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Hi, my name is Annette Bosworth, MD.

I’ve practiced Internal Medicine physician for over 20

years, with a commitment to reverse chronic health
troubles by:

“Improving Your Health, One Ketone at a Time”

My book, Anyway You Can, taught the ketogenic way

of living through a compelling story. Over 70,000
copies shared my mom’s struggle with cancer. At 71
she was done and ready to quit. The ketogenic diet
rescued her health and helped her beat cancer.

If you’ve made it here, more than likely you’re familiar

with the benefits of “The Keto Diet” and probably even
tried it!

Ketones provide freedom to chronic health problems. Not for one week, not for one
month. For a lifetime.

Use this quick guide, Toxic Traditions, to overcome the main pitfalls pulling folks out of

Habits Haunt Your Progress

I’m blessed to receive multiple emails a day from readers of Anyway You Can. They
share their new freedom from “carb addiction,” a life flowing with energy, vitality, and joy.
Amazing success stories celebrating weight loss that is gone for good, removal of
chronic pain, and reversal of lifelong ailments.

But sadly, I see people give up before they experience improvements only gifted to folks
that are keto-adapted.

After some early success they hit a roadblock. A family holiday, a rotten day at work, or
a grand success activate old habits and carbs flood back into their live…

This guide was created for those who struggle. If you’ve fallen off the keto wagon, use
these tips and tricks to break Toxic Traditions holding you back from KETONES FOR
Toxic Tradition #1: Holidays
Let me ask you a question: What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you
read the following words?

Birthday. Christmas. Valentine’s Day.

If you think of cake, cookies, and candy… You’re not alone!

Food laces through our holidays and links our brains to the comfort of childhood, family,
and friendship. Celebration foods overflow with carb-based-traditions that KILL ketosis!

SOLUTION: Change Your Dopamine “Trigger”

The hormone dopamine enters our brain with “sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll” delivering
feelings of pleasure.

That burst of pleasure-hormone also comes from a dose off sugar. Too often holiday
spread dopamine-frosting over your brain from all the sweet filled traditions.

Stop this toxic tradition by consciously choosing a new trigger linked to the holiday. Find
a new way to add joy to the holiday.

For example, on Christmas our office created a contest to see who could collect the
most donations for 2 families that needed help over the holidays.

Instead of spending the Christmas party around the food table, we spent our time
gathering donations!

The families received the collected donations the following week. The JOY shared as
we worked together to help someone in need still brings a genuine smile to my face.
Along with that memory comes a dose of dopamine. A genuine dopamine-fueled-smile
arrives on my face every time I recall it.
Real joy.

Another example centers around the treasure hunts we created for my sons’ birthdays.
The adults wrote riddles and puzzles offering clues to the hunters. Hidden treasures of a
dollar coin marked the kids success. The memory of that tradition washes dopamine
over all who participated. When asked to recall their favorite birthday tradition, cake and
sweets don’t hold a change. Treasure hunt wins every time.
Toxic Tradition #2: Success!
Much like the holiday tradition, memories of success fuel a joyful feeling. A celebration.

The fun. The excitement. Mix that energy with people cheering and we have the formula
for a party.

When you link celebration to the sweetness of carbs, your brain connects the two
without your permission!

WARNING: If you train your brain to connect sugar with happiness, you’ve got roots
weaving addiction into your mind!

Yes, addiction… Where the wires in your brain hijack you in search of a feeling.

SOLUTION: Change The Reward And Start Small

The path to remaining Consistently Keto is removing the carb celebration, but you can’t
do it all at once!

Instead, start with the tiniest of wins.

You do the laundry without yelling at your partner. Or you arrive on time to pick up the
kids from school for the whole week.

Turn those tiny wins into a feel-good moment and celebrate without sugar! No carbs

One technique that I’ve coached patients to use is picking your favorite smell, and then
rewarding yourself with that smell.

One patient loved the smell of lavender, and used it to rewire her brain. When she
succeeded at the tiniest of wins, she pulled out the vial of lavender oil and inhaled the
smell. Before long, she could pull out the smell of lavender to create the feeling of

Saying no to donuts at work or driving past the ice cream store, she reached into her
bag for a deep smell. She trained her brain to feel joy by smelling lavender.

Soon enough, small successes lead to bigger ones. With similar training you won’t feel
the urge to celebrate with a drink or sugary treat.
Toxic Tradition #3: Alcohol
Traditions and alcohol go together like carbs and cake.

Every civilization that learned to ferment carbs into alcohol used them in their traditions.
Add alcohol to a ritual and courage rises, fear weakens, and folks loosen their grip.

But adding alcohol to your ketogenic diet will quickly lead to the wheels falling off your

If you want to turn your keto diet into a lifestyle, the alcohol needs to stop.

What does your mind do when I say stop alcohol? Do you run from the idea? Do you
laugh it off as ridiculous?

For many people, stopping booze threatens an old, ingrained identity. They don’t want
to touch the topic, the ritual, or their favorite escape.

But alcohol increases your carb intake. Period. Add booze to any meal and you eat
more. Period. And more often than not, you eat more carbs.

SOLUTION: The Three Week Wean

If you want to live a healthier, more vibrant life, start with a 3 week commitment to no
alcohol. No booze.

During those 21 days, notice the moments that trigger you to think about alcohol…

What made you think of having a drink? What EXACTLY do you escape from with

Stay strong, only a few days left! And as you conclude, move to alcohol with ZERO

Distilled booze is the cleanest choice: Brandy, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Vodka, and Whiskey.
DRY FARM WINES offer wine that guarantees to be low in sugar.

And then, after your success of 3 weeks with no alcohol, consider pumping the brakes
again. Add another 3 weeks of no booze.

Soon enough, 3 weeks turns into 3 months, turns into a life long commitment to staying
Consistently Keto!
Toxic Tradition #4: Loss
This is the most toxic tradition.

Unlike celebrations, life’s disappointments flood us with negative thoughts and feelings.

Navigating through failure can land you in a sinkhole of emotions. The world gets black,
lonely, and deep.

Carbs seem like a great fix for your puddle of disappointment… Until they aren’t.

Each time you dose those carbs for improvement, your body will adjust. Next time it will
take more carbs to lift your spirits.

Want a better, more healthy way to cope?

SOLUTION: Find A Support Group

When life gets you down, the greatest help hides in your relationships.

Healthy relationships offer you the friendship and companionship needed for life’s

Create a support group to help address the little failures in life. Much like life’s
celebrations, don’t start with the big moments. Use little ones to practice your new skills.

That is what happens in a support group. You practice the little things. Little successes
and little failures.

Don't have a support group?

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and start interacting with the community there! We
have thousands of fellow keto fans going the same journey with you.
Toxic Tradition #5: Your Eating Patterns
This is the titanic of toxic traditions. It’s huge!

Like the Titanic, people don’t see the problem before they hit the iceberg and sink.

When do you eat? Why do you eat? Why do you continue to eat?

Like every other “tradition” eating habitually happens without thinking. The habit hides
behind our conscious thoughts. To take control we need awareness of the problem and
a road map to new habits.


I designed this road map after working with hundreds of people one-on-one. Helping
them move from carb-addicted to keto-adapted.

Read through the map. Find the ketoCONTINUUM that matches your life. Look at the
next step to improving your metabolic health.
The path to staying Consistently Keto is a long journey. Staying keto for the rest of your
life requires mental, emotional, and social strengths.

Let me help you with a road map to success. Using a support network and simple
strategies, together we can overcome life’s roadblocks. Recovery is a group sport.

The benefits of the ketogenic diet are undeniable. Peak performance athletes like
LeBron James, Tom Brady, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and even The Kardashians
swear by this new way of life!

Now It’s Your Turn!

I’ve given you 5 strategies proven to work time and again.
If you’d like more strategies like this, I’d love to get your help!

I’m currently planning the release of a new online course, walking you step by step
through the entire ketogenic diet and staying Consistently Keto for life.

If you’ve made it this far, then you are the exact type of person I want to help inside the
program, and I’d love to get your feedback on what to include in the course!

Here’s a link to a quick survey I created : Click Here to Fill Out The Survey

Thanks so much for your time, and I can’t wait to help YOU improve your health… One
ketone at a time.

Many Blessings To You,

Annette Bosworth, MD
Founder of Dr. Boz, LLC

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