Networking Notes (Grade-12 CBSE Computer Science)

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Transmission Media/communication channel: -

1. Guided (twisted pair, coaxial cable [Ethernet cable], optical fibres)
2. Unguided (infrared, microwave, radiowave) Transmission medium can be
wired or wireless. We also name them as Guided and Unguided Media
respectively. Wired transmission media in

3. cludes twisted pair cable, Ethernet cable, coaxial cable and optical fibre
whereas wireless transmission media includes microwave, radio wave,
08521satellite, infr ared, Bluetooth, WIFI etc.

*Wired Transmission Media

1.Twisted Pair Cables : wiringespecially used in LANs and it consists of two

insulated wires arranged in a regular spiral pattern (double helix).
used for telephone communications and modern Ethernet networks.
telephonic communication uses Voice Grade Medium (VGM) cable
LAN uses higher quality cable –Data Grade Medium (DGM) cable

1. It is capable of carrying a signal over long distances without amplification.
2. It is simple, low weight, easy to install and easy to maintain.
3. It is least expensive medium for low speed (up to 10 mbps) applications
4. Crosstalk: It isthe bleeding of a signal from one wire to another,it can corrupt the
signal and hence cause network errors. The twisting of wires reduces crosstalk,

1. It can easily pick up noise signals.
2. Being thin in size, it is likely to break easily.
3. It is unsuitable for broadband applications.

Types of Twisted Pair Cables

There are two types of twisted pair cables available. These are:
i) Shielded Twisted Pair(STP) Cable.
ii) Unshielded Twisted Pair(UTP) Cable

The STP cable comes with shielding of the individual pairs of wires, which further
protects it from external interference and crosstalk. But STP is heavier and costlier
than UTP and also requires proper grounding at both the ends.

2.Coaxial Cables :It consists of solid wire cores surrounded

by one or more foil or wire shields, each separated by some kind of plastic insulator.
The inner core carries the signal and the shield provides the ground. It has high
electrical properties and is suitable for high speed communication. It is widely used
for television signals and also by large corporations in building security systems.Also
used in LAN.

1. Data transmission characteristics are better than that of twisted pair.
2. It can be used for broadband communication
3. It offers high bandwidth (up to 400 mbps)

1. It is expensive as compared to twisted pair cables

Types of coaxial cables:

The two most common types of cables are Thicknet and Thinnet. Whereas thicknet
is thicker and its cable segments can be up to 500 metreslong , the thinnet on the
other hand is thinner and it can have a maximum segment length of 185 metres.

This consists of thin glass like material which are so constructed that they carry
light from a source at one end of the fibre to a detector at the other end. The light
sources used are either light emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes (LDs).
Optical fibres offer a very high bandwidth and this makes it capable of multichannel

The Optical fibre consists of three layers:

i) Core - glass or plastic through which the light travels
ii) Cladding - covering of the core that reflects the light back to the core
iii) Protective coating-protects the fibre cable from environmental disturbances.

1. It is immune to electrical and magnetic interference.
2. It is highly suitable for harsh industrial environments.
3. It guarantees secure transmission and has a very high transmission capacity.
4. It can be used for broadband transmission where several channels can be handled
in parallel.

1. It is difficult to install and maintain since they are quite fragile.
2. It is most expensive of all cables.
3. Connecting two fibres together or even connecting the light source with the cable
is a difficult process. Hence connection loss is a common problem
4. Light can reach the receiver out of phase.

Wireless Transmission Media

Wireless or unbounded or unguided media transport electromagnetic waves without

using a physical conductor. The signals are broadcasted through air or water and
thus are available to anyone that has a device capable of receiving them. Some of
the wireless media are:

1.Infrared waves:

Shorter wavelengths are the ones used by your TV remotes.

Cannot pass through obstacles.
line-of-sight transmission
it is sensitive to fog and other atmospheric conditions , gets deflected in various

1. Since it is having short range of communication hence it is considered to be a secure
mode of transmission.
2. It is quite inexpensive transmission medium.

a. It can only be used for short range communication
b. Infrared wave transmission cannot pass through obstructions like walls, buildings

Microwaves offer a line of sight method of communication.

Short range cannot pass through obstacles but better compared to infrared waves.
repeaters are used as gets deflected in atmospheric conditions.

a. No cabling expense
b. It can carry 25000 voice channels at the same time.
c. No cables ,so it offers ease of communication over difficult terrains like hilly areas.
a. Signals become weak after travelling a certain distance and so require amplification.
To overcome this problem, repeaters are used at regular intervals (25-30 kms). The
data signals are received, amplified and then retransmitted. This makes it a very
expensive mode of communication
b. Installation and maintenance very expensive.
c. Affected by weather conditions like rain, thunderstorms etc.


-Certain radio frequencies are allocated to private/government organizations for

direct voice communications.
-Does not use line of sight, can pass through obstacles.
-Long range communication
-Radio transmission is widely used by delivery services, policemen, security
personals, military etc.

a. It is easy to communicate through radio waves in difficult terrains since there is no
need of digging and laying cables.
b. Radio waves can travel through long distances in all directions. Also they can easily
pass through obstacles like a building so they can be used for both indoor and
outdoor communication.
a. Affected by weather effects like rain, thunderstorm etc.
b. Data transmitted through radiowaves is not secure.


They can carry a large amount of data in addition to TV signals.

Satellite communication is a special use of microwave transmission system.
Satellites are especially used for remote locations, which are difficult to reach with
wired infrastructure. Also communication and data transfer on internet, is only
possible through satellites.
a. Satellite communication is very economical keeping in mind the fact that the area
covered through satellite transmission is quite large. For e.g., satellites used for
national transmission are visible from all parts of the country.
b. Transmission and reception costs are independent of the distance between the two
a. Placing the satellite into its orbit involves very high cost.
b. Since signals sent to a satellite are broadcasted to all receivers, so necessary
security measures have to be taken to prevent unauthorized tampering of data.
c. Transmission is affected by weather conditions like rain, thunderstorm etc.
Switching techniques:

Switching techniques:
Switching techniques are used for transmitting data across networks. Three switching techniques are.

1.Circuit switching:
Based on principle of handshaking.
A type of communications in which a dedicated channel (involves connection ,data transfer, terminate
connection) is established between two computers to transmit the data from source computer to
destination computer. Used in telephone communication.

Advantages of Circuit Switching:

 The dedicated path/circuit established between sender and receiver provides a

guaranteed data rate.
 Once the circuit is established, data is transmitted without any delay as there is no
waiting time at each switch.
 Since a dedicated continuous transmission ddfdpath is established, the method is
suitable for long continuous transmission.
Disadvantages of Circuit Switching:

 As the connection is dedicated it cannot be used to transmit any other data even if the
channel is free.
 It is inefficient in terms of utilization of system resources. As resources are allocated for
the entire duration of connection, these are not available to other connections.
 Dedicated channels require more bandwidth.
 Prior to actual data transfer, the time required to establish a physical link between the
two stations is too long.

2. Message switching:
A mode of data transmission in which a message is sent as a complete unit and routed via a number
of intermediate nodes(computers) based on stored and then forwarded principle.
A teleprinter (teletypewriter, Teletype or TTY) is an electromechanical typewriter that can be
used to send and receive typed messages through various communications channels,

During message routing, every intermediate switch in the network stores the whole message. If the
entire network's resources are engaged or the network becomes blocked, the message-switched
network stores and delays the message until ample resources become available for effective
transmission of the message. So is also called store and forward(store first and forward later, one
jump at a time).

 message switching implements the store-and-forward technique, it efficiently uses the

 there is no size limit for the messages.


 Because the messages are fully packaged and saved indefinitely at every intermediate node,
the nodes demand substantial storage capacity.
 Message-switched networks are very slow as the processing takes place in each and every
node, which may result in poor performance.
 This technique is not adequate for interactive and real-time processes, such as multimedia
games and voice communication.

3. Packet switching: Packet-switched describes the type of network in which relatively small units of
data called packets are routed through a network based on the destination address contained within
each packet. Breaking communication down into packets allows the same data path to be shared
among many users in the network. Used in satellite communication
Eg: Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

Advantages of Packet Switching:

 Efficient use of Network.

 Easily get around broken bits or packets.
 High Data Transmission in a Packet Switching is very easy.
 All the packets not follow same route in Packet Switching but in Circuit Switching all the
packets follow same rout.
 Packet Switching use digital network and enables digital data to be directly transmitted
toward destination.
Disadvantages of Packet Switching:

 In Packet Switching Packets arriving in wrong order.

 Takes Transmission delay.
 Requires Large amount RAM (Random Access Memory) to handle large amount of data
communication in packets.
 Packets may be lost on their route, so sequence numbers are required to identify
missing packets.
Communication modes:
Two wires used, one for sending and one for receiving. Examples of simplex Mode is
loudspeaker, television broadcasting, television and remote, keyboard and monitor

Half Duplex:

Single Wire used for sending and receiving but not simultaneously.Example of half
duplex is a walkie- talkie in which message is sent one at a time and messages are
sent in both the directions.

Full Duplex:
Single wire used for sending and receiving simultaneously. Example of Full Duplex is
a Telephone Network in which there is communication between two persons by a
telephone line, through which both can talk and listen at the same time.

Types of Networks:

PAN (Personal Area Network)

A Personal Area Network is a computer network organized around an individual
person. Personal area networks typically involve a mobile computer, a cell phone
and/or a handheld computing device such as a PDA.

LAN (Local Area Network)

In a LAN, network devices are connected over a relatively short distance. They are
generally privately owned networks within a single building or campus, of up to a
few (1 – 10)kilometres in size . VLAN- Wireless Local Area Network

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

This is basically a bigger version of LANcovering few buildings in a city. This is a
network which spans a physical area ( in the range of 10 and 100 km diameter)
.MANs are usually characterized by very high-speed connections using optical fibres
or other digital media

WAN(Wide Area Network)

Spans a large geographical area(more than 100 km), often a country or a continent
and uses various commercial and private communication lines to connect computers.
Typically, a WAN combines multiple LANs that are geographically separated.



Network Topologies:

A network topology is the pattern in which nodes (i.e., computers, printers, routers
or other devices) are connected to a local area network.
Network topologies are categorized into the following basic types:
1. Bus
Bus topology is also known as Linear Topology. In this type of topology, each node
attaches directly to a common cable which acts as the backbone and therefore
functions as a shared communication medium onto which various nodes are

A device wanting to communicate with another device on the network sends a

broadcast message in both directions onto the wire that all other devices see, but
only the intended recipient actually accepts and processes the message. Data is
transmitted in small blocks called packets. Each packet has a header containing the
destination address. When data is transmitted on the cable, the destination node
identifies the address on the packet and thereby processes the data.

Advantages of Bus Topology

i)  Single common data path connecting all the nodes, uses short cable length, which
reduces the installation cost.
ii) simple linear architecture.
iii) Additional nodes can be easily connected .

Disadvantages of Bus topology

i)  Fault detection and isolation is difficult.
ii)  If the central bus length becomes too long, then repeaters might have to be used
to amplify the signal.
2. Star
A star network features a central connection point called a "hub” to which all other
nodes are connected by a single path. Each node has a dedicated set of wires
connecting it to a central network hub. Since all traffic passes through the hub, the
hub becomes a central point.

Advantages of Star Topology

i)  Failure of a single connection does not affect the entire network.
ii)  Fault detection is easier.

Disadvantages of Star Topology

i)  Since every node is directly connected to the centre, so large amount of cable is
needed which increases the installation cost of the network.
ii)  The entire network is dependent on the central node. If the central node fails,
the entire network goes down.

3. Ring Topology:
A ring topology is a network configuration in which device connections create a
circular data path. Each networked device is connected to two others, like points on
a circle.

Advantages of Ring Topology

1)   This type of network topology is very organized. Each node gets to send the
data when it receives an   empty token. Also in ring topology all the traffic flows in
only one  direction at very high speed.
2)   Even when the load on the network increases, its performance is better than
that of Bus topology.
3)   There is no need for network server to control the connectivity between
4)   Additional components do not affect the performance of network.
5)   Each computer has equal access to resources.

Disadvantages of Ring Topology

1)   Each packet of data must pass through all the computers between source and
destination. This makes it slower than Star topology.
2)   If one workstation or port goes down, the entire network gets affected.
3)   Network is highly dependent on the wire which connects different components. 
4)   MAU’s and network cards are expensive as compared to Ethernet cards and


4.Tree Topology
Tree topology is a combination of bus and star topology. The network looks like an
inverted tree.It integrates multiple star topologies together onto a bus. In its
simplest form, only hub devices connect directly to the tree bus.
4. Mesh Topology
A mesh topology is a network topology in which all the network nodes are
individually connected to most of the other nodes. There is not a concept of a
central switch, hub or computer which acts as a central point of communication to
pass on the messages.


Network Devices:


RJ-45 , short form of Registered Jack - 45 , is an eight wired connector that is used
to connect computers on a local area network(LAN), especially Ethernet.

Ethernet Card

An Ethernet card is a kind of network adapter and is also known as Network

Interface Card (NIC/NIU). These adapters support the Ethernet standard for high-
speed network connections via cables. An Ethernet Card contains connections for
either coaxial or twisted pair cables or even for fibre optic cable

Hub is a networking device which is used to connect multiple network computers,
hub just does the work of data forwarding. Placed in each block / room/lab to
facilitate network facility.

Like a hub, a switch also works at the layer of LAN (Local Area Network) but you can
say that a switch is more intelligent than a hub. While hub just does the work of
data forwarding, a switch does ‘filter and forwarding’ which is a more intelligent way
of dealing with the data packets.. Placed in each block / room/lab to facilitate
network facility.

topic switch hub

definition A network switch is a Hub is a networking device
computer networking which is used to connect
device that is used to multiple network computers
connect many devices
together on a computer
network. A switch is
considered more advanced
than a hub because a
switch will on send msg to
device that needs or
request it.
speed 10mbps 10-100mbps, 1gbps
Device category Intelligent device Non intelligent devise
Transmission mode Half/full duplex Half dublex

A Router is a network device that works like a bridge to establish connection
between two networks but it can handle networks with different protocols.
A router is a network device which is responsible for routing traffic from one to
another network.
A bridge is a device that connects a local area network (LAN) to another local area
network that uses the same protocol.
If a router connects two different types of networks, then a bridge connects two
sub-networks which belongs to same network. You can think of two different labs or
two different floors connected by a bridge.

A modem stands for (Modulator / Demodulator),It converts digital to analog signals
and vice a versa .Modulation means converting digital signal to analog signals and
demodulationanalog to digital. Provides efficient network when placed with server

Both gateway and router are used to regulate network traffic between two or more
separate networks. Gateways regulate traffic between two dissimilar networks, while
routers regulate traffic between similar networks.

A repeater is an electronic device that receives a signal , amplifies it and then
retransmits it on the network so that the signal can cover longer distances.
Place repeaters wherever the distance between the connection points are greater
than 70 mts

Hub: not intelligent device forwards all data to all computers

Switch : intelligent device send msg to device that needs or
request it.
Bridge: connects networks with the same  protocol + similar
Router: connects networks with different protocols + similar
Gateway : different protocols + dissimilar network
Repeater: amplifies the signal
Wi-Fi Card
Wi-Fi cards are small and portable cards that allow your desktop or laptop computer
to connect to the internet through a wireless network.

Protocol: A special set of rules that two or more machines on a network follow to
communicate with each other.


1. What do you mean by a transmission medium? Differentiate between guided and

unguided transmission media.
2. Explain the structure of a coaxial cable and a fibre optic cable.
3. What are advantages of fibre optic cable?
4. Differentiate between a radio wave transmission and a microwave transmission.
5. Explain satellite communication. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
using satellite communication?
6. Define the term topology.
7. List any two advantages and any two disadvantages of Star topology.
8. How is Tree Topology different from Bus topology?
9. Identify the type of topology from the following.
Each node is connected with the help of single cable. Bus topology
Each node is connected with the help of independent cable with central switching.
start topology
10. What do you mean by a modem?Why is it used?
11. Explain the following devices:
Wi-Fi Card
12. Show a network layout of star topology and bus topology to connect 4 computers.
13. Ms. Anjali Singh, in charge of Knowledge centre in ABC school, recently discovered
that the communication between her centre and the primary block of the school is
extremely slow and signals drop quite frequently. The distance between these two
blocks is 140 meters.
Name the type of network. WAN > 100 MTS
Name the device which may be used for smooth communication. Repeaters( as
signals drops quite frequently)
14. ABC International School is planning to connect all computers,each spread over
distance of 50 meters. Suggest an economic cable type having high speed data
transfer to connect these computers. high speed – optic fibre
15. Sahil wants to transfer data across two continents at very high speed. Write the
name of the transmission medium that can be used to do the same. Write the type
of network also. (Satellite /micro wave transmission) (WAN)
16. Mayank wants to transfer data within a city at very high speed. Write the name of
the wired transmission medium that he should use. Write the type of network also.
(optic fibre /WAN)
17. Mr. Akash wants to send/receive email through internet. Which protocol will be used
for this purpose? SMPT (simple mail transfer protocol)
18. Answerthefollowingquestionsinthecontextofacomputerlabwith100computers.
Which device is used to connect all computers inside the lab? hub/switch
Which device is used to connect all computers to the internet using telephone wire?
19. Name the device that establishes an intelligent connection between a local network
and external network with completely different structures.(gateway)
20. Name the network device that works like a bridge to establish connection between
two networks but it can also handle networks with different protocols. ( router)

Types of protocol:- (TCP/IP, FTP, HTTP, PPP)

Email (SMTP/POP3)

Transmission Control Protocol / Internet protocol(TCP/IP) :

(TCP) breaks the data into packets that the network can handle efficiently. It
manages the assembling of a message or file into smaller packets that are
transmitted over the Internet. It verifies all the packets when they arrive at the
destination computer and then reassembles them in proper order. Data can be lost
in the intermediate network. So TCP adds support to detect errors or lost data and
to trigger retransmission until the data is correctly and completely received.
he Internet Protocol(IP)handles the address part of each packet so that it reaches to
the right destination. It gives distinct address (called IP address) to each data
An IP address is a unique identifier for a node or host connection on an IP network.
An IP address is a 32 bit binary number usually represented as 4 decimal values,
each representing 8 bits, in the range 0 to 255 (known as octets) separated by
decimal points. This is known as "dotted decimal notation”.

File Transfer Protocol(FTP) :-

protocols designed for transferring files of any type(ASCII or binary) from one
system to another on the internet. FTP is an application protocol that uses the
Internet's TCP/IPprotocols. FTP server, you can delete, rename, move, or copy files
at a server.

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP is the protocol that is used for transferring hypertext (i.e. text, graphic, image,
sound, video etc.) between two computers and is particularly used on the World
Wide Web. Uses TCP/IP , HTTP is coded using HyperTextMarkupLanguage (HTML)

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)

It does transmission of IP packets over serial lines/serial interface, mostly a personal
computer connected by phone line to a server.
PPP defines the format of frame(packages) to be exchanged between devices on
one or multiple links and also defines the authenticity of the two devices. It uses
various authentication schemes such as Password Authentication Protocol(PAP) and
Challenge Handshake Authentication protocol(CHAP).
PPP consists of
IPCP - IP control Protocol
NCP – Network control Protocol
LCP – Link Control Protocol

SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol

First protocol relay IP packets over dial-up lines.
E-mail protocols


1)SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol that allows transmission of email
over the Internet. It only works for outgoing messages. You must be online to
receive mail using SMTP..SMTP has a disadvantage that if the destination computer
is not online, mails cannot be received eg: Microsoft Outlook.

updated version of the SMTP protocol called ESMTP (Extended Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol) for sending a picture or music file.
Mutipurpose Internet Mail Extension(MIME) is a supplementary protocol that allows
non ASCII data to be sent through SMTP

2)Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3)

widespread method of receiving email which receives and holds email for an
individual until they pick it up, used to deliver mail even if the receiver is not online

Remote Access Protocol :used for connection with remote machines , e.g. Telnet
: is an internet utility that lets you log onto remote computer system.

Chat and VOIP Protocol

online textual talk,in real time, is called chatting.
Whtsapp, Internet Messenger, MSN Messenger are some commonly used chat
programs. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol is used for chatting.

2. SMS (Short Message Service) is the transmission of short message to and from a
mobile phone, fax machine etc. SMSC- Short Message Service Center.
3. Video Conferencing: A two way video phone conversation among multiple
participants is called video conferencing. Protocol used is SIP (Session Initiation
Protocol) and H.323

3.VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)

It enables the transfer of voice over internet using packet switched network.
Protocols used is internet protocol or IP.

 Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) which lets you connect to the internet without a
direct line from your PC to the ISP(Internet Service Provider). Things required
are Broadband internet connection, wireless router and a laptop, mobile etc.
Range: 100 yards (covers a coffee shop, one floor of office building, one
Throughput : 11 Mbps
Security: Limited

 WiMax(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)

is a wireless digital communications system.
Range: 6 miles( covers a small city with one base station)
Throughput : 72 Mbps
Security: Multilevel encryption

 WWW (World Wide Web): Is a set of protocols that allows you to access any
document on the net through a naming system based on URL.

 DNS (Domain Name System) The characters based naming system by which
servers are identified is known as DNS.
Eg: .com , .net , .edu , .in etc

 URL (Uniform Resource Locator) : Web address of the web page written on
the address bar of the browser is known as the uniform resource locator (URL

 Web page :Web page is an electronic document designed using HTML

containing data files, audio files or video files. Traversal from one webpage to
another web page is possible through hyperlinks.

 Web Server :A Web server is a computer or a group of computers that stores

web pages on the internet.

 Web hosting :Web hosting is the process of uploading/saving the web content
on a web server to make it available on WWW. In case a individual or a
company wants to make its website available on the internet, it should be
hosted on a web server.
 Web browser :Web browser is software program to navigate the web pages
on the internet.

 Web2.0:Refers to the added features and applications that make the web
more attractive, support easy online information exchange like vedio sharing
websites, social networking website etc..

 HTML : Hypertext Markup Language

A language used to design the layout of the document and to specify
 XML : eXtensible Markup Language
Xml is a marup language containing structured information.

 DHTML: Dynamic HTML

Refers to web content that changes each time it is viewed.

 Client side scripting : supports interactions within a web page. On some web
pages the contents change in response to an action done by the user, for
example a click from the mouse or a key press from a keyboard action.
EgVBscript, JavaScript

 Server side scripting: supports execution at server end. Some web pages use
applications running on the server to generate the web content. Such pages
use server-side scripting language. Web page display the current time and
date, forums, submission forms, shopping carts etc., use server-side scripting.
ASP,JSP, PHP are examples of server-side scripting languages.

Client side scripting Server side scripting:

Script code is downloaded and executed at The script is executed at the server-end
client side. and the result is sent to the client-end.
Response from a client-side script is faster Complex programs are more efficient as the
once the program code has been program and associated resources are not
downloaded. downloaded to the browser.
Services are secure as they do not access Have access to files and databases but
to files and databases. have security considerations when sending
sensitive information.

Browser dependent Browser independent

Affected by the processing speed of user’s Affected by the processing speed of the
host server.

Eg: VBscript ,Javascript Eg: PHP, JSP,  ASP, ASP.Net, Ruby, Perl


1. Neha wants to upload and download files from/to a remote internal server.
Write the name of the relevant communication protocol, which will let her do
the same. FTP
2.Meha wants to upload hypertext document on the internet. Write the name of
protocol, which will let her do the same. HTTP
3. This protocol is used for communication between two personal computers
using a serial interface and connected by a phone line. Write the name of the
protocol. PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
4.This protocol is used to transfere mail over internet. What is the name of the
protocol? SMTP
5.Thisprotocolisusedtoimplementremotelogin.Whatisthenameoftheprotocol? Remote
Access Protocol.
6.This protocol is used for chatting between two groups or between two individuals.
Write the name of the protocol. Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
7.This protocol is used to transfer of voice using packet switched network. Write the
name of the protocol. VoIP
8.Explain Remote Access Protocol.
9.Why we need VoIP protocol?
10. Differentiate between FTP and HTTP.
11. Differentiate between VoIP and IRC.
18. Write the basic hardware requirements for VoIP.
19. Why TCP/IP based applications are considered to be stateless?
20. FTP is based on Client/Server principle. Explain.

Wireless /Mobile Computing:

->Wireless communication: data communication without the use of landlines.

->Mobile computing: means that the computing devices is not continuously
connected to the base of central network.
->Wireless communication protocol/services:
a. GSM - Global System for Mobile communication.
-GSM users need to have SIM (subscribers identification module) cards to connect to
the subscriber.
SIM: SIM cards are small removable disks that slip in and out of GSM cell phones
and gives a cellular device its unique phone number.

a)TDMA(Time Division Multiple Access) which allows eight simultaneous calls on the
same radio frequency.
b) CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
- a digital cellular technology in which each user’s signal is spread over the entire
bandwidth by unique spreading code. At the receiver end , the same unique code is
used to recover the signal.
c)FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access :It stands for Frequency Division
Multiple Access. In this, each user utilizes a portion of the frequency bandwidth
available. Each user has its own frequency domain.

d) WLL/ WiLL (Wireless in Local Loop): is a system that connects subscribers to the
public switched telephone network using radio signals as a substitute for other
connecting media.

 GPRS (General Packet Radio Service): is a technology for transmission small

packets of data especially between mobile devices and internet.

-based on the analog cellular technology.
-only had voice facility
- uses circuit-switched technology, radio towers for transmission
-drawbacks is low capacity, poor voice links and no security.

-used digital signals for transmissions of voice.
- can send both voice and data
- supports both circuit switching and packet switching
- GSM technology used, SIM card and GPRS were used.
- services like MMS, sending pictures through e-mail became possible.

- Adds multimedia facilities to 2G phones by allowing video, audio, and graphics
- Supports both circuit switching and packet switching
-The idea behind 3G is to have a single network standard instead of the different
types adopted in the US, Europe, and Asia. 3G mobile systems are also known as
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS)

-Data rates up to 2 Mbps (depending on mobility).

-High bandwidth efficiency

- uses packet switching only.
- provide speeds up to 100 Mbps while moving and 1Gbps while stationary.
- It is a wireless access technology.
- 4G can provide better-than-TV quality images and video-links.

Network Security concepts:

Protection method of network security:
Authorization, Authentication, Encrypted smart cards,Biometric system ,Firewall etc.

Virus:a computer virus is a type of malicious code or program written to alter the
way a computer operates and that is designed to spread from one computer to
another.It attaches itself to the host program not independent standalone program,
requires a host for starting its process.

Worm: A computer worm is a standalone malware computer program that replicates

itself in order to spread to other computers. it does not need to attach itself to a
host program. A worm works by itself as an independent object.

Trojan horse: ATrojan horse is a program that contains hidden malicious functions.
Trojan Horse trick users into installing them by appearing to be legitimate programs.

Spam: The term spam means endless repetition of worthless text. In other words,
unwanted messages or mails are known as Spam.

Cookies: when a user browses a website,the web server sends a text file to the web
browser called cookie. It generally contains details about the website.

Firewall: A firewall is hardware or software based network security system. It

prevents unauthorized access (hackers, viruses, worms etc.) to or from a network. It
can filter both inbound and outbound traffic.

Cyber Crime: Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which a computer and internet is

used in an illegitimate way to harm the user. Classification of cybercrime: Tampering
with computer source document, Hacking, child pornography, Breach of
confidentiality and privacy etc.

Cyber Law: Cyber law is an attempt to integrate the challenges presented by human
activity on the internet with legal system of laws applicable to the physical world.

Intellectual property rights (IPR) Issues: Intellectual property rights are the rights
given to an individual over the invention of their own. They usually give the creator
an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time.

Hacking: The term was used for people who engaged themselves in harmless
technical experiments and fun learning activities.

Cracking: Cracking can be defined as a method by which a person who gains

unauthorized access to a computer with the intention of causing damage.

Hackers Crackers
A Hacker is a person who is extremely They are called criminals because they
interested in exploring the things and intend to cause harm to security,
helps workings of any computer system stealing very useful data and using it in
or networking system. hackers are wrong ways. Eg. stealing account
expert programmers, called Ethical information and credit card numbers,
Hackers . also fall into this category. 

Built secure networks Break network security

Have good knowledge of computer Are incompetent when it comes to
programming like c++,python etc computer programs
Breaks into secure networks to look out Breaks into secure network for
for any discrepancies and helps repair malicious purpose.
the same.

Intellectual property: a product of intellect that has commercial value, including copy
writing property such as literacy or artistic work etc.
Computer science Network Test Date: 09-11-2017

1.Identify the type of topology from the following.

-Each node is connected with the help of single cable.
-Each node is connected with the help of independent cable with central switch.
2. Show a network layout of star topology and bus topology to connect 4 computers.
3.Mr Shreyas, in charge of Knowledge centre in ABC school, recently discovered that
the communication between his centre and the primary block of the school is
extremely slow and signals drop quite frequently. The distance between these two
blocks is 140 meters.
a. Name the type of network.
b. Name the device which may be used for smooth communication.
4.ABC International School is planning to connect all computers,each spread over
distance of 50 meters. Suggest an economic cable type having high speed data
transfer to connect these computers.Write the type of network.
5.Shrenil wants to transfer data across two continents at very high speed. Write the
name of the transmission medium that can be used to do the same. Write the type
of network also.
6.Govind wants to transfer data within a city at very high speed. Write the name of
the wired transmission medium that he should use. Write the type of network also.
7.Answer the following questions in the context of a computer lab with 100
a. -Which device is used to connect all computers inside the lab?
b. -Which device is used to connect all computers to the internet using
telephone wire?
8.Name the device that establishes an intelligent connection between a local
network and external network with completely different structures. it connects two
dissimilar networks.
9.Name the network device that works like a bridge to establish connection between
two networks but it can also handle networks with different protocols.
10.Which device, by delivering messages only to the connected device intended
conserves network bandwidth and offers better performance than a hub.
11.Which devices are commonly used in home networks and in small businesses.
They need not be monitored or configured using external software applications.
They are easy to set up and require only cable connections.
12.Two students in the same class sitting inside the same room have connected
their laptops using Bluetooth for working on a group presentation. What kind of
network have they formed?
13.Two schools in the same city wanted to transfere-learning information.Which
type of network will be used to implement the same?
14.Two teachers in the same school sitting in different labs wanted to transfer
information. Which type of network will be used to implement the same?
15. Identify me, I acts as a node on a network that serves as an entrance to another

16. The device/computers that control traffic within your company's network or at
your local Internet Service Provider (ISP) ??
17. Name two wireless transmission media which used line of sight communication.
18. which transmission medium can carry 25000 voice channels at the same time.
19. which topology is a combination of bus and star topology?
20. walkie- talkie is an example of which communication mode?

Types of software:

Proprietary software: we pay for this s/w and may be supplied on disks or
downloaded from internet. E.g. Msoffice ,Ms windows.

Freeware:its free of cost and usually bundled up with some OS. E.g. MS interet
explorer is bundlued up with MS operating system. You cannot modify it so not
open source s/w. e.g. MS Paint

Shareware: s/w for trial purpose that user is allowed to try for free, for a specific
period of time. Downloaded from internet , after trial period the s/w needs to be
purchased. E.g Antivirus S/w

Open source software: OSS gives freedon to run, modify, and even re-distribute it. It
can be free used but not free of cost.
e.g Python, C++.

Free software: Freely accessible and freely used, modified, copied or distributed by
anyone. s/w code may or may not be accessible. E.g My SQL.

Other Network Terms: [ Refer after model]

Buff er

A temporary memory storage area for informati on.


A group of memory locati ons set aside for temporary storage ofdata, especially
frequently-used data or data needing high speedretrieval by the CPU.

Dial-up Line

Communicati ons circuit that is established by a switched-circuit connecti on using

the telephone company network


The transfer of a fi le from a remote computer to a local computer.

 cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—servers, storage, databases,

networking, software, analytics and more—over the Internet (“the cloud”). 


Traffi c-passing technique used by switches and bridges in which traffi c received
on an interface is sent out all of the interfaces of that device except the interface
on which the informati on was originally received.


Sequence of messages exchanged between two or more network devices to

ensure transmission synchronizati on.


Typically, a resistor placed at the end of a bus to prevent the refl ecti on of signals.


The acti vity of transferring a file from a user’s computer system to a remote

the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in

order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit
card numbers.

Packet: A packet is, generally speaking, the most basic unit that is transfered over a
network. When communicating over a network, packets are the envelopes that carry your
data (in pieces) from one end point to the other.

Port: A port is an address on a single machine that can be tied to a specific piece of
software. It is not a physical interface or location, but it allows your server to be able to
communicate using more than one application.

NAT: NAT stands for network address translation. It is a way to translate requests that are
incoming into a routing server to the relevant devices or servers that it knows about in the

BGAN – Stands for Broadband Global Area Network.

VPN – Stands for Virtual Private Network

BLOG: a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual.
Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author. 

Sniffing: Packet sniffing allows individuals to o data as it is transmitted over a network. This

technique is used by network professionals to diagnose network issues, and by malicious
users to capture unencrypted data, like passwords and usernames. 

Token : A portion of data that is passed from computer to computer in token-ring networks.

When a computer has a token, it is capable of communicating to other computers and
devices on the network.

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