23 J 202.23 J
g Fe oC o

 8.  A 250.00 g sample of water with an initial temperature of 98.8 oC loses 7,500 joules of heat. 
What is the final temperature of the water? 

ΔT = Q = 7,500 J =
m Cp 250.00 g H2O 4.184 J
g H2O oC

= 7,500 J = 7,500 J = 7,500 J x o

C =
250.00 g H2O 4.184 J 1,046 J 1,046 J

g H2O oC C

= 7.170 172 084 oC = 7.2 oC

Since thermal energy is lost:

Tf = Ti - ΔT = 98.8 oC - 7.2 oC = 91.6 oC

 9.  Copper has a specific heat of 0.384 5 J/g x oC.   How much change in temperature would the
addition of 35,OŌO Joules of heat have on a 538.0 gram sample of copper?

ΔT = Q = 35,OŌO J =
m Cp 538.0 g Cu 0.384 5 J
g Cu oC

= 35,OŌO J = 35,OŌO J = 35,OŌO J x o

C =
538.0 g Cu 0.384 5 J 206.861 J 206.861 J
g Cu oC o

= 169.2 oC

10.  Determine the specific heat of a certain metal if a 450.0 gram sample of it loses 34,500
Joules of heat as its temperature drops by 97.00 oC.

Cp = Q = Q = 34,500 J ______
m ΔT m (Tf – Ti) 450.0 g (97.0 oC)

= 34,500 J = 0.790 J/g oC

43,650 g oC
 11.  4,786 Joules of heat are transferred to a 89.0 gram sample of an unknown material, with an
initial temperature of 23.0 oC.   What is the specific heat of the material if the final temperature is
89.5 oC?

Cp = Q = Q = 4,786 J ______
m ΔT m (Tf – Ti) 89.0 g (89.5 oC - 23.0 oC)

= 4,786 J =
89.0 g (66.5 oC)

= 4,786 J = 0.809 J/ g oC
5,918.5 g oC

 12.  The temperature of a 55.0 gram sample of a certain metal drops by 113.0 oC as it loses
3,500.0 Joules of heat.  What is the specific heat of the metal?

Cp = Q = Q = - 3,500.0 J_____
m ΔT m (Tf – Ti) 55.0 g (-113.0 oC)

= - 3,500.0 J = 0.563 J/ g Fe oC
- 6,215 g oC

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